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Ivanka Trump [1981-0] American
Rank: 10

Ivanka Marie Trump is an American businesswoman and former fashion model. She is the daughter of real estate developer and President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump and former model Ivana Trump. 

Design, Diet, Life, Strength, Beauty, Business, Dreams, Equality, Family, Food, Mom, Teen, Travel, Wedding

In both business and personal life, I've always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry. Business, Design, Food, Life, Travel
People talk about balance. Balance is an awful measure of things because it implies a scale that inevitably tips. I like to look through the filter of, 'Is the life I'm leading consistent with my priorities?' For me, my family is the ultimate litmus test. Family, Life
Real estate is my life. It is my day job, if you will. But it consumes my nights and weekends, too.
When you are in the public eye, it is really counterproductive to think about how you're viewed in the eyes of others. You just have to be who you are.
A timeless piece of jewelry, like pearls or stud earrings, has lasting value. I bought a vintage ring for $600 with my first paycheck; I plan to pass it down to my daughter.
I always prefer to speak face-to-face, typically in my own office, where I'm most comfortable.
Love what you do. There's always going to be someone else who's smarter than you, but there's no substitute for passion. People who are passionate always work the hardest, and that sets them apart.
The average person can look at someone in public life and say they have it all, but they might be struggling. Or you may think another person has more apparent challenges, but she's deeply grateful for her life. I don't think anyone can judge what having it all means for someone else.
Everything about mediocrity kills me.
Honestly, I have a tendency to date dorks. Which means that a lot of times, I date guys that no one else would deem to be a hunk.
For me, one of my life's mission is to disrupt these dated concepts of what it really looks like and means to be a working woman. The expression 'working man' is never heard in conjunction. But people still talk about this sort of 'working woman,' and there's a bit of negativity to that connotation.
I generally wake up, exercise and read through a huge amount of newspapers. I get to the office somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00 - my brothers and I are always the first ones in.
I obviously have a great love and appreciation of jewelry, thanks to my mother, much to the dismay of both my father and my boyfriends.
I'm not a clone, and I'm not a minion.
Thanks to my Czech-German heritage, I can't get enough of savory foods like stews, sausage, noodles, and anything that involves melted cheese. Not great choices from a dietary perspective, but at the end of a long day, I feel like I'm entitled.
I'm always running up and down buildings or around 800-acre properties for work - you can't do that in heels or flip-flops!
A Miami must-have is the trendy Panther Coffee in Wynwood. I like Alma Mexicana for the ever-popular breakfast burrito. For out-of-this-world Cuban food, the Cubano at Little Bread Cuban Sandwich Co. will satisfy your craving. My friends all love Shorty's Bar-B-Q for the mouth-watering corn on the cob and BBQ, of course.
For my first fragrance, I wanted to capture the essence of a woman's strength and beauty. Beauty, Strength
I try to live in the present. I learn from my mistakes in an effort not to repeat them, but I remain totally focused on today and tomorrow. Many of my mistakes turned out to be incredible opportunities for growth, both professionally and personally, and therefore, in hindsight, they were deeply valuable.
When I was little, I'd pick flowers wherever I traveled with my mom, then dry them, cover them with resin, and turn them into paperweights. Mom
I don't think you are truly successful unless you are a happy person and are happy with your life. I know many people who are professionally successful but miserable.
I have a tough skin and enough confidence not to worry too much about being underestimated because of my last name, my relative youth, or my modeling background. It comes with the territory.
Know what you want to achieve prior to starting to negotiate. It's the golden rule but the one most people fail to heed. Without a plan, you allow the opposing party to define your goals instead of the other way around.
My father not only has the strength and ability necessary to be our next president, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs. Strength
In Donald Trump, you have a candidate who knows the difference between wanting something done and making it happen.
If you ask me, there's nothing more incredible than a woman who's in charge of her own destiny - and working daily to make her dreams a reality. Dreams
Passion is something that's hard to discover purely through introspection. You have to have experiences - you have to learn real-time and through experiences what makes you tick.
Even the most high-maintenance boss isn't going to sit and watch you the whole time, making sure you're paying attention to them, whereas with a child, it's like, 'Wait, what? You're not watching me right now? Really? Then I'm going to go spill this milk.' Even bosses from hell don't behave like that!
You can be born into privilege, or you can not be born into privilege. You can be born into the opposite extreme and into poverty. I think from there on, though, you really do have to make your luck.
The harder you work, the luckier you get. I'm a big believer in that.
The reality is I have a closet full of shoes that I don't wear because they are not comfortable, and I am not going to be hobbling between meetings. There's nothing that ruins an entrance like somebody who's uncomfortable in their shoes.
If people think I'm just the boss's daughter, they're deceived.
If people think they can elicit from me whatever terms they want, they are mistaken.
I like very strong guys. Successful guys. Not necessarily financially.
The country's top chefs, designers, media personalities and businesses are part of this dynamic city. We know that Chicagoans are used to the highest standards.
There are enough stories about my family. We have all been in the public eye.
I think my mom threatened to put me up for adoption a few times.
Modeling was not an endgame for me. I didn't particularly enjoy the act of it.
I always envisioned myself having a traditional and elegant wedding. Wedding
I hate having people sit in on meetings.
People ask me, do I ever disagree with my father? It would be a little strange if I didn't.
Divorce is never a nice thing, but it's very easy to take family for granted, and when there's a divorce, you don't take things for granted so much.
I'm not saying that if you're working at home, raising a family, that's not work. I want to disrupt the narrative around what it means to be a woman who works. The whole point of my brand is that women should be architecting the lives they want to live.
I don't have a sweet tooth, normally; I'm a salty-savory girl. But when I'm pregnant, almost as a ritual, at 4 o'clock, I'll have cookies-and-cream ice cream!
You really don't need to study how to change a diaper. As a new mom, you learn pretty darn quickly!
I had very busy parents, but I really appreciated having a set of traditions during my own childhood, like consistently celebrating holidays at the same place.
Nobody says 'a working man,' but they say, 'a working woman.' And there is still a strange connotation to that.
I used to love sitting on the bathroom floor in my pajamas and watching my mother get ready for an event. She'd stand in front of her vanity and apply bright red and blue makeup - it was the '80s, you know.
I don't do press for the sake of press. I tend to only be in the press when I'm introducing something or collaborating on something or whatever it may be, as opposed to inviting someone into my home to photograph my closet for no particular reason.
I am almost always, when I'm at home in the evening after work, in a silk bathrobe I got from India. Like, I never take off this bathrobe. I have a series of Indian silk bathrobes that I love, and that's what I rock all the time.
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a woman working in America. It looks very different to be a working woman in other places in the world.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about taking a bigger-picture approach.
Pessimists are toxic. I love optimists - and by that, I don't mean people who are unable to see challenges. Optimists are solution-oriented.
My mom grew up in the Soviet Bloc, and she was a Tiger Mom. We didn't get away with much.
I don't plan to take a formal, cold approach with my children, but I expect a lot. I don't want my children to view me as their best friend. I want to be their mom.
I'm a big believer in creating family traditions. Every Tuesday morning, I make a proper eggs breakfast, and we all sit down and eat.
I typically wake up at 5:30, and that's my time. I read newspapers, have coffee.
My father is definitely not the kind of guy who'd place his children in key roles within his organization if he didn't think we could surpass the expectations he had for us.
Whatever we do, whatever our backgrounds, we've all had some kind of advantage somewhere along the way. Some break that might have gone to someone else. Some edge or inside track we couldn't have counted on.
People sometimes approach me tentatively or suspiciously because of my father's reputation as a world-class negotiator, as if they think I'm about to take advantage of them. As if I know something I'm not letting on.
A word of advice: your interview is about you. It's not about the school you went to, what you majored in, what your GPA was, or who your parents happen to be or know. Most of that stuff is right on your resume, and it might even have gotten you into the room, but it won't get you much farther.
Your post-college years should be an exploratory time in your professional life. From your early twenties and on into your early thirties, you should feel free to explore your professional prospects. Keep an open mind, and don't expect to get everything right straight out of the gate. Be prepared to start over once or twice.
In business, I believe that if you focus only on the journey, you'll miss the whole point of the enterprise. There has to be a goal, an end game of some kind; otherwise, you're just spinning your wheels. Yes, the journey is important, but the destination is important, too.
When I was younger, I was more self-conscious about living up to or surpassing the expectations of others. But as you get older, you start to build confidence.
I think my dad is highly gender-neutral. If he doesn't like someone, he'll articulate that, and I think it's also part of what resonates about him. He'll say what he's thinking.
I love my father very much. I attribute so much of the person I am today to the values that he and my mother set for us, and the way they encouraged us every day of our lives to go out and find what we love doing and to fulfill our potential and really be happy.
I think it's the human condition to be frequently embarrassed by your parents.
I hope my children just grow up happy and pursue their dreams. I mean, that's all I can ask of them.
Quality for me is key, and this stands true in every facet of my business from real estate, hotels, and fashion.
I have always admired women that have a strong sense of self, complemented by femininity. I especially appreciate the presence of these women in traditionally male-dominated industries, such as real estate.
I don't have a problem if somebody who has never met me wants to say that I wouldn't be where I was today without my family because you know what? They may be right.
Oftentimes, the best negotiations result in a deal that benefits both parties. There are times when you simply want to go for the jugular, but often, you want the other person to feel pleased with the outcome, even if you are the clear victor.
Real change, the kind we have not seen in decades, is only going to come from outside the system. And it's only going to come from a man who's spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done. My father is a fighter.
My father taught my siblings and me the importance of positive values and a strong ethical compass. He showed us how to be resilient, how to deal with challenges, and how to strive for excellence in all that we do. He taught us that there's nothing that we cannot accomplish if we marry vision and passion with an enduring work ethic.
My father values talent. He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. He is color blind and gender neutral. He hires the best person for the job, period.
Politicians talk about wage equality, but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career. He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this, too, right along side of him. Equality
A Trump presidency will turn the economy around and restore the great American tradition of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of the generation that came before.
As president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights. He will be unafraid to set lofty goals, and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.
To people all over America, I say, when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down. He will fight for you all the time, all the way, every time.
The hardworking men and women of this country identify with my father. He is tough, and he is persevering. He is honest, and he is real. He's an optimist, and he's a relentless believer in America and all of her potential. He loves his family, and he loves his country with his heart and his soul.
There have always been men of all background and ethnicities on my father's job sites. And long before it was commonplace, you also saw women.
I wanted to be a businesswoman from as early as I can remember, and specifically, my real passion was real estate.
My husband's idea of a date night somehow always involves me looking at one of his development sites.
Me and my peers, we're working really hard at being moms and sisters and professionals.
There was a previous generation of women who rose through the ranks in an environment when work and life were highly compartmentalized. And I think now, because of technology, we're always on. Where there used to be work life and home life, now it's one life. And I think a lot of companies don't recognize that.
I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity.
I'm not going to advocate for a female leader who I'm voting for solely on the basis of gender. And I think a lot of people feel that way.
My brothers and I early on said to one another that, as a collective, we could do far more than any of us could do individually.
The way my father raised me was really informative of how I think about my role as a female and how I view myself in a professional and personal capacity. So he encouraged me to set the bar very high for myself, to set great goals for myself.
My father is the opposite of politically correct. He says what he means, and he means what he says.
I made a specific choice not to call my collection Ivanka. There's so much value in the Trump name. And there's such a deep connection to luxury and success.
Like many of my fellow millennials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat. More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it's a tough choice.
When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort, and excellence. This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization. At my father's company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.
As president, my father will change the labor laws put in place when women were not a significant portion of the workforce. He will make childcare affordable and accessible to all. He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this, too, right alongside of him.
The presidency of the United States is an incredible thing. You have an ability to effectuate change at the highest level.
I can't imagine that I would be the person I am today if, over the last seven years, I had been married to somebody who didn't feel 100 percent comfortable with my drive, my ambition, my interest in thinking big and swinging for the fences.
My father values talent. He is colorblind and gender neutral. When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, excellence, and effort.
There's nothing I have more of in my closet than little white dresses. They're versatile and elegant, but sexy in a feminine way. And then I'll have a bit more fun with accessories - like a pair of neon sandals.
Cardigans. I stock up on them - I own tons. They go great over dresses and help them transition from season to season.
No matter what I hear about my parents, about my family, no matter what I read, the fact is that I'm absolutely proud to be a Trump. For a while, I was worried that for my whole life I'd sort of be under my parents' shadow, but it's not a bad shadow to be under.
I spearhead interior design for all Trump projects. Design
Half of the time, I'm walking around a construction site, then I'm transitioning into the evening, having drinks with the girlfriends or meeting with my husband and then racing back home to put the kids to bed. I have less time, so I'm a much more efficient decision maker.
My mornings are really about being with my children, so I tend to lay out my outfit the night before when my children are asleep so I can have a quick turnaround time in the morning.
I remember, growing up, my mother had a work wardrobe. It was this very compartmentalized area of her closet. It was suits, but she would never wear those suits out on a date with my father!
I'll do manicures, but I won't wear nail polish because I don't have time to change it, and I chip my nail polish so quickly. I cannot last three days! I think it's the typing and the use - or overuse - of tech. I'm the chip queen!
I don't own a blow-dryer - I don't know how to use it. Most mornings, I walk to work with my hair wet.
I'm a closet 'Real Housewives' fan. Any season, any year.
Marrying Jared was the best decision I've ever made. You realize in life, not that many things matter that much, but your choice of a spouse is everything. We're truly partners - he supports my work and my ambitions. I know that he's always got my back, and I've got his.
My mother taught me to appreciate a good drugstore beauty aisle. I regularly use Aquaphor, Chap Stick, Purpose Face Soap, and Aveeno body moisturizer.
My real name is actually Ivana.
I think it is bad luck to put shoes on a table or walk under ladders.
I used to spend summers in the Czech Republic with my grandmother. I'd watch Czech cartoons.
I auditioned for the part of Cosette in 'Les Miserables' on Broadway. It didn't work out.
While I tend to favor styles that are glamorous, old Hollywood by night and very sleek and tailored during the day, I'm mindful of the fact that I'm 27 years old and try not to make that feel dowdy or old.
I've started ordering out of teen catalogues! T-shirts, little coats, and jackets for around $35 - they're amazing. I've become a really big fan of Urban Outfitters, Alloy and Anthropologie. Because I'll pay for quality, but I will not just pay for trend. Psychologically, I have trouble with that. Teen
Just go out and do things, and those things that continue to spark an interest, do more of.
The only people I've ever met who are really successful in their fields, regardless of what field that is, are people who are deeply passionate about the work they do every day and are motivated by a sense of purpose.
It's always a huge red flag for me when somebody's reticent or reluctant or a little slow in providing thoughtful references that are a testament to them as a person and their professional accomplishments.
I've had friends of mine hire people that I know well or that have worked for me, and I haven't gotten the call to do a reference check. That's almost the most basic thing one can do to assess them.
Mis-hiring is a huge mistake. It's a tremendous opportunity cost throwing the position to the wrong person. It's often something that isn't rectified for a long period of time.
Having toddlers always means that there's a fair amount of chaos at home, but that's part of the fun.
From a productivity perspective, prioritization is key. And it's very easy to focus on clearing the decks of minutia, especially when one's very busy.
I spend a lot of time building teams at both businesses - both The Trump Organization and my own - and thinking about who to hire to supplement the team and allow us to best achieve our goals.
I have the good fortune of working with two brothers who are very accomplished, incredibly smart, and very capable.
I've successfully convinced others to let me redevelop the historic Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. I also led the acquisition of the iconic 800-acre Doral Resort & Spa from my hospital bed after giving birth to my daughter, Arabella.
Yes, negotiating is about money and the bottom line, but a lot of times, it's much more emotional and complex than that. Realizing that the economic outcome may not be the other party's top priority gives you more chips to play with and will enable you to achieve better results than you may have anticipated.
The way in which you carry yourself, even when seated at a desk, matters.
When people are uncomfortable - and many people are when they have to negotiate - they start rambling as a way to fill the vacuum of silence. Some of the strongest negotiators I know just sit back and listen. The less they engage, the more likely the other person is to slip up and offer information they otherwise would have kept guarded.
I've had deals over the years where I just haven't had good chemistry with the person across the table from me, so I've said to one of my brothers, 'You know what, you will be more effective than I will.' And that takes a level of confidence.
In my role as executive vice president of development and acquisitions for the Trump Organization and founder and CEO of my own lifestyle brand, I've had a lot of practice negotiating.
Are you asking for a raise? Do your research and know your market value. Having an informed sense of your worth, as dictated by the broader marketplace, will give you greater confidence in requesting increased compensation. It's tough to dispute someone who can back up her assertions with facts and a smart, articulate argument.
Practice negotiating, and hone your style and skills with low-consequence transactions. Call the phone company and threaten to switch providers if they won't give you a better deal on your service going forward. Go to a boutique and ask for a discount.
When I bid out our construction projects, I call contractors personally to close the deal and get the best price or enhance the scope of their deliverable. You don't get what you don't ask for.
The iconic Doral was once a beacon for the ultimate in luxury golf resorts, and we have fully restored it to its prior grandeur - and then some. Besides the sun, golf, and amazing Latin food, Miami is a city of culture that has something for everyone.
BLT Prime at Trump National Doral is essential after a long day on the golf course. The popover bread alone is enough to keep me coming back!
Since my family owns the Trump National Doral, I spend a lot of time on the course. Trump Doral's Golf Shop is the largest pro shop in the country and carries limited-edition pieces and exclusive brands.
I have two young children, and they both adore books. Reading together at bedtime is one of our favorite nightly rituals. 'Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site' by Sherri Duskey Rinker, 'The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein, and 'On The Night You Were Born' by Nancy Tillman are always on our list.
I enjoy wearing fragrance every day and have found myself searching for the one signature scent that truly reflects my personality and the things I love, such as Bulgarian rose. I have always wanted to create a fragrance from its inception to fruition and articulate femininity, confidence, and fortitude.
The more natural or eco-based products you can introduce into your beauty regimen, the more beneficial it is for your skin. It's similar to introducing organic food into your daily diet. Diet
My diet has definitely become greener; however, I am a big proponent of everything in moderation. I enjoy having a farm-to-table dinner, as well as indulging in a special, decadent treat on occasion. Diet
I pretty much only drink water, Tazo passion tea, or coffee with half and half, and it's an ongoing joke in the office that I never have less than three glasses of water and some form of tea or coffee in front of me.
Basically, when I get home I just do emails for around three hours, which stinks. I have a thing about getting into your inbox every night before going to bed. I'm usually working from my laptop or my phone, desperately trying to get my inbox to zero before I fall asleep.
I try to put out what I'm going to wear the night before. It just makes things a little bit more seamless in the mornings. There is definitely, you know, sort of a trusty work uniform - a chic, feminine dress that's easy and versatile.
Usually, if I can't fall asleep, you will find me catching up on a good book or zoning out with an episode of 'The Real Housewives.' I always have a couple books on my bedside table in various stages of completion.
I recently discovered Artkive, a wonderful app that allows you to archive your child's artwork and create cool gifts like photo albums, mugs, mousepads, etc. It's very easy to use, and since Arabella is such a talented artist, I'm a pro!
Instagram is my favorite! It's interactive and a fun way to stay connected to my friends, family and fans. I love posting photos from family trips, property visits, previews of my collections, everything!
Go for a walk through Central Park and stop at the Met. It's the best way to get a feel for what makes New York so special.
My husband and I work to keep our weekends pretty unscheduled, which leaves room for spontaneity. I love low-key mornings at home, making breakfast with my kids, snuggling together in bed, and reading the papers.
The Trump World Tower was home growing up, and it's where my office is.
I've fallen in love with Waikiki; the beach, the climate, the people, and the hotel - it really is a paradise.
I'll take the stairs instead of the elevator, or when I'm on a phone call, I'll do squats or pace the room when I'm talking. We're modern women! We have to figure out how to make it work, right?
I listen to music - Lady Gaga, Kanye, Jay-Z, the Beatles, Robert Plant - while I'm walking down Fifth Avenue to my office in the Trump Tower early each morning.
It's interesting, but because I have my own collection, I actually almost never purchase jewelry unless it's sort of playful, whimsical pieces that are more fashion, a little less investment-oriented. Most of my personal jewelry collection is from my own collection. The pieces that get layered in tend to be gifts from my husband.
Whether it's color palettes for my apparel collection or materials for handbags and shoes or inspiration for fine jewelry, traveling expands your mind and opens you up to different things you haven't seen before.
I started with jewelry when I was probably 24 years old. It was really just in response to a feeling that most of the fine jewelers were men appealing to men and selling pieces in a very unmodern way. I felt that there was a huge demographic of self-purchasing women who were feeling uncomfortable in the traditional retail environment.
There are some areas of the world, and some areas in America, where people love full jewelry suites. That's never been something that I've gravitated toward, but I will create special collections for people who like that.
I love making vegetable, pea, and broccoli soups. They're pure, low-calorie, and incredibly tasty.
When I was in my 20s, I felt guilty if I didn't exercise - now I feel guilty if I do. It's time I could be spending with my family.
I get bored easily, so in general, I tend to mix up my workouts. I exercise in the gym with a trainer once a week when I'm in town, and I love yoga, golf and tennis.
We launched our #WomenWhoWork initiative to show the world what today's modern, professional women really look like. They're invested in their careers, but they're also passionate about priorities outside the office.
Our brand Ivanka Trump is committed to celebrating women.
Running is a great metaphor for life. You set a goal, and then you get to work. How well you do is a direct reflection of how hard you work. It's a mental game, too. There are setbacks along the way, but the true test of a runner is how you overcome and push past them.
I want my children to see me first every morning, so I wake up at 5 and make sure to shower and exercise before they get up.
I tried a juice cleanse, and it was a total disaster. For the eight hours that I lasted, I felt like I was on the brink of starvation. For me, it's about making the right choices.
I'm a daughter, not a clone. So, of course, daughters often disagree with things their fathers say. But I share my viewpoints with him privately, not publicly. I'm not the candidate.
I find that often, room service menus are highly condensed. They tend to be a little bit fast food-oriented, even at the finest hotels.
I visited 20 countries while I was pregnant. I had to stop after my seventh month.
I think parental leave is enormously important - and it's a personal decision. Part of building a company whose goal is to empower women in all aspects of life is that I've given my team some leeway to determine what parental leave looks like for each of them individually.
No matter how different a career path we choose from our parents, people will always say we wouldn't have gotten there if it hadn't been for our name. And in the end, there's no way to tell if that's true or not. Maybe it's not the worst thing for people not to see you coming. If people want to underestimate me, I'm fine with that.

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