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Quotes with tag Anger:

Taylor SwiftRed is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it's on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you've got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.101
Henri NouwenDid I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.101
Ani DiFrancoI've been trying to learn how to not be so conflicted about things like my own anger. I've always had a place in my music for my anger as a way of compensating for not having a mechanism to express it in my everyday life. So I've been trying to be more true to myself, and that helps me to chill out a little bit. But politically, uh-uh. No.101
Billie HolidaySometimes it's worse to win a fight than to lose. 101
Carl HiaasenGood satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you're on the front lines.101
Charles BarkleySomebody hits me, I'm going to hit him back. Even if it does look like he hasn't eaten in a while.101
Charles BronsonThe fear really hits you. That's what you feel first. And then it's the anger and frustration. Part of the problem is how little we understand about the ultimate betrayal of the body when it rebels against itself.101
CommonYou have to be sincere in your feelings. And fear is one of those, sometimes; doubt is one of those; jealousy, anger - all your emotions are not going to be considered the strong emotions; all of them are not going to be love, happiness, joy.101
Kevin BaconI really believe that all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don't think that's only reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I think it really exists and is part of the human condition. I think in the course of your life you figure out ways to deal with that.101
Laurence J. PeterSpeak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. 101
Regina BrettSome days, 24 hours is too much to stay put in, so I take the day hour by hour, moment by moment. I break the task, the challenge, the fear into small, bite-size pieces. I can handle a piece of fear, depression, anger, pain, sadness, loneliness, illness. I actually put my hands up to my face, one next to each eye, like blinders on a horse.101
William CongreveHeaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned. 101
Yochai BenklerWe suffered a terrible blow on 11 September 2001. We responded with fear and anger. A fight-or-flight response is adaptive in any species. For us, given our power, fight was the only response we could imagine.101
Yusef KomunyakaaI originally wanted to embrace the imagery and forthrightness of rap music. There are some interesting, dynamic voices in rap. But I find most of it irresponsible in its overt violence and commercialization of anger. As artists, we believe we can will action through language. If that's the case, we have to take responsibility for what we say.101
Zack de la RochaYour anger is a gift.101
David HarveyThere's a difference between an outburst of spontaneous anger, which doesn't have a political objective, and a more measured response that we saw in the Occupy Wall Street movement.101
Jessamyn WestA broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.101
Mackenzie PhillipsI've always turned my anger inwards towards self-destruction.101
Terry BrooksHurt leads to bitterness, bitterness to anger, travel too far that road and the way is lost.101
George SavileAnger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.101
Hannah MoreForgiveness is the economy of the heart... forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.101
Henry Walter BatesThe poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger.101
Joshua OppenheimerDenial, panic, threats, anger - those are very human responses to feeling guilt.101
Leymah GboweeI always tell people, anger is like liquid. It's fluid, it's like water. You put it in a container and it takes the shape of that container. So many people you see in prison, unleashing war on their people, they are angry, and they take their anger and put it into a violent container.101
Margo JeffersonI think it's too easy to recount your unhappy memories when you write about yourself. You bask in your own innocence. You revere your grief. You arrange your angers at their most becoming angles.101
Nathaniel KahnI know I should feel anger at my father for certain things. But since he died when I was 11, I never got to that point.101
Nell HudsonI think, often, when you are in just a lot of pain, it comes out as anger.101
Jack LaytonMy friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world.101
James McGreeveyWe are losing sight of civility in government and politics. Debate and dialogue is taking a back seat to the politics of destruction and anger and control. Dogma has replaced thoughtful discussion between people of differing views.101
Laurence YepAs a child growing up in San Francisco in the 1950s, I sometimes met insults when I ventured outside of Chinatown or my neighborhood. I have even been spat on and threatened with a knife. I could have let my anger fester until it became hate. However, I realized they were isolated incidents, and I simply got on with my life.101
Bill KlemAn angry player can't argue with the back of an umpire who is walking away.101
Boris TrajkovskiI am ready to accept all accusations, allegations, anger - but I have to succeed.101
Mike BinderI've done a lot of dramedies in my career. You know, I started as a standup comic, and then the movies that I was doing, like 'Up Side of Anger' were kind of like - they're hard. They're hard to sell; they're hard to get made, you know.101
Siouxsie SiouxI think a certain amount of anger has been a fuel of mine, if you want - but also some sort of sadness, and plain mischief, of course.101
Mary GardenA wonderful emotion to get things moving when one is stuck is anger. It was anger more than anything else that had set me off, roused me into productivity and creativity.101
Thomas BernhardThe anger and the brutality against everything can readily from one hour to the next be transformed into its opposite.101
Bede JarrettThe world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough.101
Drew FullerAll I do is have fun. When I'm not working, it's about making people laugh. I love making jokes about things. Even when someone's mad at me, I'll deflect anger with humor. My days are filled with laughter. If I'm not laughing, I'm not happy.101
Richard SavageAnger is implanted in us as sort of sting, to make us gnash with our teeth against the devil, to make us vehement against him, not to set us in array against each other.101
Adam SedgwickAs a system of philosophy it is not like the Tower of Babel, so daring its high aim as to seek a shelter against God's anger; but it is like a pyramid poised on its apex.101
Jodie EvansI feel truth, beauty, love, grief, anger, intimacy & alive in my body... Women in the global south live in their bodies much more than we in the global north. Not as distracted by patriarchy's controlling images - They know power is in their bodies. I am deeply grateful for the women who showed me the way home.101
Phyllis DillerNever go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.102
Alexander PopeTo be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves.102
Benjamin SpockEvery child senses, with all the horse sense that's in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be.102
Betty WhiteAnger tears me up inside... My own... or anyone else's.102
David CrosbyI don't like greed, I don't like ignorance. I really don't like anger. But I love love.102
Edmund S. MuskieIn the heat of our campaigns, we have all become accustomed to a little anger and exaggeration. Yet, on the whole, our political process has served us well.102
Elizabeth KennyHe who angers you conquers you. 102
George Jean NathanNo man can think clearly when his fists are clenched. 102
Kathy GriffinThe great thing about celebrity culture is that they can't seem to stop themselves from displaying their ridiculous behaviour. I feel it's my job as a serious investigative journalist to witness all kinds of behaviour and then report back to the audience through the prism of my own anger and bitterness.102
Lee IacoccaIn times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.102
NagarjunaAlthough you may spend your life killing, You will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger, your real enemy will be slain.102
Nancy KressIn one sense, every character you create will be yourself. You've never murdered, but your murderer's rage will be drawn from memories of your own extreme anger. Your love scenes will contain hints of your own past kisses and sweet moments.102
Rowan WilliamsQuite a lot of our contemporary culture is actually shot through with a resentment of limits and the passage of time, anger at what we can't do, fear or even disgust at growing old.102
Sylvester StalloneThere's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.102
Willard GaylinExpressing anger is a form of public littering.102
Yoko OnoExperiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity.102
Eva MendesI don't usually lose my temper, but if I get angry, it's true - I'm scary. 102
Fisher StevensI like people and get along, and I'm afraid to express my anger and my rage.102
G. M. TrevelyanAnger is a momentary madness, so control your passion or it will control you.102
Geoffrey RushI did not want to put myself on the line, as an Australian playing Britain's greatest comic actor. The fans of Sellers are obsessive, possessive - and aggressive. I did not want to risk their anger - or my own reputation.102
Gregory HinesMy character had been in the chair for seven years. He had gone through his anger, depression, drug and alcohol abuse. He had gone through everything, now he was up, he was happy, he was filled with his dream.102
Karl A. MenningerThe voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance.102
Mehmet OzThe opposite of anger is not calmness, its empathy.102
Peter McWilliamsGuilt is anger directed at ourselves - at what we did or did not do. Resentment is anger directed at others - at what they did or did not do.102
Joshua OppenheimerI'm sure it's one of the most frustrating aspects of human experience for all of us, that when we tell someone who's hurt us that they've hurt us, they tend to react with anger because they feel guilty, and we know we also get angry when we feel guilty.102
Lionel SosaAnger does not solve problems - anger only makes things worse. I go by the old saying, 'Don't make important decisions when you're angry.'102
Mary GaitskillPerhaps it should be obvious: Adultery is a social threat that arouses raw anger and fear, which the bellicose then need to discharge rather than merely feel, traditionally on the philandering wife or the female home-wrecker.102
Thylias MossAnger becomes limiting, restricting. You can't see through it. While anger is there, look at that, too. But after a while, you have to look at something else.102
Edward Wood, 1st Earl of HalifaxMost men's anger about religion is as if two men should quarrel for a lady they neither of them care for.102
Gil PenchinaWhen trying to start a company, your enemy isn't criticism, anger or insults. Your enemy is apathy.102
Jane GoldmanVengeance is the act of turning anger in on yourself. On the surface it may be directed at someone else, but it is a surefire recipe for arresting emotional recovery.102
Janet FitchDepression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.102
Matthew PriorFantastic tyrant of the amorous heart. How hard thy yoke, how cruel thy dart. Those escape your anger who refuse your sway, and those are punished most, who most obey.102
Chris HayesI think people should be angry at things that are worthy of anger. Injustice is outrageous and deserves outrage.102
Dick ArmeyYou cannot get ahead while you are getting even.102
Daniel BellI am too weary to listen, too angry to hear.102
Carmen MirandaI've chosen my wedding ring large and heavy to continue forever. But exactly because of that all the time that Dave and I have an argument I feel it like handcuffs, and on anger time I throw it in a basket. Poor Dave, he bought me three wedding rings already!102
Robert QuillenDiscussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance.102
Matthew StoverThere's a reason why anger, fear, and hatred are paths to the dark side: they all spring from a single source - the same source as a certain flavor of love. A dangerously sweet, addictive flavor.102
Richard SavageWhen anger rushes unrestrained to action, like a hot steed, it stumbles on its way. The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safely.102
Alan BleasdaleThere is not in nature, a thing that makes man so deformed, so beastly, as doth intemperate anger.102
Joan LundenHolding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.102
John Lee HancockI think that all the anger and cynicism comes from suppressing things that we always wanted.102
Eckhart TolleBoredom, anger, sadness, or fear are not 'yours,' not personal. They are conditions of the human mind. They come and go. Nothing that comes and goes is you.103
Kurt CobainMy body is damaged from music in two ways. I have a red irritation in my stomach. It's psychosomatic, caused by all the anger and the screaming. I have scoliosis, where the curvature of your spine is bent, and the weight of my guitar has made it worse. I'm always in pain, and that adds to the anger in our music.103
Stephen HawkingPeople won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. 103
Joel OsteenEvery day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you're doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.103
Abu BakrDo not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger.103
Amy WinehouseI don't think your ability to fight has anything to do with how big you are. It's to do with how much anger is in you.103
Christopher MorleyA man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life. 103
Francis QuarlesBeware of him that is slow to anger; for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury.103
Frank HerbertHow often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.103
Henry B. EyringTo find gratitude and generosity when you could reasonably find hurt and resentment will surprise you. It will be so surprising because you will see so much of the opposite: people who have much more than others yet who react with anger when one advantage is lost or with resentment when an added gift is denied.103
Philip RothPeople are unjust to anger - it can be enlivening and a lot of fun.103
Rodney KingAs far as having peace within myself, the one way I can do that is forgiving the people who have done wrong to me. It causes more stress to build up anger. Peace is more productive.103
Austin O'MalleyRevenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.103
Booth TarkingtonArguments only confirm people in their own opinions.103
Frank Moore ColbyI know of no more disagreeable situation than to be left feeling generally angry without anybody in particular to be angry at.103
Hari KondaboluI'm not like most comedians. I don't deal with just heckles - I'm also dealing with threats and anger. Here I am, a brown person on stage being quite blunt. I talk about white privilege; I talk about U.S. imperialistic practices; I talk about colonialism. I'm not saying things that are easy for people to laugh at.103
Horace SilverI personally do not believe in politics, hatred, or anger in my musical composition.103
Jules RenardIt doesn't pay to say too much when you are mad enough to choke. For the word that stings the deepest is the word that is never spoke, Let the other fellow wrangle till the storm has blown away, then he'll do a heap of thinking about the things you didn't say.103
Linton Kwesi JohnsonBack in those early days when I began my apprenticeship as a poet, I also tried to voice our anger, spirit of defiance and resistance in a Jamaican poetic idiom.103
Mike MyersI think that Scottish people, like Canadians, are often misunderstood and what I like about my Scottish friends and relatives is how quickly it can go from love to anger. It's a great dynamic.103
Alice MillerGenuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.103
David D. BurnsPeople who are prone to anxiety are nearly always people-pleasers who fear conflict and negative feelings like anger. When you feel upset, you sweep your problems under the rug because you don't want to upset anyone. You do this so quickly and automatically that you're not even aware you're doing it.103
David HorseyMaybe it's stress or anger or adrenaline or disillusionment or a bullying nature or simple fear of getting killed themselves, but there is a problem if a cop cannot tell the difference between a menacing gangster and the far more common person they encounter whose life is a little frayed and messy.103
Ellen WillisAs with fascism, the rise of Islamic totalitarianism has partly to do with its populist appeal to the class resentments of an economically oppressed population and to anger at political subordination and humiliation.103
Koren ZailckasI do think anger is so difficult for women. Girls think it undermines their femininity; it's not very ladylike.103
Peter Blair HenryI'm generally slow to anger, quick to forgive, and I take in information before making decisions. So no matter how controversial the decision, my general demeanour is to put on white lab coat and gloves and look at the evidence, weigh the arguments and see what makes sense.103
Billy ChildishWe are not actually in charge of life, yet behave as if we are the masters of our own destiny. The realization of this fact is quite a hard one. The ridiculousness of our pomposity and presumption can only result in anger or humor.103
Lucy AlibarIt absolutely helped - to write the father in both 'Juicy' and 'Beasts,' I had to see the whole story from his point of view. All of a sudden I understood more of what my own father must be going through - the fear, the frustration, the anger... the hope that he'll leave a legacy.103
Terry O'QuinnI don't think I could play a character that I couldn't relate to somehow. I'm not unfamiliar with frustration, anger, shame, helplessness and a load of other emotions that make up our psycho-soup. I try to focus on that frustration, that sense of unfairness, and multiply it.103
Thomas Chandler HaliburtonWhen a man is wrong and won't admit it, he always gets angry.103
Buchi EmechetaA hungry man is an angry one.103
Chris HayesSuccessful prime-time television of any genre produces some kind of emotional reaction in the viewers. There are a lot of different emotions to tap into. The emotion of the reward of discovery, the feeling of righteous anger, the feelings of pathos and sadness, or sentimentality of being moved by something.103
David SimonA little anger is a good thing if it isn't on your own behalf, if it's for others deserving of your anger, your empathy.103
Dominic ChianeseThe anger that Uncle Junior has comes from my background. My father was the son of an Italian immigrant, and I've seen the fire of the Italian temperament. It can be explosive sometimes in ways that are both funny and tragic.103
George Savile, 1st Marquess of HalifaxAnger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.103
Bill AlexanderThe anger in the Brigade against those who fought the Republic in the rear was sharpened by reports of weapons, even tanks, being kept from the front and hidden for treacherous purposes.103
Salva Kiir MayarditThe death of Garang has unfortunately unleashed emotions of anger; some genuine, others cultivated by elements who wanted to pit one group of Sudanese against another.103
Allen BoydThere's a lot of bitterness, there's a lot of anger out there. We all have to work hard to heal those wounds.103
James FallowsAlways write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them.103
Robert LaceyFear generates anger, and fear generates violence, and those were part of what built the Saudi state.103
Maxine WatersI have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry.103
John F. KerryI'm fascinated by rap and by hip-hop. I think there's a lot of poetry in it. There's a lot of anger, a lot of social energy in it. And I think you'd better listen to it pretty carefully, 'cause it's important.103
Mary Kay BlakelyOur humor turns our anger into a fine art.103
James Knowles IIII grew up here, and it's always been a very diverse community. So for people to come out and say that there's some long-standing anger or there's a history of racial tension is absolutely ridiculous. There's not a black-white divide in Ferguson.103
Booker T. WashingtonI shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. 104
Ford FrickKeep your temper. A decision made in anger is never sound.104
Keith MillerThere never was a social change in America without angry people at the heart.104
PetrarchFive enemies of peace inhabit with us - avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride; if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace.104
Dallas WillardMany churches are measuring the wrong things. We measure things like attendance and giving, but we should be looking at more fundamental things like anger, contempt, honesty, and the degree to which people are under the thumb of their lusts. Those things can be counted, but not as easily as offerings.104
Nancy FridayBecause society would rather we always wore a pretty face, women have been trained to cut off anger.104
David D. BurnsOne of the most interesting things about the cognitive theory is the idea that anger and interpersonal conflict ultimately result from a mental con. In other words, you're telling yourself things that aren't entirely true when you're fighting with someone.104
Edward AlbertFear is the only true enemy, born of ignorance and the parent of anger and hate.104
Gautam GambhirI think the only time I show my emotions and anger is on the cricket field; otherwise, I've mellowed down. And with age, I think, with age you always end up mellowing down.104
J. R. MoehringerThe greatest players use anger as fuel. Michael Jordan played every night with something like road rage.104
Louis NizerWhen a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.104
Nancy GardenMy writing books with positive gay characters has come more out of anger than anything else: anger at not having been able to find honest, accurate books about people like myself as a teen, books that show we're as diverse as straight people and that we can lead happy, healthy, productive lives just as straight people can.104
Nathaniel KahnMy father was my hero, and he died when I was 11. So, I really never experienced the kind of natural teenage rebellion or the anger at him. I never experienced those feelings as a young person.104
Ntozake ShangeI started writing because there's an absence of things I was familiar with or that I dreamed about. One of my senses of anger is related to this vacancy - a yearning I had as a teenager... and when I get ready to write, I think I'm trying to fill that.104
Tatum O'NealI've purged myself of bitterness and anger and remained open to love.104
Eddie GuerreroSince the day I was born, wrestling has sustained me and my family. It's the way my father fed me; it's the way I feed my kids. More importantly, wrestling is my greatest release. It's been such a blessing for me. I can step into the ring and let it all go - all my anger, all my frustration, all my pain.104
Maelle GavetOnce in a while, I still witness occasionally sexist behavior and comments from men (which experience has taught me you should always deflect with humour rather than anger). Old habits die hard, after all, and it's unrealistic to expect dinosaurs to fall silent overnight.104
Roger ClemensEverybody kind of perceives me as being angry. It's not anger, it's motivation.104
Sharmeen Obaid-ChinoyI'm generally quite an angry person, and I like to channel my anger toward something creative.104
Toks OlagundoyeHaving a sweet, wide-eyed, awkward character is more charming and allows for more range. If you come from anger, you're going to reach a ceiling very quickly.104
Beny SteinmetzIt angers me that a timed, planned and paid smearing campaign is run against me in the press.104
Daniela BobadillaIn between shooting for 'Awake,' I was attempting to have my own pilot season. The audition for 'Anger Management' actually came during a week that I was already testing for a couple other shows and we weren't really letting any other shows into the mix.104
Jim LehrerYou want to see an angry person? Let me hear a cell phone go off.104
Joe GreeneI do play football no-holds-barred. Any edge I can get, I'll take. I'd grab a face mask only in a fit of anger. Uncontrolled anger is damn near insane.104
Abraham CahanBe modest, humble, simple. Control your anger.104
Anthony BraxtonEverybody in America is angry about something.104
Josh SilverMy tastes lean toward the more negative, angry and eclectic.104
Andrew MarrVerbally, I'm quite fast on my feet. I could embarrass or anger most people if I wanted to.104
John RobinsonWith Stacy, it was interesting because you know he was within all this chaos, all these different lives that were so broken and so much anger and so much frustration and their skating came out of that, their different styles came out of that.104
Mathieu AmalricSometimes with anger you can be much more dangerous than with skill.104
Janos KadarIt is only with burning anger that we can speak of this attack by counter-revolutionary reactionary elements against the capital of our country, against our people's democratic order and the power of the working class.104
Ralph Waldo EmersonFor every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. 105
Edward Everett HaleWise anger is like fire from a flint: there is great ado to get it out; and when it does come, it is out again immediately.105
Erin GruwellHoping they'd been inspired by the examples of Anne Frank and other teens who had turned negative experiences into something positive by writing about them, I handed out notebooks for my students to journal about their lives. There was some initial resistance. But then the stories poured out of them, full of anger and sadness.105
James ThurberLet us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. 105
Josh BillingsSilence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.105
Ricky WilliamsTo talk about balance, it's easier to talk about what's out of balance. And I think anytime that you have any disease, and disease meaning lack of ease, lack of flow... dis-ease. So any time there's disease, you're out of balance, whether it's jealousy, anger, greed, anxiety, fear.105
ThucydidesWars spring from unseen and generally insignificant causes, the first outbreak being often but an explosion of anger.105
Tim GunnTake the high road. No matter how much strife, and consternation, frustration and anger you might be confronted with - don't go to that level.105
Willie MaysI was very fortunate to play sports. All the anger in me went out. I had to do what I had to do. If you stay angry all the time, then you really don't have a good life.105
David CrossIf there are a couple of adjectives people use to describe me, anger is usually in there. I've never taken that as criticism. It's the way I naturally communicate. But I'm not faux-angry, like Lewis Black, or angry like a gun-toting crazy person. I'm just angry in a mild way - it's not like I'm going to do anything about it.105
Howard StauntonIf either player abandon the game by quitting the table in anger, or in an otherwise offensive manner; or by momentarily resigning the game; or refuses to abide by the decision of the Umpire, the game must be scored against him.105
Paddy AshdownBosnia is under my skin. It's the place you cannot leave behind. I was obsessed by the nightmare of it all; there was this sense of guilt, and an anger that has become something much deeper over these last years.105
Seth MeyersThe nice thing about anger is that, as an emotion, it's strong enough to unplug me from the comedian's mind for a minute and just be a frustrated member of the citizenry.105
AkhenatonIndulge not thyself in the passion of anger; it is whetting a sword to wound thine own breast, or murder thy friend.105
Apollonius of TyanaA man must fortify himself and understand that a wise man who yields to laziness or anger or passion or love of drink, or who commits any other action prompted by impulse and inopportune, will probably find his fault condoned; but if he stoops to greed, he will not be pardoned, but render himself odious as a combination of all vices at once.105
Chris CleaveThe reason why I love people, and writing about them, is because they don't always respond with hate and anger. If they did I wouldn't have a story to tell. Who wants to know about someone who was brutalised and became brutal? I'm interested in the exceptions.105
Christopher DardenI did not think that I was angry, but clearly anger was reflected in my writing. I did not think that I had been affected emotionally, but it was clear from my writing that I was still very emotional about the trial some six months after it ended.105
Edgar Rice BurroughsAnger and hate against one we love steels our hearts, but contempt or pity leaves us silent and ashamed.105
Jessica RaineOn stage, I find anger at the unfairness of the world easily.105
Marie de FranceFairest and dearest, your wrath and anger are more heavy than I can bear; but learn that I cannot tell what you wish me to say without sinning against my honour too grievously.105
Sigmar GabrielBeing told about the effects of climate change is an appeal to our reason and to our desire to bring about change. But to see that Africans are the hardest hit by climate change, even though they generate almost no greenhouse gas, is a glaring injustice, which also triggers anger and outrage over those who seek to ignore it.105
Shelley BermanAs a culture I see us as presently deprived of subtleties. The music is loud, the anger is elevated, sex seems lacking in sweetness and privacy.105
Dave PirnerI'm not 17 anymore. I still have some of the same sort of anger, but I have a sense of humor about it... a sense of being constructive with that anger.105
Mickey KausI may have been the only candidate in America who failed to ride the wave of anti-establishment anger to victory.105
Jeremy StoppelmanThere's simply anger over the accountability that Yelp brings and also this feeling of powerlessness because so much power is now being put in the hands of the consumer. But the important thing that gets lost with some of these business owners who are very upset with us is it's the whole picture that counts.105
Jerrold NadlerThe forces that have worked hard to stoke populist anger against reform are the very ones that benefit from a health system which puts profits ahead of quality care for its patients.105
Richard M. NixonYou must never be satisfied with losing. You must get angry, terribly angry, about losing. But the mark of the good loser is that he takes his anger out on himself and not his victorious opponents or on his teammates.106
Berkeley BreathedThat's the conundrum of cartoon stripping, as opposed to political cartoons. When your anger is the driving force of your drawing hand, failure follows. The anger is OK, but it has to serve the interests of the heart, frankly.106
Deborah EisenbergI'm a bit of an expert on anger, having suffered from it all through my youth, when I was both brunt and font. It's certainly the most miserable state to be in but it's also tremendously gratifying, really - rage feels justified.106
Dylan ThomasWhen one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.106
Frank LuntzThere are people still in the Republican Party that I believe practice the communication of anger, of disappointment, of regret, of pain, of sorrow, of suffering. That's not what the American people want to hear.106
Keira KnightleyI don't think that you can fake warmth. You can fake lust, jealousy, anger; those are all quite easy. But actual, genuine warmth? I don't think you can fake it.106
OvidLike fragile ice anger passes away in time.106
Walter Savage LandorThe flame of anger, bright and brief, sharpens the barb of love. 106
Yuvraj SinghWhen one is young, aspiring to play for the country, doing well, any hindrance, like injury or being out of form, can be frustrating and a cause of annoyance or even anger. But once you have a close encounter with death, you realise the real value of life.106
Arlie Russell HochschildEach person's drive to overwork is unique, and doing too much numbs every workaholic's emotions differently. Sometimes overwork numbs depression, sometimes anger, sometimes envy, sometimes sexuality. Or the overworker runs herself ragged in a race for attention.106
Courteney CoxA lot of my humor does come from anger. It's like, you're not gonna pull one over on me - which is pretty much my motto anyways.106
Monica LewinskyI'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry some days. But I really have worked hard to put a lot of the anger and disappointment in the past.106
Nadine VelazquezI went to a girls' school, and it was awful. The combination of my teenage anger and their jealousy meant I was always getting into fights. There was a lot of pulling of hair and scratching of faces and rolling around on the floor.106
Ndamukong SuhA dirty player is somebody who ultimately is trying to hurt somebody. There's a huge difference. There's no gray in that. Like, you have no conscience, no nothing, no guilt. I don't have that mean streak in me. I don't play angry. It's not anger.106
Sean PennAnger can be a problem, but it has tremendous potential, too. It's just figuring out what to do with it.106
Tryon EdwardsTo rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is better.106
Barbara DemingOur task, of course, is to transmute the anger that is affliction into the anger that is determination to bring about change. I think, in fact, that one could give that as a definition of revolution.106
Calvin HarrisI'm not angry, I'm not an angry person, but I do sometimes like playing with the perception of anger, as in pretending that I'm more angry than I actually am, and sometimes it works quite well.106
Koren ZailckasWe are taught to believe it's bad to be angry, or at least it's not good. That's not the case all throughout the world. People are more open and not embarrassed about it. For instance in Paris, people believe Americans have a really unhealthy relation with anger. They think it's essential to get angry.106
Luke FordActing in anger and hatred throughout my life, I frequently precipitated what I feared most, the loss of friendships and the need to rely upon the very people I'd abused.106
Sarah BernhardtHe who is incapable of feeling strong passions, of being shaken by anger, of living in every sense of the word, will never be a good actor.106
Scilla ElworthyWherever there is injustice, there is anger, and anger is like gasoline - if you spray it around and somebody lights a matchstick, you have an inferno. But anger inside an engine is powerful: it can drive us forward and can get us through dreadful moments and give us power. I learnt this with my discussions with nuclear policy makers.106
Jason RitterI think I would cope like anyone copes with any tragedy. I'm sure I would be very upset for a while and then there would come a point where I would either have to stay in this place of darkness and anger, or I'd have to accept that it happened.106
Lynn NottageIf you lead with the anger, it will turn off the audience. And what I want is the audience to engage with the material and to listen and then to ask questions. I think that 'Ruined' was very successful at doing that.106
Annabella SciorraI want to express myself to feel that what I feel is real. My joy, my pain, my anger.106
Sarah MlynowskiI watch a lot of teen TV and read a lot of YA novels. I also talk to teens whenever I can. There are cultural differences between when I was a teen and now, but emotions - anger, angst, love - are the same.106
Johnny RamoneFor all my success with the Ramones, I carried around fury and intensity during my career. I had an image, and that image was anger. I was the one who was always scowling, downcast. I tried to make sure I looked like that when I was getting my picture taken.106
Joanna SouthcottAnother night, I dreamed I saw my father sweeping out the barn floor clean, and would not suffer the wheat to be brought in the barn. He appeared to me to be in anger.106
John AvlonThe American people are smart. They've gotten sick of the predictable hyperpartisan talking points and canned anger.106
AristotleAnybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.107
Lucius Annaeus SenecaThe greatest remedy for anger is delay. 107
Zora Neale HurstonGrab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear.107
Ang LeeSometimes, you have to get angry to get things done.107
Curtis JacksonI don't display emotions. I have every feeling that everyone else has, but I've developed ways to suppress them. Anger is one of my most comfortable feelings.107
Douglas HortonWhile seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself. 107
George SteinerBooks are in no hurry. An act of creation is in no hurry; it reads us, it privileges us infinitely. The notion that it is the occasion for our cleverness fills me with baffled bitterness and anger.107
Justin TrudeauA very powerful mechanism to get elected is to play on anger and pick those wedge issues.107
L. Lionel KendrickChristlike communications are expressions of affection and not anger, truth and not fabrication, compassion and not contention, respect and not ridicule, counsel and not criticism, correction and not condemnation. They are spoken with clarity and not with confusion. They may be tender or they may be tough, but they must always be tempered.107
Robert Green IngersollAnger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.107
SallustAll those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.107
TerenceThe anger of lovers renews their love.107
Charles SimmonsRidicule is the first and last argument of a fool.107
Taya KyleMany of us who have cars have felt some form of extreme anger at other drivers because we feel they have put us in harm's way. We might even envision ramming their cars or cutting them off in return, but do we actually do it? No, because the overwhelming majority of us never want to take another human life.107
Thomas de QuinceyMan should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.107
Eduard ShevardnadzeBut on second thought, after I decreed the state of emergency, I came to the conclusion that that was impossible to achieve without bloodshed because the street protesters were full of anger and nearly out of control. This is why I thought we needed to find another way out.107
Libba BrayWe're comfortable with women in certain roles but not comfortable with women expressing anger or fully accepting their power. The most daring question a woman can ask is, 'What do I want?'107
Lindsay DuncanA certain amount of anger doesn't make us less empathetic, less humane, less loving. It just makes us real.107
Agnes ObelI don't have the feeling of being motivated by anger, revenge or frustration.107
Michael NutterI think there is a big difference between expressing the pain and anger that many African Americans and other people of color may feel versus language that I think now crosses the line and goes into hate.107
Jon KatzIt's important to remember that the animals are not grieving with us. They're very accepting. They're not lying there thinking 'How could you do this to me? Why aren't you keeping me going?' Pets don't do the human things of guilt and anger and recrimination that we do. They come and go with great acceptance.107
Roberta FlackMy hope is that out of all the anger and seeming hostility that we hear in some of today's music will come some sort of coalition that will become politically involved.107
Jack Henry AbbottImagine a thousand more such daily intrusions in your life, every hour and minute of every day, and you can grasp the source of this paranoia, this anger that could consume me at any moment if I lost control.107
James Whitcomb RileyThe anger of a person who is strong, can always bide its time.107
Clint EastwoodWe boil at different degrees. 108
Robin WilliamsFor me, comedy starts as a spew, a kind of explosion, and then you sculpt it from there, if at all. It comes out of a deeper, darker side. Maybe it comes from anger, because I'm outraged by cruel absurdities, the hypocrisy that exists everywhere, even within yourself, where it's hardest to see.108
Dane CookAnger has a way of seeping into every other emotion and planting itself in there.108
Kay Redfield JamisonPsychologists, for reasons of clinical necessity or vagaries of temperament, have chosen to dissect and catalog the morbid emotions - depression, anger, anxiety - and to leave largely unexamined the more vital, positive ones.108
Nhat HanhWe are looking for happiness and running after it in such a way that creates anger, fear and discrimination. So when you attend a retreat, you have a chance to look at the deep roots of this pollution of the collective energy that is unwholesome.108
Rose KennedyMake sure you never, never argue at night. You just lose a good night's sleep, and you can't settle anything until morning anyway.108
Warren FarrellMen are fair, and they have learned not to personalize anger - they can disagree with you and argue to the bone, but afterward they still consider you a nice person with whom the underlying human relationship need not be altered.108
Beverly SillsAnger begins with folly, and ends with repentance.108
Cat PowerAfter my second-to-last record, 'The Greatest', I had gone on tour for a while, and I didn't play an instrument for about five years. And I got kind of - it's not self-esteem or whatever, or anger toward myself - but disappointed in myself that I hadn't been challenging myself to learn musically.108
Dave MustaineI guess because I had such a horrible life growing up, going from place to place not knowing what I was gonna do and ending up being homeless, there was a lot of pain and a lot of anger that was coming out through my guitar playing.108
Eddie Bernice JohnsonOur second phase was to develop a school curriculum that teaches tolerance, respect for differences, conflict resolution, anger management, and other attributes of peace.108
George William CurtisAnger is an expensive luxury in which only men of certain income can indulge.108
Grace KellyGetting angry doesn't solve anything.108
Kelly McGillisFor a long time I thought I could deal with my anger and hostility on my own. But I couldn't. I denied that it had affected me, and yet I was so frantic on the inside with other people: I needed to be constantly reassured.108
Lillian HellmanMy father was often angry when I was most like him.108
Lincoln ChafeeAnger's not a good emotion.108
William ShenstoneAnger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a power which can move the whole world.108
Bruce NaumanGeneralised anger and frustration is something that gets you in the studio, and gets you to work - though it's not necessarily evident in anything that's finished.108
Bryant GumbelYour emotions are exposed when you play golf: humility, pride, anger, it all comes out with each swing. You lay it all on the line.108
David SoulI was never jailed. The fact is that I was arrested, but I went into a diversion programme, and by that time I'd already begun working in what was called anger management. It was a painful and awful moment.108
Ricky JayLike every art form, there are jealousies and angers and competitiveness in magic. But there's camaraderie among magicians, whether you perform it for a living or you're an enthusiast.108
Mary Doria RussellIf somebody honks a horn in Cleveland, they're saying 'Hi.' It's so rare to be honked at in anger. When we have merging traffic, we just interweave. There's real courtesy.108
Caleb CarrI was a pretty angry kid, and I got into military history largely as a way to vent my own anger. As I got older it narrowed down to a more specific focus on individual violence. I'm just trying to understand where it came from.108
Antony StarrI had a job when I was 15 working at a supermarket, and I knocked over a stack of plastic coffee cups. In my anger, I threw one at a concrete wall, and it rebounded back into my head and cut my head open. Stupidest way to get a scar, but it's one that I have.108
Dave ThomasThe anger that appears to be building up between the sexes becomes more virulent with every day that passes. And far from women taking the blame... the fact is that men are invariably portrayed as the bad guys. Being a good man is like being a good Nazi.108
Michael RichardsI'm really busted up over this and I'm very, very sorry to those people in the audience, the blacks, the Hispanics, whites - everyone that was there that took the brunt of that anger and hate and rage and how it came through.108
BuddhaYou will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. 109
Saint AugustineWhat I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels.109
Carl HiaasenMy humour has always come from anger, but I have to make sure I don't just get angry and jump on a soapbox.109
Cory BookerYou have to understand the Newark Riots - a lot of people understand that the pain was the initial explosion of anger and alienation, but after that, the response, sending the National Guard troops - a lot of violence was carried out and perpetrated by those who were allegedly coming here to protect residents.109
Fran DrescherLife is precious and there's not a lot of room for anger.109
Joseph JoubertThe best remedy for a short temper is a long walk.109
Louis L'AmourAnger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.109
Mary J. BligeWhen you hold on to anger and unforgiveness, you can't move forward.109
Nicole KidmanYou've just got to have a sense of respect for the person you have children with. Anger doesn't help anybody. Ultimately you have to say forgiveness is important, and honoring what you had together is important. But it's easy to say and harder to do.109
Paul SingerImagine how much capital a country like Argentina might attract - if instead of defaulting seriatim and affecting a pose of anger toward creditors, it borrowed responsibly and honored its obligations.109
Theodore Isaac RubinSometimes the routes leading to feelings of anger are so convoluted and circuitous that it takes enormous skill to discern their original source, or fountainhead. But regardless of the reason for or the source of the anger or the relative ease or complexity in perceiving either the anger or its source - everybody, but everybody, gets angry.109
Thomas a KempisBe not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.109
Maajid NawazI was filled with hate and anger. But during my trial, something decisive happened: Amnesty International adopted me as a prisoner of conscience, and it was an unbelievable feeling to know that there is someone fighting for you on the outside. Amnesty's 'soft' approach made me seriously consider alternatives to revenge.109
Rupert GravesIt's interesting when you're in your thirties and you're not the same pretty boy that you were when you were 21. I think people's anger at themselves getting older is projected on to you because you become a symbol of that.109
Andrew ShueWhen you start suppressing feelings at an early age, it hurts you down the road. Full expression of anger and pain is very important.109
Billy GardellThe quickest way to defuse fear or insecurity or anger is usually humor. I think comics figure that out quickly, and, once you figure it out, you think, 'Hey, if I can do this and get paid, that would be kind of cool.'109
Chen-Ning YangIn the final analysis, the incident is seen as originating from an emotional expression of the frustration and anger of the proud people of China who had been subject to ever increasing oppression from without and decadent corruption from within.109
Clare ShortThat feeds anger, and I mean when we went and at last thank heavens got towards peace in Northern Ireland we went for justice within Northern Ireland as well as using security well, as well as a political settlement, but surely that is the lesson.109
Matthew GoodeGolf courses are beautiful, it's good for the soul and it gets out the anger... well, if you don't care about the score then you won't have a heart attack.109
Daniela BobadillaOn 'Awake,' we would take a couple hours per scene. Whereas on 'Anger Management,' we can take maybe 10 minutes on a scene if we're lucky.109
Jon CrosbyI guess lyrically they're similar because they're talking about escaping the kind of misery that likes company. 'The Last One Alive,' for me, is very simple. It's just about alienation, really, that causes anger.109
Ariel DorfmanYou can survive with anger, but you can't live with it forever.109
Mark Z. DanielewskiAnger is one way to respond to fear. I say one way because responses are categorically multiple.109
Isaac AsimovViolence is the last refuge of the incompetent. 110
Jane GoodallWords can be said in bitterness and anger, and often there seems to be an element of truth in the nastiness. And words don't go away, they just echo around.110
Alfred A. MontapertEvery time you get angry, you poison your own system.110
Elizabeth WurtzelPeople who think that Sylvia Plath was a poor, sensitive poet are not getting that she had great amounts of ambition and anger that moved her along, or she wouldn't have been able to fight against that depression to produce such an incredible body of work by the age of thirty.110
Harrison FordI accrued anger from people's low opinion of me and my work, and for the work I might be capable of.110
Bernadine DohrnI was shocked at the anger toward me.110
Colum McCannThe further away we got from 9/11, the more I wanted to find some way to recover. I wanted to talk about the more anonymous corners of the city, because I think it's very important that not all of that anger was turned to revenge.110
Nigel MansellThe preparation, commitment and desire to win will be no less than the last time I drove a grand prix car in anger.110
Paula ColeFor me music is a vehicle to bring our pain to the surface, getting it back to that humble and tender spot where, with luck, it can lose its anger and become compassion again.110
Bob HoskinsI realised one day that men are emotional cripples. We can't express ourselves emotionally, we can only do it with anger and humour. Emotional stability and expression comes from women.110
Danny GloverI was able to do To Sleep with Anger, a very powerful film about African Americans, their spirituality, and the things that happened within a small community and a family.110
Tony GreigUs investigators who went out into the field were faced on occasion with a lot of anger, by people saying why has it taken you five or six year to come and see me?110
Rebecca De MornayIt's a very difficult thing for people to accept, seeing women act out anger on the screen. We're more accustomed to seeing men expressing rage and women crying.110
Indra NooyiWhen you assume negative intent, you're angry. If you take away that anger and assume positive intent, you will be amazed. Your emotional quotient goes up because you are no longer almost random in your response.111
Ellie GouldingIt's usually a big kind of vent of frustration or anger or sadness that puts me in the right frame of mind to write. It's such a cliche to say that artists write when they're down, but it's true for me. It's a relief to get out what's eating away at my heart or my soul or my head.111
Frank RichUnless and until Barack Obama addresses the full depth of Americans' anger with his full arsenal of policy smarts and political gifts, his presidency and, worse, our economy will be paralyzed.111
Frederica Mathewes-GreenOf the seven deadly sins, anger has long been the one with the best box of costumes. When the guy in the next car rages at you, he's dangerous. When you rage at him, you're just. We can usually recognize the results of anger, especially in others, as destructive and evil.111
Howard DeanPeople have said I'm the candidate of anger. Well, we have a right to be angry. We lost 3 million jobs. We lost our place as the moral leader of the world.111
Karen SalmansohnBasically, it's in your best mental interest to release your anger so you can see the world more clearly around you and seek better solutions for finding the happy, love-filled life you desire and deserve.111
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich SchlegelReligion can emerge in all forms of feeling: here wild anger, there the sweetest pain; here consuming hatred, there the childlike smile of serene humility.111
Kevin RuddSomething my mum taught me years and years and years ago, is life's just too short to carry around a great bucket-load of anger and resentment and bitterness and hatreds and all that sort of stuff.111
Kirk HammettMetallica is like the phoenix rising from the ashes. We set everything on fire, and this is what has risen from it - 'St. Anger' being the fire and 'Death Magnetic' being the phoenix.111
MahaviraAnger begets more anger, and forgiveness and love lead to more forgiveness and love.111
Margaret J. WheatleyIn our daily life, we encounter people who are angry, deceitful, intent only on satisfying their own needs. There is so much anger, distrust, greed, and pettiness that we are losing our capacity to work well together.111
Patty MurrayViolence is a problem we all want to solve. I want to make sure that kids learn to deal with anger by learning how to talk with people to solve problems. Here in the United States Senate I want to make sure we have safe schools, safe neighborhoods and good things for kids to do after school!111
Warren FarrellBoys with a 'failure to launch' are invisible to most girls. With poor social skills, the boys feel anger at their fear of being rejected and self-loathing at their inability to compete.111
Yusef KomunyakaaThrough the years I have seen myself as a peaceful person, but the awareness of the anger is part of that process.111
Philip HammondThere is a real sense of anger among many people who are married that the government, any government, thinks it has the ability to change the definition of an institution like marriage.111
Tom LantosInsurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political, financial and military support, and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined.111
Cameron SinclairIt angers me when sustainability gets used as a buzz word. For 90 percent of the world, sustainability is a matter of survival.111
Thomas JeffersonWhen angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred. 112
Toni MorrisonI get angry about things, then go on and work.112
William Arthur WardIt is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses.112
Muhammad YunusPoverty is the absence of all human rights. The frustrations, hostility and anger generated by abject poverty cannot sustain peace in any society.112
Naomi CampbellAnger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness.112
Barry EislerAnger, and the self-righteousness that is both the cause and consequence of anger, tends to be easier on the psyche than personal responsibility.112
Duane MichalsI think photographers are too polite. There is not enough anger in photography; it's pretty much trivialized.112
Emmitt SmithI've learned that football sometimes was an outlet. It was a way for me to release anger, release frustration.112
Jeremy TaylorIf anger proceeds from a great cause, it turns to fury; if from a small cause, it is peevishness; and so is always either terrible or ridiculous.112
Ron FournierShock, confusion, fear, anger, grief, and defiance. On Sept. 11, 2001, and for the three days following the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, President George W. Bush led with raw emotion that reflected the public's whipsawing stages of acceptance.112
Clive SinclairTel Aviv is buzzing with so much life, you could bottle it and sell it as honey, and even Jerusalem has a certain fizz. But if you want to see anger, go to Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem on a Friday afternoon.112
ThiruvalluvarIt is good to forget one's anger against one's wrongdoer, whoever he may be, for countless number of evils will quickly grow from this anger.112
Cedric RichmondIt's something that black men still go through to this day, which is women clutching their purses, hitting the lock button on store, or just basic attitudes. And even as a U.S. congressman, as a black man, it is very, very frustrating, and you build up an internal anger about it that you can't act on.112
Caleb CarrI get in trouble when I say things like, 'I'm attracted to violence.' I was a pretty angry kid, and I got into military history largely as a way to vent my own anger. As I got older it narrowed down to a more specific focus on individual violence. I'm just trying to understand where it came from.112
Michael CheIt's true - my mother kicked me out the house at 14. I had to go live with my sister. I had some problems. I was very rebellious as a kid. I don't even know why or where it came from, but I had a lot of anger. Me and my mom clashed a lot because she didn't tolerate that, as she shouldn't from a 14-year-old.112
Mahatma GandhiAnger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up. 113
Elisabeth Kubler-RossThe five stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance - are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief.113
Gary OldmanMy passion and energy get mistaken for anger.113
Geoff MulganOne effect of an individualistic culture that's poor at instilling mutual respect is that people jump more quickly to anger or violence.113
Orhan PamukI would be pleased if someone would invent a pill to remove my impatience, moodiness, and occasional bursts of anger. But if they did, I wouldn't be able to write my novels or paint.113
Oriana FallaciI am a danger to myself if I get angry.113
Samuel L. JacksonI'm not as angry as I used to be. But I can get in touch with that anger pretty quickly if I feel my space is being invaded or somebody is not treating me with the respect that I think I want.113
Yoko OnoI realized that if my thoughts immediately affect my body, I should be careful about what I think. Now if I get angry, I ask myself why I feel that way. If I can find the source of my anger, I can turn that negative energy into something positive.113
Chaz BonoDeep down, my mom had long suspected I was gay... Much of her anger and hurt came from her sense of betrayal that she was the last to be told.113
Josh HommeI don't think it's good to run on anger, but it's really great when that's the first couple of gallons in your tank - when you've had enough, and you're just pissed off enough to go for it. In a lot of ways, that sort of environment can be a catapult for a great situation.113
Rosamund PikeAnger is not an accepted thing for women. And, you know, I do get angry. I feel it's a very honest emotion.113
Betty WilliamsThe thing that started the peace movement in Ireland was anger - my anger. It wasn't anger; it was fury.113
Daniela BobadillaI get really angry when I get hungry. If you don't feed me, I won't talk to you. That's when my anger issues come out.113
Jakob BohmeGod's love-eye does not see essentially into the wicked rebellious apostate soul; neither also into the devil, but his anger-eye sees thereinto; that is, God, according to the property of the anger or fire of wrath, sees in the devil, and in the false soul.113
Benjamin FranklinWhatever is begun in anger ends in shame. 114
Christina AguileraI turned to music originally because of my past and needing a release or an outlet to get out anger or frustration or hurt.114
Elisabeth Kubler-RossIt is important to feel the anger without judging it, without attempting to find meaning in it. It may take many forms: anger at the health-care system, at life, at your loved one for leaving. Life is unfair. Death is unfair. Anger is a natural reaction to the unfairness of loss.114
Francis QuarlesAnger may repast with thee for an hour, but not repose for a night; the continuance of anger is hatred, the continuance of hatred turns malice.114
James Russell LowellUsually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.114
Pete TownshendI have to say that anger is the blanket that comes around me, and that blunts and blurs my sense of proportion.114
Wilson MiznerAll anger is not sinful, because some degree of it, and on some occasions, is inevitable. But it becomes sinful and contradicts the rule of Scripture when it is conceived upon slight and inadequate provocation, and when it continues long.114
Crystal BowersoxI'm not sure why there's this anger in the youth, but we need to talk about it. Kids need to get help if they need help, and bullies need to be helped as well.114
Park Chan-wookI guess I probably make violent films partly because I can't express my anger in my real life very well.114
Wilfred BurchettMy anger with the US was not at first, that they had used that weapon - although that anger came later.114
Jay Alan SekulowWhat if you threw a protest and no one showed up? The lack of angst and anger and emotion is a big positive.114
Mahatma GandhiAnger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. 115
Nikos KazantzakisOne of man's greatest obligations is anger.115
Thich Nhat HanhAnger is like a storm rising up from the bottom of your consciousness. When you feel it coming, turn your focus to your breath.115
Diana RossSo I'm not worried about the emotions I carry with me, because I'm happy that I have them; I think it's good for the work I do. The emotions that are not healthy are the ones you hold inside, like anger.115
Lisa Marie PresleyI do like to write nasty songs. It's a useful weapon to have, and it's cathartic as well, because I create art out of anger, something positive out of something negative.115
Sydney J. HarrisIf a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size?115
Beverly SillsMy dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.115
Robert SouthAnger is a transient hatred; or at least very like it.115
Roseanne BarrExperts say you should never hit your children in anger. When is a good time? When you're feeling festive?115
Rosalind WisemanSo many women keep their anger inside and let it build until they explode and then people blow them off again.115
Clare ShortAnd we know there has been horrendous loss of life and suffering and we know that there is anger. Anyone who came anywhere near the general election in constituencies with a substantial Muslim population knows that.115
Jakob BohmeChrist hath instituted Baptism as a bath, to wash away the anger, and hath put into us the Noble Stone, viz. the water of eternal life, for an earnest-penny, so that instantly in our childhood we might be able to escape the wrath.115
Richard M. NixonDon't get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.116
Karen SalmansohnOften, overeating is a way to punish yourself for the anger and resentment you're feeling - either at yourself or someone else.116
Publilius SyrusAn angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.116
SallustAll who consult on doubtful matters, should be void of hatred, friendship, anger, and pity.116
Clarissa Pinkola EstesWhen you feel bad, find a person to talk to and cry with, to tell of your anger and other helpless feelings.116
Ellen BarkinBut one of the hardest things for me to do was to access anger. I could do it on stage. But when I did it on film it was hard for me. That probably has to do with the intimacy of film. And my own personal issues with expressing anger. So I had to learn how to do that.116
Jacqueline BissetAt the time, 1980, people regarded actresses involved with production with a certain amount of fear, resentment and anger.116
Seymour CasselIf you're an actor, and you're selfish and not strong, it's difficult to maintain a good personal life or a solid career, and I was selfish and had a lot of anger that went way back.116
Brene BrownFirst and foremost, we need to be the adults we want our children to be. We should watch our own gossiping and anger. We should model the kindness we want to see.117
Krista TippettFear usually looks like anger.117
Nicola AdamsAnger is an unnecessary emotion. Loads of stuff in life can trigger it, but what matters is how you react. I choose not to react.117
Nina EastonPublic anger over bank bailouts was as much about fairness as the billions of dollars spent.117
Vanilla IceI use the music to vent, and a lot of the stuff that I am writing about or was writing about contained a lot of anger and anxiety, stress and depression, so that's how the album came out so dark.117
Peter AbrahamsA man can submit today in order to resist tomorrow. My submission had been such. And because I had not been free to show my real feeling, to voice my true thoughts, my submission had bred bitterness and anger. And there were nearly ten million others who had submitted with equal anger and bitterness.117
Blanche LincolnMy heart has been heavy and I have deliberated within my own conscience, knowing that my decision should not come out of my initial emotion of anger toward the President for such reckless behavior, but should be based on the facts.117
Dominic CooperI suppose there's an anger in all of us. Some hidden rage that you keep at bay.117
Koren ZailckasI think what I learned in research is that as Americans, we're very distrustful of anger. We're not sure if we should repress it. The idea that anger is supposed to be controlled is American, and we try to keep it out of our homes.117
Daniela BobadillaI feel like everything comes into your life for a reason. With 'Awake,' I got to do a drama, and with 'Anger Management,' that's my comedy.117
Daniel WebsterKeep cool; anger is not an argument.118
Karen SalmansohnSince I began my practice of Forgiveness Therapy, it's now instinctual for me to choose to eat like I love myself - instead of eating like I wanted to punish myself. Plus I've not only lost weight, I've lost the anger and anxiety I was feeling, and so I feel happier and calmer within.118
Martha BeckSelf-pity, a dominant characteristic of sociopaths, is also the characteristic that differentiates heroic storytelling from psychological rumination. When you talk about your experiences to shed light, you may feel wrenching pain, grief, anger, or shame. Your audience may pity you, but not because you want them to.118
Ta-Nehisi CoatesMy father was so very afraid. I felt it in the sting of his black leather belt, which he applied with more anxiety than anger, my father who beat me as if someone might steal me away, because that was exactly what was happening all around us.118
Albert BrooksI think anger and laughter are very close to each other, when you think about it.118
Natalie MartinezI usually get all my stress and anger out at the gym. But when I get out, I'm kind of a pleasant person - really.118
Randi WeingartenThroughout my career as a lawyer, teacher and labor leader, books have remained my constant companion - stuffed into a briefcase, overflowing on my bedside table, stacked on my desk at work. Books have carried me to distant worlds, opened new doors and made me feel empathy, compassion, anger, fear, joy, acceptance - and everything in between.118
Terry GlavinIt was less in pity than in anger that the world was moved by the photograph of little Alan Kurdi, that dead three-year-old Syrian refugee boy whose name we're all remembering now on the first anniversary of his drowning, along with his five-year-old brother Galip and their mother Rehanna.118
Tory LanezI was being very bad because I didn't know how to express myself. Music gave me an outlet to express myself and channel that anger.118
Jim WebbI believe anger is a wasted emotion, and I don't like to waste emotions.118
Koren ZailckasI think, for one, we have to really accept that anger is a normal human emotion that can be a positive force for change.118
Ani DiFrancoMen make angry music and it's called rock-and-roll; women include anger in their vocabulary and suddenly they're angry and militant.119
Carl SandburgAnger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed.119
Edward AbbeyLove implies anger. The man who is angered by nothing cares about nothing.119
Edward G. Bulwer-LyttonAnger ventilated often hurries towards forgiveness; anger concealed often hardens into revenge.119
Pope Paul VIAnger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest.119
William CongreveNever go to bed angry, stay up and fight.119
Yancy ButlerI've spent a lot of time and money trying to keep my anger in control.119
Bob FellerSympathy is something that shouldn't be bestowed upon the Yankees. Apparently it angers them.119
Helen GarnerIt's very shocking, I think, for people caring for the dying to realise how unsaintly they feel, how much anger is mixed up with their grief. In fact, often I think the anger that they feel is a form of grief; it's a kind of raging against what's happening.119
Lou FerrignoI have a lot of anger about my childhood - being hard of hearing and my relationship with my father.119
Mike NicholsI asked a shrink: 'Everything is so great. Why am I still so angry?' He said, 'Anger doesn't go away.' I always thought it was kind of a good engine.119
Brian Sutton-SmithI feel playful aggression is important for children because they have to deal with all kinds of anger and aggression in their lives.119
Donna RiceI also had to work through the violation of my date rape, my unhealthy relationships with men, my anger toward the people involved in the scandal, and those who exploited me afterwards.119
Alanis MorissetteWhen I was younger, I was terrified to express anger because it would often kick-start a horrible reaction in the men in my life. So I bit my tongue. I was left to painstakingly deal with the aftermath of my avoidance later in life, in therapy or through the lyrics of my songs.120
B. C. ForbesHe best keeps from anger who remembers that God is always looking upon him.120
K'naanI have moments of darkness, of anger, and moments of rage. They do creep up at the most inopportune times. Not to recognize that in my music would give people a sense of sainthood that I don't necessarily have or even want to have.120
Lindsey VonnI always channeled what I felt emotionally into skiing - my insecurities, my anger, my disappointment. Skiing was always my outlet, and it worked.120
Milan KunderaHe took over anger to intimidate subordinates, and in time anger took over him.120
Rachel MaddowI'm not a screamer. I'm confrontational, but I don't think that translates into anger.120
Saint Francis de SalesThere was never an angry man that thought his anger unjust.120
Amanda LindhoutSometimes, you have to make the choice to forgive 10 times a day when you have these pockets of anger come up. That's a lot of work, but to me it's worthwhile.120
Lauren GroffThere aren't very many good models of feminine rage - and the ones that we remember are ones where women take that anger internally and implode themselves in a real way, like Anna Karenina or Emma Bovary.120
Conor McGregorI don't feel bitterness, I don't feel anger towards anybody. Fighting is never emotional to me.121
Wayne DyerThere's nothing wrong with anger provided you use it constructively. 121
Athol FugardNobody can take what I love away from me. I would like to believe that love is the only energy I've ever used as a writer. I've never written out of anger, although anger has informed love.121
BodhidharmaThe ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.121
Dick DaleI don't play pyrotechnic scales. I play about frustration, patience, anger. Music is an extension of my soul.121
Fiona AppleMy whole life, people have been saying, Why are you so angry?121
Jack CanfieldWords, especially when yelled in anger, can be very damaging to a child's self-confidence. The child probably already feels bad enough just from seeing the consequences of his or her behavior. Our sons and daughters don't need more guilt and self-doubt heaped upon their already wounded egos.121
Kathleen Troia McFarlandAmericans are slow to anger, but once they do get angry, they are impossible to stop.121
Lukas ForchhammerMy biggest influence is rap. It spoke to me, probably because of my upbringing in Christiania. You listen to 'The Chronic' and you can hear that anger and frustration.121
Matt TaibbiWhat we Americans go through to pick a president is not only crazy and unnecessary but genuinely abusive. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in a craven, cynical effort to stir up hatred and anger on both sides.121
Joe LiebermanI share the anger, but, ultimately, to govern this country, it takes more than anger. It takes experience. It takes positions that reflect the best values of the American people.121
Jakob BohmeWe are children of the eternity: But this world is an out-birth out of the eternal; and its palpability taketh its original in the anger; the eternal nature is its root.121
ConfuciusWhen anger rises, think of the consequences. 122
Wayne DyerWhat comes out when life squeezes you? When someone hurts or offends you? If anger, pain and fear come out of you, it's because that's what's inside.122
J. R. R. TolkienDo not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.122
Andy SerkisI do have anger management issues. Not clinical. Probably no more than most people.122
Francois HollandeI am not deaf. I hear the anger. I see the dissatisfaction, and I have to go faster.122
HoraceThe one who cannot restrain their anger will wish undone, what their temper and irritation prompted them to do.122
King KruleI've got rid of a lot of cynicism and anger. I feel positive about my development, and I just want to carry on making music and building myself as a person.122
Brandon FlowersDance music cannot compete with a really great rock n' roll song. There ain't no DJ that's gonna play something that can take 'Mr Brightside' or 'Don't Look Back In Anger.'122
Christine QuinnBeing an activist is about getting things done. It's not about standing around shaking your fist in anger.122
Francis BaconA man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green. 123
Barbara De AngelisThe more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present.123
Lynn CoadyAnger is one of those emotions that doesn't follow the letter of the law. It speaks before it thinks. It rears up on its hind legs and charges.123
Tommy LeeI don't think anybody should ever touch anybody in anger, ever.123
Grace JonesIf people think I'm angry, I don't want to burst anybody's bubble. I like sometimes for people to be afraid of me. But it's not really anger; it's discipline.123
John BergerProtest and anger practically always derives from hope, and the shouting out against injustice is always in the hope of those injustices being somewhat corrected and a little more justice established.123
Nate RobinsonI've seen my mother struggling, everything that she did to raise me and my brothers and my sisters, and I know the anger that she went through.123
Adam HamiltonI think anger is a normal response to something horrible that someone has done, another human being has done, and to rob people of life, and that's actually healthy to have, to feel that. At some point you have to figure out, 'How do I let that go?'123
BuddhaHolding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.124
Dalai LamaAppearance is something absolute, but reality is not that way - everything is interdependent, not absolute. So that view is very helpful to maintain a peace of mind because the main destroyer of a peaceful mind is anger.124
Marcus AureliusHow much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it. 124
Victoria OsteenRemember, if you want to love your life and live it to the fullest, don't let the sun go down on your anger. If you don't have a solution to the issue, agree to disagree and focus on the importance of the relationship.124
Gary ZukavWe are becoming able to see the pursuit of external power for what it is and the futility of trying to escape the pain of powerlessness by changing the world. When we look inward, not outward, we can dismantle the parts of our personalities that have controlled us for so long - such as anger, jealousy, vindictiveness, superiority, inferiority.124
Lynn CoadyWhen you're not sure your anger is justified, the thing to do is ask yourself exactly where it's coming from.124
Manny PacquiaoHuman anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.124
Marlee MatlinI want roles without anger and feistiness. I want to show weakness and sadness, some love, some happiness.124
Saint AmbroseLet there be a door to thy mouth, that it may be shut when need arises, and let it be carefully barred, that none may rouse thy voice to anger, and thou pay back abuse with abuse.124
Vince CableOn banks, I make no apology for attacking spivs and gamblers who did more harm to the British economy than Bob Crow could achieve in his wildest Trotskyite fantasies, while paying themselves outrageous bonuses underwritten by the taxpayer. There is much public anger about banks and it is well deserved.124
Laura WasserLike the marriage contract you entered into, your divorce is a legal transaction. Treat it that way. Try not to let emotion, hurt, fear or anger dictate the circumstances of your discussions or negotiations.124
Reba McEntireThe upside to anger? Getting it out of your system. You got to express your anger. Then you have room for more positive things. If I hold something in a long time, and then I speak it, it's amazing how the light shines so much brighter.125
Eric AltermanWhether one agrees or disagrees with the tactics of the Occupy Wall Street movement, it's easy to understand the inspiration for its anger as well as its impatience.125
Lukas ForchhammerWhen you get frisked by the police at the age of 10, and they empty your schoolbag out in the street and kick your books around and calling you names because of where you live, you just get an anger towards everyone who is outside of your neighborhood.125
Jackson KatzWhether one admired or was repulsed by the positions he took on matters foreign and domestic, it is undeniable that Reagan's ability to project anger was highly attractive to his most passionate supporters on the far right - and crucial to his political success.125
Baltasar GracianNever do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.126
Karl RoveAnd I think there's something about conservatives frankly - and the Left, when it comes to their channels of persuasion, are unpersuasive. They are, most of them are hate-filled, obscenity-clogged rants of anger and hatred.126
Khaled HosseiniIn Afghan society, parents play a central role in the lives of their children; the parent-child relationship is fundamental to who you are and what you become and how you perceive yourself, and it is laden with contradictions, with tension, with anger, with love, with loathing, with angst.126
Margaret J. WheatleyWhen we can lay down our fear and anger and choose responses other than aggression, we create the conditions for bringing out the best in us humans.126
Obie TriceThe Anger Management Tour was another beautiful thing. I loved that tour.126
SallustHe that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing.126
Douglas AlexanderOf course we need to show we are a genuine alternative to an unpopular, Conservative-led government. But we need to set ourselves a higher standard than a party offering anger like UKIP.126
Robin GibbAs the plane got closer to Miami, I had this terrible feeling he was dying. Maybe he was telling me that he was going. I felt anger, panic, despair and helplessness.126
Langston HughesViolent anger makes me physically ill.201
P. J. O'RourkeIn Israel, waves of anger and fear circulate all the time, but so do jokes and gossip and silky evening breezes. So, too, in America.201
Charlie SheenI think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.201
Ingmar BergmanThe anger and the creativity are so closely intertwined with me, and there's plenty of anger left.201
Albert BrooksAll improv turns into anger. All comedy improv basically turns into anger, because that's all people know how to do when they're improvising. If you notice shows that are improvising are generally people yelling at each other.201
Mimi KennedySince the time of Richard Nixon, there has been a strange lack of will in the media to identify the real cause for Americans' anger at politicians who fall, publicly and spectacularly.201
D. H. LawrenceThe only justice is to follow the sincere intuition of the soul, angry or gentle. Anger is just, and pity is just, but judgement is never just.202
Alanis MorissetteWe're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear and sadness, and to me they're of equal value to happiness, excitement and inspiration.202
Janet FitchA lot of people think they should be happy all the time. But the writer understands you need both. You need the whole piano: the richness of the whole human experience. Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.202
Chris PineWe come from fallible parents who were kids once, who decided to have kids and who had to learn how to be parents. Faults are made and damage is done, whether it's conscious or not. Everyone's got their own 'stuff,' their own issues, and their own anger at Mom and Dad. That is what family is. Family is almost naturally dysfunctional.203
Louis D. BrandeisBehind every argument is someone's ignorance.203
Max LucadoIt seems to me that election season is just a Petri dish for anger and cynicism.203
Peter BenchleyWe are already perilously close to killing off the top of the oceanic food chain - with catastrophic consequences that we can't begin to imagine. Let us not, in the heat of anger, reduce the already devastated population of great white sharks by one more member.203
Thomas FullerThere is nothing that so much gratifies an ill tongue as when it finds an angry heart.203
John DrydenAnger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.203
Alana StewartI resisted writing a book for a long time because I didn't want to invade anyone else's privacy or hurt anyone or anger anyone.203
Jessye NormanThere's no anger ever in a spiritual. There's always the dream of a hope of a better day coming. That God understands the troubles that I'm experiencing.203
Jane GoodallAs I'm traveling around, I meet many small children. And when I look at a small and think how we've harmed this beautiful planet since I was that age, I feel a kind of desperation, anger, shame. I don't know what I feel; I just don't know what the emotion is.204
Paul RyanPresident Obama clearly cannot run on his record. All he's offering is more of the same. That's not good. Look at the economy. It's stagnating. And so, what they're now going to try and do is bring this campaign down to little things, distractions, distortions, smear, fear, anger, frustration.204
Sherman AlexieIn high school I dated a white woman. She would come to visit me on the rez. And her dad, who was very racist, didn't like that at all. And he told her one time, 'You shouldn't go on the rez if you're white because Indians have a lot of anger in their heart.'204
Dave DaviesI wasn't a very academic kid, and music was the way for all that feeling and angst and sex and love and anger to be channelled.204
Tasha SmithI was a confused young girl with so much tragedy. Sometimes when you're going through stuff, the last person you're thinking exists is God. I mean, it was my confusion, the anger that was in my heart, all that drama. But thank God I know God now, okay?204
Dick CavettUnpleasant reading on the subject of anger tells us that there's not really anything wrong with it. In limited amounts. It can even be a good thing. A pressure valve.205
Gary OldmanGrowing up in a particular neighborhood, growing up in a working-class family, not having much money, all of those things fire you and can give you an edge, can give you an anger.205
George HerbertBe calm in arguing; for fierceness makes error a fault, and truth discourtesy.205
Mark KirkI would say that I definitely became much more religious. They say there are no atheists in foxholes, and this stroke put me into a very deep foxhole. Yet that feeling of faith sustained me, so I have no feelings of anger or regret.205
Andrew VachssOurs is a country where anything can be accomplished if enough people get angry... because, in America, we act on our collective anger.205
George EliotAnger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love.206
Arundhati RoyThe Occupy movement found places where people who were feeling that anger could come and share it - and that is, as we all know, extremely important in any political movement. The Occupy sites became a way you could gauge the levels of anger and discontent.206
Grace SlickWhen you learn that a truth is a lie, anger follows.206
Karen SalmansohnIn many ways, anger is a misdirected plea for love.206
Robert ReichThose at the top would do better with a smaller share of a booming economy that elicits a positive politics than they will do with an ever-larger share of an anemic economy that fuels the politics of anger.206
David HorseyAs long as anger, paranoia and misinformation drive our political debate, there are unhinged souls among us who will feel justified in turning to violent remedies for imagined threats.206
PlatoThere are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.207
Norman SchwarzkopfI get angry at a principle, not a person.207
Phyllis DillerMy recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual.207
Carly FiorinaI think Donald Trump taps into an anger that I hear every day. People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme. It's not extreme; it's common sense. We need to secure the border.207
Margot RobbieBeing irrational and out of control is what happens in real life. Not cautiously choreographing your anger or your emotions, losing yourself in them is what happens in real life.207
Iyanla VanzantPain is pain, hurt is hurt, fear is fear, anger is anger, and it has no color.208
Bryan CranstonI have some anger issues.208
Laura SchlessingerIt is typical of women to fester and ferment over disappointments, slights, annoyances, angers, etc.208
Martin SeligmanThe best therapists can do with sadness, anger, and anxiety is to help patients live in the more comfortable part of their set range.208
Julian BagginiAnger clearly has its proper place at work, which is neither wholly absent nor ever present. The manager who is an emotional blank is just as hard to work for as the volcanic boss, and both can do great harm by setting an unhelpful example for what kind of emotional expression is expected and accepted.208
Mike BarnicleWhat is forgiveness? An emotion? A coping mechanism? An element of deepest faith? A way for the heart and soul to combat the type of hate, anger, rage and a thirst for revenge that could ultimately consume a person? All of those and more?208
Bob MarleyIf you get down and quarell everyday, you're saying prayers to the devil, I say.209
Elizabeth WarrenPundits talk about 'populist rage' as a way to trivialize the anger and fear coursing through the middle class.209
Ricky MartinBefore I came out, I had a lot of anger. For years people would ask, 'How are you doing?' and I'd say, 'Good, fine.' It's show business, and that's what you have to show.209
Mohsin HamidWhen terrorism strikes, divisive anger is a natural response.209
Jesse JacksonI'm too mature to be angry.210
Colin PowellGet mad, then get over it.211
Diane KrugerYeah, to me, acting is very therapeutic. I get out a lot of anger and frustration.211
Mickey RourkeI had a lot of anger inside me and that came out at times that were not particularly advantageous to me career-wise.211
Benjamin FranklinAnger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. 212
Bryant H. McGillYou reclaim your power by loving what you were once taught to hate.212
Chris CrutcherIf you're writing about angry people, you use the language of anger. If you're writing about desperate people, you use the language of desperation.212
Patrick SwayzeI had a lot of anger because I wasn't happy with the way I had been raised.212
Ann NocentiGreen Arrow has gone through so many changes; he's been right-wing, he's been left-wing, he's been rich, he's been poor, he's been a social justice guy, then when I got him, he was a rich playboy guy. So it was a lot harder to get into a character that has so many personas in the past, and I just looked at his anger.212
Gloria SteinemAnger is energising. The opposite of anger is depression, which is anger turned inward.213
Thich Nhat HanhMeditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.213
Eddie MurphyEvery now and then, when I think about it, I think, 'What would I even talk about onstage?' It's never been, 'I wonder if I'm funny. I wonder if I can come up with jokes.' It's more, 'What would it be like without the leather suit and the anger?'213
Gary OldmanI drank for about 25 years getting over the loss of my father and I took the anger out on myself. I did a good job at beating myself up at sometimes. I don't drink anymore but my alcoholic head occasionally says different. 'Nil By Mouth' was a love letter to my father because I needed to resolve some issues in order to be able to forgive him.213
Naftali BennettI have not one shred of anger in my heart against Netanyahu or his wife.213
BuddhaIn a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.214
Richard M. NixonWhat starts the process, really, are laughs and slights and snubs when you are a kid. If your anger is deep enough and strong enough, you learn that you can change those attitudes by excellence, personal gut performance.214
Baltasar GracianNever contend with a man who has nothing to lose.214
Henry B. EyringIt is a lie that our anger justifies our impulse to hurt or ignore our antagonists. We are to forgive to be forgiven. To wait for them to repent before we forgive and repent is to allow them to choose for us a delay which could cost us happiness here and hereafter.214
Sachin TendulkarI grew up looking at my father as to how to behave. In watching him I grasped so many things. His own temperament was of a calm person. He was very composed and I never saw anger in him. To me, that was fascinating.214
Tim O'BrienI could feel my moral compass as a soldier, in danger of - I could feel the squeeze, the pressure of frustration and anger and fear combining on me... I felt the danger; I felt the squeeze of it.214
John DrydenThe intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves.214
Brian PosehnI've written for the last 15 years on TV shows, but now I'm doing the new Charlie Sheen program, 'Anger Management.'214
ConfuciusSpeak the truth, do not yield to anger; give, if thou art asked for little; by these three steps thou wilt go near the gods.215
Ben CarsonIn general I was a good kid. It usually took a lot to make me mad. But once I reached the boiling point, I lost all rational control. Totally without thinking, when my anger was aroused, I grabbed the nearest brick, rock, or stick to bash someone. It was as if I had no conscious will in the matter.215
Bernie SiegelThe spiritual message is we lose our lives in pleasing others; if you're the good child who pleases Mommy and Daddy but internalizes anger, you're setting yourself up for disease.215
Geoff MulganDemocracy isn't solely about polite conversations in parliaments. It needs to be continually refreshed with raw passions, anger and ideals.215
HoraceLawyers are men who hire out their words and anger.215
Yair LapidFreedom of expression is tested during times of anger and conflict and enables all opinions and outraged expressions of dissent that we may not want to hear. But even for this there have to be limits.215
Jessica LangeAll through life I've harbored anger rather than expressed it at the moment.216
Maajid NawazHizb ut-Tahrir spearheaded the radicalization of the 1990s and cultivated an atmosphere of anger.216
Dalai LamaGenerally speaking, if a human being never shows anger, then I think something's wrong. He's not right in the brain.217
Kevin BaconI think we all have a lot of darkness in our bellies. As an actor, the challenge of tapping into that, reaching down into that sadness or anger, is very therapeutic.217
Kirk HammettIt really shocked me just to hear of the fans' response to 'St. Anger' not having guitar solos.217
Zach GalifianakisI understand Tea Partyers' anger with the system, but they are in way over their heads and often racially motivated, and I can't be part of that.217
Henri NouwenSolitude is the place where we can connect with profound bonds that are deeper than the emergency bonds of fear and anger.218
Woody HarrelsonWe don't get the greatest tools to deal with anger. It's like, 'Hey, count to 10.' When someone really upsets me, how do I respond? I don't usually start counting to 10 and breathing deeply.218
Martin LutherWhen I am angry I can pray well and preach well.219
William Butler YeatsOne should not lose one's temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end.219
Emma StoneI had a trainer during 'Spiderman,' and I discovered I have deep-seated rage when I'm holding heavy weights over my head. Whatever dormant anger I have in me, that's where it comes out. That's not the kind of working out I want to do.219
Gary ZukavCaregiving requires the intention of love, caretaking requires the intention of fear. Not acting in anger when you are angry requires the intention of love.219
Nancy GibbsEmotional life grows out of an area of the brain called the limbic system, specifically the amygdala, whence come delight and disgust and fear and anger.220
Nick HarkawayThe idea that the law should punish what is rude; that government should protect our tender sensibilities from those who would - quite often with shallow motivations but sometimes with deeper and more serious complaints - challenge our national certainties and rituals, should alarm and anger us.220
Andy KindlerWhen I played a club in Salt Lake City, I complained to the crowd about the low turnout. It's always good to berate the people who paid to see you because you're upset about the people who didn't show up. It's called misplaced anger, and without it, I wouldn't have an act.220
B. B. KingI don't like anybody to be angry with me. I'd rather have friends.221
HoraceAnger is a short madness.221
Mel GibsonReligion and politics hit nerves. There's a lot of anger about a lot of things. It's not easily resolved. I guess that's what wars are about. Wars are about prejudice and fear. Hit first before you get hit. Believe me, I know.221
Mother AngelicaWhen our neighbor's personality possesses harsh qualities, we show our love by not voluntarily provoking those qualities in any way. Past experience shows us what upsets a person, so in their presence we are careful not to do or say those things that cause anger. We are self-effacing.221
Publilius SyrusThe bare recollection of anger kindles anger.221
Kurt CobainMy songs have always been frustrating themes, relationships that I've had. And now that I'm in love, I expect it to be really happy, or at least there won't be half as much anger as there was.222
Alan AldaI'm an angry person, angrier than most people would imagine, I get flashes of anger. What works for me is working out when it's useful to use that anger.222
Peter HookYou look at 30 Seconds to Mars, and you don't think, 'Ooh, I bet they're angry.' No one really does anger these days. I suppose it's a turn-off.223
Dalai LamaToo much self-centered attitude, you see, brings, you see, isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger. The extreme self-centered attitude is the source of suffering.224
Wayne DyerThe components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.224
Marcus Tullius CiceroHatred is inveterate anger.224
Alanis MorissetteWhen someone says that I'm angry it's actually a compliment. I have not always been direct with my anger in my relationships, which is part of why I'd write about it in my songs because I had such fear around expressing anger as a woman.225
Debbie FordAnger, if used properly, might be for a cause, like helping feed children or stopping abuse somewhere. When we understand that every quality has importance and value, then we open up to this. Shining a light on these shadow qualities gives it balance.225
Malcolm GladwellThe injunction to be nice is used to deflect criticism and stifle the legitimate anger of dissent.225
Nhat HanhFear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre, and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive.225
Tracy MorganI do stand up sometimes out of anger. Sometimes the greatest stuff comes from a dark place.225
Tracy MorganListen, Bruce Lee fought out of anger. That's why they call it the 'Fists of Fury.' Michael Jackson danced with fury. I do stand up out of fury. I'm not mad at anybody. I'm not mad at any human being because I'm a human being.226
Zach GalifianakisAs you get older, you see the world at a different angle, maybe more cynically, but I just bury my anger.226
Ayman OdehEventually, I moved from a place of anger toward the Jews of Israel toward a place of embrace.226
Martha BeckAllowing children to show their guilt, show their grief, show their anger, takes the sting out of the situation.301
Tim DalyNo one's banging down my door. People see the way I look, and they don't feel threatened, but they should watch out for me. They don't know there's a steel rod that drives me. I get ticked off, and the rage just gets me going. My motor is anger.301
Francis BaconAnger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor.302
Terry PratchettAnger is wonderful. It keeps you going. I'm angry about bankers. About the government.302
Thich Nhat HanhFear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive. That is a dualistic way of seeing.302
Charles KrauthammerThe Internet is a cauldron of anger every day, every year, election year or not, with unemployment at 10 percent or at two percent. It isn't exactly a good index of what's happening.302
Anurag KashyapI've become a lot more tolerant; I think before I talk. I can take a lot now. I don't get as angry as I used to. Whenever I do, I channel my anger into my work.303
Mario CuomoThe biggest aggravation in the Arab world, the biggest reason for their anger toward us and the creation of those suicide terrorists, is Israel and the difficulty with the Palestinian issue.304
Albert EinsteinAnger dwells only in the bosom of fools. 305
Elie WieselI have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I've been closer to him for that reason.305
Jesse JacksonMany are observing Ferguson and witnessing the anger, demonstrations, looting and vandalism and calling for quiet. But quiet isn't enough. The absence of noise isn't the presence of justice - and we must demand justice in Ferguson and the other 'Fergusons' around America.306
Bill FloresWe do have our challenges. Some things don't always work right in Washington, and the anger you see from the electorate, I think, is a reflection of what's not working right.306
Marcus AureliusAnger cannot be dishonest.307
EpictetusWhen you are offended at any man's fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger.307
Charles BukowskiCensorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can't vent any anger against them; I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence.307
Jerry SeinfeldWell, all comedy starts with anger. You get angry, and its never for a good reason, right? You know its not a good reason. And then you try and work it from there.307
Paul McCartneyGeorge wrote Taxman, and I played guitar on it. He wrote it in anger at finding out what the taxman did. He had never known before then what could happen to your money.307
Hillary ClintonExtremism thrives amid ignorance and anger, intimidation and cowardice.308
James DysonAnger is a good motivator.308
Michael CaineMy wife, my daughters, even my grandchildren are funny. You've got to keep a sense of humor because anger destroys you.311
Monica CrowleyWhen the Left agitates over government policies, it's considered righteous anger. When the Right - and much of the center - agitate, it's painted as the rantings of the criminally and violently insane.311
Stephen KinzerRelationships based on deals between leaders or ruling elites tend to collapse amid popular anger.311
John RuskinHe that would be angry and sin not, must not be angry with anything but sin.312
Elizabeth EstyWe want to take the energy surrounding the Sandy Hook anniversary that might otherwise be consumed by grief or anger - or this week in San Bernardino by fear - and channel some of that to honor our common humanity and love each other.312
Wayne DyerOne of the greatest lessons of my own life was learning to turn the inner rampage of hatred and anger toward my own father for his reprehensible behavior and abandonment of his family into an inner reaction more closely aligned with God and God-realized love.313
Nora EphronI have now been married to my third husband for more than 20 years. But when you've had children with someone you're divorced from, divorce defines everything; it's the lurking fact, a slice of anger in the pie of your brain.313
Nora EphronOne good thing I'd like to say about divorce is that it sometimes makes it possible for you to be a much better wife to your next husband because you have a place for your anger - it's not directed at the person you're currently with.314
Henry RollinsTo anger female voters in America is to tread on the tiger's tail. Women turn out in huge numbers, and they are well aware of how their bodies work and what they need.316
Ashton KutcherMy mom's whole side of the family, they're all Packers fans. My mom's a Bears fan. My stepdad is a Vikings guy. So that gets ugly. My mom sits upstairs watching the Bears game; he sits in the basement. They can't watch it together. Football's a violent anger in our family dynamic.316
George ForemanI started a youth center in Houston. The kids would come in and want to learn to box; they wanted to tear up the world, beat up the world. And I'd try to show them they didn't need anger. They didn't need all that killing instinct they'd read about. You can be a human being and pursue boxing as a sport.316
Willie NelsonI think I'm basically the same guy I always was. Maybe I've learned, through experience, to rein in some of the anger and temper they say redheads normally have.316
Albert BrooksI made my living in comedy, but I'm not a silly person. I've got all these sides to me. Even in my movies that I've written myself, the characters sometimes border on great anger or nutsiness or other kinds of behavior. I'm not just doing fart jokes for two hours.316
Margo JeffersonWhat's often not acknowledged about depression is how much anger is in it.316
Colin PowellIt isn't enough just to scream at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. We need our political system to start reflect this anger back into, 'How do we fix it? How do we get the economy going again?'317
Gore VidalI think I have a normal threshold of anger, but it's true that I am, by nature, belligerent.317
Mother AngelicaWhen anyone arouses my anger, I will immediately pray for them and regain my peace of soul.317
W. Somerset MaughamThe world in general doesn't know what to make of originality; it is startled out of its comfortable habits of thought, and its first reaction is one of anger.317
Marilyn MansonWhen you want to die, you at least have a goal. You're aiming for something. It's not a good goal, but at least you want something. And you've got anger and fear, but at least you're feeling something.318
John McAfeeAn angry people cannot create anything that is not imbued with anger.318
Maurice SendakIn plain terms, a child is a complicated creature who can drive you crazy. There's a cruelty to childhood, there's an anger.318
John HurtThe difference between anger and deep remorse - remorse is much fatter. It's a deeper feeling altogether. Anger is too easy an escape for my money.318
Arthur SchopenhauerHatred is an affair of the heart; contempt that of the head.319
Gerry CooneyBoxing was a way to express my anger. All of a sudden, I was expressing anger, and I was good at it. I was like a Jekyll and Hyde. Boxing helped me because I was fighting the anger out. I was knocking guys out.319
Theresa MayI'm not someone who feels anger on particular issues.319
Mark TwainAnger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.320
Ben ShapiroPresident Obama and members of his administration constantly express rage and anger over events totally within their control. It's an odd and unsettling fact of American life that so many Americans seem to think that such expressions of frustration should substitute for actual competence.322
Julian BagginiOne reason why it has become harder to promote the beneficial side of emotions such as anger is that the moral vocabulary of good and bad has been replaced by the self-help lexicon of positive and negative thinking.322
Dalai LamaAs a human being, anger is a part of our mind. Irritation also part of our mind. But you can do - anger come, go. Never keep in your sort of - your inner world, then create a lot of suspicion, a lot of distrust, a lot of negative things, more worry.323
Henry Ward BeecherA man that does not know how to be angry does not know how to be good.324
Lewis BlackOne of the interesting things about comedy is it's tension release, and nothing creates tension faster than anger.324
Mark TwainWhen angry, count to four; when very angry, swear. 325
OvidFair peace becomes men; ferocious anger belongs to beasts.325
John NivenThe Clash had a unique, special relationship with Scotland. Perhaps it was something to do with the energy, anger and beauty in their music. In Scotland at that time, there was a lot of to be angry about. And a great need of some energy and beauty.325
Dalai LamaI am sometimes sad when I hear the personal stories of Tibetan refugees who have been tortured or beaten. Some irritation, some anger comes. But it never lasts long. I always try to think at a deeper level, to find ways to console.326
Joel EdgertonFighting in the ring or cage is very much different from fighting in the street. Fighting in the street is very much fueled by anger, pride, and male dominance and ego.326
Alanis MorissetteIt's a joke to think that anyone is one thing. We're all such complex creatures. But if I'm going to be a poster child for anything, anger's a gorgeous emotion. It gets a bad rap, but it can make great changes happen.402
Michael FrantiWhen I first started, my songs were the politics of anger. As I got older and hopefully wiser, I wanted to be part of the politics of answers.402
David LynchA lot of artists think they want anger. But a real, strong, bitter anger occupies the mind, leaving no room for creativity.403
Lucius Annaeus SenecaAnger is like those ruins which smash themselves on what they fall.404
EminemThe emotions in a song - the anger, aggression - have got to be legitimate.406
Kid RockI have been to anger management twice. After the first session the lady was like, 'Baby, you don't seem that angry at all. You seem like a really nice guy.'406
Marianne WilliamsonThe ego mind both professes its desire for love and does everything possible to repel it, or if it gets here anyway, to sabotage it. That is why dealing with issues like control, anger, and neediness is the most important work in preparing ourselves for love.406
Drew BarrymoreMy therapist says I still haven't got in touch with my anger. Maybe one day I'm going to explode. But I'm still really happy. I know it looks like a strange and painful upbringing - all those experiences led me to the paths that I'm on now.409
Karen SalmansohnIf your partner is angry with you, recognize that his anger is a misdirected plea for love. Your partner's simply upset because he feels something you said or did was a sign of not loving him enough.412
Thomas FullerAnger is one of the sinews of the soul.412
Maya AngelouBitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean. 413
Wayne DyerIt is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.413
Alice WalkerYou know how big love is? Love is big. love can hold anger; love can even hold hatred.413
Helen FisherWhen you fight, anger drives up testosterone in both men and women.413
John McAfeeGovernments are composed of human beings, and all of the frailties that humans possess are absorbed into these governments and become active within these governments. Hatred, anger, jealousy, fear, greed, distrust and the whole host of afflictions that humans must bear, lurk just beneath the surface of civility displayed by 'government.'415
Pete HamillThe most powerful force in American politics is not anger, it's nostalgia.418
Mahatma GandhiWe should meet abuse by forbearance. Human nature is so constituted that if we take absolutely no notice of anger or abuse, the person indulging in it will soon weary of it and stop.420
John BurroughsThe dog is often quick to resent a kick, be it from man or beast, but I have never known him to show anger at the door that slammed to and hit him. Probably, if the door held him by his tail or his limb, it would quickly receive the imprint of his teeth.420
Gerry CooneyBoxing gave me a voice to express the anger I felt for where I came from.421
Albert BrooksEven in my comedies, I don't take anger as a joke. I think anger and laughter are very close to each other, when you think about it. One of the things I like about a character: I always think it's fascinating when a character can turn on a dime and go from one emotion to another. I like watching that.505
Trent ReznorI'm very much aware of the dangers of becoming a cliche. Mr. Anger, someone who gets meaner, angrier on record.506
Robert KennedyYesterday, we fought wars which destroyed cities. Today, we are concerned with avoiding a war which will destroy the earth. We can adapt atomic energy to produce electricity and move ships, but can we control its use in anger?507
Lucius Annaeus SenecaAnger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it.510
Martha BeckAnger elicits anger, fear elicits fear, no matter how well meaning we may be.511
Alanis MorissetteWhat influenced me was Tori Amos, who was unapologetic about expressing anger through music, and Sinead O'Connor. Those two in particular were really moving for me, and very inspiring, before I wrote 'Jagged Little Pill.'512
Alanis MorissetteAnger has been a really big deal for women: how can we express it without feeling that, as the physically weaker sex, we won't get killed. The alpha-woman was burned at the stake and had her head chopped off in days of old.516
Douglas CouplandI think that to acknowledge a new generation is to acknowledge some degree of obsolescence in yourself, and that is very hard to do and often comes with undeniable anger.518
Donald TrumpObama and his attack dogs have nothing but hate and anger in their hearts and spew it whenever possible.519
Martin O'MalleyWhen you create an economy where you subsidize corporate profits through a welfare program and food stamps in order to keep wages low in some perverse pursuit of 'competiveness,' than you reap the fruits of the anger that you sow.521
Tom StoppardChekhov was capable of casually tossing off deplorable comments in his letters, combined with a very modern anger against anti-Semitism.524
Helen FisherUntil recently, we regarded love as supernatural. We were willing to study the brain chemistry of fear and depression and anger but not love.525
Barack ObamaWhile I understand the passions and the anger that arise over the death of Michael Brown, giving into that anger by looting or carrying guns, and even attacking the police, only serves to raise tensions and stir chaos.601
Francis BaconAnger is certainly a kind of baseness, as it appears well in the weakness of those subjects in whom it reigns: children, women, old folks, sick folks.607
Noam ChomskyThere's very little dislike of Americans in the world, shown by repeated polls, and the dissatisfaction - that is, the hatred and the anger - they come from acceptance of American values, not a rejection of them, and recognition that they're rejected by the U.S. government and by U.S. elites, which does lead to hatred and anger.607
Marcus Tullius CiceroHatred is settled anger.610
Steven SpielbergMy first reaction every time I delve into an episode of history that I don't know very much about is... my first reaction is anger that my teachers never taught me about it.613
Lucius Annaeus SenecaThe deferring of anger is the best antidote to anger.614
Yoko OnoI'm free from holding personal anger because I can express what I want through my music.618
Joss WhedonThere's a lot of anger in the Twitter-verse, as I've discovered. But there's a lot of love.620
Joyce MeyerSo many people live with anger and unforgiveness, and many of them are Christians.626
Lucius Annaeus SenecaA large part of mankind is angry not with the sins, but with the sinners.701
Alanis MorissetteMy own approach has always been to push intense emotions down and attempt to deal with them later. When I was younger, I was terrified to express anger because it would often kick-start a horrible reaction in the men in my life.707
Joyce MeyerPeople who don't know the true character of God - who don't believe He is merciful, gracious and slow to anger - can never have a close, personal, intimate relationship with Him.709
Joel OsteenTo me, it's OK to have differences. But we don't have to be mad about it. You know? And I think that's where sometimes we get so passionate that we - you know, it turns into anger.724
Mahatma GandhiI know, to banish anger altogether from one's breast is a difficult task. It cannot be achieved through pure personal effort. It can be done only by God's grace.816
Clint EastwoodI've had no problem harnessing anger.902
P. J. O'RourkePeople are always angry at America. They're absolutely certain that America either caused their problems or is deliberately not fixing their problems. But the anger is always directed at America and never at Americans.903
P. J. O'RourkeAbstract anger is great for rhetorical carrying on. You can go on endlessly about the post office, but it doesn't mean you're mad at your mailman.913

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