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Composing counterpoint

How to learn composing counterpoint

Use Counterpoint exercise builder to learn composing counterpoint

It is recommended to start with 2 voices:

  • Compose in first species
  • Compose in second species
  • Compose in third species
  • Compose in forth species
  • Compose in fifth species

For each species:

  • Start with shorter cantus, then compose with longer.
  • Start with cantus firmus in lower voice, then compose with cantus firmus in higher voice.
  • First start with C major key, then try other major keys. After that compose in A minor key, then try other minor keys.
  • Start with 4/4 time signature, then try 3/4, 5/4 and other.
  • Compose counterpoint exercises for different combinations of vocal ranges (soprano-alto, alto-tenor, teno-bass and other).

After that move to 3 voices and 4 voices.

If you cannot use counterpoint exercise builder, here is a collection of cantus firmus that you can use to compose. Each cantus firmus can be used in any of species, keys and time signatures:


Learn how to compose a first species counterpoint:

Some known books about Counterpoint:

  • Noel-Gallon / Bitsch Marcel - Traité de Contrepoint (french) (english, edited) (russian)
  • Charles Koechlin - Precis des Regles du Contrepoint (french)
  • Танеев - Подвижной контрапункт строгого письма (russian)

Examples of counterpoint

Please find examples in Examples section and in book above: Noel-Gallon / Bitsch Marcel - Traité de Contrepoint