Edit and check music exercises

Upload or input your counterpoint or harmony exercises and check for mistakes. Do not wait until your professor has time to reply.


Edit music exercises

Counterpoint analysis

Check for mistakes

Select "Counterpoint analysis" to check your counterpoint exercise. Counterpoint species 1-5 is supported in 1-9 voices, most important time signatures and modes.

Select "Basic analysis" to check other exercises with basic music theory rules.

Correct mistakes and see results of analysis immediately.

See details

Upload and download MusicXML files

Download your exercise in MusicXML format and open in your favorite notation software (Sibelius, Finale, MuseScore).

Share your exercise

Share your exercise with your friends or professor with one click.

Play or download MP3 file of your exercise

You can play or download a performance with virtual instruments. If you need more control over virtual instruments selection and tuning, try Artinfuser Studio

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