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Derek Jeter [1974-0] American
Rank: 101
Athlete, Baseball player

Derek Sanderson Jeter is an American former professional baseball shortstop who played 20 seasons in Major League Baseball for the New York Yankees. 

Dreams, Best, Good, Age, Funny, Future, Home, Hope, Morning, Movies, Positive, Respect, Success, Time, Work

There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do - and I believe that. Work
My best vacation is somewhere I could hide, somewhere warm and not a lot of people around. Best
Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests. Best, Good
You're playing a game, whether it's Little League or Game 7 of the Word Series. It's impossible to do well unless you're having a good time. People talk about pressure. Yeah, there's pressure. But I just look at it as fun. Good, Time
If you're going to play at all, you're out to win. Baseball, board games, playing Jeopardy, I hate to lose.
You don't just accidentally show up in the World Series.
The Yankees have strict rules. You can have a mustache but no other facial hair.
When you put a lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that's a really good feeling.
For me, when I was a kid, volunteering was the last thing I was thinking about. When I see kids doing it now, it amazes me. It's very impressive, it gives them something productive to do as opposed to getting in trouble. For them to take time out at such a young age is remarkable. I think all kids should take a little time out to volunteer. Age
So many people are insanely busy nowadays, and it's easy to say, 'Ah, I'll workout tomorrow.' But you have to set aside a time and stick to that schedule.
I'm not perfect; no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I think you try to learn from those mistakes.
I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong.
My heroes, my dreams, and my future lay in Yankee Stadium. And they can't take that away from me. Dreams, Future
We just want to win. That's the bottom line. I think a lot of times people may become content with one championship or a little bit of success, but we don't really reflect on what we've done in the past. We focus on the present. Success
I'd like to get a degree. You ever see the movie 'Back to School?' I'll go back with my kids.
I'm not a hermit, but I definitely stay in a lot more than I used to. There's more attention now then there ever was. You walk down the street with someone and it's a story. It becomes national news, you know what I mean? So, I still do things, but I stay home a lot more. Home
I try to sign for as many kids as possible. Kids come first, and I'll always sign for a kid before an adult. It's funny, because I was never big into autographs as a kid. The only player who I ever wanted an autograph from was Dave Winfield. Funny
Don't get me wrong; it's not like I didn't go out and have fun. But there's been a lot of players that come to New York and get caught up in the lifestyle, and before you know it, they're sent away to another team because it affected their performance.
Obviously, you're known for what you do. But you still want to be known as a good person. You're a person a lot longer before and after you're a professional athlete.
Your image isn't your character. Character is what you are as a person.
My dreams do not end with playing Major League Baseball. Dreams
Sometimes people complicate things by thinking too much about what someone might think of what they said or did.
You know what I want to do? Wake up one weekend and not have to go anywhere and do nothing.
I think sometimes people need to get used to an idea.
I've found that it's easier to stay in shape than it is to get into shape.
God, I hope I wear this jersey forever. Hope
Not everybody's a baseball fan.
You're a person a lot longer before and after you're a professional athlete. People always say to me, 'Your image is this, your image is that.' Your image isn't your character. Character is what you are as a person. That's what I worry about.
The first thing to know about playing baseball in Michigan is, Michigan's really cold.
You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun.
You forget about it whether it was 15-2 or 3-2. It's still a loss. It doesn't matter what the score was if we win tomorrow.
I have the greatest job in the world. Only one person can have it. You have shortstops on other teams - I'm not knocking other teams - but there's only one shortstop on the Yankees.
You gotta have fun.
What kind of influence did my parents have on my life? Well, they had the most influence. These are the people who are closest to me. My parents are very positive people. They've been supportive. They're always there. Positive
When I was younger, I was always taught not to make excuses.
You can't be sensitive, because you're going to get criticized. I don't care who you are, you're going to get criticized.
Athletics keeps us healthy, gets us up and running around. It also gives you an opportunity to meet a lot of different people, which is very important.
The last thing you want to do is finish playing or doing anything and wish you would have worked harder.
I like to hit the gym early in the morning. I feel better throughout the day when I get in a workout first thing in the morning. Morning
I always take criticism as a challenge. It's the way I've always looked at it.
My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true. Dreams
I went to school on Senior Skip Day.
I wish I trusted people more. But when I meet someone, the first thing is, 'What does this person want?' And I put up a defense mechanism. But I've always been that way.
During the off-season, I go to the movies almost every day. Movies
I think there's something wrong with me - I like to win in everything I do, regardless of what it is. You want to race down the street, I want to beat you. If we're playing checkers, I want to win. You beat me, it's going to bother me. I just enjoy competition.
I always have tried to treat people with respect, the way I want to be treated. Respect
I attribute much of my success in New York to my ability to understand and avoid unnecessary distractions.
Any player that says they don't want to go to an All-Star Game is lying to you. It's something everyone wants to be a part of.
I think, a lot of times, players get in trouble when they're asked questions and they think they have to find a way to answer it. If you ask me a question and I say, 'I don't know,' there's really no follow-up.
I've been playing baseball since I was 5 or 6 years old. I've been on a schedule, pretty much, since I was in eighth, ninth grade. I look forward to not doing that.
I've never been an actor on Broadway, but it feels like you're on a stage when you play at Yankee Stadium. And that's the feeling I've always had.
I like to dance and sing when there's no one around, but, if I'm out, I'm really shy about it. So it takes a lot to get me going, but I enjoy being around music.
I think everyone is ticklish. You just gotta find the right spots.
If you're going to win games, you're going to have to come up with the big hits. That's the bottom line.
It's never over. You don't want to be in the position to be down four runs in the ninth inning, but it's not over until the last out.
That's how you win - pitching and defense.
I remember going from rookie ball to A, to double A, then to triple A. At every level it seemed like the game was faster. The bigger the situation, the more the game speeds up. That's all mental. It messes people up.
You tell me you want to race down the street, I'm going to try to beat you. My grandmother asks me to race down the street, I'm going to try to beat her. And I'll probably enjoy it. Competitive to a fault, sometimes.
I want to own a team one day. You know, that's my next goal.
Through time you learn from your experiences. I think I've learned to deal with people a little bit better over time. That in particular has developed a little bit.
The draft is a crapshoot, so I've been very fortunate to be drafted by the Yankees, and to have spent my whole career here.
Everyone fears rejection.
When it was time for parent-teacher conferences, I remember that I was always embarrassed about what my parents would hear about me!
The big difference for me is that, as I get older, I find it's a lot easier to stay in shape than it is to get back in shape.
You can't quantify everything a player does to win games.
I've always been very aware of what I'm saying, but I'm also aware of what you're saying. I always want to make sure that my point is clear.
I'm a New Yorker now, and believe me, there's no comparison between the Big Apple and Kalamazoo, no similarity at all. New York City's hectic, always in fast-forward, and Kalamazoo's more laid-back, smaller, slower.
I get nervous watching teammates. I get nervous for them. Late in the game, pressure situation, I'm nervous for them.
The number one priority is playing baseball. There are so many people in New York trying to get you to do this and get you to do that, which is fine, but you have to take care of yourself.
I always appreciated the ex-players. Being a Yankee, you get spoiled. Old-Timers Day, all these guys coming back, spring training, being around them, you get a chance to get to know them. So I always think you learn a lot by listening.
I always used to get in trouble for talking too much. When it was time for parent-teacher conferences, I remember that I was always embarrassed about what my parents would hear about me!
I looked up to my parents because they were very successful in what they wanted to do. I was lucky; I didn't have to look far for role models.
I'm very, very competitive. If my grandmother asks to race me down the street, I'm going to try to beat her. And I'll probably enjoy it!
I think when things linger, that's when they become a distraction. I don't want any distractions.
I can have fun anywhere, as long as I'm with good people. But in the offseason, I like to go somewhere warm, a nice spot in the Caribbean.
I've always had an interest in business, and my interest in business has really expanded over the years.
If I put my name on something, I'm going to be involved. I'm not just going to put my name on it and not pay attention.
I've been asked to sign a forehead.
Walking around sometimes, I would love to just be able to watch people, see how they act. Sometimes I would love to be invisible.
I hate the treadmill. I hate it. You really don't have to be on it that long, something like 20 or 30 minutes. It's all about getting your heart rate up.
I can see how people work out to feel better.
You hear about women buying shoes? I buy DVDs. I definitely have a problem.
I get asked enough questions, I try not to ask too many questions.
I try to stay as private as possible; I know that's difficult, especially playing here in New York, but I make an attempt at it.
I have feelings. I'm not emotionally stunted.
There's feelings there, but I think I've just been pretty good at trying to hide my emotions throughout the years. I try to have the same demeanor each and every day.
I've always been very cautious with what I do. You know, that started at a young age. I always had the approach or the mentality I never wanted to embarrass my parents.
Kids are our future.
The thing that means the most to me is being remembered as a Yankee, because that's what I've always wanted to be, was to be a Yankee.
My dad had been shortstop when he was in college, and you know, when you're a kid, you want to be just like your dad.
I voted for Obama.
No former player has owned a team in baseball.
I want to have a family.
You have to assume that everything you do is public knowledge. Everything. Because now everyone is a reporter. Everyone is a photographer.
I don't really see myself getting a Twitter account. Nothing against it. I get it. I especially get it for businesses.
I don't listen to opinions.
I've always been uncomfortable, so to speak, when the focus is on me.

The script ran 0.032 seconds.