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Quotes with tag Time:

Barack ObamaChange will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.101
Andy WarholThey always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. 101
Charles DarwinA man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. 101
Dan QuayleIt's time for the human race to enter the solar system.101
Frank Lloyd WrightEvery great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.101
Gary VaynerchukStop doing things that waste time. Don't replace time with your family or things that you need to do. I needed to put together two fantasy teams this weekend because that's something I enjoy, but I did stop playing Nintendo Wii for hours on end.101
Hunter S. ThompsonThe mind of America is seized by a fatal dry rot - and it's only a question of time before all that the mind controls will run amuck in a frenzy of stupid, impotent fear.101
Jean-Paul SartreOnly the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat. 101
Robert KennedyEach time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.101
Thomas A. EdisonOur greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.101
Charles BukowskiThe difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.101
Dave BarryOnce again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.101
Georgia O'KeeffeWhen you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not.101
Gore VidalAs societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.101
J. ColeThere was the time I bought three cars in the span of three or four weeks. It was crazy; it wasn't greedy. It was mine, my girl's, my mom's. I got Benzes for my ladies. But I felt crazy. You have to understand I come from a world where we're very modest. But that's not greedy. That's nice, right?101
John SteinbeckMany a trip continues long after movement in time and space have ceased. 101
Johnny CashYou build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.101
Julia ChildThe secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.101
Morgan FreemanWas I always going to be here? No I was not. I was going to be homeless at one time, a taxi driver, truck driver, or any kind of job that would get me a crust of bread. You never know what's going to happen.101
Selena GomezI'm human, I'm not perfect. I make mistakes all the time, but I guess my job is to keep those mistakes to myself, which I'm already fine doing and just try to be the best I can be for those kids.101
Alexander SmithChristmas is the day that holds all time together. 101
Amy PoehlerAs you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people's ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.101
Andy RooneyI don't like food that's too carefully arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting.101
Anne SullivanKeep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.101
Arnold H. GlasowSuccess is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. 101
Art BuchwaldWhether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got. 101
Atul GawandeTo become a doctor, you spend so much time in the tunnels of preparation - head down, trying not to screw up, trying to make it from one day to the next - that it is a shock to find yourself at the other end, with someone shaking your hand and asking how much money you want to make.101
AusoniusLet us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years. 101
Aziz AnsariI don't think you can describe your ideal girl. A big part of that is just meeting someone and really clicking with them and wanting to hang out with them all of the time.101
Barbara WaltersOne may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.101
Barry RitholtzLittle white lies are told by humans all the time. Indeed, lying is often how we get through each day in a happy little bubble. We spend time and energy rationalizing our own behaviors, beliefs and decision-making processes.101
Benoit MandelbrotThere is a saying that every nice piece of work needs the right person in the right place at the right time.101
Bil KeaneYesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. 101
Bill BrysonI have long known that it is part of God's plan for me to spend a little time with each of the most stupid people on earth.101
Bill ViolaThe velocity and knee-jerk response to events happening in real time that television brings us precludes any kind of reflection or contemplation and therefore analysis. And that's been one of the greatest political dangers in the post-war era. The idea of the reasoned, thoughtful response goes out of the window.101
Buzz AldrinBy refocusing our space program on Mars for America's future, we can restore the sense of wonder and adventure in space exploration that we knew in the summer of 1969. We won the moon race; now it's time for us to live and work on Mars, first on its moons and then on its surface.101
Channing TatumI believe in love. I believe in good stories. I play really hard on the weekends because I like to have those stories. My wife and I go off and do craziness all the time. We're just like, 'What can we go get into this weekend?' Then we have other ones where we just sit and do nothing and then we have work that we do. It's all memories.101
Charles BaudelaireIt is the hour to be drunken! to escape being the martyred slaves of time, be ceaselessly drunk. On wine, on poetry, or on virtue, as you wish.101
Charles KetteringEvery time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.101
Charles M. SchulzDon't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.101
Corey TaylorEveryone knows Spiderman is my favorite superhero of all time. My favorite supervillain? George W. Bush.101
Cornel WestWe had a much deeper sense of community in '67 than we do in '97. This is important to say that not in a nostalgic way because it's not as if '67 was a time when things were so good.101
Cornelius VanderbiltIf I had learned education I would not have had time to learn anything else.101
Chrissy TeigenI feel badly for those girls who have to be so waif thin, doing those catwalks all the time because, luckily, we're going into a different time - that's what they're saying, at least - in we're appreciating a curvier figure. But to be honest, I couldn't be like an hourglass if I tried.101
Danny DeVitoPeople come into your lives who you have a good time with, and time goes by and you still have a good time with them and you do stupid stuff with them. To me, that's life.101
David CameronChristmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us - a time when we can look back on the year that has passed and prepare for the year ahead.101
David DeutschI myself believe that there will one day be time travel because when we find that something isn't forbidden by the over-arching laws of physics we usually eventually find a technological way of doing it.101
Diane KrugerWith modeling, you pose. You want to look your best all the time. With acting, you have to be aware of the camera, but the more you show your imperfections, the better you're going to be.101
Donnie YenMy action follows my characters. If a character is a cop, you cannot be posing all the time, you cannot fly off the roof because it doesn't make any sense - it's not practical.101
Dorothea LangePhotography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. 101
Douglas CouplandThe time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. 101
Eartha KittI am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.101
Ed SheeranSome of my tattoos are a bit silly, but I know where and what time I got them.101
Eddie Van HalenA guitar is a very personal extension of the person playing it. You have to be emotionally and spiritually connected to your instrument. I'm very brutal on my instruments, but not all the time.101
Edward NortonWhen you're working on a creative thing, everyone has an idea, and they're pushing it. The first time you work with anybody, you have to get comfortable with the way another person pushes hard for what they want.101
Edward YoungProcrastination is the thief of time. 101
Elizabeth TaylorIt is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.101
Elizabeth GilbertUnfenced by law, the unmarried lover can quit a bad relationship at any time. But you - the legally married person who wants to escape doomed love - may soon discover that a significant portion of your marriage contract belongs to the State, and that it sometimes takes a very long while for the State to grant you your leave.101
EnyaThe spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter, and you can't but help think back to the year that was, and then hopefully looking forward to the year that is approaching.101
Ernie HarwellIt's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.101
Frances PerkinsThe door might not be opened to a woman again for a long, long time, and I had a kind of duty to other women to walk in and sit down on the chair that was offered, and so establish the right of others long hence and far distant in geography to sit in the high seats.101
Francois TruffautWhen humor can be made to alternate with melancholy, one has a success, but when the same things are funny and melancholic at the same time, it's just wonderful.101
Frank GehryArchitecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness. 101
Fred AstaireThis search for what you want is like tracking something that doesn't want to be tracked. It takes time to get a dance right, to create something memorable.101
Fuzzy ZoellerEvery time I got close, somebody seemed to play a little better.101
Gary ZukavThe winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory.101
George Edward WoodberrySeasonal changes, as it were, take place in history, when there is practically an almost universal death, a falling of the foliage of the tree of life. Such were the intervals between the ancient and mediaeval time, the mediaeval and the modern.101
George LopezWhen things are bad, it's the best time to reinvent yourself.101
George Matthew AdamsWe cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves.101
Giorgio VasariIn our own time it has been seen... that simple children, roughly brought up in the wilderness, have begun to draw by themselves, impelled by their own natural genius, instructed solely by the example of these beautiful paintings and sculptures of Nature.101
Glenn BeckYou know, we all have our inner demons. I, for one - I can't speak for you, but I'm on the verge of moral collapse at any time. It can happen by the end of the show.101
Greg LeMondPerhaps the single most important element in mastering the techniques and tactics of racing is experience. But once you have the fundamentals, acquiring the experience is a matter of time.101
Gwen IfillI'm a preacher's kid, and we were always told, Act right all the time, because someone's always watching.101
Harriet Beecher StoweNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. 101
Helen Hunt JacksonWhen Time is spent, Eternity begins. 101
Henny YoungmanSome people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.101
Henry KnoxWe have arrived at that point of time in which we are forced to see our own humiliation, as a nation, and that a progression in this line cannot be a productive of happiness, private or public.101
Henry Van DykeA friend is what the heart needs all the time. 101
Herb RittsI did grow up next door to Steve McQueen, who was a very famous movie star at the time, but as a kid it didn't impress me. We always had great fun with him. He would take us out on Sundays on his motorcycles, riding around in the desert; he was like a second father.101
Horace MannLost - yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever.101
Howie MandelOne of the great pleasures of having children is spending one-on-one time with them. Sadly, I could do that for only a few minutes at a time. I'd never say that ADD/ADHD is a gift or a blessing. And if someone says it is a gift, I'd love to return it.101
Ismail HaniyehSome people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.101
Jill ScottI think every individual has his or her own power, and it's a matter of working, taking time and defining what that power is.101
Jorge Luis BorgesTime is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.101
Karl LagerfeldBeauty is also submitted to the taste of time, so a beautiful woman from the Belle Epoch is not exactly the perfect beauty of today, so beauty is something that changes with time.101
Katherine JenkinsChildren should be able to live a life free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.101
Kathleen HannaIn 1985, I was living with my sister in Virginia, and since I was still in high school, I worked at McDonald's to save money to get an abortion. It sounds really terrible, but it was the best decision I ever made. It was the first time I took responsibility for my actions. I messed up, had sex without contraception, and got pregnant at 15.101
Kazuo IshiguroWe all live inside bodies that will deteriorate. But when you look at human beings, they're capable of very decent things: love, loyalty. When time is running out, they don't care about possessions or status. They want to put things right if they've done wrong.101
Keira KnightleyFilm is a much lonelier process than theatre. You really don't have any rehearsal time in film. You don't shape it together... with theatre, there is a complete kind of family atmosphere. The sociable side of this business is the theatrical side, it really isn't the film side.101
Kevin SystromEvery photo you take communicates something about a moment in time - a brief slice of time of where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing.101
Kirsten DunstYou can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens.101
Kyle ChandlerIf you're not really having a good time, it's not worth it.101
Lauren ConradThere is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it always a combination of passion, dedication, hard work, and being in the right place at the right time.101
Lawrence M. KraussEmpty space is a boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles that pop in and out of existence in a time scale so short that you can't even measure them.101
Lee TrevinoIf I could do anything over, I'd have spent more time with my first set of children. I would have taken more quality time with them, for sure.101
Leon TrotskyIn a serious struggle there is no worse cruelty than to be magnanimous at an inopportune time.101
Lex LugerMany times, the decisions we make affect and hurt your closest friends and family the most. I have a lot of regrets in that regard. But God has forgiven me, which I am very thankful for. It has enabled me to forgive myself and move forward one day at a time.101
Linda RonstadtThere should not be a question of legal or illegal immigration. People came and immigrated to this country from the time of the Indians. No one's illegal. They should just be able to come.101
Lindsey StirlingEverybody has their demons that they face, and I went through a time when I thought it was impossible to love myself.101
Madeleine AlbrightWomen can't do everything at the same time, we need to understand milestones in our lives comes in segments.101
Martin HeideggerBeing and time determine each other reciprocally, but in such a manner that neither can the former - Being - be addressed as something temporal nor can the latter - time - be addressed as a being.101
Mary Kay AshNo matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important. 101
Max WeberNo sociologist should think himself too good, even in his old age, to make tens of thousands of quite trivial computations in his head and perhaps for months at a time.101
Michael PollanMy work has also motivated me to put a lot of time into seeking out good food and to spend more money on it.101
Michael StrahanI think this can be a championship team. But we do have to take it one game at a time. You can't look at the end of the road before you get the next foot in.101
Mike SingletaryBecause too many times in life there's just one person that I met, just one thing that I heard, one movie that I saw, one song that was sung, that changed my life. So I'm always trying to stay awake to be in the moment, and capture the moments when they come, because they come and go all the time.101
Mindy KalingI try not to put anything political on the forefront of what I'm trying to do creatively. At the same time, I do think it's wonderful when I hear people say that it's inspirational that I'm an Indian woman on camera. My life is very diverse, and my friends are a diverse group of people.101
N. R. Narayana MurthyWhen you are in business for a long time, you go through good times and bad times. When you go through bad times, you learn to control costs, satisfy customers better, satisfy employees better and become more transparent. Therefore, you build character in the company.101
Nat King ColePeople don't slip. Time catches up with them.101
Nat TurnerAll my time not devoted to my master's service was spent either in prayer, or in making experiments in casting different things in moulds made of earth, in attempting to make paper, gunpowder, and many other experiments, that, although I could not perfect, yet convinced me of its practicability if I had the means.101
Natalie PortmanCute is when a person's personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.101
Nick SabanWhen you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish. Whether it's make good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help somebody who's in need, whatever it is you choose to do, you're investing your time in that.101
Nicole RichieI will be really happy once I have done my jail time. I can start fresh.101
Nicole ScherzingerI love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent - a man who has a great smile. He has to make me laugh. I like a man who is very ambitious and driven and who has a good heart and makes me feel safe. I like a man who is very strong and independent and confident - that is very sexy - but at the same time, he's very kind to people.101
Nigel HamiltonThanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.101
Norah JonesA record is just a snapshot of where you are at any time.101
Norman LearLife is about having a good time, and it was a good time. We did some things well and some things poorly, but that was always the case.101
NostradamusThe Antichrist will be the infernal prince again for the third and last time... so many evils shall be committed by the means of Satan, the infernal Prince, that almost the entire world shall be found undone and desolate. Before these events happen, many rare birds will cry in the air, 'Now! Now!' and sometime later will vanish.101
Octavia ButlerSometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.101
Paul AllenTechnology is notorious for engrossing people so much that they don't always focus on balance and enjoy life at the same time.101
Paula PoundstoneI don't need a holiday or a feast to feel grateful for my children, the sun, the moon, the roof over my head, music, and laughter, but I like to take this time to take the path of thanks less traveled.101
Phil KnightI don't consider myself enigmatic, but I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my public persona.101
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of ChesterfieldKnow the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.101
Quentin CrispIn an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis.101
Reese WitherspoonI think women are natural caretakers. They take care of everybody. They take care of their husbands and their kids and their dogs, and don't spend a lot of time just getting back and taking time out.101
Reza AslanMany of the prophets of Jesus's time were thought to just be mad men, just sort of crazy people who were claiming to channel the divine. Perhaps that means we should be a little less judgmental of some of our own crazies talking about God on the corner. They might actually have found a pretty comfortable place in Jesus's time.101
Robert BrowningI trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time.101
Robert De NiroYou'll have time to rest when you're dead.101
Robert WinstonWe must not fail to recognise that television can be a hugely positive influence in children's lives, one of the greatest educators in contemporary society and an increasing influence on all the children followed in 'Child of Our Time.'101
Russell CroweWhile I was trying to save money to go to the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Australia I ended up getting all of this experience which meant that by the time I had enough money in the bank to go to school I didn't really need to go to school anymore.101
Samantha PowerI like to think that as I get older I'm getting better at spending time with people who have qualities that make them worth spending time with.101
SkrillexI book myself tight. If I have any time off, I get antsy.101
SlashYou know, when you really connect with the instrument and everything just comes out on an emotional level very naturally through your playing. That's, you know, a great night. And I think the reason I love touring so much is you're chasing that high around all the time, trying to have another good night.101
Sophia BushBeing a teenager is an amazing time and a hard time. It's when you make your best friends - I have girls who will never leave my heart and I still talk to. You get the best and the worst as a teen. You have the best friendships and the worst heartbreaks.101
T.I.To expect for me to be one-way every time you see me is to expect me to be a one-dimensional man, which I've never been. I've always applauded my efforts to be diverse and multi-faceted.101
Tadao AndoThere is a role and function for beauty in our time.101
Theo JamesRead more. Read every time you go to bed; read in the day - because at least, reading a book, you can't be distracted by anything else.101
Thom YorkeWell, my son really loves wildlife. And everytime he draws a polar bear I want to tell him there probably won't any by the time... he's my age. That's kinda hard to deal with.101
Thomas S. MonsonChristmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.101
Tom DeLongeThere's a time in your life where you're not quite sure where you are. You think everything's perfect, but it's not perfect... Then one day you wake up and you can't quite picture yourself in the situation you're in. But the secret is, if you can picture yourself doing anything in life, you can do it.101
Tom HiddlestonI did a production of 'Journey's End,' an RC Sherriff play about World War I, at the Edinburgh Festival. I was 18 and it was the first time that people I knew and loved and respected came up to me after the show and said, 'You know, you could really do this if you wanted to.'101
Trey ParkerSaying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.101
Two ChainzMy pop did a little time.101
Usain BoltA lot of legends, a lot of people, have come before me. But this is my time.101
Uwe BollSlater's a big star and he's been in the business a long time. He's always in a good mood and easygoing but he takes his character very seriously.101
Victor WebsterI don't want to miss out on the chance of having a good time.101
William GibsonTime moves in one direction, memory in another. 101
William McKinleyIn the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest.101
Winona LaDukeIn the time of the sacred sites and the crashing of ecosystems and worlds, it may be worth not making a commodity out of all that is revered.101
Zygmunt BaumanIn a liquid modern life there are no permanent bonds, and any that we take up for a time must be tied loosely so that they can be untied again, as quickly and as effortlessly as possible, when circumstances change - as they surely will in our liquid modern society, over and over again.101
Alan CummingIt is not hard to feel like an outsider. I think we have all felt like that at one time or another.101
Alan KaySome people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.101
Alice OswaldOne night, I lay awake for hours, just terrified. When the dawn finally came up - the comfortable blue sky, the familiar world returning - I could think of no other way to express my relief than through poetry. I made a decision there and then that it was what I wanted to do. Every time I pulled a wishbone, it was what I asked for.101
Andre MauroisGrowing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form.101
Anthony JeselnikI'm not just offensive, I'm very smart about the way that I do it, and that takes a lot of time. People say that young comics shouldn't be trying these things. That's ridiculous. You should try everything and see what sticks.101
Axl RoseSometimes your friends are your lovers, or have been at one time.101
Benny HillThe odds against there being a bomb on a plane are a million to one, and against two bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut the odds and take a bomb.101
Baz LuhrmannIf you wanted to show a mirror to people that says, 'You've been drunk on money,' they're not going to want to see it. But if you reflected that mirror on another time they'd be willing to. People will need an explanation of where we are and where we've been, and 'The Great Gatsby' can provide that explanation.101
Bryan AdamsSocial media is a giant distraction to the ultimate aim, which is honing your craft as a songwriter. There are people who are exceptional at it, however, and if you can do both things, then that's fantastic, but if you are a writer, the time is better spent on a clever lyric than a clever tweet.101
Cheryl HinesIt is weird. People will say, 'Oh my God, I love you.' And I'll say, 'Oh, that's so sweet. Thank you.' And the people who are walking around with me for the first time will say, 'I don't understand what happened. Somebody just told you they love you. I don't even understand what that means.'101
Chuck HagelThe United Nations has a critical role to play in promoting stability, security, democracy, human rights, and economic development. The UN is as relevant today as at any time in its history, but it needs reform.101
Cindy CrawfordI don't want to have to be beautiful all the time. I want to be able to look cruddy in my weekend sweats, with a pimple on my face and pimple cream on top of the pimple. The expectation to always be beautiful bothers me.101
CoolioLife is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that.101
Damian MarleyI can remember the first time I ever recorded my vocals on to a beat. Cat Coore from Third World - a legendary Jamaican band - had a little demo set up at his house. I'm very good friends with his eldest son, Shiah, who plays with me now. So we were rhyming over a track by the dancehall artist Peter Metro. I've still got it somewhere.101
Daphne GuinnessI spend a lot of time upside down. It increases the blood flow to the brain, so it really helps your creativity.101
David MilibandYou know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that that yields. One is that there's no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you've got.101
David O. RussellThat's the most beautiful thing that I like about boxing: you can take a punch. The biggest thing about taking a punch is your ego reacts and there's no better spiritual lesson than trying to not pay attention to your ego's reaction. That's what takes people out of the fight half the time.101
Diane LaneIt's always refreshing to step into another time.101
Erica DuranceWe all need to make time for a burger once in a while.101
Erik QualmanYou can spend your time daydreaming or make use of it in other ways.101
Eudora WeltyThe events in our lives happen in a sequence in time, but in their significance to ourselves they find their own order the continuous thread of revelation.101
Eugene CernanThe moon is bland in color. I call it shades of gray. You know, the only color we see is what we bring or the Earth, which is looking down upon us all the time. And to find orange soil on the moon was a surprise.101
Faith BaldwinTime is a dressmaker specializing in alterations. 101
Friedrich St. FlorianI think it is fair to say that during World War II there was a high sense of purpose. The country had a very clear vision of its own standing, of its own morality. It was not an ambiguous time. Today, we live in a world that is highly ambiguous, very fractured, with many of the historical, traditional values in a state of collapse, really.101
Herb CaenThe only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever.101
James AltucherYour competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don't support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck.101
Jean PaulOur birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. 101
Joan JettI'm concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet.101
Joel A. BarkerVision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.101
John ClaytonThanksgiving is a time when the world gets to see just how blessed and how workable the Christian system is. The emphasis is not on giving or buying, but on being thankful and expressing that appreciation to God and to one another.101
John le CarreI wrote 'The Spy Who Came in from the Cold' at the age of 30 under intense, unshared personal stress and in extreme privacy. As an intelligence officer in the guise of a junior diplomat at the British Embassy in Bonn, I was a secret to my colleagues, and much of the time to myself.101
Lawrence LessigA time is marked not so much by ideas that are argued about as by ideas that are taken for granted. The character of an era hangs upon what needs no defense.101
Lea ThompsonOne of things I like about looking at pictures when you're young and also meeting back with old friends you haven't seen in a long time is, for me, it's a glimpse of who I was.101
Luanne RiceOne of my earliest memories is of seeing my mother in her beach chair, reading a book under an umbrella by the water's edge while my sisters and I played beside her. Of all the life lessons she taught me, that is one of my favorites: to take time at a place I love, restore my spirit with books and the beach.101
Luigi PirandelloAnyone can be heroic from time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time. 101
Mariel HemingwayFinding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important.101
Mark HelprinWell-timed silence is the most commanding expression.101
Nancy LopezDo your best, one shot at a time and then move on. Remember that golf is just a game.101
Neal BarnardMeat consumption is just as dangerous to public health as tobacco use... It's time we looked into holding the meat producers and fast-food outlets legally accountable.101
Niki TaylorI always hated my mole growing up. I even thought about having it removed. At the time I didn't do it because I thought it would hurt, and now I'm glad I didn't.101
Publius Flavius Vegetius RenatusIn time of peace prepare for war.101
Ray William JohnsonMy success has been something I've worked a long time at and it's been a gradual process. I compare it to the idea of someone losing a lot of weight over a period of a few years. You don't really notice the weight loss overall but if you compare photos from then and now there's a big difference.101
Sally FieldI was raised to sense what someone wanted me to be and be that kind of person. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.101
Sandra LeeGive yourself permission to get the most out of your life. If you're spending all your time scrubbing corners with a toothbrush, you're kind of missing the point. Taking shortcuts doesn't mean shortcutting the end result.101
Sean PennWe've let the blade of our innocence dull over time, and it's only in innocence that you find any kind of magic, any kind of courage.101
Sloane CrosleyI definitely rediscovered reading for pleasure by devoting such a large swath of my time to sitting on airplanes. I am now painfully adept at removing my shoes so as to have the least amount of foot surface area touching an airport floor.101
Suge KnightI'm in prison. But my heart and mind is free. Gangsta haters on the streets are doing more time than me. They need 30 police escorts with them every time they walk down the street.101
Sundar PichaiWhat strikes me every single time is that the aspirations of Indians are unique and unparalleled. They're very demanding, regardless of background.101
Terry WoganTime flies like an arrow - but fruit flies like a banana.101
Theodore ZeldinEach person is an enigma. You're a puzzle not only to yourself but also to everyone else, and the great mystery of our time is how we penetrate this puzzle.101
Tillie OlsenThe clock talked loud. I threw it away, it scared me what it talked.101
Tom ArayaTo fans in a festival setting it's like a picnic. You want to have a good time with your friends in that crowd. And in the background you hear the band play, 'Oh, that's my favorite song!' everyone is there to enjoy the afternoon and that's about it.101
Tony SnowVoting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues.101
Trisha YearwoodI don't spend time wondering what might be next; I just focus on trying to savor every day.101
Ty SegallI'm jamming 'Black Sabbath Vol. 4' all the time. Zappa's 'Cruising With Ruben & The Jets.' A lot of Gong lately. Some Hawkwind. The Residents' 'Duck Stab' is amazing. Some Fugs. Lots of stuff, man. I'm pretty schizophrenic with records.101
Willem de KooningThe trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time.101
Amy KlobucharWho would know but ten years ago that kids would be texting each other all the time, that that would be one of their main forms of communication. And so many times, these kids know more about the technology than their parents. And so many times, we're putting kids in very adult situations and expecting them to behave like they're 40 years old.101
Ashton ShepherdI'm thankful to God for having a family that's been there for me. He's been there from the time I was a child to even now with my family helping with my little boy. It's worth more than words could ever describe. That's one of the ways I've been able to stay grounded is thanks to family and God.101
Brad D. SmithGood intentions often get muddled with very complex execution. The last time the government tried to make taxes easier, it created a 1040 EZ form with a 52-page help booklet.101
Chanel ImanIt takes time to be who you really want to be. It doesn't happen overnight.101
ChilonPrefer a loss to a dishonest gain; the one brings pain at the moment, the other for all time.101
Chino MorenoI don't watch TV. In my spare time, if I have any, I want to make music.101
Christina MilianI enjoy my fun time and everything like that but I love what I do.101
David Allan CoeIt is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.101
Edward SaidSince the time of Homer every European, in what he could say about the Orient, was a racist, an imperialist, and almost totally ethnocentric.101
Grace AbbottChild labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time.101
Jane Velez-MitchellThere is a severe horse overpopulation crisis caused by overbreeding in the racing industry. It's time for that industry to accept responsibility for its castoffs and take dramatic action to protect a species that has so loyally served humankind.101
John Boyd OrrMeasured in time of transport and communication, the whole round globe is now smaller than a small European country was a hundred years ago.101
John DaltonIt's the right idea, but not the right time.101
John MellencampUnemployment is sky-rocketing; deflation is in our future for the first time since the Great Depression. I don't care whose fault it is, it's the truth.101
John RidleyGay marriage will be universally accepted in time. But if I may be so bold as to say to gays and lesbians, don't wait for that time to arrive. Just as my father and his generation did not 'wait' for their civil rights, nor should you. The toothpaste ain't going back in the tube. The tide has turned.101
Joseph PulitzerA cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will in time produce a people as base as itself.101
Kelly CutroneI don't have time to write a mom blog, but I'm not against it. I think it's great when women talk about things. I'm all about female empowerment. There's a lot of lonely, lost moms out there. Moms need to be encouraged to tell the truth. There's a lot of glamour mommy stuff. It's OK to get real.101
LisaRaye McCoy-MisickI've got to be able to get my time off whether it's just enjoying my house or the peace and quiet of my family and being there and cooking for them. I love doing that. I also love doing leisure things. I ride horses. I love to shop. I love to drive!101
Mark ZandiThe most important point is, in a time of crisis, there is no way out but for the government to be bold and aggressive.101
Milla JovovichI'm not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I've known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success, to the point that they'd become jealous of the time I devote to my career.101
Prabal GurungI have a 6-year-old niece who doesn't look like the majority of girls on the covers of magazines. I hope that by the time she's 16, the world will have changed.101
Ray ComfortEach of us should think of the future. Every puff on a cigarette is another tick closer to a time bomb of terrible consequences. Christopher Hitchens didn't care about the consequences of smoking cigarettes. Tragically, he died of throat cancer in December 2011.101
Rick DankoAs time goes on we get closer to that American Dream of there being a pie cut up and shared. Usually greed and selfishness prevent that and there is always one bad apple in every barrel.101
Sean M. CarrollThe particular aspect of time that I'm interested in is the arrow of time: the fact that the past is different from the future. We remember the past but we don't remember the future. There are irreversible processes. There are things that happen, like you turn an egg into an omelet, but you can't turn an omelet into an egg.101
Stone GossardEvery year is filled with good times and fights and struggles and misunderstandings. All of it adds up to being in a band over a long time.101
Susan WojcickiI'm excited about the opportunities with mobile phones and being able to receive information on the go and relevant to what I'm doing at that moment in time.101
Tamara MellonEverything I do is just really my intuition, and every time I go against my intuition, it's a mistake. Even though I may sit down and analyze and intellectualize something on paper, if I go against my gut feeling, it's wrong.101
TheophrastusTime is the most valuable thing a man can spend. 101
Thomas G. StembergOne of the people who most influenced me was Ben Shapiro, a marketing professor at the business school. He used to rant and rave and pound his fist: 'It's all about the customers!' And he was right. He was also right that, at that time, retailing was devoid of really talented people; he urged me to go in that direction.101
Willard BoyleIt is a great honor to be awarded a Nobel Prize. This is a wonderful experience for my wife Betty and me. We received congratulations by email, phone and post, many from old friends we had not seen for some time.101
Andy LauUnfortunately, I don't have much free time.101
Anita BrooknerIt is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market. hares have no time to read.101
Anne PerryOf course there will be disappointments and the way will not always be as I expected it. But if it seemed easy, then that would be the time to worry that I am on the wrong path.101
Chrisette MicheleWhen I was in school I used to prank my teachers all the time. But I was really, really nice. I love to make people laugh. And even in those pranks, the teachers would laugh most of the time.101
Christian SirianoWorking in a salon, you look at trends all day long. You're looking at color all the time, what new products are coming out. You're a part of the fashion industry, especially if you're working in a higher-end salon.101
Claude ShannonI visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines.101
George Edward MooreA great artist is always before his time or behind it.101
Jairam RameshThere never is a good time for tough decisions. There will always be an election or something else. You have to pick courage and do it. Governance is about taking tough, even unpopular, decisions.101
Jody WatleyThe time was ripe for Flower. The vibe was right.101
Joe Jonas'Fast Life' is just about going out with your friends and having a good time - I think it's one of those songs that people can relate with and like.101
Katharine Butler HathawayIf you realize too acutely how valuable time is, you are too paralyzed to do anything.101
Letitia Elizabeth LandonI think hearts are very much like glasses. If they do not break with the first ring, they usually last a considerable time.101
Lillian SmithWhen you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die.101
Lou BrockShow me a guy who's afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time.101
Luis von AhnI watch a lot of TV. That's how I spend most of my time outside of work. If I had more time, I would fill it 100 percent with watching TV.101
Meg CabotI actually love writing for teens best. I had such an awful time in my own teen years - I love having the chance to relive them through my fiction.101
Richard J. CodeyPostpartum depression is a very real and very serious problem for many mothers. It can happen to a first time mom or a veteran mother. It can occur a few days... or a few months after childbirth.101
Robert FortuneThe main stem was then in most cases twisted in a zigzag form, which process checked the flow of the sap, and at the same time encouraged the production of side branches at those parts of the stem where they were most desired.101
Takeru KobayashiI've been to the Empire State Building with four friends, and it was very beautiful at that time around midnight.101
Tobey MaguireIf I'm in a social situation sometimes I'll hang back and observe people but I feel very much a part of things most of the time and feel very comfortable socializing and have for most of my life.101
Tony BuzanThe world isn't fast-paced, it's frenetic. People have to be managers of themselves. Time has been managing itself for 15 billion years; we have to manage ourselves in the context of time.101
Tristan WildsSometimes I wish that I could go into a time machine right now and just look at my self and say, 'Calm down. Things are gonna be fine. Things are gonna be all great. Just relax.'101
Abbi JacobsonI'm so thankful for that struggling period. That time is really great where you have no idea what's going to happen.101
Arturo ToscaniniWhen I was young, I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. Believe me, never since have I wasted any more time on tobacco.101
Brooks AtkinsonIn every age 'the good old days' were a myth. No one ever thought they were good at the time. For every age has consisted of crises that seemed intolerable to the people who lived through them.101
Christa B. AllenSometimes work is a bit slow, and I always wanted to be a princess at Disneyland. There were 1,500 of us who auditioned, and 11 of us were hired. I went through all of the training, but never ended up actually getting to play Belle because 'Revenge' started. It was the time of my life, though!101
Cindy MorganI love spending time with my friends and family. The simplest things in life give me the most pleasure: cooking a good meal, enjoying my friends.101
Delmore SchwartzTime is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.101
Donald FagenWhen you get a groove going, time flies.101
Gina LollobrigidaI do what I like now. I just don't have time for it all.101
Jeremy IronsWe all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.101
Johann Kaspar LavaterThe jealous are possessed by a mad devil and a dull spirit at the same time.101
John MulaneyThe more you do stuff, the better you get at dealing with how you still fail at it a lot of the time.101
John ShimkusStates are looking for low-cost solutions that will enable better communication, while avoiding the danger in which the chain of command breaks down in emergencies. We do not want everyone talking to everyone else all the time.101
Jordana BrewsterPeople spend so much time in their cars, and it's a legal way to have fun by speeding a little bit or testing yourself a little bit, and you get to invest in your car. For some people, it becomes their baby.101
Kevin AlejandroI absolutely love spending time with my family.101
Lee SmolinGeneral relativity predicts that time ends inside black holes because the gravitational collapse squeezes matter to infinite density.101
Perry ChristieI even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler.101
Raymond CarverLife and death matters, yes. And the question of how to behave in this world, how to go in the face of everything. Time is short and the water is rising.101
Samantha MumbaAll I want to do when I have time off is to have a laugh with my school friends and go down the pub.101
Sheena IyengarAs we get older, we get better at choosing in ways that will make us happy. We do a better job at picking activities that make us happy, and at spending time with people who make us happy. We're also better at letting things go.101
Theresa BreslinWhen I was young, I read everything I could lay my hands on, but the Scots in my storybooks spent their time fighting glorious battles, rowing across lochs, or escaping over moors of purple heather. Even those Scots were hard to find. For at school, we recited poetry according to the set texts the teachers taught us.101
Carl YastrzemskiAnd if I have my choice between a pennant and a triple crown, I'll take the pennant every time.101
Connor JessupI'm totally addicted to Japanese anime and spend way, way, way too much time watching it.101
Jennifer HaleThat's really one of the things I love about video games. It's a whole new world every time you start.101
Junior SeauNo excuses and no sob stories. Life is full of excuses if you're looking. I have no time to gripe over misfortune. I don't waste time looking back.101
Louis JordanThe only people who make love all the time are liars.101
Mary, Crown Princess of DenmarkI am happy to continue with my journey through time.101
Michael BadnarikOn average, drug prisoners spend more time in federal prison than rapists, who often get out on early release because of the overcrowding in prison caused by the Drug War.101
Adam HochschildWork is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.101
Charles W. ChesnuttThere's time enough, but none to spare. 101
Clark GableHell, if I'd jumped on all the dames I'm supposed to have jumped on, I'd have had no time to go fishing.101
David ScottAmerica was magnificently characterized in November of 2008 when we elected, for the first time, an African-American President of the United States.101
Dorothy GilmanIf something anticipated arrives too late it finds us numb, wrung out from waiting, and we feel - nothing at all. The best things arrive on time.101
Jenny MollenI think the power of persuasion would be the greatest superpower of all time.101
Jeremy LondonIt's like Scott Wolf, I never thought he looked like Tom Cruise until somebody said it and now that they've said it, I see it every time I look at him!101
John DyerThe most amazing thing to me about the sea is the tide. A harbour like St. Ives is totally transformed in a very short space of time by the arrival or departure of the sea.101
Michael EndeLife holds one great but quite commonplace mystery. Though shared by each of us and known to all, seldom rates a second thought. That mystery, which most of us take for granted and never think twice about, is time.101
Rick BarryPeople who don't know me have opinions about me. That's the part that's very hurtful. Because how do you form an opinion about somebody if you've never met them or spent any time with them? So it's all based upon hearsay or things that they've read.101
Dion BoucicaultMen talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.101
Margaret HalseyWhenever I dwell for any length of time on my own shortcomings, they gradually begin to seem mild, harmless, rather engaging little things, not at all like the staring defects in other people's characters.101
Anna AkhmatovaIt was a time when only the dead smiled, happy in their peace.101
Jean Craighead GeorgeBy the time I got to kindergarten, I was surprised to find out I was the only kid with a turkey vulture.101
Jerry O'ConnellAny time you're near a kangaroo, it's a close call.101
Judy BiggertResearch has shown time and time again that infants who receive the high-quality child care and early education programs do better in school, have more developed social skills, and display fewer behavior problems.101
Justin RosensteinWhen topics are complex and meaty, don't create a never-ending email thread. It's amazing how much time people waste composing and reading carefully-worded essays, when a 5 minute in-person chat would resolve the whole thing.101
Jack O'ConnellI want to create a body of work that is entertaining and speaks to people for a long time. Longer than my life span.101
John ZimmermanWhen in doubt, take more time.101
Joseph HallPerfection is the child of time. 101
Maria SchellPeace is when time doesn't matter as it passes by.101
Morrie RyskindSay, the next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you, will you?101
Jef RaskinImagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.101
Jo Ann DavisWe benefit from doing nothing, from going out to play, from giving from the heart and spending time in nature. Most of all we benefit from having healthy, strong, and loving relationships with other people and from exercising the altruistic parts of ourselves.101
John HopeWe have sat on the river bank and caught catfish with pin hooks. The time has come to harpoon a whale.101
Julian BarbourMy ideas about time all developed from the realization that if nothing were to change we could not say that time passes. Change is primary, time, if it exists at all, is something we deduce from it.101
Barack ObamaThe future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on.102
BjorkA lot of the time I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in. I have that nerd factor in my character.102
Leo TolstoyThe two most powerful warriors are patience and time. 102
Lyndon B. JohnsonPeace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time. 102
Pablo PicassoIt takes a long time to become young. 102
Phil McGrawI'm embarrassed every time I look a teacher in the eye, because we ask them to do so much for so little.102
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinSomeday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.102
Pope FrancisTogether with a culture of work, there must be a culture of leisure as gratification. To put it another way: people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport.102
Saint Teresa of AvilaMental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us. The important thing is not to think much but to love much and so do that which best stirs you to love. Love is not great delight but desire to please God in everything.102
Steven WrightI went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.102
Calvin CoolidgeChristmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.102
Dwayne JohnsonThat's a traditional Samoan dance. I was lucky that I was able to fly my cousins, who are professional dancers, up from Hawaii and they were able to be in the movie with me. We had a great time.102
Georgia O'KeeffeNobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time.102
Gore VidalBy the time a man gets to be presidential material, he's been bought ten times over.102
Herbert HooverAbout the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends.102
HomerYet, taught by time, my heart has learned to glow for other's good, and melt at other's woe.102
Joel OsteenChristmas is the perfect time to celebrate the love of God and family and to create memories that will last forever. Jesus is God's perfect, indescribable gift. The amazing thing is that not only are we able to receive this gift, but we are able to share it with others on Christmas and every other day of the year.102
Marie CurieYou cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.102
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.102
Queen Elizabeth IIFor many, Christmas is also a time for coming together. But for others, service will come first.102
Swami SivanandaThere is something good in all seeming failures. You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient.102
Tennessee WilliamsFor time is the longest distance between two places. 102
Aishwarya Rai BachchanI just take on what I can commit to completely at that point in time, and that way you'll be able to give your best.102
Alice CooperThere was a period of time when I thought I had to be Alice Cooper all the time.102
Allen GinsbergPoetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.102
Amy Jo MartinSocial media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.102
Andy GoldsworthyMy art is an attempt to reach beyond the surface appearance. I want to see growth in wood, time in stone, nature in a city, and I do not mean its parks but a deeper understanding that a city is nature too-the ground upon which it is built, the stone with which it is made.102
Anne HathawayI gave up my struggle with perfection a long time ago. That is a concept I don't find very interesting anymore. Everyone just wants to look good in the photographs. I think that is where some of the pressure comes from. Be happy. Be yourself, the day is about a lot more.102
Barbara BoxerLaw enforcement officers are never 'off duty.' They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.102
Ben OkriOur time here is magic! It's the only space you have to realize whatever it is that is beautiful, whatever is true, whatever is great, whatever is potential, whatever is rare, whatever is unique, in. It's the only space.102
Bob HopeI don't feel old. I don't feel anything till noon. That's when it's time for my nap.102
Carl Friedrich GaussI have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them.102
Cecil RhodesWe must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories.102
Chris KyleThere's definitely still a lot of hurt from losing my guys or the fact that I got out and I felt like it wasn't my time yet.102
Christian LouboutinI would say that a good shoe is exactly like a good wine. These shoes are going to stay and last for a long time.102
Daniel Day-LewisI just knew at an early time in my life how important privacy was.102
David CameronAt a time when we're having to take such difficult decisions about how to cut back without damaging the things that matter the most, we should strain every sinew to cut error, waste and fraud.102
Dawn FrenchMy best friend is the most important girl, outside of family, to me. I met her when I went to college and we bonded immediately. I'd do anything for her at any time. We phone each other every day.102
Demi LovatoI try to keep it real. I don't have time to worry about what I'm projecting to the world. I'm just busy being myself.102
Dennis MillerBorn again?! No, I'm not. Excuse me for getting it right the first time.102
Drew CareyThe easiest diet is, you know, eat vegetables, eat fresh food. Just a really sensible healthy diet like you read about all the time.102
Earl NightingaleWe are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.102
Elliott ErwittI enjoy nothing more than spending time with my loved ones, young and old, and at least once a year we get together for a formal family photograph.102
Finley Peter DunneThe past always looks better than it was. It's only pleasant because it isn't here. 102
Francesco GuicciardiniWaste no time with revolutions that do not remove the causes of your complaints but simply change the faces of those in charge.102
Gloria SwansonThe only time I ever went hunting I remembered it as a grisly experience.102
Gordie HoweI helped put in a rink in Cadillac, Michigan, when my wife was very healthy. She helped them put it in and the rink is going full-bore the last time I was there.102
Harriet Beecher StoweWhen you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.102
Hugh JackmanThe secret to modern life is finding the measure in time management. I have two kids, career and I travel, and I don't think my life is any different than most couples. The most valuable commodity now for many people is time and how to parcel that out.102
Ivan TurgenevTime sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes crawls like a snail; but a man is happiest when he does not even notice whether it passes swiftly or slowly.102
Jack LondonThe proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.102
Jim HensonAt the time of Polaroid - and I did a couple of other commercials just before I stopped doing that stuff - at that point I was at the level where they respect you and your opinion and all that sort of thing.102
Johann Sebastian BachIt's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.102
John DonneLove, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.102
Jules VernePut two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together. Throw two planets into space, and they will fall one on the other. Place two enemies in the midst of a crowd, and they will inevitably meet; it is a fatality, a question of time; that is all.102
Kevin O'LearyWhen you're travelling, your day is jam-packed. I just don't have time to whip out a PC all the time. But I can whip out a BlackBerry and tweet. I keep a constant diary of where I'm at and why I'm there.102
Kin HubbardA loafer always has the correct time.102
Kris CarrYou can't please everyone. When you're too focused on living up to other people's standards, you aren't spending enough time raising your own. Some people may whisper, complain and judge. But for the most part, it's all in your head. People care less about your actions than you think. Why? They have their own problems!102
Larry FlyntReligion has caused more harm than any other idea since the beginning of time. There's nothing good I can say about it. People use it as a crutch.102
Lawrence DurrellThe richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time. 102
Lilly SinghLife is designed to knock you down. It will knock you down time and time again, but it doesn't matter how many times you fall - it matters how many times you get back up.102
Louis KahnEvery time a student walks past a really urgent, expressive piece of architecture that belongs to his college, it can help reassure him that he does have that mind, does have that soul.102
Lynda BarryIf it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile.102
M. Scott PeckUntil you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.102
Marco RubioLeadership can not be measured in a poll or even in the result of an election. It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the perspective of 20 years, not 20 days.102
Marjane SatrapiI'm very open and never write what I'm going to say. Speeches bore everybody else. I have to freestyle. Every time, from one program to another, everything changes and I improvise.102
Martha StewartI catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time.102
Mary OliverTo live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.102
Miranda HartThe embarrassment of a situation can, once you are over it, be the funniest time in your life. And I suppose a lot of my comedy comes from painful moments or experiences in life, and you just flip them on their head.102
Nassim Nicholas TalebThe next time you experience a blackout, take some solace by looking at the sky. You will not recognize it.102
Nat TurnerHaving soon discovered to be great, I must appear so, and therefore studiously avoided mixing in society, and wrapped myself in mystery, devoting my time to fasting and prayer.102
Nathaniel HawthorneTime flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind. 102
Nicole Ari ParkerRaising children uses every bit of your being - your heart, your time, your patience, your foresight, your intuition to protect them, and you have to use all of this while trying to figure out how to discipline them.102
Oliver GoldsmithSuccess consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. 102
Oswald ChambersFaith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.102
Paul HawkenAlways leave enough time in your life to do something that makes you happy, satisfied, even joyous. That has more of an effect on economic well-being than any other single factor.102
Paula PoundstoneThe wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling.102
PericlesTime is the king of all men, he is their parent and their grave, and gives them what he will and not what they crave.102
Phylicia RashadAny time women come together with a collective intention, it's a powerful thing. Whether it's sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens.102
Quentin CrispThe young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another.102
RihannaOver the holidays, and even during filming, I realized that I actually like my body, even if it's not perfect according to the book. I just feel sexy. For the first time, I don't want to get rid of the curves. I just want to tone it up. My body is comfortable, and it's not unhealthy, so I'm going to rock with it.102
Robert H. SchullerNever cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.102
Ron WhiteThe next time you have a thought... let it go.102
Rudy GiulianiIt's about time law enforcement got as organized as organized crime.102
Russell CrowePeople accuse me of being arrogant all the time. I'm not arrogant, I'm focused.102
Steve WozniakWhen I have spare time, I catch up on things I've had to postpone due to lack of time.102
Steven SeagalYou can say that I lived in Asia for a long time and in Japan I became close to several CIA agents. And you could say that I became an adviser to several CIA agents in the field and, through my friends in the CIA, met many powerful people and did special works and special favors.102
Sydney J. HarrisRegret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.102
TecumsehWhen your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.102
Thom YorkeI think we're entering a very dangerous time. The West has set itself up, decided it's in charge, not for good intentions, not for the benefit of mankind.102
Tim Berners-LeeThere was a time when people felt the internet was another world, but now people realise it's a tool that we use in this world.102
Tina TurnerI regret not having had more time with my kids when they were growing up.102
Ulysses S. GrantIn every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins.102
William E. GladstoneWe look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.102
William FeatherOne of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.102
Wilma RudolphWinning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.102
Wiz KhalifaThe most daring thing is to be yourself and to do exactly what you want to do at that point in time and not to be worried with what other people are doing or what's popular.102
Wole SoyinkaOne has a responsibility to clean up one's space and make it livable as far as one's own resources go. That includes not only material resources, but psychological resources: the commitment of time and a portion of your mind to something when you'd rather be doing something else.102
Wynton MarsalisJazz music is America's past and its potential, summed up and sanctified and accessible to anybody who learns to listen to, feel, and understand it. The music can connect us to our earlier selves and to our better selves-to-come. It can remind us of where we fit on the time line of human achievement, an ultimate value of art.102
Aaron CoplandTo stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.102
Alex BerensonInformation technology departments must spend enormous amounts of time and money worrying about integrating big computer systems with billions of pieces of customer data.102
Antonin ArtaudI myself spent nine years in an insane asylum and I never had the obsession of suicide, but I know that each conversation with a psychiatrist, every morning at the time of his visit, made me want to hang myself, realizing that I would not be able to cut his throat.102
Auguste RodinNothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. 102
Bob FellerMy father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I was a kid. When I wasn't pitching hay, hauling corn or running a tractor, I was heaving a baseball into his mitt behind the barn... If all the parents in the country followed his rule, juvenile delinquency would be cut in half in a year's time.102
C. Northcote ParkinsonWork expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.102
Eric DavisNot being re-signed in Baltimore was probably the lowest point, mentally, of my career. That city was the only place where I wanted to be at the time, based on everything that had transpired.102
Erin MorgensternI like that 'once upon a time' quality, where the telling of a tale has an elevated sense of story. There's a whimsical quality to it. Sometimes in fairy tales more things seem possible, even though often they're real world based.102
Frances E. WillardThis seems to be the law of progress in everything we do; it moves along a spiral rather than a perpendicular; we seem to be actually going out of the way, and yet it turns out that we were really moving upward all the time.102
Franklin Pierce AdamsHealth is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year. 102
Gillian AndersonBe of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.102
J. Michael StraczynskiThe problem with writing a monthly book is that you're going through your work like a man running for a bus, red-faced and out of breath. There isn't time for reflection or critical self-examination.102
Jessica LangeI regret those times when I've chosen the dark side. I've wasted enough time not being happy. 102
John WanamakerPeople who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.102
Jose MourinhoThe world is so competitive, aggressive, consumive, selfish and during the time we spend here we must be all but that.102
Keri RussellYeah, I like being on my own. I do. I tend to be a loner, so I'm okay. I'm not okay when I have to be around everyone all the time.102
Lou Diamond PhillipsAlthough a lot of pain for a little screen time; Shaving legs, waxing eyebrows, high heels, trying to put on a bra, losing weight because women's clothes are SO revealing - Ladies you have my respect.102
Lucy PowellSome argue that now isn't the time to push the green agenda - that all efforts should be on preventing a serious recession. That is a false choice. It fails to recognise that climate change and our carbon reliance is part of problem - high fuel prices and food shortages due to poor crop yields compound today's financial difficulties.102
Maria SharapovaI still love things that you don't even need to pay for. Going to the beach and being around five of your friends and having a good time means so much more than going out and spending hundreds of dollars.102
Michael KeatonThere comes a point in your life when you realize how quickly time goes by, and how quickly it has gone. Then it really speeds up exponentially. With that, I think you start to put a lot of things into context; you start to see how huge the world is, and really, the universe.102
Mitch DanielsAmong the weeds choking out growth and good government are the hundreds of boards, commissions, and advisory committees that have sprouted over the years. They devour time, money, and energy far beyond any real contribution they make.102
Phyllis McGinleyPlease to put a nickel, please to put a dime. How petitions trickle in at Christmas time!102
Walter LangTime was God's first creation.102
William AllinghamAutumn's the mellow time.102
Alice MunroIn my own work, I tend to cover a lot of time and to jump back and forward in time, and sometimes the way I do this is not very straightforward.102
Henry Austin DobsonTime goes, you say? Ah, no! alas, time stays, we go.102
Michael LeBoeufWaste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of your life.102
Milla JovovichRather than go to the gym, I would prefer to do martial arts because the time goes by quicker.102
Sean M. CarrollI'm trying to understand cosmology, why the Big Bang had the properties it did. And it's interesting to think that connects directly to our kitchens and how we can make eggs, how we can remember one direction of time, why causes precede effects, why we are born young and grow older. It's all because of entropy increasing.102
Ethel BarrymoreThe best time to make friends is before you need them. 102
Samuel UllmanYouth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.102
Dan MillmanI learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.102
Dean AchesonThe best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.102
Robert SoutheyThe loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.102
James L. BrooksI took some time out for life.102
Richard CecilIf I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own.102
Roger BabsonLet him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present. 102
Allen BoydIt is time for Congress to provide relief for tobacco farmers. Since the 1930's tobacco production has been regulated by a quota system, which required farmers to purchase quota in order to grow tobacco.102
Jahangir KhanNicol has great potential and there is a huge gap between her and the rest of the juniors. She needs to concentrate full time on the professional circuit from now on and it is the only way for her to realize her potential.102
Jean RacineThere are no secrets that time does not reveal. 102
Joan D. VingeWhat does immortality mean to me? That we all want more time; and we want it to be quality time.102
James MontgomeryEternity: a moment standing still for ever. 102
John HustonYou walk through a series of arches, so to speak, and then, presently, at the end of a corridor, a door opens and you see backward through time, and you feel the flow of time, and realize you are only part of a great nameless procession.102
Steve JobsYour time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.103
David BowieWhat I do is I write mainly about very personal and rather lonely feelings, and I explore them in a different way each time. You know, what I do is not terribly intellectual. I'm a pop singer for Christ's sake. As a person, I'm fairly uncomplicated.103
Elie WieselThere may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.103
Elvis PresleyTruth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away. 103
Jesus ChristAnd know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. 103
Kim KardashianIt's time to recognise the Armenian Genocide.103
Malcolm XThere is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.103
Stephen HawkingPeople won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. 103
Thomas HobbesDuring the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.103
NasI don't want any title. I just say what I say, and hopefully somebody gets it, man. I'm not perfect, and I'm just here and trying to make a dollar, and being real at the same time, you know?103
Albert SchweitzerIn everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.103
Justin BieberOf course, I think that people are just waiting for that time when I make a mistake and they're gonna jump on it.... There's gonna be haters.103
Lionel MessiSometimes you have to accept you can't win all the time.103
Marie CurieNothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.103
Agatha ChristieThe best time to plan a book is while you're doing the dishes.103
Amy Jo MartinGovernments can no longer control 100 percent of the story. Time and geographical boundaries disappear. In places like China and all over the Middle East, social-media outlets are being used to expose and hold accountable public officials that don't want to be held accountable for corruption and human rights abuses.103
Anne Morrow LindberghBy and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class.103
Arnold PalmerGolf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening - and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.103
Ben HechtTime is a circus, always packing up and moving away.103
Bethany HamiltonIt was Jesus who gave me peace when the shark severed my arm. I trust in Jesus whenever I'm going through a hard time. I see all the beautiful things that have come out of my situation. I'm able to share my story with young girls who have few role models, and I can help others cope with what they have been through.103
Bette DavisThe best time I ever had with Joan Crawford was when I pushed her down the stairs in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?103
Chris PineI cry all the time - at work, at the shrink's, with my lady. 'The Notebook' killed me. 'Up' destroyed me.103
Christopher WalkenI don't know why people eat so badly. I could eat pasta all the time, but it really is fattening. And I love ice cream, but I can't do that. There was a time, until I was in my mid-forties, when I could eat a whole pizza - and really, no effect.103
David SuzukiOur personal consumer choices have ecological, social, and spiritual consequences. It is time to re-examine some of our deeply held notions that underlie our lifestyles.103
E. B. WhitePrejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts. 103
Emile M. CioranEnnui is the echo in us of time tearing itself apart.103
Emmeline PankhurstThose men and women are fortunate who are born at a time when a great struggle for human freedom is in progress. It is an added good fortune to have parents who take a personal part in the great movements of their time. I am glad and thankful that this was my case.103
Erin HeathertonYou really don't need to wear any make-up most of the time; keep your eyebrows the way they are, and find your own natural beauty signature.103
Garth BrooksI spend all my time right now trying to combat music retail and copyright.103
Gordie HoweYou've got to love what you're doing. If you love it, you can overcome any handicap or the soreness or all the aches and pains, and continue to play for a long, long time.103
Haruki MurakamiI lost some of my friends because I got so famous, people who just assumed that I would be different now. I felt like everyone hated me. That is the most unhappy time of my life.103
Helena BlavatskyTo act wisely when the time for action comes, to wait patiently when it is time for repose, put man in accord with the tides. Ignorance of this law results in periods of unreasoning enthusiasm on the one hand, and depression on the other.103
Henri Frederic AmielLife is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.103
Hilaire BellocI'm tired of love; I'm still more tired of rhyme; but money gives me pleasure all the time.103
Jean BaudrillardThe great person is ahead of their time, the smart make something out of it, and the blockhead, sets themselves against it.103
Jean de la BruyereTime makes friendship stronger, but love weaker.103
Jill ScottI'm excited about turning 40. I've been an adult for a long time, but there is a difference between being an adult and being a grown-up. I'm someone's mummy now and I'm enjoying that. I feel as if I'm about to hit my peak.103
Jo BrandI never think, 'Where am I going to be in a year's time?' That seems to be a sure way of missing the fact that you might be quite happy now.103
Julie AndrewsAll love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.103
Lawrence DurrellThe appalling thing is the degree of charity women are capable of. You see it all the time... love lavished on absolute fools. Love's a charity ward, you know.103
Ludwig Mies van der RoheArchitecture depends on its time. It is the crystallization of its inner structure, the slow unfolding of its form.103
Martha GrahamThere is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.103
Miley CyrusLife is all about having a good time. 103
Orlando Aloysius BattistaThe best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day.103
OvidAt times it is folly to hasten at other times, to delay. The wise do everything in its proper time.103
Pierce BrosnanWhen it comes to whaling, Iceland is an international outlaw. Years of global negotiations and declarations have failed utterly to end its illegal slaughter of whales. It's time to send Iceland a message it can't ignore: trade sanctions.103
River PhoenixMusic is my main goal, but I'm not going to rush a record out. There are so many actors who have come out with albums these days. I don't want to do it because it's the thing to do. I want to wait until the time is right.103
Roger EbertLebanon was at one time known as a nation that rose above sectarian hatred; Beirut was known as the Paris of the Middle East. All of that was blown apart by senseless religious wars, financed and exploited in part by those who sought power and wealth. If women had been in charge, would they have been more sensible? It's a theory.103
Saint Francis de SalesWhen you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them, but bend them with gentleness and time.103
Salman KhanThe best time to release a film is on a festive date like Divali or Eid, or at a time when there are no big films three to four weeks before or after.103
Samantha PowerBrokenness is the operative issue of our time - broken souls, broken hearts, broken places.103
Shania TwainCountry music is still your grandpa's music, but it's also your daughter's music. It's getting bigger and better all the time and I'm glad to be a part of it.103
Terrell OwensI'm not gonna waste your time, so I wouldn't expect you to waste my time.103
Thomas J. WatsonIf you stand up and be counted, from time to time you may get yourself knocked down. But remember this: A man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good.103
Van MorrisonThe future is keeping you out of the present time.103
Vanessa HudgensLong-distance relationships are hard no matter what. When you don't have face-to-face time, it's just different.103
Will FerrellMy dad turned me onto Peter Sellers as a kid. I loved the fact that he was a unique combination of being extremely subtle and over-the-top all at the same time, and that's a hard thing to do. I admire that.103
William BarclayIn the time we have it is surely our duty to do all the good we can to all the people we can in all the ways we can.103
William PennTime is what we want most, but what we use worst. 103
Wolfman JackHalf the time I feel like I'm appealing to the downer freaks out there. We start to play one downer record after another until I begin to get down myself. Give me something from 1960 or something; let me get up again. The music of today is for downer freaks, and I'm an upper.103
Yevgeny YevtushenkoTime has a way of demonstrating that the most stubborn are the most intelligent.103
Alan LakeinTime = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.103
Daphne GuinnessFragrance takes you on a journey of time. You can walk down the street and pass someone and get taken back 20 years. It's very Proustian that way.103
George William CurtisRomance like a ghost escapes touching; it is always where you are not, not where you are. The interview or conversation was prose at the time, but it is poetry in the memory.103
Hoda Kotb'Ten Years Later' is about the journey six extraordinary people take with time. Each has experienced a game-changing event - perhaps a life-threatening illness or a catastrophic personal loss.103
James CameronEvery time you dive, you hope you'll see something new - some new species. Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift, sometimes it doesn't.103
James DobsonClearly, unless the Lord chooses to explain Himself to us, which often He does not, His motivation and purposes are beyond the reach of mortal man. What this means in practical terms is that many of our questions - especially those that begin with the word 'why' - will have to remain unanswered for the time being.103
Jessica LangePhotography was a blessing because it filled my time.103
John Archibald WheelerTime is what prevents everything from happening at once.103
John LubbockRest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.103
John O'DonohueWe live between the act of awakening and the act of surrender. Each morning, we awaken to the light and the invitation to a new day in the world of time; each night, we surrender to the dark to be taken to play in the world of dreams where time is no more.103
Josiah Gilbert HollandOne thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast withers as rapidly; and that which grows slow endures.103
Madeleine M. KuninIt's time for women to wake up, to use the power of the vote, to honor the suffragists who chained themselves to the White House fence so that women could vote.103
Sidonie Gabrielle ColetteSmokers, male and female, inject and excuse idleness in their lives every time they light a cigarette.103
Tillie OlsenAnd when is there time to remember, to sift, to weigh, to estimate, to total?103
Warren E. BurgerConcepts of justice must have hands and feet to carry out justice in every case in the shortest possible time and the lowest possible cost. This is the challenge to every lawyer and judge in America.103
Alexander ChaseWhen a machine begins to run without human aid, it is time to scrap it - whether it be a factory or a government.103
Joe LiebermanThis is an exciting time. I believe we stand at the edge of a new age - a Golden Age - of freedom that will rival any of the great eras of world history because it will be the entire world itself that is changing.103
Aly RaismanI really like the retro look. My regular clothing, I like to always keep it classy and I like to kind of be more dressed up more of the time. I'm not really someone you see in sweatpants a lot.103
Dale EvansChristmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas. 103
Marguerite DurasThe best way to fill time is to waste it. 103
Jahangir KhanDuring my time, squash was not even part of Asian or Commonwealth Games. Considering the dominance of Jansher Khan and I in the '80s and '90s, it goes without saying that Pakistan would have bagged a plethora of medals through us at these games. And yes, the ultimate prize would have been an Olympic gold.103
John TurnerMy time is now.103
Abraham LincolnMy dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth. 104
Deepak ChopraMany scientists think that philosophy has no place, so for me it's a sad time because the role of reflection, contemplation, meditation, self inquiry, insight, intuition, imagination, creativity, free will, is in a way not given any importance, which is the domain of philosophers.104
George CarlinSome people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.104
Henry FordFailure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. 104
Henry Wadsworth LongfellowMan is always more than he can know of himself; consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.104
LeBron JamesMy father wasn't around when I was a kid, and I used to always say, 'Why me? Why don't I have a father? Why isn't he around? Why did he leave my mother?' But as I got older I looked deeper and thought, 'I don't know what my father was going through, but if he was around all the time, would I be who I am today?'104
Lil WayneThe more time you spend contemplating what you should have done... you lose valuable time planning what you can and will do.104
Louis XIVEvery time I appoint someone to a vacant position, I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful.104
Sigmund FreudTime spent with cats is never wasted. 104
Taylor SwiftMy ultimate goal is to end up being happy. Most of the time.104
Ice CubeMy grandmother worked at one of those Bel-Air mansions, and we would go - not too often, but every now and then - to pick her up. Hollywood was probably 12 miles from my house, but it might as well have been a million miles away. The only time I saw that world was on TV. Until I started making records.104
NasI wish the music business was a much easier thing, but you know what? Nothing easy is worth anything. So it is what it is. There comes a time when things can work out and everybody can be happy. And that's what it's all about in the end - everybody being happy and working it out.104
Calvin CoolidgeKnowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity.104
Lionel MessiI've always really just liked football, and I've always devoted a lot of time to it. When I was a kid, my friends would call me to go out with them, but I would stay home because I had practice the next day.104
Adlai E. StevensonThere was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody.104
Ai WeiweiThe seed is a household object but at the same time it is a revolutionary symbol.104
Alexander McQueenI came to terms with not fitting in a long time ago. I never really fitted in. I don't want to fit in. And now people are buying into that.104
bell hooksFor me, forgiveness and compassion are always linked: how do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?104
Bill BradleyEvery time I have some moment on a seashore, or in the mountains, or sometimes in a quiet forest, I think this is why the environment has to be preserved.104
Bill CosbyNothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is eight or nine, he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.104
Charles M. SchulzI have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.104
Charles StanleyWe can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.104
David BaileyAll I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It was the only thing I ever got right at school.104
Demi LovatoWhere I am today... I still have my ups and downs, but I take it one day at a time and I just hope that I can be the best that I can possibly be, not only for myself, but also young people that are out there today that need someone to look up to.104
Derek JeterYou're playing a game, whether it's Little League or Game 7 of the Word Series. It's impossible to do well unless you're having a good time. People talk about pressure. Yeah, there's pressure. But I just look at it as fun.104
Edith SitwellI have often wished I had time to cultivate modesty... but I am too busy thinking about myself.104
Evelyn WaughPunctuality is the virtue of the bored.104
Gary JohnsonAs I told the students every time I visited a campus, you are the director of your own movie, and if you aren't enjoying what you are doing, change it.104
Geoffrey ChaucerTime and tide wait for no man. 104
George ForemanSo many of us have loved ones and people we really care about, and the only time we show affection is when they are gone. I have preached at funerals, and you see loved ones who didn't even say hello to dear ones when they were alive. Give them hugs, kisses while they are alive and need it.104
Gertrude SteinEverybody thinks that this civilization has lasted a very long time but it really does take very few grandfathers' granddaughters to take us back to the dark ages.104
Gordon RamsayThe pressure on young chefs today is far greater than ever before in terms of social skills, marketing skills, cooking skills, personality and, more importantly, delivering on the plate. So you need to be strong. Physically fit. So my chefs get weighed every time they come into the kitchen.104
Gunter GrassEveryone is born into a certain era. I wouldn't want to see anyone faced with the circumstances that prevailed at the time, when there were few or no alternatives.104
Hedy LamarrThe ceremony took six minutes. The marriage lasted about the same amount of time though we didn't get a divorce for almost a year.104
Hugh JackmanI like to dress up in a tailored suit from time to time, and there's a tailor I go to in Naples who's fantastic. But if I told anyone his name, I'd have to kill them.104
Jean de la BruyereThose who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.104
Kareem Abdul-JabbarI try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing.104
Karl KrausJournalist: a person without any ideas but with an ability to express them; a writer whose skill is improved by a deadline: the more time he has, the worse he writes.104
Laurence OlivierLiving is strife and torment, disappointment and love and sacrifice, golden sunsets and black storms. I said that some time ago, and today I do not think I would add one word.104
Louis L'AmourFor one who reads, there is no limit to the number of lives that may be lived, for fiction, biography, and history offer an inexhaustible number of lives in many parts of the world, in all periods of time.104
Louisa May AlcottWomen have been called queens for a long time, but the kingdom given them isn't worth ruling.104
Michio KakuWhen I get bored, or get stuck on an equation, I like to go ice skating, but it makes you forget your problem. Then you can tackle the problem with a fresh new insight. Einstein liked to play the violin to relax. Every physicist likes to have a past time. Mine is ice skating.104
Nancy GibbsI live in a dumb house. Which is not to say that I don't love its quirky charm, its drafty windows and leaky fireplaces and an electrical system that protests when too many people are trying to vacuum and microwave at the same time. But charm is not always user-friendly.104
O. HenryIf men knew how women pass the time when they are alone, they'd never marry.104
Orville WrightThe airplane stays up because it doesn't have the time to fall.104
Paramahansa YoganandaThe season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success. 104
Paul GauguinLife is hardly more than a fraction of a second. Such a little time to prepare oneself for eternity!104
Pete TownshendWe tried not to age, but time had its rage.104
Robert H. SchullerTough times never last, but tough people do. 104
Shirley ChisholmThe liberals in the House strongly resemble liberals I have known through the last two decades in the civil rights conflict. When it comes time to show on which side they will be counted, they excuse themselves.104
Ted WilliamsBy the time you know what to do, you're too old to do it.104
Thomas MannTime has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.104
Tim Berners-LeeAnyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch.104
Tom RobbinsWe waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love. 104
Wangari MaathaiWomen are responsible for their children, they cannot sit back, waste time and see them starve.104
Will FerrellI have only been funny about seventy four per cent of the time. Yes I think that is right. Seventy-four per cent of the time.104
Willie NelsonI got along without you before I met you and I'll get along without you a long time after you're gone.104
Adrienne RichIt's exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness; it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful.104
Avril LavigneI was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated.104
J. Michael StraczynskiPeople spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives.104
James StewartOne time they traded me for seven horses. Seven stunt horses.104
John O'DonohueMost people are enduring a marginalized isolation. One of the great obstacles to modern friendships is the 'religion of rush.' People are rushing all the time through time. Friendship takes time.104
Roy BeanTime will pass and seasons will come and go.104
Ruth BenedictWe grow in time to trust the future for our answers.104
Milla JovovichDuring the day I force myself to at least eat some salads rather than rubbish, and a steak in the evening. In fact, I eat to basically satisfy my hunger. I hardly have the time to appreciate a meal, and I'm everything, but a gourmet.104
Anita BrooknerTime misspent in youth is sometimes all the freedom one ever has.104
Edwin Way TealeTime and space - time to be alone, space to move about - these may well become the great scarcities of tomorrow.104
Max FrischTime does not change us. It just unfolds us.104
Robby KriegerThe time to hesitate is through.104
ConfuciusOur greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 105
Baruch SpinozaOne and the same thing can at the same time be good, bad, and indifferent, e.g., music is good to the melancholy, bad to those who mourn, and neither good nor bad to the deaf.105
Bruce LeeIf you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of. 105
Cesar ChavezIt is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.105
Elon MuskBrand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.105
HippocratesHealing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. 105
John LennonTime you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. 105
Lyndon B. JohnsonJerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time.105
Michael JordanThe game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I've always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It's been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It's a relationship that has evolved over time, given me the greatest respect and love for the game.105
Rabindranath TagoreThe butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. 105
T. S. EliotWe shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. 105
W. H. AudenLike everything which is not the involuntary result of fleeting emotion but the creation of time and will, any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting than any romance, however passionate.105
Benito MussoliniThe best blood will at some time get into a fool or a mosquito.105
Christopher McCandlessI don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters.105
Jane GoodallIt's been proven by quite a few studies that plants are good for our psychological development. If you green an area, the rate of crime goes down. Torture victims begin to recover when they spend time outside in a garden with flowers. So we need them, in some deep psychological sense, which I don't suppose anybody really understands yet.105
Ambrose BierceFuture. That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is assured. 105
Barbara BushAt the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.105
Bill WattersonGenius is never understood in its own time.105
Casey StengelYou gotta lose 'em some of the time. When you do, lose 'em right.105
Charles KetteringYou can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. 105
Cristiano RonaldoIn football, I don't have a lot of friends. The people who I really trust, there are not many... Most of the time, I'm alone.105
Dick CheneyWhen George Bush asked me to sign on, it obviously wasn't because he was worried about carrying Wyoming. We got 70 percent of the vote in Wyoming, although those three electoral votes turned out to be pretty important last time around.105
Jean de La FontainePatience and time do more than strength or passion. 105
Les DawsonMy wife is a sex object - every time I ask for sex, she objects.105
Ludwig Mies van der RoheIt took me a long time to understand the relationship between ideas and between objective facts. But after I clearly understood this relationship, I didn't fool around with other wild ideas. That is one of the main reasons why I just make my scheme as simple as possible.105
Michael PhelpsI think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.105
Orison Swett MardenDo not waste time dreaming of great faraway opportunities; do the best you can where you are. Open your petals of power and beauty and fling out the fragrance of your life in the place that has been assigned to you.105
Ralph MarstonWhen was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing - just sitting and looking at the sea, or watching the wind blowing the tree limbs, or waves rippling on a pond, a flickering candle or children playing in the park?105
Roger EbertEvery great film should seem new every time you see it.105
Saul AlinskyLife is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life.105
Thomas J. WatsonWisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to the proper use.105
Wangari MaathaiSome say that AIDS came from the monkeys, and I doubt that because we have been living with monkeys from time immemorial, others say it was a curse from God, but I say it cannot be that.105
Barbara SherYou can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.105
Jean PaulEvery man regards his own life as the New Year's Eve of time.105
Manfred von RichthofenI have had an experience which might perhaps be described as being shot down. At the same time, I call shot down only when one falls down. Today I got into trouble but I escaped with a whole skin.105
John CageThere is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot.105
Mark TwainThe fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.106
Maya AngelouWhen someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. 106
Andrew JacksonTake time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. 106
David AttenboroughWell, I'm having a good time. Which makes me feel guilty too. How very English.106
Erma BombeckOnion rings in the car cushions do not improve with time.106
Ernest HemingwayAn intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools. 106
Kendrick LamarWhen you go on your Twitter or look down your Timeline and it's all great positivity - I love that. But at the same time, it can really divert you from what your purpose is or what you're trying to do. And I've seen artists get caught up in that.106
Rabindranath TagoreLet your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. 106
Saint AugustineSince you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you.106
Steven WrightMy secret to staying young... Having no sense of time.106
Thomas MertonWe are so obsessed with doing that we have no time and no imagination left for being. As a result, men are valued not for what they are but for what they do or what they have - for their usefulness.106
Percy Bysshe ShelleyHistory is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man.106
Joyce MeyerIt's so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health.106
Tennessee WilliamsThe strongest influences in my life and my work are always whomever I love. Whomever I love and am with most of the time, or whomever I remember most vividly. I think that's true of everyone, don't you?106
Christopher ReeveI am optimistic. But I also know that, with time, I'm beginning to fight issues of aging as well as long-term paralysis.106
Earl NightingaleLearn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.106
George H. W. BushPlease don't ask me to do that which I've just said I'm not going to do, because you're burning up time. The meter is running through the sand on you, and I am now filibustering.106
H. G. WellsEvery time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race. 106
Hugh JackmanI'm not a kid. You don't get in this business for anonymity. It's not like I have posters of myself on the wall, but at the same time, I'm kind of ready for a little bit of it, but I worry for my little one, and my family - their privacy. That's what I'm more protective of.106
Igor StravinskyMusic is given to us with the sole purpose of establishing an order in things, including, and particularly, the coordination between man and time.106
Jawaharlal NehruTime is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves.106
Joan RiversThe first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it.106
Josh BillingsThere's a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it.106
Laurence J. PeterEvery girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away.106
MenciusEvil exists to glorify the good. Evil is negative good. It is a relative term. Evil can be transmuted into good. What is evil to one at one time, becomes good at another time to somebody else.106
OvidLike fragile ice anger passes away in time.106
Salman RushdieWe live in a frightened time, and people self-censor all the time and are afraid of going into some subjects because they are worried about violent reactions.106
Samuel SmilesLost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.106
Suze OrmanTrue generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.106
Umberto EcoA book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements and clumsy hands. so the librarian protects the books not only against mankind but also against nature and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion.106
John Archibald WheelerTime is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.106
David RussellThe present is a point just passed.106
Jonathan CarrollBoth young children and old people have a lot of time on their hands. That's probably why they get along so well.106
AristotleAnybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.107
Bruce LeeIf you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done. 107
Leo BuscagliaIt is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.107
Napoleon HillDon't wait. The time will never be just right. 107
Neil deGrasse TysonI know of no time in human history where ignorance was better than knowledge.107
Rabindranath TagoreDon't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time. 107
Rene DescartesThe senses deceive from time to time, and it is prudent never to trust wholly those who have deceived us even once.107
T. S. EliotTelevision is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.107
Taylor SwiftI think every girl's dream is to find a bad boy at the right time, when he wants to not be bad anymore.107
Zig ZiglarTake time to be kind and to say 'thank you.'107
Alvin TofflerFuture shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time.107
Anthony J. D'AngeloRealize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.107
Bill WattersonThere is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do.107
Donald RumsfeldYou will launch many projects, but have time to finish only a few. So think, plan, develop, launch and tap good people to be responsible. Give them authority and hold them accountable. Trying to do too much yourself creates a bottleneck.107
Emma WatsonI would love to persuade Christopher Bailey to get even just a section of Burberry that's, like, organic or free trade. I love him, he's a very good person and an amazing designer, and I have a lot of respect and time for him.107
Giordano BrunoTime is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.107
Jeremy BenthamThe principle of asceticism never was, nor ever can be, consistently pursued by any living creature. Let but one tenth part of the inhabitants of the earth pursue it consistently, and in a day's time they will have turned it into a Hell.107
Robert KiyosakiA financial crisis is a great time for professional investors and a horrible time for average ones.107
Ross PerotSpend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You'd be amazed how many companies don't listen to their customers.107
Sam HoustonI would not be gotten into a schoolhouse until I was eight years old. Nor did I accomplish much after I started. I doubt if I had gone to school six months in all when my father died. I was fourteen at the time.107
Scott AdamsIf there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?107
Thornton WilderIt is only in appearance that time is a river. It is rather a vast landscape and it is the eye of the beholder that moves.107
William PennFor death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.107
Marcus AureliusWaste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. 108
George W. BushLeadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means character, and it means listening from time to time.108
John C. MaxwellTime management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have.108
Katharine HepburnTo keep your character intact you cannot stoop to filthy acts. It makes it easier to stoop the next time.108
Lil WayneI believe music should reflect yourself in some way and not just yourself at the given time. I feel that when you die or when you're going, someone's supposed to listen to that music and know everything about you. And I just try to get that across.108
Rosa ParksI had felt for a long time that, if I was ever told to get up so a white person could sit, that I would refuse to do so.108
Tupac ShakurIt seems like every time you come up something happens to bring you back down. 108
Queen Elizabeth IIWe lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to keep.108
Richard P. FeynmanWe are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on.108
Sylvia PlathIf neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.108
Charles StanleyMotherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.108
E. B. WhiteI would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.108
Helen Hunt JacksonO sweet, delusive Noon, Which the morning climbs to find, O moment sped too soon, And morning left behind.108
Menachem Mendel SchneersonSo during those first moments of the day, which are yours and yours alone, you can circumvent these boundaries and concentrate fully on spiritual matters. And this gives you the opportunity to plan the time management of the entire day.108
Norman CousinsOptimism doesn't wait on facts. It deals with prospects. Pessimism is a waste of time.108
Robert Green IngersollHappiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.108
Serena WilliamsLuck has nothing to do with it, because I have spent many, many hours, countless hours, on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would come.108
Samuel GompersTime is the most valuable thing on earth: time to think, time to act, time to extend our fraternal relations, time to become better men, time to become better women, time to become better and more independent citizens.108
George WashingtonThe time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.109
Bertrand RussellIn America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards.109
EminemI try to treat all the money I'm making like it's the last time I'm going to make it.109
Harry S TrumanNixon is one of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides.109
Henry Wadsworth LongfellowIt takes less time to do a thing right, than it does to explain why you did it wrong.109
Leo BuscagliaDeath is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.109
Leo TolstoyIf there existed no external means for dimming their consciences, one-half of the men would at once shoot themselves, because to live contrary to one's reason is a most intolerable state, and all men of our time are in such a state.109
Rodney DangerfieldI drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it.109
Simon SinekStarbucks was founded around the experience and the environment of their stores. Starbucks was about a space with comfortable chairs, lots of power outlets, tables and desks at which we could work and the option to spend as much time in their stores as we wanted without any pressure to buy. The coffee was incidental.109
Simone de BeauvoirIt is old age, rather than death, that is to be contrasted with life. Old age is life's parody, whereas death transforms life into a destiny: in a way it preserves it by giving it the absolute dimension. Death does away with time.109
Thomas PaineI prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.109
Walt WhitmanViewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of all.109
Warren BuffettSomeone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. 109
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.109
Oprah WinfreyDo the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.109
Dag HammarskjoldTime goes by, reputation increases, ability declines.109
Desiderius ErasmusTime takes away the grief of men.109
Elisabeth Kubler-RossIt's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.109
Eugene IonescoWe have not the time to take our time.109
Francoise SaganThe one thing I regret is that I will never have time to read all the books I want to read.109
Fred AllenThe last time I saw him he was walking down lover's lane holding his own hand.109
Golda MeirI must govern the clock, not be governed by it. 109
Jean de La FontaineSadness flies away on the wings of time. 109
Mason CooleyThe time I kill is killing me.109
Miguel de CervantesFor a man to attain to an eminent degree in learning costs him time, watching, hunger, nakedness, dizziness in the head, weakness in the stomach, and other inconveniences.109
Robert Green IngersollThe time to be happy is now, and the place to be happy is here.109
Tom BradyMy sisters like cooking at my place. It has a bit more room, and the food tastes a little bit better. A big pot of spaghetti and sauce, some warm French bread - works all the time. I think I've been eating pasta for 26 years.109
John DrydenTime, place, and action may with pains be wrought, but genius must be born; and never can be taught.109
Arthur SchopenhauerOpinion is like a pendulum and obeys the same law. If it goes past the centre of gravity on one side, it must go a like distance on the other; and it is only after a certain time that it finds the true point at which it can remain at rest.110
Leonard CohenWhen you stop thinking about yourself all the time, a certain sense of repose overtakes you.110
Robin WilliamsI only ever play Vegas one night at a time. It's a hideous, gaudy place; it may not be the end of the world per se, but you can certainly see it from there.110
Rosa ParksTime begins the healing process of wounds cut deeply by oppression. We soothe ourselves with the salve of attempted indifference, accepting the false pattern set up by the horrible restriction of Jim Crow laws.110
Stephen HawkingTime travel used to be thought of as just science fiction, but Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out.110
James JoyceNo pen, no ink, no table, no room, no time, no quiet, no inclination.110
Joe BidenLet's just be smart this time. I'm looking for smart.110
Margaret MeadThanks to television, for the first time the young are seeing history made before it is censored by their elders.110
Og MandinoIt is those who concentrates on but one thing at a time who advance in this world. The great man or woman is the one who never steps outside his or her specialty or foolishly dissipates his or her individuality.110
Richard P. FeynmanI was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.110
Charles StanleyI'm convinced that the man who has learned to meditate upon the Lord will be able to run on his feet and walk in his spirit. Although he may be hurried by his vocation, that's not the issue. The issue is how fast his spirit is going. To slow it down takes a period of time.110
Henry Van DykeTime is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.110
Jackie RobinsonThe right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time.110
John Kenneth GalbraithAll of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership.110
Josh BillingsThreescore years and ten is enough; if a man can't suffer all the misery he wants in that time, he must be numb.110
Laurence J. PeterBureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.110
Paul HarveyIn times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.110
Thomas HardyTime changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change. 110
Will DurantIt may be true that you can't fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.110
Maya AngelouIt is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.111
Thomas JeffersonThe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. 111
Charles SpurgeonHowever great may be the work for which we are responsible, we will always do well if we pause to spend time in sacred praise.111
F. Scott FitzgeraldThe test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.111
Kurt VonnegutAny man can call time out, but no man can say how long the time out will be.111
Stephen CoveyThe bottom line is, when people are crystal clear about the most important priorities of the organization and team they work with and prioritized their work around those top priorities, not only are they many times more productive, they discover they have the time they need to have a whole life.111
Swami VivekanandaOur duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.111
Thomas MertonOctober is a fine and dangerous season in America. a wonderful time to begin anything at all. You go to college, and every course in the catalogue looks wonderful.111
Antoine de Saint-ExuperyThe time for action is now. It's never too late to do something. 111
Jackie KennedyThe first time you marry for love, the second for money, and the third for companionship. 111
Walter ScottEach age has deemed the new-born year the fittest time for festal cheer. 111
Johann Kaspar LavaterWho makes quick use of the moment is a genius of prudence.111
Friedrich NietzscheAll things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.112
Mark TwainWhenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. 112
William ShakespeareBetter three hours too soon than a minute too late. 112
Charles DickensI never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.112
Charlie ChaplinI had no idea of the character. But the moment I was dressed, the clothes and the make-up made me feel the person he was. I began to know him, and by the time I walked onto the stage he was fully born.112
Coco ChanelDon't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. 112
Douglas AdamsTime is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.112
Ray BradburyIf we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.112
W. H. AudenIf time were the wicked sheriff in a horse opera, I'd pay for riding lessons and take his gun away.112
Warren BuffettTime is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.112
Elbert HubbardCharacter is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time.112
EuripidesYouth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor.112
Herbert HooverOnce upon a time my political opponents honored me as possessing the fabulous intellectual and economic power by which I created a worldwide depression all by myself.112
John SteinbeckThese words dropped into my childish mind as if you should accidentally drop a ring into a deep well. I did not think of them much at the time, but there came a day in my life when the ring was fished up out of the well, good as new.112
Johnny DeppIt's good to experience Hollywood in short bursts, I guess. Little snippets. I don't think I can handle being here all the time, it's pretty nutty.112
Robert Louis StevensonYou cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?112
Sydney J. HarrisThe time to relax is when you don't have time for it. 112
Dario FoKnow how to live the time that is given you.112
Maya AngelouAll great achievements require time. 113
Arthur SchopenhauerEvery possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.113
Billy GrahamThe only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.113
Harry S TrumanAll the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway.113
Mitch HedbergEvery time I go and shave, I assume there's someone else on the planet shaving. So I say, 'I'm gonna go shave, too.'113
Steven WrightI'm seeing the world partially through the eyes of a kid. Not all the time. There's no black and white to it. But sometimes I'm seeing it like I'm 4.113
Thomas MertonWe have what we seek, it is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known to us.113
Vince LombardiWinning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while... you don't do things right once in a while... you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.113
VirgilTime passes irrevocably.113
Angelina JolieI like to hide behind the characters I play. Despite the public perception, I am a very private person who has a hard time with the fame thing.113
Joyce MeyerAs you read or listen to God's Word and spend time talking to Him in prayer, your spirit will eventually become stronger than your flesh.113
H. G. WellsI want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own.113
Horace MannUnfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person's money as his time.113
Sydney J. HarrisOur dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.113
Anna HeldWe must go fast, because the race is against time.113
Dr. SeussHow did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?114
William ShakespeareAll the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.114
Arnold SchwarzeneggerI didn't leave bodybuilding until I felt that I had gone as far as I could go. It will be the same with my film career. When I feel the time is right, I will then consider public service. I feel that the highest honor comes from serving people and your country.114
Elon MuskYou need to live in a dome initially, but over time you could terraform Mars to look like Earth and eventually walk around outside without anything on... So it's a fixer-upper of a planet.114
Groucho MarxNo man goes before his time - unless the boss leaves early. 114
Malcolm XI believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don't believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn't know how to return the treatment.114
Viktor E. FranklLive as if you were living a second time, and as though you had acted wrongly the first time.114
Georgia O'KeeffeIt was in the 1920s, when nobody had time to reflect, that I saw a still-life painting with a flower that was perfectly exquisite, but so small you really could not appreciate it.114
Og MandinoTo be always intending to make a new and better life but never to find time to set about it is as to put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day to the next until you're dead.114
Marcus AureliusTime is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.115
Nelson MandelaWe must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right. 115
Anne FrankI must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.115
Coco ChanelFashion is always of the time in which you live. It is not something standing alone. But the grand problem, the most important problem, is to rejeuvenate women. To make women look young. Then their outlook changes. They feel more joyous.115
EpictetusNothing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig. I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.115
Peter DruckerTime is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.115
T. S. EliotPoetry may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being, to which we rarely penetrate; for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves.115
Thomas AquinasIt is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes.115
VirgilTime is flying never to return.115
AeschylusBut time growing old teaches all things.115
Earl NightingaleDon't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.115
Suzan-Lori ParksEach moment is perfect and heaven-sent, in that each moment holds the seeds for growth.115
Benjamin FranklinLost time is never found again. 116
Maya AngelouLove is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time. 116
Kurt CobainEvery time I see documentaries or infomercials about little kids with cancer, I just freak out. It affects me on the highest emotional level... Anytime I think about it, it makes me sadder than anything I can think of.116
Robert KennedyOne-fifth of the people are against everything all the time.116
T. S. EliotAs things are, and as fundamentally they must always be, poetry is not a career, but a mug's game. No honest poet can ever feel quite sure of the permanent value of what he has written: He may have wasted his time and messed up his life for nothing.116
Virginia WoolfI want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing: have no time to waste any more on prose.116
Vladimir LeninWhen one makes a Revolution, one cannot mark time; one must always go forward - or go back. He who now talks about the 'freedom of the press' goes backward, and halts our headlong course towards Socialism.116
VirgilAll our sweetest hours fly fastest.116
Calvin CoolidgeI have found it advisable not to give too much heed to what people say when I am trying to accomplish something of consequence. Invariably they proclaim it can't be done. I deem that the very best time to make the effort.116
ChanakyaThe wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.116
MichelangeloThere is no greater harm than that of time wasted.116
Charles Caleb ColtonMuch may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away.116
James M. BarrieYou must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.116
PericlesTime is the wisest counselor of all.116
Barack ObamaWe need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent.117
Ralph Waldo EmersonEvery particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole.117
Steve JobsMy favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.117
George S. PattonThere is a time to take counsel of your fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear.117
Margaret ThatcherNo woman in my time will be prime minister or chancellor or foreign secretary - not the top jobs. Anyway, I wouldn't want to be prime minister; you have to give yourself 100 percent.117
T. S. EliotA play should give you something to think about. When I see a play and understand it the first time, then I know it can't be much good.117
Tupac ShakurThe only time I have problems is when I sleep.117
Victor HugoAn invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.117
Charles LambNothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet nothing troubles me less.117
Doug LarsonFor disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work.117
Abraham LincolnYou can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.118
Mark TwainLoyalty to the Nation all the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it. 118
Anais NinI stopped loving my father a long time ago. What remained was the slavery to a pattern.118
Elie WieselFor me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.118
John DeweyTime and memory are true artists; they remould reality nearer to the heart's desire. 118
John WoodenIf you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? 118
Lucius Annaeus SenecaEverywhere is nowhere. When a person spends all his time in foreign travel, he ends by having many acquaintances, but no friends.118
William Butler YeatsThe innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time.118
James A. BaldwinTo be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.118
John SteinbeckWe spend our time searching for security and hate it when we get it.118
Bo BennettDiplomacy is more than saying or doing the right things at the right time, it is avoiding saying or doing the wrong things at any time.118
Donald TrumpI think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been challenged by so many people, and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either.119
Maya AngelouI learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me.119
Ronald ReaganWe must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.119
Rodney DangerfieldI remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.119
Yogi BerraHow can you think and hit at the same time? 119
AeschylusTime brings all things to pass.119
Theodore RooseveltNine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time. 120
Charles DickensNature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, it is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress.120
Groucho MarxI find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.120
Kurt CobainDrugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with with your self-esteem. They're no good at all.120
Martin HeideggerTrue time is four-dimensional.120
Alexander HamiltonSafety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct. Even the ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give way to its dictates.121
Donald TrumpI have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it's time America was run like a business.121
Oscar WildeEducation is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.121
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 121
Bertrand RussellI've made an odd discovery. Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I'm convinced of the opposite.121
Bob MarleyEvery time I plant a seed, He say kill it before it grow, he say kill it before they grow.121
Edgar Allan PoeThe nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led.121
George CarlinI think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven't tried that for a while. Maybe this time it'll work.121
George S. PattonThe time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!121
John WoodenThere's as much crookedness as you want to find. There was something Abraham Lincoln said - he'd rather trust and be disappointed than distrust and be miserable all the time. Maybe I trusted too much.121
Margaret ThatcherIf you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.121
Denis WaitleyTime is the most precious element of human existence. The successful person knows how to put energy into time and how to draw success from time.121
Carl SandburgTime is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.121
John F. KennedyIn a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics.122
Marcus AureliusYou must become an old man in good time if you wish to be an old man long.122
George Bernard ShawSuccess does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. 122
Groucho MarxThe first thing which I can record concerning myself is, that I was born. These are wonderful words. This life, to which neither time nor eternity can bring diminution - this everlasting living soul, began. My mind loses itself in these depths.122
Hunter S. ThompsonJustice is expensive in America. There are no Free Passes... You might want to remember this, the next time you get careless and blow off a few Parking Tickets. They will come back to haunt you the next time you see a Cop car in your rear-view mirror.122
Pope John Paul IIToday, for the first time in history, a Bishop of Rome sets foot on English soil. This fair land, once a distant outpost of the pagan world, has become, through the preaching of the Gospel, a beloved and gifted portion of Christ's vineyard.122
Vincent Van GoghIf one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things.122
Denis WaitleyLearn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.122
Sarah McLachlanTime is a beautiful thing. It's like when you meet an old lover on the street six years later and they don't look so ugly anymore.122
Benjamin FranklinYou may delay, but time will not. 123
Harry S TrumanWell, I wouldn't say that I was in the great class, but I had a great time while I was trying to be great.123
Leonardo da VinciIn rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.123
Pablo PicassoNever permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.123
Vince LombardiWe didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time. 123
Thomas CarlyleWondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, and its power of endurance - the cheerful man will do more in the same time, will do it; better, will preserve it longer, than the sad or sullen.123
H. L. MenckenImmorality: the morality of those who are having a better time.124
Ralph Waldo EmersonOur greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. 124
Albert CamusBeauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time.124
John LockeAs people are walking all the time, in the same spot, a path appears. 124
Denis WaitleyAs long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.124
Francois RabelaisIt is my feeling that Time ripens all things; with Time all things are revealed; Time is the father of truth.124
Malcolm ForbesBy the time we've made it, we've had it.124
C. S. LewisThe future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.125
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others.125
Leonardo da VinciTime stays long enough for anyone who will use it. 125
Winston ChurchillThis is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure. 126
Thomas A. EdisonWaste is worse than loss. The time is coming when every person who lays claim to ability will keep the question of waste before him constantly. The scope of thrift is limitless.126
Warren BuffettThe only time to buy these is on a day with no 'y' in it.126
Will RogersHalf our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.126
Charles Caleb ColtonThe present time has one advantage over every other - it is our own.126
Karl MarxThe ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.201
Victor HugoAll the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. 201
Daniel J. BoorstinTime makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.201
ConfuciusA youth, when at home, should be filial and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies.202
Martin Luther King, Jr.The time is always right to do what is right. 202
Lord ByronThe busy have no time for tears.202
Walt WhitmanI cannot be awake for nothing looks to me as it did before, Or else I am awake for the first time, and all before has been a mean sleep.202
Will RogersThe only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.202
Thomas CarlyleSilence is as deep as eternity, speech a shallow as time.202
Theodore RooseveltThe only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.203
Bertrand RussellI believe in using words, not fists. I believe in my outrage knowing people are living in boxes on the street. I believe in honesty. I believe in a good time. I believe in good food. I believe in sex.203
Steven WrightI saw a bank that said '24 Hour Banking', but I don't have that much time.203
Karl MarxWe should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the most time's carcass.204
Malcolm XIn all our deeds, the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure.204
Sigmund FreudCivilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.204
Agatha ChristieEverything that has existed, lingers in the Eternity.204
Ernest HemingwayAll my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.205
Donald TrumpIf you look - look at - I mean, look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, 'Fellas, it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'206
Henry David ThoreauIf a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.206
Bertrand RussellThe time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. 206
Napoleon BonaparteThere is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time.206
Emily DickinsonForever is composed of nows. 207
Jim RohnTake time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future.207
Oscar WildeChildren begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.208
VoltairePerfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time.208
Jim RohnMake measurable progress in reasonable time.208
Henry FordIt has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. 209
Vladimir NabokovI confess, I do not believe in time.209
Paul ValeryThe trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be.210
Khalil GibranI existed from all eternity and, behold, I am here; and I shall exist till the end of time, for my being has no end.211
William ShakespeareI wasted time, and now doth time waste me.211
Mark TwainPatriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. 212
Henry FordMost people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. 212
Friedrich SchillerLose not yourself in a far off time, seize the moment that is thine.212
Mahatma GandhiI took the vow of celibacy in 1906. I had not shared my thoughts with my wife until then, but only consulted her at the time of making the vow. She had no objection.213
Douglas AdamsTime is bunk.213
Jim RohnTime is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. 213
Saint AugustineWhat then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.213
Thomas PaineTime makes more converts than reason.213
Benjamin FranklinTime is money. 214
Leonardo da VinciTime abides long enough for those who make use of it.214
Winston ChurchillOne does not leave a convivial party before closing time.215
Thomas JeffersonDetermine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.216
Benjamin FranklinIt is a grand mistake to think of being great without goodness and I pronounce it as certain that there was never a truly great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous.217
SophoclesOld age and the passage of time teach all things.217
SophoclesHide nothing, for time, which sees all and hears all, exposes all.218
Abraham LincolnLet the people on both sides keep their self-possession, and just as other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will this, and this great nation shall continue to prosper as before.219
Steven WrightI put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.219
Thomas JeffersonExperience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.221
W. H. AudenNow is the age of anxiety.222
Benjamin FranklinDost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. 225
Henry David ThoreauTime is but the stream I go a-fishing in.225
Friedrich NietzscheI cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.301
Theodore RooseveltIf there is not the war, you don't get the great general; if there is not a great occasion, you don't get a great statesman; if Lincoln had lived in a time of peace, no one would have known his name.301
AristotleWe praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time.303
Winston ChurchillMan will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on.304
John F. KennedyFor time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.305
Francis BaconFriends are thieves of time.306
Mahatma GandhiI suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people. 308
Donald TrumpEvery time you walk down the street people are screaming, 'You're fired!'309
Ambrose BierceDay, n. A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent.310
John F. KennedyWe must use time as a tool, not as a couch. 311
Mark TwainA round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.314
George Bernard ShawEverything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough. 315
Winston ChurchillIf you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.316
Thomas JeffersonThe God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.317
Benjamin FranklinIf time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.320
Thomas HuxleyTime, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth.320
Winston ChurchillNo idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered with a searching but at the same time a steady eye.321
Henry David ThoreauThe finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.322
Winston ChurchillWhen I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.324
Albert EinsteinI think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.325
William ShakespeareTime and the hour run through the roughest day.325
Abraham LincolnWhen I am getting ready to reason with a man, I spend one-third of my time thinking about myself and what I am going to say and two-thirds about him and what he is going to say.326
OvidTime, the devourer of all things.326
Martin Luther King, Jr.We must use time creatively. 412
Elon MuskIt would take six months to get to Mars if you go there slowly, with optimal energy cost. Then it would take eighteen months for the planets to realign. Then it would take six months to get back, though I can see getting the travel time down to three months pretty quickly if America has the will.413
Albert EinsteinThere comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.416
Khalil GibranTime has been transformed, and we have changed; it has advanced and set us in motion; it has unveiled its face, inspiring us with bewilderment and exhilaration.422
Albert EinsteinThe only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. 505
William ShakespeareWe are time's subjects, and time bids be gone.707
William ShakespeareLike as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, so do our minutes, hasten to their end. 715
Albert EinsteinI have just got a new theory of eternity.721

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