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Bjork [1965-0]
Rank: 4
Musician, Singer-songwriter

Björk Guðmundsdóttir, known mononymously as Björk, is an Icelandic singer, songwriter and actress. Over her four-decade career, she has developed an eclectic musical style that draws on a wide range of influences and genres spanning electronic, pop, experimental, trip hop, IDM, classical, and avant-garde styles. 

Nature, Relationship, Age, Death, Music, Politics, Religion, Time

I'd done three solo albums in a row, and that's quite narcissistic.
A lot of the time I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in. I have that nerd factor in my character. Time
Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper.
I have written most of my melodies walking and I feel it is definitely one of the most helpful ways of sewing all of the different things in your life together and seeing the whole picture.
I get highs, to be totally honest, in second-hand shops. My hunting instinct, I expect, really kicks in.
In Reykjavik, Iceland, where I was born, you are in the middle of nature surrounded by mountains and ocean. But you are still in a capital in Europe. So I have never understood why I have to choose between nature or urban. Nature
Living in a capital in Europe but still surrounded by mountains and ocean, my relationship to music was strongest walking to school and back. I would sing to myself and very quickly started mapping out my melodies to landscapes - at the time I just thought it was very matter of fact, a common thing to do. Music, Relationship
There's no map to human behaviour.
People are always asking me about eskimos, but there are no eskimos in Iceland.
I sometimes fall into the trap of doing what I think I should be doing rather than what I want to be doing.
I do believe sometimes discipline is very important. I'm not just lying around like a lazy cow all the time.
Compared to America or Europe, God isn't a big part of our lives here. I don't know anyone here who goes to church when he's had a rough divorce or is going through depression. We go out into nature instead. Nature
I'm a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl.
The reason I do photographs is to help people understand my music, so it's very important that I am the same, emotionally, in the photographs as in the music. Most people's eyes are much better developed than their ears. If they see a certain emotion in the photograph, then they'll understand the music.
Nature hasn't gone anywhere. It is all around us, all the planets, galaxies and so on. We are nothing in comparison. Nature
The English eat all sorts of birds - pigeons, ducks, sparrows - but if you tell them you eat puffin, you might as well come from Mars.
With a small town mentality, you make a decision very early on as to whether you are going to do everything by the book or just go your own way and not care.
I am a grateful... grapefruit.
Feminists bore me to death. I follow my instinct and if that supports young girls in any way, great. But I'd rather they saw it more as a lesson about following their own instincts rather than imitating somebody. Death
I feel the 21st century is another new age. Not only can we collaborate again with nature, but we have to. It's an emergency. Age
My first album didn't come out until I was 27, which in pop years is late, you know. But when it came time to arrange it, I became a kid in a toy shop. I had a harp and a saxophone quartet and a symphony orchestra. I went berserk for a time.
I am one of the most idiosyncratic people around.
Singing is like a celebration of oxygen.
Part of me is probably more conservative than people realise. I like my old string quartets, I don't like music that's trippy for trippy's sake.
There's something about the rhythm of walking, how, after about an hour and a half, the mind and body can't help getting in sync.
Being a musician is very easy. My house is full of musical instruments. There's a lot of music, always.
As a singer-songwriter, what I do is write about how the human feels.
I bought a laptop in 1999, and it was quite liberating, because I could make a lot of my own decisions.
It would be flattering to be thought of as someone who celebrated life.
Maybe it's just a personal thing, but I get so much grounding from Iceland because I know it's always going to be there. I have a very happy, healthy relationship with the country, so it's really easy to go everywhere because I always have Iceland to go back to. Relationship
When I was a punk teenager, I rebelled because lots of people in Iceland think that foreigners are evil and that if you don't wear woolen hats and eat sheep, you're betraying your heritage.
I think religion is a mistake - I'm exhausted by its self-righteousness. I think atheists should start screaming for attention like religious folks do. Religion
Since I was a kid, I always wanted to figure out how to make a bass line that was a pendulum - like, gravity would control it, and then you could make it play different notes.
Come on, I'm from Iceland; I don't do hip-hop.
I do love one-upmanship sometimes, like when you see kids breakdancing and who can do the best tricks. It's common, it's in our nature as animals, like the birds of paradise who've got the best feathers and that sort of stuff. But it's fun when it's impulsive and it's about fun.
Solar power, wind power, the way forward is to collaborate with nature - it's the only way we are going to get to the other end of the 21st century.
I'm a bit of a nerd, I wouldn't mind working in a shop selling records, or having a radio show where I could play obscure singles.
Sometimes when I write lyrics there are images in them, usually on a quite simplistic level, like colors. But most often music comes first and then later I sit down with visual people and we chat about what we want to do. I don't look at myself as a visual artist. I make music.
I feel like the people from Iceland have a different relationship with their country than other places. Most Icelandic people are really proud to be from there, and we don't have embarrassments like World War II where we were cruel to other people. Relationship
But I'm not interested in politics. I lose interest the microsecond it ceases to be emotional, when something becomes a political movement. What I'm interested in is emotions. Politics
In 2008, I was more just thinking about using the touchscreen for writing the songs. From there I started thinking about how I visualised music.
I love hiking in Iceland most, there are lots of brilliant paths.
I don't expect people to get me. That would be quite arrogant. I think there are a lot of people out there in the world that nobody gets.
I guess I'm quite used to not being understood rather than being understood.
When I was 20, political music was the uncoolest thing on earth.
In order to actually have a touchscreen in front of me and somehow still be connected to nature, I needed to be able to incorporate natural elements into the song structures. Because that's always been my song-writing accompaniment: nature.
Nature has always been important to me. It has always been in my music.
There is such a big chunk of me that is David Attenborough. I think he is my biggest inspiration.
Usually when you see females in movies, they feel like they have these metallic structures around them, they are caged in by male energy.
The English can be a very critical, unforgiving people, but criticism can be good. And this is a country that loves comedy.
Nature is our chapel.
It's incredible how nature sets females up to take care of people, and yet it is tricky for them to take care of themselves.
It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives, but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end.
If nothing else, I have money.
I would like to teach music. It's weird the way they teach music in schools like Julliard these days.
I get embarrassed listening to my last CDs. I've got a lot of work to do, let's put it that way.
I always wanted to be a farmer. There is a tradition of that in my family.
For a person as obsessed with music as I am, I always hear a song in the back of my head, all the time, and that usually is my own tune. I've done that all my life.
I've always appreciated working with people I have chemistry with, who are friends, and where you feel that the work is growing while you are getting to know each other better.
I do try and wear stuff by unknown designers, and I make sure I pay because if nothing else I have money.
Seventy per cent humidity is ideal for vocal cords.
I think every year brings unknowns that you have to deal with and handle, confront and embrace.
What probably confuses people is they know a lot about me, but it quite pleases me that there's more they don't know.
Believe it or not, I'm a bit clumsy with technology. It's probably why I'm so excited about the touchscreen - even an idiot can use it!
I mostly write on my own, walking, outside.
Most Icelandic people are really proud to be from there, and we don't have embarrassments like World War II where we were cruel to other people. We don't even have an army. So it's sort of like an all-around good, innocent place.
I'm not interested in politics. I lose interest the microsecond it ceases to be emotional, when something becomes a political movement. What I'm interested in is emotions.
While you're setting something up that's educational for yourself, you have an opportunity to teach others at the same time.
The funeral business is so manipulative emotionally. I would want to be thrown into the sea or burned - something that's not a big hassle.
The good thing about Pro Tools is you can actually hear what you're working on, so it doesn't just become this intellectual idea. But Pro Tools can be dangerous, too. It can make things sterile.
Most people in Iceland are blonde and blue-eyed. I was nicknamed 'China girl' in school 'cos they thought I looked Asian.
When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore.
The reason I do interviews is because I'm protecting my songs.
People that complete other people's vision are understated.
Maybe I'll be a feminist in my old age.
I love England. It's no coincidence it's the first place I moved to for a more cosmopolitan life, which is the only thing Iceland lacks.
I love being a very personal singer-songwriter, but I also like being a scientist or explorer.
I've been traveling in Guatemala in the rainforest, and here all these houses are made of sticks. It seems so easy to make one.
Sometimes, when I have a lot of ideas and I want to do a lot of things, or when I'm traveling, I lose energy and I can't do as many things as I want. So I have to plan days when I'm not doing anything. I find that a bit boring, but it's necessary.
In '96, I was in a very specific place with my own music - I was only listening to beats. You would come to my house, and I would just play beats all day.
I find most children quite inspiring.
We didn't really have television when I was a kid. Around 30, I discovered films and started systematically catching up. I collect interesting documentaries and films, and watch a few nights a week.
I went to music school, and I guess I was a difficult, know-it-all type of student.
With my projects, I really like the extreme high-tech stuff, but I also like the other end, the acoustic things. So it seems like those meet on an iPad, where you make shapes but the sounds coming out of it are really acoustic.
In elections in Iceland, I have always been an abstainer. It seems like politics is such a small bundle of self-important people, who don't have much to do with things I'm interested in.
I'm not going to talk like I know about politics, because I'm a total amateur, but maybe I can be a spokesperson for people who aren't normally interested in politics.
There is this stereotype of Icelanders all believing in spirits, and I've played up to that a bit in interviews.
Now that rock is turning 50, it's become classical in itself. It's interesting to see that development.
I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in.
When I met Apple, I made it very clear that I am an old punk and I have never done commercials or been sponsored. And I wasn't after their money.
I'm just like anybody. I have my ups and downs.
I went through an anti-Establishment phase and thought we should get everything for free.
I think connecting natural elements and musicology is probably pretty idiosyncratic of me, so it is hard to imagine anyone else going down that route.
I started an all-girl punk band when I was 14, and I was the drummer, not the singer.

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