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Quotes with tag Food:

Virginia WoolfOne cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. 101
Ivanka TrumpIn both business and personal life, I've always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.101
Adam RichmanThere's no way that I could have known about a 72-oz. steak challenge in Amarillo unless thousands upon thousands of locals and travellers alike had attempted it. I guess if 'Man V Food' is me paying homage to these legends, then I suppose 'Man V Food Nation' is the legacy.101
Alain DucasseI only get fat when I eat food cooked by other chefs. At home, my wife does all the cooking. She makes simple things like soups and salads. We both like steamed tofu.101
Andy RooneyI don't like food that's too carefully arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting.101
Anna KendrickI'm the person who wouldn't send back my food even if I got steak when I'd ordered fish.101
Anthony BourdainWhen I'm back in New York - and this is a terrible thing to complain about - I eat a lot more really, really good food than perhaps I'd like to. So many of my friends are really good chefs. It's kind of like being in the Mafia.101
Ban Ki-moonSaving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth... these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women's empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.101
bell hooksThere is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it's the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.101
Chrissy TeigenIf I'm going to eat fast food, I'm going to McDonald's. I don't need to pretend.101
David RicardoAfter all the fertile land in the immediate neighbourhood of the first settlers were cultivated, if capital and population increased, more food would be required, and it could only be procured from land not so advantageously situated.101
Eddie IzzardCats have a scam going - you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that's the deal.101
Elizabeth OlsenI get way too much happiness from good food.101
Eric SchlosserFast food chains spend a large amount of marketing to get the attention of children. People form their eating habits as children so they try to nurture clients as youngsters.101
Giuseppe GaribaldiI offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me.101
Grant AchatzFood can be expressive and therefore food can be art.101
Harold WilsonIf I had the choice between smoked salmon and tinned salmon, I'd have it tinned. With vinegar.101
Homaro CantuAll of the plants that we do not consider food that are safe for the human body to digest, we don't eat because they're sour and bitter. The reason why you don't eat Kentucky bluegrass or crabgrass is because it tastes sour and bitter.101
James A. MichenerIf you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.101
Jamie OliverThe kitchen oven is reliable, but it's made us lazy.101
Joel SalatinDespite all the hype about local or green food, the single biggest impediment to wider adoption is not research, programs, organizations, or networking. It is the demonizing and criminalizing of virtually all indigenous and heritage-based food practices.101
Kate ChristensenFood is not a means toward resolution. It can't cure heartbreak or solve untenable dilemmas.101
KelisI studied to be a chef as a side thing, a little hobby that I enjoyed doing, but I ended up falling madly in love with the food and the lifestyle.101
Ken HillFood is your body's fuel. Without fuel, your body wants to shut down.101
Lewis GrizzardIt's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.101
Marcus SamuelssonI love Thanksgiving because it's a holiday that is centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.101
Michael PollanMy work has also motivated me to put a lot of time into seeking out good food and to spend more money on it.101
Michael SpecterAll the food we eat - every grain of rice and kernel of corn - has been genetically modified. None of it was here before mankind learned to cultivate crops. The question isn't whether our food has been modified, but how.101
Michael StipeMy feeling is that labels are for canned food... I am what I am - and I know what I am.101
Naomie HarrisWhat I generally get from being in Africa is a sense of warmth and openness. As a stranger, you are always welcomed into people's homes and people are always offering you food. That generosity is incredibly touching.101
Nick HarkawayBeing a parent is weird. It changes people in subtle and unsubtle ways. In my case, it awoke a kind of manic sentinel in my brain. Anything in the house that might be a threat to the kids or to my wife gets terminated - food, sharp edges, poor wiring.101
Nicole Ari ParkerWe're all moving at such a high rate that we have to grab the frozen dinners and the McDonald's. We can't make it a way of life - we have to get back to real, simple, clean good foods. It will save our lives on so many levels; not just spina bifida, but obesity, diabetes, everything. Food is our medicine.101
Paul LyndeSandwiches are wonderful. You don't need a spoon or a plate!101
Paul PrudhommeYou don't need a silver fork to eat good food. 101
Ray CharlesI was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs, my kidneys, my liver, my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me - like food or water.101
Raymond ChandlerHe looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food.101
Rose GeorgeDiarrhea, 90 percent of which is caused by food and water contaminated by excrement, kills a child every fifteen seconds. That's more than AIDS, malaria, or measles, combined. Human feces are an impressive weapon of mass destruction.101
Ryan LochteWhen I was growing up, I was eating fast food every day. I'd drink soda non-stop, candy, just everything. It was horrible. My go-to was McDonald's, for sure.101
TecumsehWhen you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.101
Ursula AndressI take care of my flowers and my cats. And enjoy food. And that's living.101
Vanessa CarltonFood can become such a point of anxiety - not because it's food, but just because you have anxiety. That's how eating disorders develop.101
Zachary LeviBeing nerdy just means being passionate about something, including everyone - the coolest people on Earth are passionate and therefore nerdy about something whatever it is, whether it's sports, or gaming, or technology, or fashion, or beauty, or food, or whatever.101
Alice WatersThe problem with living in a fast-food nation is that we expect food to be cheap.101
Alison SweeneyThere are times, like after a long day of work, when the thought of an easy drive-through is enticing. But then I remember how crappy I felt when I ate fast food in the past, and it inspires me to head to the grocery store or my local farmer's market and whip up an easy but healthier option.101
Bethenny FrankelYour diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments. 101
Cliff CurtisI ate fantastic Italian food in Croatia, which you wouldn't expect. The food in Istanbul was amazing. I never would've expected that and the food, I guess you're learning something about me, the food in Prague, they're very, very heavy meat eaters, like, a lot of meat, which is great.101
David H. MurdockBy eating many fruits and vegetables in place of fast food and junk food, people could avoid obesity.101
Debi MazarThere's so much importance in honoring your everyday hero. It doesn't take money. It doesn't take connections. What matters is that people get involved. Whether your passion is gun control or food or whatever it may be, everybody needs to stop being so self-absorbed.101
Deborah MoggachIt was very liberating, living in a foreign country, a place where everything was new and strange - the food, the customs, the climate, everything.101
Elisha CuthbertThere's nothing more romantic than Italian food.101
Greg van EekhoutIn high school, I stole a six-foot submarine sandwich from a banquet room in front of several hundred people. I did it because I was in marching band, and we were promised food if we played, and they broke their promise. It was my first and only heist, motivated by justice and hunger.101
Hector ElizondoFood is a passion. Food is love.101
Josiah Gilbert HollandGod gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest.101
Kris AllenI love really good food and I don't ever want to spend too much for it, but I like hanging out and having really good, tasty, interesting food.101
Luther BurbankFlowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.101
Maria SharapovaIt's easy to impress me. I don't need a fancy party to be happy. Just good friends, good food, and good laughs. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm content.101
Michael FrantiIf we do not change our negative habits toward climate change, we can count on worldwide disruptions in food production, resulting in mass migration, refugee crises and increased conflict over scarce natural resources like water and farm land. This is a recipe for major security problems.101
Michael GregerOunce for ounce, herbs and spices have more antioxidants than any other food group.101
Michael PalinI am not a great cook, I am not a great artist, but I love art, and I love food, so I am the perfect traveller.101
Nell NewmanThe biggest problem was convincing my father that organic food was worth eating. All he could think of was the nut loaf with yeast gravy that my mother made in the Seventies.101
Nev SchulmanOnline, you're providing each other with the good aspects of being together as far as communication and support, but you don't have to deal with the realities of paying bills together, or being annoyed when they leave the toilet seat up or don't put the food away in the fridge.101
Nicholas SternI think that once people understand the great risks that climate change poses, they will naturally want to choose products and services that cause little or no emissions of greenhouse gases, which means 'low-carbon consumption.' This will apply across the board, including electricity, heating, transport and food.101
Nina FedoroffThere's almost no food that isn't genetically modified. Genetic modification is the basis of all evolution. Things change because our planet is subjected to a lot of radiation, which causes DNA damage, which gets repaired, but results in mutations, which create a ready mixture of plants that people can choose from to improve agriculture.101
Noureen DeWulfYoga is the most boring exercise. It's for people who are too lazy to get on the elliptical. Bikram, where they heat up the room to mimic India's climate, is especially stupid. People in India are not skinny because they're doing yoga in 105-degree rooms; they're skinny because there's no food.101
Phil LeshWe sing a little song before we eat, a little blessing before we eat, and it's really - we're thanking the Lord and the Earth for the food that we eat, and it really brings you together in a profound kind of way.101
Ray LiottaNot like Chinese food, where you eat it and then you feel hungry an hour later.101
Robert AtkinsNobody had ever told me junk food was bad for me. Four years of medical school, and four years of internship and residency, and I never thought anything was wrong with eating sweet rolls and doughnuts, and potatoes, and bread, and sweets.101
Ruta SepetysNew Orleans is unlike any city in America. Its cultural diversity is woven into the food, the music, the architecture - even the local superstitions. It's a sensory experience on all levels and there's a story lurking around every corner.101
Thomas KellerHopefully, imparting what's important to me, respect for the food and that information about the purveyors, people will realize that for a restaurant to be good, so many pieces have to come together.101
Tyler FlorenceFirst and foremost I am a chef, whether behind the stove at one of my Northern California restaurants or for the past 15 years in front of the camera on my Food Network cooking shows. Creating new dishes and flavor combinations that bring cooks and our restaurant guests pleasure is my job and I love it.101
Wendi McLendon-CoveyWhat's the most humiliating thing? When you take someone to dinner or you cook somebody dinner and they get food poisoning. I mean, how bad do you feel?101
Charlie ErgenAllowing your kids to watch TV doesn't have to mean they have no choice but to see commercials for junk food and alcohol.101
Dean OrnishThe need for love and intimacy is a fundamental human need, as primal as the need for food, water, and air.101
Gene SiskelThey know they got the TV ad, they know they got the name recognition, they know that they can do a tie in with McDonald's or some fast food outlet and the money is just gonna flow in.101
H. Jon BenjaminI need to lose some weight. I'm getting really fat. But I'm getting older, and I just can't stop eating wonderful food. Rich, wonderful food.101
Jami AttenbergI actually didn't grow up in a household that loved Chinese food particularly, and it's not really my go-to food or anything... We were more a pizza family, being from the Chicago area and all.101
Jean-Georges VongerichtenI think food is getting lighter and healthier because people eat out so often. It's about quality ingredients because that is the root of good food.101
Kenneth EdmondsIt's like spicy food - sometimes you have to tone it down so more people can enjoy it.101
Lisa ScottolineI love everything about Philadelphia, and its food is like the city itself: real-deal, hearty, and without pretension. We've always had an underdog vibe as a city, but that just makes us try harder, and I love our scrappiness and scruffiness.101
Michael MossEvery time the good giants try to cut back on salt, sugar, fat calories, inevitably Wall Street raises its hand and is looking at the sales figures and the revenue and saying, 'Thou shalt not result in any loss of profit.' There's huge continuing pressure on the food companies.101
Nicole EggertFor all the concern about bodies and weight, 'Baywatch' has three huge catering trucks on the set at all times. One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food.101
Samuel LoverToo little is it considered, while we gaze on aristocratic beauty, how much good food, soft lying, warm wrapping, ease of mind, have to do with the attractions which command our admiration.101
Sarah BernhardtYour words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.101
Sheherazade GoldsmithIt's quite amazing to me, as I walk around a supermarket or a health food shop, to observe the number of Fairtrade choices: not just staples such as coffee, tea, fresh fruits and rice, but cocoa and chocolate, herbs and spices, honey, ice cream, and jams.101
Shilpa ShettyI love Chinese food, like steamed dim sum, and I can have noodles morning, noon and night, hot or cold. I like food that's very simple on the digestive system - I tend to keep it light. I love Japanese food too - sushi, sashimi and miso soup.101
Shmuel Yosef AgnonIf we eat any food, or drink any beverage, we must recite a blessing over them before and after.101
Sue TownsendI always have this image of a woman running across a desert carrying children, trying to find water and food, not knowing when they'll get that. And her feet are slashed up from the dry, hard earth... Even when I'm uncomfortable, sometimes in pain, or just cold... I think, 'Thank God for what I've got.'101
Thierry MuglerHindu sages say that you should concentrate while eating. But, we don't have time anymore. Fast food is not quick enough for me. I would like super-fast food in the form of pills.101
W. L. GeorgeCats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.101
Adam GopnikGoing to a restaurant is one of my keenest pleasures. Meeting someplace with old and new friends, ordering wine, eating food, surrounded by strangers, I think is the core of what it means to live a civilised life.101
Alma GuillermoprietoI love food and I love everything involved with food. I love the fun of it. I love restaurants. I love cooking, although I don't cook very much. I love kitchens.101
Amanda DonohoeI don't like posh hotels. I like small, eclectic hotels, and luxury for me would mean really good company with good food in a really funky, beautiful house in the middle of a field where someone came and serviced the place for us.101
Carla BleyI don't enjoy traveling in America. I don't like the food, the cars. It is not exotic enough. It all tastes a bit like airline food.101
Carrie Ann InabaI love fresh fruit and vegetables. I'm not a strict dieter. I don't think that anything in life should be so regimented that you're not having fun or can't enjoy like everybody else. Just know that fresh food is always going to be better for you.101
Dwayne AndreasWe're the biggest food and agriculture company in the world.101
Edmund WilsonIf I could only remember that the days were, not bricks to be laid row on row, to be built into a solid house, where one might dwell in safety and peace, but only food for the fires of the heart.101
Ellen GustafsonThe abundance of cheap food with low nutritional value in the Western diet has wreaked havoc on our health; in America, one third of children and two thirds of adults are overweight or obese and are more likely to develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease.101
George MikesOn the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners.101
George MillerThe trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you're hungry again.101
Jean Anthelme Brillat-SavarinTell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are. 101
Jerry GreenfieldIce cream is the perfect buffer, because you can do things in a somewhat lighthearted way. Plus, people have an emotional response to ice cream; it's more than just food. So I think when you combine caring, and eating wonderful food, it's a very powerful combination.101
Ken BaumannI don't eat fast food often, but I love tacos. I could write prophetically about how perfect the taco is.101
Lin YutangOur lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks.101
Mackenzie DavisI love Thanksgiving. In Canada, we don't really have a lot of history with Thanksgiving, and it's a holiday devoted to food, and that warms the cockles of my being.101
Mike JohannsFood safety involves everybody in the food chain.101
Paul GoodmanThere is such a thing as food and such a thing as poison. But the damage done by those who pass off poison as food is far less than that done by those who generation after generation convince people that food is poison.101
Regis PhilbinIt's almost seems as though there's a battle going on between the public and all the fast-food establishments, and, believe me, I think it's very tasty food.101
Roman CoppolaJapan is the most intoxicating place for me. In Kyoto, there's an inn called the Tawaraya which is quite extraordinary. The Japanese culture fascinates me: the food, the dress, the manners and the traditions. It's the travel experience that has moved me the most.101
Ron FinleyPeople in my neighborhood are so disconnected from the fresh food supply that kids don't know an eggplant from a sweet potato. We have to show them how to get grounded in the truest sense of the word.101
Sebastian FaulksThere aren't many great passages written about food, but I love one by George Millar, who worked for the SOE in the second world war and wrote a book called 'Horned Pigeon.' He had been on the run and hadn't eaten for a week, and his description of the cheese fondue he smells in the peasant kitchen of a house in eastern France is unbelievable.101
Star JonesI can get whatever I want to eat and when you, you know, you forget to eat you sometimes pick up fast food.101
Trevor DonovanI don't eat fast food, but I can't live without pizza.101
William Winwood ReadeThe philosophic spirit of inquiry may be traced to brute curiosity, and that to the habit of examining all things in search of food.101
David F. HoustonThe duty of the individual farmer, at this time, is to increase his production, particularly of food crops.101
Delia SmithFood is for eating, and good food is to be enjoyed... I think food is, actually, very beautiful in itself.101
Dom DeLuiseI think I was immediately fed, so food became a very important part of my life.101
Doris RobertsHumor is imperative, more important than food. You have a choice when someone dies. You can lie down or get back into life. Do something for someone else.101
Elsa SchiaparelliEating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.101
Gelila BekeleLife is a perspective and for me, if a human being has access to school, clean water, food, proper health care, that is the basis of human rights.101
James BeardFood is our common ground, a universal experience. 101
Jonathan DimblebyFood is about communal togetherness. Our family does sit at the table. I think it's a great tragedy if a family doesn't have a table, as there is such an atmosphere of good will and warmth when we have eight people sitting around it.101
M. WardMy grandparents are from Mexico, so I grew up with great Mexican food.101
Mickey GilleyIf you have good food, people will come to your restaurant.101
Richard J. RobertsModern genetic engineering makes producing GMO food products relatively easy. GMOs can improve crop yield and greatly enhance the nutritional value of those same crops.101
Sarah Wayne CalliesI'm learning to hunt with rifles, because if you think about it, hunting gets you the healthiest meat - organic, free-range food. It's a totally yuppie spin on what I thought was kind of a redneck occupation.101
Sasha RoizPortland's as good a place as any. The food is good, the people are nice. I'm in love with it.101
Steve KanalyWe'd go out in Larry's hippie van and drive out all around Dallas. He loved Chinese food, he'd go in and say. Remember me Major Nelson, me and my friends here are making this show called Dallas, have you got a table for us? It would work every time.101
Arthur Potts DawsonMy food hero has to be Auguste Escoffier. And the villain? The man who's been most responsible for the death of food in my time is Ronald McDonald. He's always scared me, I think he's evil - he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Him and the Hamburglar.101
Louise FrescoFood, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity.101
Sonia RykielAt hotels, you are an actress. Absolutely. You can do what you want. Go where you want. I love my home too. But I love to arrive in a hotel. They have books, chocolate, food. I put things in the little refrigerator.101
Susan LucciI love spaghetti and meatballs... I eat a lot.101
Deng Ming-DaoThe traditional family table is round. No corners. No sides. No head. No tail. Everything is smooth. The food is in the center, and each family member reaches over the same distance. Someone you love is next to you on each side, and no one is last or at the end. The person farthest away from you is also the person facing you.101
James H. Douglas, Jr.Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic.101
John OwenTemptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction.101
Julia SawalhaIt distresses me when I take my seven-year-old nephew out. I cook healthy food, and he wants to go to McDonald's. He doesn't even like the food; he just wants the toys, the Happy Meals. I can't stand to see people walking down the street eating fast food.101
Justine LarbalestierEating good food is my favourite thing in the whole world. Nothing is more blissful.101
Mike ColterI hate the gym, so I try to diversify my workouts with swimming and basketball. Indoors, it's less boring than running. I do find that diet is key. I eat lots of lean protein, no soda, no fast food or fried foods, and a lot of water. But I love food and often cook.101
Ralph ChaplinIt seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race instead of being the private property of a few social parasites.101
Ronit RoyMy wife Neelam is a North Indian, so she will make North Indian food, while my mother will make Bengali food.101
Adan CantoI'm a runner. Not a race runner, but I just love to run, and I don't think I've ever tasted such amazing food like I've tasted in the whole entire New York.101
Jennifer LeeWe might be shifting away from a Eurocentric view of the United States into something that's much more multicultural, multinational, and Chinese food is just one slice of that.101
Jessie WareIce cream is my comfort food.101
John WaltersThe only think I like better than talking about Food is eating.101
Marion NestleI follow my own advice: eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains, and don't eat too much junk food. It leaves plenty of flexibility for eating an occasional junk food.101
Matt WalshI'm a huge fan of Chicago sports and Chicago food, and I love going home and my family is still there. I guess it's pretty easy to have a normal life in Chicago.101
Suzanne WeynPerfect happiness would be knowing that all my family and friends were happy and safe. Then I'd go to a tropical island with my husband where it was gorgeous and fun all day long and interesting and fun all evening. Good food and dancing would be nice, too, and weekly visits from those safe and happy family and friends. Plus world peace.101
Alice Foote MacDougallPoverty is relative, and the lack of food and of the necessities of life is not necessarily a hardship. Spiritual and social ostracism, the invasion of your privacy, are what constitute the pain of poverty.101
Alison McGheeI'm a big State Fair person, and my main goal is to eat as much food as possible, but I tend not to do the foods on a stick. But I like Big Fat Bacon.101
Joseph HumeIn Great Britain the price of food is at a higher level than in any other country, and consequently, the British artisan labours at a disadvantage in proportion to the higher rate of his food.101
Megan AbbottI think there are two prevailing views of the suburbs in the States: either they're this sort of tedious place, where everyone is the same, buys the same food and drives around in their little minivans, or the view is that the suburbs are extremely perverse in a humorous way.101
J. Donald WaltersThere are realities we all share, regardless of our nationality, language, or individual tastes. As we need food, so do we need emotional nourishment: love, kindness, appreciation, and support from others.101
Jan FieldsI'm big on tomato mozzarella salad. That's my favorite all-time food.101
Joseph LelyveldMore than any other in Western Europe, Britain remains a country where a traveler has to think twice before indulging in the ordinary food of ordinary people.101
Joshua LedetI only eat spicy food.101
Erma BombeckI come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.102
Thich Nhat HanhIf you truly get in touch with a piece of carrot, you get in touch with the soil, the rain, the sunshine. You get in touch with Mother Earth and eating in such a way, you feel in touch with true life, your roots, and that is meditation. If we chew every morsel of our food in that way we become grateful and when you are grateful, you are happy.102
Anthony BourdainMeals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating to me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself.102
Bindi IrwinMy favourite thing in the world is going out to get Chinese food, then coming home and renting a movie.102
David ChangI find that there are a lot of similarities between French and Japanese food. I think they're two countries that have really systemized their cuisine and codified it.102
Denis LearyNot eating meat is a decision, eating meat is an instinct.102
Don RicklesMy life was in Montreal years ago. Best food in the world.102
Drew CareyThe easiest diet is, you know, eat vegetables, eat fresh food. Just a really sensible healthy diet like you read about all the time.102
Edna FerberRoast beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy.102
Francisco CostaMilan, for me, is a city of discovery. You can find some amazing gardens behind some great houses; I also love finding beautiful galleries and incredible shops, but you have to explore. And the food is amazing.102
Freema AgyemanI couldn't sustain myself if I skimped on food - I work 16-hour days, I need the energy, I can't afford to be stingy on what I eat.102
Hans RoslingThe 1 to 2 billion poorest in the world, who don't have food for the day, suffer from the worst disease: globalization deficiency. The way globalization is occurring could be much better, but the worst thing is not being part of it. For those people, we need to support good civil societies and governments.102
Helen FieldingI like L.A. It's like a mini break. For a writer, it's hilarious. Like the food. Where I come from, we eat chip sandwiches: white bread, butter, tomato catsup and big fat french fries. It's delicious. Here, you order a creme caramel and the waiter says, 'You know, that contains dairy.'102
Heston BlumenthalI was born in the '60s and grew up in the '70s - not exactly the best decade for food in British history. It was horrendous. It was a time when, as a nation, we excelled in art and music and acting and photography and fashion - all creative skills... all apart from cooking.102
Howie MandelI'm from Canada, so Thanksgiving to me is just Thursday with more food. And I'm thankful for that.102
Ignatius of AntiochI have no taste for corruptible food nor for the pleasures of this life. I desire the Bread of God, which is the Flesh of Jesus Christ, who was of the seed of David, and for drink I desire His Blood, which is love incorruptible.102
Jo BrandAnything is good if it's made of chocolate.102
Joel SalatinA pig has a plow on the end of its nose because it does meaningful work with it. It is built to dig and create soil disturbance, something it can't do in a concentrated feeding environment. The omnivore has historically been a salvage operation for food scraps around the homestead.102
Kristin Scott ThomasIn fact, in many ways my mother was quite hippy-dippy, serving macrobiotic food and reading 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.'102
Kyle MacLachlanThe most appealing thing to me about food is combining and layering flavors, tastes, and textures. So the perfect sandwich has to be toasted. It has to have Emmenthal Swiss cheese and a combination of sweet and savory - some cranberry or fig thing happening - with different kinds of meats like Black Forest ham and roast beef.102
Lewis MumfordRestore human legs as a means of travel. Pedestrians rely on food for fuel and need no special parking facilities.102
Marcus SamuelssonYou have to balance, but you can be aggressive as a chef. It benefits the food. You have to be passionate. You can't be angry cooking.102
Margaret FullerA house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.102
Monica BellucciWhen I eat with my friends, it is a moment of real pleasure, when I really enjoy my life. 102
Nicholas HoultIf you're out, and starving, and need a bite to eat, then you need fast food.102
Nick OffermanMeat is a big deal in my life. I do love breakfast food, but I don't think that's extraordinary. I'm a normal American. We love eggs and meat and potatoes and gravy.102
Nicole ScherzingerI don't really believe in diets. I love food... If I deprive myself, I'm going to want it more. I snack on yogurt, raw cashews and cherry tomatoes.102
Norman BorlaugAlmost certainly, however, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind.102
Olga KurylenkoI just love France, I love French people, I love the French language, I love French food. I love their mentality. I just feel like it's me. I'm very French.102
Paul PrudhommeI think the most wonderful thing in the world is another chef. I'm always excited about learning new things about food.102
Peter BenchleyWithout sharks, you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain.102
Peter De VriesGluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.102
Robert MondaviI always knew that food and wine were vital, with my mother being Italian and a good cook.102
Terry RileyMusic can also be a sensual pleasure, like eating food or sex. But its highest vibration for me is that point of taking us to a real understanding of something in our nature which we can very rarely get at. It is a spiritual state of oneness.102
Wolfgang PuckItalian food is all about ingredients and it's not fussy and it's not fancy.102
Yash ChopraThe secret of being a great actor is a love of food.102
Yolanda AdamsGood food is healthy food. Food is supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can eat more. Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat.102
Yves ChauvinI am still not a fussy eater, although I do enjoy good food.102
Zac GoldsmithThe food system is not a free market. In this country, we impose reasonably high standards of animal welfare - but we haven't applied the same standards to food we import, so all we're really doing is exporting cruelty from Britain elsewhere, and at the same time undermining our farmers.102
A. J. LieblingAn Englishman teaching an American about food is like the blind leading the one-eyed.102
Carmen ElectraNo matter where I've been overseas, the food stinks, except in Italy.102
Charlie TrotterIn a time when it is common for chefs to simply reproduce the innovations of others, the few who speak for themselves through their food become the skilled artists of their time.102
Curtis StoneThere are probably close to a million people in the hospitality industry here in the United States, and there are probably only a few hundred opportunities in the food media industry.102
Deborah MoggachI did have a go with Botox, but I couldn't move my eyebrows. I also, at one point, had that filler stuff injected, but I looked like a hamster with wodges of food in its cheeks, so I stopped that.102
Denise MinaWe don't really go in for big family dinners, but Scottish people are famously confrontational. It's a cultural thing, so maybe we don't need to have them to clear the air. Also, traditional family food isn't as nice here so there's no payoff for traveling hundreds of miles.102
Eric StoltzMy perfect day is constantly changing. Right now, it would be to lie around in a hammock reading with a portable phone and a table of food next to it. I would spend all day there. And that's all that I can possibly come up with on the spur of the moment.102
Karrie WebbI think Australian food is probably some of the best in the world.102
Katarina WittSometimes I even now feel like a stranger in my country. But I knew there would be problems because I had seen the world as a skater. And now? A lot of people in eastern Germany have lost jobs, rents went up, food costs went up, unemployment went to 20 percent. Freedom is good, but it is not easy.102
Keshia Knight PulliamHonestly, I just try to live right, get enough sleep, and drink a lot of water. I do drink a lot of water; I do live by that. And just eating good clean food... I do love all of it. But I do definitely try to eat better organic food.102
Lewis HamiltonI love it in the States. The roads are big, the food is big. If it was possible to be in L.A. and still live my racing life, I would move now.102
Lucy PowellSome argue that now isn't the time to push the green agenda - that all efforts should be on preventing a serious recession. That is a false choice. It fails to recognise that climate change and our carbon reliance is part of problem - high fuel prices and food shortages due to poor crop yields compound today's financial difficulties.102
Martin ParrFashion pictures show people looking glamorous. Travel pictures show a place looking at its best, nothing to do with the reality. In the cookery pages, the food always looks amazing, right? Most of the pictures we consume are propaganda.102
Nicholas SternI think it's important that people think about what they are doing and that includes what they are eating. I am 61 now and attitudes towards drinking and driving have changed radically since I was a student. People change their notion of what is responsible. They will increasingly ask about the carbon content of their food.102
Pat BuchananThe food that enters the mind must be watched as closely as the food that enters the body.102
Robert AtkinsEveryone would be healthier if they didn't eat junk food.102
Sandra LeeBaking cookies is comforting, and cookies are the sweetest little bit of comfort food. They are very bite-sized and personal.102
Amy BloomMy ideal meal varies, depending on the time of year. Lobster on a deck overlooking a beach at sunset is one - but all my kids have to be there, because they are all lobster-lovers. Making a bolognese sauce over pappardelle for my husband on a winter evening, because he loves my bolognese sauce and it's his comfort food.102
Dana GoodyearThe food being presented at the most expensive restaurants, by the most sophisticated chefs, was not always recognizable as food to the diner - it required a leap of faith, and I felt curious about that phenomenon.102
Deborra-Lee FurnessMy secret indulgent food is dessert. I have an incredible sweet tooth - chocolate pudding with vanilla ice-cream or trifle and pavlova. I do love dessert.102
Dorothy AllisonI think it's wonderful that people in pickup trucks are buying two flats of dog food and a copy of 'Bastard.' I want my view of the world to be right up there next to gallon boxes of Tide.102
Dreama WalkerI love food. I'm a big food person. I'm really passionate about eating good food all the time.102
John Harvey KelloggA dead cow or sheep lying in a pasture is recognized as carrion. The same sort of a carcass dressed and hung up in a butcher's stall passes as food.102
Meghan MarkleFood makes travel so exceptional, because you get to taste what it's actually supposed to taste like. To eat the real Pad Thai or finally have a proper curry is something pretty amazing.102
Michael MossThat is the one single word that the food industry hates: 'addiction.' They much prefer words like 'crave-ability' and 'allure.'102
Naomi KleinThe truly powerful feed ideology to the masses like fast food while they dine on the most rarified delicacy of all: impunity.102
Robin QuiversI'm nutty for nutrition. I've become one of those people who can't stop talking about the connection between food and health. Now that I know how much changing what you eat can transform your life, I can't stop proselytizing.102
Sarah Michelle GellarI like food. I like eating. And I don't want to deprive myself of good food.102
Shahid KapoorIndian cinema gives you everything that western cinema doesn't. It's maseladar and spicy. If you like Indian food, I think you'll love Indian movies.102
Shane FilanI worry about putting food on the table, paying for my kids needs, their college fees in years to come. It's about earning enough to have a living to be able to look after your children.102
Suresh RainaI am doing everything to be fit - like not eating oily food, doing yoga, gymming and consulting my doc.102
Alice HamiltonFrom the first I became convinced that what I must look for was lead dust and lead fumes, that men were poisoned by breathing poisoned air, not by handling their food with unwashed hands.102
Colin HayPeople say history is boring, and that is true because people are boring. We haven't changed since time began. We're still the same. We've obviously made some changes. When we started, it was all about food, clothing and shelter. Now we watch 'Top Chef', 'Project Runway', and 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.'102
David GreenIf I die without food or without eternal salvation, I want to die without food.102
Ellen GustafsonAs an anti-hunger advocate, I found the perplexity of the obesity problem and the hunger problem existing side-by-side in our increasingly global food system begged further investigation.102
Emilie de RavinI'm kind of a homebody. I like to sit at home and watch movies and eat good food.102
Erin AndrewsObviously as I'm getting older, I'm seeing changes in my body that I may not like... but I do love food, and I'm from the South. I'm not gonna lie, I eat fried chicken, I love macaroni and cheese, and I love grits.102
Jeremy RifkinThe American public is not aware that there might be potential allergenic and toxic reactions. With regular food, at least people know which foods they have an allergy to.102
Lisa SnowdonOn long haul flights I always drink loads and loads of water and eat light and healthy food.102
Robert IrvineEvery meal should end with something sweet. Maybe it's jelly on toast at breakfast, or a small piece of chocolate at dinner - but it always helps my brain bring a close to the meal.102
Robin LeachIn Italy, they add work and life on to food and wine.102
Rocco DiSpiritoBe curious, learn and read as much as you can about food. Don't worry about making money. Focus on learning at various venues before you settle down for a steady position.102
Sigmar GabrielWithout sound conservation and management measures, fisheries will quickly become depleted and a basic component of global food security will be lost.102
Takeru KobayashiPeople think that if you have a huge appetite, then you'll be better at it. But actually, it's how you confront the food that is brought to you. You have to be mentally and psychologically prepared.102
Tyler PoseyYou know I don't care about what I eat. I love food so much, I can't affect the way I eat.102
Brad RenfroI would say, stay the hell away from the party scene. Anything you put in front of your goal, and especially something like that, whether it's too much gambling, too much food, too much cold beers on the weekend - anything that you put in front of the prize is going to end up getting in the way and hurting you in the end.102
Brett HoebelFood is a lot of people's therapy - when we say comfort food, we really mean that. It's releasing dopamine and serotonin in your brain that makes you feel good.102
Cara CastronuovaI know that when I get stressed, I want to eat junk food. So now I just know - 'I'm stressed, I want to eat junk food, so I'm going to go work out instead, or eat something healthy.' It really works.102
Cary FowlerWhether we consciously realize it or not, the biodiversity with which we are most familiar, and the biodiversity with which we have most intimate historical, cultural and biological connections, is that associated with food plants.102
James P. HoffaImproving the outlook for U.S workers isn't about creating millions of minimum-wage jobs. It is about creating sustainable, skilled employment that allows Americans to earn a fair wage with benefits that allows them to pay for housing and food on the table and sustain a middle-class lifestyle.102
M. F. K. FisherWine and cheese are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and moon, or good people and noble ventures.102
Matteo RenziThere is in the DNA of the Italians a bit of madness, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is positive. It is genius. It is talent. It's the masterpieces of art. It's the food, fashion, everything that makes Italy great in the world.102
Stefon HarrisItaly has great food and Barcelona has great energy.102
Amy ChildsI need to tone up, as I eat a lot of fast food. I love Maccy D's, Subway and Domino's.102
Ben McLemoreYou get those hunger pains. 'I am so hungry. We don't have any food. What are we going to eat?' Your stomach hurts. Then you get so upset and mad, like, no food. You start having tantrums and don't want to do anything. You get mad at everybody because you don't have any food. That's what happens when you don't eat. You are so sluggish.102
Bryan Q. MillerThe disparity between a restaurant's price and food quality rises in direct proportion to the size of the pepper mill.102
James GarnerI think my attitude has always been to put food on the table.102
Louise FrescoOur food is safer and our diets are more diverse than ever before; production methods are becoming increasingly sustainable, clean and efficient; and we are constantly becoming better at protecting biodiversity.102
Stephanie KleinThe way I see it, love is an amusement park, and food its souvenir.102
A. Whitney BrownI am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.102
Anna EshooI like a quiet evening with family or friends over, great food and great discussion and a lot of laughter. That's really what I think fills my tank.102
David LeanDon't make jokes about food.102
Dorothy GilmanPeople need dreams, there's as much nourishment in 'em as food.102
Mian Muhammad ManshaThe future of the world will belong to whoever can harness energy and food.102
John Shelton ReedMaybe we've been brainwashed by 130 years of Yankee history, but Southern identity now has more to do with food, accents, manners, music than the Confederate past. It's something that's open to both races, a variety of ethnic groups and people who move here.102
Joseph EpsteinNot to like ice cream is to show oneself uninterested in food.102
Marion NestleHealthy, sustainable food production methods give us food that is nutritionally better and with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.102
Matt BarrFood is a huge passion of mine, and because I want to eat whatever I want, I run every morning, and then I do weights a few times a week. It's just how I can balance eating pancakes in the morning, a big burger for lunch, and then a fat steak and cheesecake at night.102
Jerry BrownWhen the farmer can sell directly to the consumer, it is a more active process. There's more contact. The consumer can know, who am I buying this from? What's their name? Do they have a face? Is the food they are selling coming out of Mexico with pesticides?102
Jessica LowndesI live a healthy lifestyle and I crave healthy food. I love porridge - I have bizarre cravings for it. I love it with brown sugar and bananas, and I'm a huge fan of cinnamon - I put cinnamon on everything. I also have a sweet tooth and I don't like to deprive myself. I think everything in moderation is the key.102
John SalleyI was a vegetarian first. I had high blood pressure at 27, everybody in my family died of cancer, and I knew it was in the food, so I changed my diet.102
Julia BarrI know my husband really loves me because he takes me to have ribs. He says I'm the only girl he ever took out who actually ate anything on her plate, as opposed to pushing it around.102
Joey FatoneIf you combine good flavors, food turns into an orchestra.102
Joko BeckMy dog doesn't worry about the meaning of life. She may worry if she doesn't get her breakfast, but she doesn't sit around worrying about whether she will get fulfilled or liberated or enlightened. As long as she gets some food and a little affection, her life is fine.102
Jamie ChungI love photography, I love food, and I love traveling, and to put those three things together would just be the ultimate dream.102
JWowwI eat junk food, cheesecake, cheese, pizza - but just lower amounts of it.102
John BachmanI never found either this or the Northern Shrike return to such prey for food. I have seen them alight on the same thorn bush afterwards, but never made any use of this kind of food.102
Ice CubeI'm trying to cut down a little on eating, on sodium, keep my blood pressure down, which is tough. Because I love food! I do, but it's unfair how everything that's bad for you tastes so good, and all the good stuff, veggies and green things, doesn't match up.103
Ivan PavlovAppetite, craving for food, is a constant and powerful stimulator of the gastric glands.103
Alton BrownThe kitchen's a laboratory, and everything that happens there has to do with science. It's biology, chemistry, physics. Yes, there's history. Yes, there's artistry. Yes, to all of that. But what happened there, what actually happens to the food is all science.103
Anthony BourdainBad food is made without pride, by cooks who have no pride, and no love. Bad food is made by chefs who are indifferent, or who are trying to be everything to everybody, who are trying to please everyone... Bad food is fake food... food that shows fear and lack of confidence in people's ability to discern or to make decisions about their lives.103
Charles BaudelaireAny healthy man can go without food for two days - but not without poetry.103
Eric SchlosserAs a matter of fact, most cases of food poisoning are never linked back to their source.103
Ernest HolmesWe can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.103
Hans SelyeMan should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise.103
Ian DunbarYou don't train a dog in a training hall, jerking his neck or even giving him food treats. You train him using life rewards.103
Imelda StauntonLooking back, there is nothing wrong with that peace, love and equality that the hippies espoused. In many ways, we have regressed because they were into organic food, back to nature, make love not war, be good to all men, share and share alike - which is what many are talking about now.103
Jamie OliverWhat I've enjoyed most, though, is meeting people who have a real interest in food and sharing ideas with them. Good food is a global thing and I find that there is always something new and amazing to learn - I love it!103
John Kenneth GalbraithMore die in the United States of too much food than of too little.103
Kate ChristensenThere's a certain time of day after sunset when people naturally seem to feel the urge to gather by a fire or a stove or a hibachi or another common source of heat and food, and hunker down together to eat and drink. Call it the blue hour.103
Kathy FrestonI think that food ties us to our community and our traditions, and it's the thing that makes us feel good and connected.103
Kevin JamesThere's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap.103
LucretiusWhat is food to one man is bitter poison to others.103
Lupe FiascoI don't mind payin' for the police and for streets and sanitation, or road work, bridges, trains, food subsidies and welfare. But I don't wanna pay for bombs to fight proxy wars in the middle of nowhere against enemies in the night.103
Monica BellucciWherever I go, I am Italian. The way I talk, the way I eat, the way femininity is important to me. The way I love Italian food.103
Nobu MatsuhisaI eat soup noodles for comfort. In fact, noodles of any kind. It's a food that is very easy to eat; it's very soothing and comfortable, too. If I could choose any, I'd say buckwheat was my favourite: it has a very good flavour and is healthy, too.103
Norman BorlaugYet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.103
Phil RobertsonWe were so poor as kids. I didn't even see a bathtub, running water, hot water, commode - we didn't have any of that. We started with a humble log house, milk cow, garden-raised our own food, killed a hog every year in the fall, and had the meat hanging up in the smokehouse - that was our childhood, me and ol' Si.103
Ryan LochteI started eating healthier. I actually gave up fast food. I gave up candy and potato chips and everything else. I started watching what I ate.103
Tom ColicchioI think steak is the ultimate comfort food, and if you're going out for one, that isn't the time to scrimp on calories or quality.103
Ayelet WaldmanI feed my kids organic food and milk, but I've also been known to buy the odd Lunchable. My kids are not allowed to watch TV during the week, but on weekends even the 2-year-old veges out to 'The Simpsons.'103
Cecily StrongFood can be mean to me, but I love it anyway.103
Christine PelosiMitt Romney has won the 2012 presidential nomination by promising Republicans that he would end a so-called 'culture of dependency' on welfare - welfare defined as 'free stuff' and food stamps for poor folks, not tax breaks for Big Oil or tax shelters for Bain executives.103
Elizabeth BerkleyI will never forget experiencing Venice for the first time. It feels like you are transported to another time - the art, music, food and pure romance in the air is like no other place.103
Gail SimmonsIt's better to get the nutrients for healthy skin from food, not supplements. Salmon, walnuts, blueberries, spinach... lots of my favorite foods happen to be amazing for skin too.103
J. Michael StraczynskiIn every other science fiction series, humans are at the top of the food chain. In the 'Babylon 5' universe, they're in the bottom third.103
Lady GregoryMy husband was in the war of the Crimea. It is terrible the hardships he went through, to be two months without going into a house, under the snow in trenches. And no food to get, maybe a biscuit in the day. And there was enough food there, he said, to feed all Ireland; but bad management, they could not get it.103
Laura EsquivelI watch cooking change the cook, just as it transforms the food.103
Lisa LingParents are working more than ever before and unable to monitor what kids are eating at home, and schools are selling astronomical amounts of junk food in order to supplement shrinking budgets. It's a ticking time bomb, and America's children are exploding.103
Mark HymanI don't need the fillers, additives, excessive amounts of sugars, fats, salts and other measures taken to taint the natural goodness of real food.103
Mary RoachAnimals' taste systems are specialized for the niche they occupy in the environment. That includes us. As hunters and foragers of the dry savannah, our earliest forebears evolved a taste for important but scarce nutrients: salt and high-energy fats and sugars. That, in a nutshell, explains the widespread popularity of junk food.103
Neal BarnardIf beef is your idea of 'real food for real people', you'd better live real close to a real good hospital.103
Trisha YearwoodI love potatoes - they're my favorite food.103
Wen JiabaoThere are two books that I often travel with; one is 'The Theory on Moral Sentiments' by Adam Smith. The other is 'The Meditations.' It's not that I agree with either views expressed in the books, but I believe ideas and thoughts of older generations can offer food for thought for the current generation.103
William Irwin ThompsonOne way to find food for thought is to use the fork in the road, the bifurcation that marks the place of emergence in which a new line of development begins to branch off.103
Alice DregerAccording to my mother, there pretty much wasn't anything I wouldn't eat as a child. Not just try, but eat. I was even inclined to dig into stuff about which she expressed open disgust - lobster and other shellfish, and cheap Chinese food with pepper so hot it made your gums feel like a medieval dentist had been at them.103
Bonnie BasslerMost bacteria aren't bad. We breathe and eat and ingest gobs of bacteria every single moment of our lives. Our food is covered in bacteria. And you're breathing in bacteria all the time, and you mostly don't get sick.103
Carol AltIf I'm making a movie and get hungry, I call time-out and eat some crackers.103
Clement AttleeI just love Chinese food. My favourite dish is number 27.103
Joel FuhrmanWe have these weapons of mass destruction on every street corner, and they're called donuts, cheeseburgers, French fries, potato chips, junk food. Our kids are living on a junk food diet.103
Michael MinaFood feeds both the body and soul - there are clear reasons to eat a balanced diet, but there are also reasons you cling to your mom's secret chicken noodle soup recipe when you're sick.103
Paul KantnerThen you get to be involved with all the people, meet all the beautiful girls, get all the good food, get ready and locked in before all the crowds hit.103
Romain GrosjeanI have a great love for cuisine, so I'm always interested in local food, and there are so many interesting dishes, spices and ingredients in India.103
Tom SizemoreIt was dog food. Beef livers with onions in a can. You open it up and it looks like vomit.103
Tracey GoldAnorexia, you starve yourself. Bulimia, you binge and purge. You eat huge amounts of food until you're sick and then you throw up. And anorexia, you just deny yourself. It's about control.103
Trish StratusAs far as luxury goes, about the only thing I do is... I go first class all the way. I live on the road, so when I'm out there, I'm getting the nice hotel suite, I'm getting the luxury car, I'm eating the good food, and I make sure I take care of myself on the road.103
Adam GopnikYou can't have a decent food culture without a decent coffee culture: the two things grow up together.103
Allan SavoryAgriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds - it's the production of food and fiber from the world's land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy.103
Anita BakerIf I could be doing anything, I'd be laying on the floor in my birthday suit eating junk food and watching something dumb on TV.103
Daniel GilliesI will say that the food in both Japan and Italy was immaculate. I don't remember having bad food in either country.103
Jared PadaleckiI'm a little self-conscious about my body. I love to wear hoodies because you can get cozy and eat some food and your belly doesn't show!103
Joe BastianichThe menu should be part of the entertainment, part of the dining experience. It's kind of like reading the 'Playbill' when you go to the theater. It should be an alluring and interactive document. Does it have burn marks on it from the candle? If you ever get a greasy menu with food stains on it, it's time to run like hell.103
Leroy ChiaoThere were different challenges along the way. Certainly the food shortage was unpleasant.103
Pat RobertsSecurity for agriculture merits serious concern by not only the agricultural community but our nation as a whole. The risk to the U.S. food supply and overall economy is real.103
Richard J. CodeySchool is where children spend most of their time, and it is where we lay the foundation for healthy habits. That's why New Jersey is the first state to adopt a comprehensive school nutrition policy that bans candy, soda, and other junk food.103
Sasha CohenI really liked the food in Japan. There is something so organized, neat, and methodical about it. They put a lot of care and quality into their cooking. I also love Mediterranean, New American, and Italian food, because the cuisines borrow influences from all over the world.103
Andrew EldritchI still like being in North of England and I keep a place there. But there are a lot of things about the Continent that are to be preferred. The social institutions work better, women have a better position in society and the food is another thing.103
Marc ForgioneThe kitchen is a sacred space.103
Misty May-TreanorThe more colorful the food, the better. I try to add color to my diet, which means vegetables and fruits.103
Art DonovanI don't eat vegetables. I only eat food like cheeseburgers, Spam, hot dogs and pizza.103
Becca FitzpatrickI should probably confess that ice cream is my favorite food, and I eat it every night. When I go grocery shopping, I try to buy a new flavor, rather than reverting back to a favorite flavor. I'm on a mission to taste every flavor of ice cream out there!103
Dave ThomasIt all comes back to the basics. Serve customers the best-tasting food at a good value in a clean, comfortable restaurant, and they'll keep coming back.103
Jeremy GranthamLow-cost, high-grade coal, oil and natural gas - the backbone of the Industrial Revolution - will be a distant memory by 2050. Much higher-cost remnants will still be available, but they will not be able to drive our growth, our population and, most critically, our food supply as before.103
Joseph Wood KrutchIf we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either.103
Manish DayalMy aunt and uncle would come over when my mom was making this, or we would go over there when they were making that. That's what food is.103
Rebecca LoosI'm a new mum who spends her days making baby food and cooking for her man. And I couldn't be happier.103
Matt RidleyI'm perfectly happy to eat organic food, but if I choose to pay more for it, I don't pat myself on the back ethically. Quite the reverse. I think I'm actually being quite greedy, because what I'm doing is essentially saying, 'I want more land to be devoted to growing my food.'103
Robert HiggsSome doomsayers think the collapse will be triggered by runaway government spending, excessive taxation, oppressive regulation, food shortages, fuel shortages or natural disasters such as deadly pandemics or lethal changes in the world's climate.103
Marion NestleI am not a vegetarian. I subscribe to my own mantra: eat less, move more, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, don't eat too much junk food, and enjoy what you eat. Or, to summarise: eat less, eat better, move more, and get political.103
Joseph JacksonI fed them every day. So it was a papa that kept food on the table for them. I did that. I did my part.103
Jorge CruiseThe only secret to food combination is a balance of protein, carbs and fat - they all play a key role in our health.103
Cesar ChavezIf you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart.104
George Bernard ShawThere is no sincerer love than the love of food. 104
J. R. R. TolkienIf more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. 104
Julia ChildIn France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport.104
Alfred Russel WallaceIn all works on Natural History, we constantly find details of the marvellous adaptation of animals to their food, their habits, and the localities in which they are found.104
Anthony BourdainI would like to see people more aware of where their food comes from. I would like to see small farmers empowered. I feed my daughter almost exclusively organic food.104
Behati PrinslooI'll paddle board, swim in the ocean, roll in the sand, soak up the sun, eat good food, be with friends and family and go fishing with my dad.104
Caroline KnappWhat is this drive to be thinner, prettier, better dressed, other? Who exactly is this other and what does she look like beyond the jacket she's wearing or the food she's not eating? What might we be doing, thinking, feeling about if we didn't think about body image, ever?104
Clare BaldingI really love good food occasionally, but I need time to enjoy it, and I need to be hungry.104
David ByrneMy favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.104
David PerlmutterThe food we eat goes beyond its macronutrients of carbohydrates, fat and protein. It's information. It interacts with and instructs our genome with every mouthful, changing genetic expression.104
Dorothy DayFood for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul. 104
Frans de WaalOctopuses have hundreds of suckers, each one equipped with its own ganglion with thousands of neurons. These 'mini-brains' are interconnected, making for a widely distributed nervous system. That is why a severed octopus arm may crawl on its own and even pick up food.104
Gustav KlimtAlthough even when I am being idle I have plenty of food for thought both early and late - thoughts both about and not about art.104
Heston BlumenthalYou think about some of the most memorable meals you've ever had; the food will be good but it will often be about locating a mental memory and taste is inexorably linked to all the other senses and memory, so ultimately it is all about taste.104
Holly MadisonI like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.104
Jamie OliverStop being a vegan and start enjoying what you eat.104
Joel SalatinKnow you food, know your farmers, and know your kitchen.104
Ludwig van BeethovenOnly the pure in heart can make a good soup. 104
Marcus SamuelssonClean water and access to food are some of the simplest things that we can take for granted each and every day. In places like Africa, these can be some of the hardest resources to attain if you live in a rural area.104
Mario BataliWe would load up the yellow Cutlass Supreme station wagon and pick blackberries during blackberry season or spring onions during spring onion season. For us, food was part of the fabric of our day.104
N. R. Narayana MurthyAll developmental activities for the common man such as education, healthcare, shelter and food distribution should be handled by reputed private sector institutions. It should be a competitive market in order to prevent the formation of monopolies.104
Nathan MyhrvoldI've been on a team that won the world championship of barbecue. But barbecue's interesting, because it's one of these cult foods like chili, or bouillabaisse. Various parts of the world will have a cult food that people get enormously attached to - there's tremendous traditions; there's secrecy.104
Norman BorlaugWithout food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless.104
Ornette ColemanI remember once I read a book on mental illness and there was a nurse that had gotten sick. Do you know what she died from? From worrying about the mental patients not being able to get their food. She became a mental patient.104
Padma LakshmiWine, like food, is so emotional. If you think about it, so much of the courting ritual is surrounded by wine and food. There's a built-in romance to wine.104
Paul PrudhommeI wait for the next opportunity to have something to do with food. If I get rested, my mind just starts creating new dishes - click, click, click.104
Rene RedzepiPeople will travel anywhere for good food - it's crazy.104
Simon HoggartI cannot be alone in being pretty nauseated by Red Nose Day, or at least its television manifestation. Do I think that wretchedly poor children in Africa should get food and life-saving drugs? Of course. Do I want to be hectored into contributing by celebrities who earn more in a 10-minute slot than many of these families get in a year? Nope.104
Sylvester StalloneWhen I was a kid, my mother used to feed me mashed-potato sandwiches, brussel sprout sandwiches; my brain cells were starving from lack of food. I'll eat anything. I'll eat dirt.104
Timothy NoahThe intriguing aspect of food charges on airlines is that they create the perfect laboratory for any economist who wishes to study the question of how to price a good that possesses, by universal consensus, absolutely no objective value.104
Tyra BanksI love all kinds of bread. Whenever I crave junk food, I want salty things like peanuts or potato chips.104
Alison GopnikAsking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water.104
Antonio BanderasCats are very independent animals. They're very sexy, if you want. Dogs are different. They're familiar. They're obedient. You call a cat, you go, 'Cat, come here.' He doesn't come to you unless you have something in your hand that he thinks might be food. They're very free animals, and I like that.104
Arlie Russell HochschildIn response to our fast-food culture, a 'slow food' movement appeared. Out of hurried parenthood, a move toward slow parenting could be growing. With vital government supports for state-of-the-art public child care and paid parental leave, maybe we would be ready to try slow love and marriage.104
Avril LavigneI was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated.104
Bela LugosiI don't have a dime left. I am dependent on my friends for food and a small old-age pension.104
Carl HonoreOut of the Slow Food movement has grown something called the Slow Cities movement, which has started in Italy but has spread right across Europe and beyond. And in this, towns begin to rethink how they organize the urban landscape so that people are encouraged to slow down and smell the roses and connect with one another.104
Curtis StoneI always think if you have to cook once, it should feed you twice. If you're going to make a big chicken and vegetable soup for lunch on Monday, you stick it in the refrigerator and it's also for Wednesday's dinner.104
Cynthia NixonI love spicy food.104
Elle FanningI'm a big fish eater. Salmon - I love salmon. My sister loves Chinese food and sushi and all that. I'm not as big of a fan, but she likes it so we eat it a lot. So I'm beginning to like it more. I don't like the raw sushi. I liked the cooked crab and lobster and everything.104
Gail SimmonsPatience is the secret to good food.104
Josie LorenIf I eat junk food and have a workout the next day, I feel a significant difference in the way my body responds to exercise. I'm sluggish, tired and run out of energy very quickly.104
Kabir BediI turned into a monk when my mother went to learn Buddhism in Burma. While she learnt at the monastery, I used to roam around with a begging bowl and ask for food.104
Kate WalshMy very first job was a cashier at Burger King in Tucson, Arizona. And I occasionally worked the drive-thru. I'd go wherever I was needed! My second job was at Dairy Queen. I stayed in the fast food royalty.104
Kim AlexisI feel an important part of beauty is not only what you do on the outside but also what you put into the inside. Good fresh food with many vegetables along with love and caring for others. I spend way more time serving others than I do on my beauty routine daily.104
Mark HymanIn the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our biochemistry, our hormones and our kitchens have been hijacked by the food industry.104
Suzanne SomersI stopped dieting on plain, boring, unsatisfying food and started eating rich, delicious meals full of flavor and, yes... fat. I got skinny on fat and realized I would never have to diet again.104
Tristram StuartIn Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, the government in a matter of years has put a lot of energy behind recycling food waste as livestock feed. It's environmentally friendly, it provides cheap livestock feed for the farmers in those parts of the world, and it avoids sending the food waste to landfill.104
Adrian PetersonSeafood was always my favorite food. I mean, fried lobster? Come on. Once I found out shrimp, scallops and lobster were my allergic triggers, I had to change my diet.104
Andrew MasonMost small business owners are not particularly sophisticated business people. That's not a criticism; they're passionate about cutting hair or cooking food, and that's why they got in the business, not because they have an MBA.104
Cat CoraWe incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids' diets from a very early age, which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don't buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit, yogurt, raw almonds, or dried whole grain cereals for snack time.104
Jane SiberryAcceptable food rots while we are chased from bins behind restaurants, chased from sleeping on the street, chased from relieving ourselves unless we pay for food or gas, until finally we are so hungry, sleepless, smelly, constipated and beaten-down that we simply die of lack of will to live.104
Michael MinaI don't know if you call a burger 'recession food.' It's comfort food.104
Molly RingwaldI like to say, jazz music is kind of like my musical equivalent of comfort food. You know, it's always where I go back to when I just want to feel sort of grounded.104
Samantha MortonIt's fantastic to strive towards a nice life where you eat nice organic food and your children go to a nice school and you can afford nice clothes and nice perfume and the hypoallergenic make-up. But there's never a day goes by, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, that I don't think about where I'm from.104
Tyson ChandlerI thought it was normal to recycle pants and shoes from your older cousins. That was just my way of life. At the end of the month, there was not much food in the refrigerator and you're hoping the first comes so food can come again. You never forget those things.104
Andre BalazsI don't think it ever does any harm in any business to feel that there is someone there who cares about it. If you look at any business, fashion being the most obvious, the aura, or the reality of the designer, is part of what creates it. It's true in luxury goods stores and in good food stores. It leaves a palpable sense that someone cares.104
Jim RyunOur budget works to reduce and eliminate the risk of attacks at our ports, rails, in the skies, our food supply and roads by allowing for increases in many of the programs and agencies to help protect these important areas of commerce and travel.104
Marcus BrigstockeI think Ross Noble is the only person that I've seen really storm a stand-up slot at a festival, and that was when he led 3,000 people on a conga out of the tent and across the entire site to a vegetarian food truck.104
Randa Abdel-FattahFor me, religious festivals and celebrations have become an important way to teach my children about how we can transform living with diversity from the superficial 'I eat ethnic food', to something dignified, mutually respectful and worthwhile.104
Tig NotaroBasically I'm a female human being with brown hair, enjoy precision, reading the news, eating delicious food with my delicious friends and laughing at ridiculous things that don't translate while you are desperately trying to make them.104
Triple HBeing on the road is no excuse for having a poor diet. I don't like fast food, but if I have to, I'll order three plain grilled chicken sandwiches and throw out the buns.104
Damon WayansThe less food, the more time to talk, the more to talk about.104
Jamie CullumMy mother was born in Burma, but my grandfather on her side was Indian-Spanish. So I have this quite exotic mix, which is reflected in my earliest memories, in our Wiltshire country kitchen, of gran, and aunts, cooking spicy stewy, casseroley curries, a version of Indian food with a Burmese twist.104
John MulaneyYou can do good work simply staying up all night and eating nothing but junk food, but probably not in the long term.104
M. F. K. FisherSharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly.104
Misty May-TreanorIf you maintain a healthy diet, or at least are smart about your food choices, you'll still see the pounds come off.104
Abdul Qadeer KhanWell, sometimes if I go out to dinner with my family, people will come up to me and put their hand across my plate for me to shake, sometimes when I have a bite of food in my mouth. I find this a bit disturbing.104
Anne BurrellTaste as you go. When you taste the food throughout the cooking process you can make adjustments as you go.104
John WaltersToo many people just eat to consume calories. Try dining for a change.104
Marion NestleHow we grow food has enormous effects on the environment - climate change as well as pollution of air, water, and soil.104
Jerry BrownJobs for every American is doomed to failure because of modern automation and production. We ought to recognize it and create an income-maintenance system so every single American has the dignity and the wherewithal for shelter, basic food, and medical care. I'm talking about welfare for all. Without it, you're going to have warfare for all.104
David AttenboroughIt's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It's not just climate change; it's sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.105
Percy Bysshe ShelleyIn a drama of the highest order there is little food for censure or hatred; it teaches rather self-knowledge and self-respect.105
EuripidesWhen a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor. 105
Anthony BourdainFood is everything we are. It's an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It's inseparable from those from the get-go.105
Aziz AnsariWhen I tour, it's like, well, like a food tour as much as a comedy tour. I try to eat at all the weird places, the obscure barbecue joints, burger places. There are a few spots in L.A. that I'm obsessed with - one of them is the Taco Zone taco truck on Alvarado. There are secret off-menu items that are amazing.105
Colonel SandersA lot of learned men think people really are the food they've eaten.105
Eric SchlosserFast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu.105
Etta JamesLong as I was riding in a big Cadillac and dressed nice and had plenty of food, that's all I cared about.105
Eva GreenI was born in Paris, and it's a beautiful place, but London feels like home. I like the village feeling, I like running in the parks - even the food isn't as bad as it used to be.105
Faith HillI don't want to sound like a Hallmark card, but to be able to wake up each day with food and shelter, that alone is good. Forget aging and the fact that my butt is becoming a little more familiar with my knees than my tailbone. If you are six feet above ground it's a good day. So, give me more!105
Giacomo CasanovaI always made my food congenial to my constitution, and my health was always excellent.105
Gro Harlem BrundtlandThe development of the food industry for both domestic and export markets relies on a regulatory framework that both protects the consumer and assures fair trading practices in food.105
Ina GartenInstead of going out to dinner, buy good food. Cooking at home shows such affection. In a bad economy, it's more important to make yourself feel good.105
Joel SalatinThe shorter the chain between raw food and fork, the fresher it is and the more transparent the system is.105
Kathy GriffinNo, I love Montreal... I think I love Montreal more than Montreal loves me... I love the food there.105
Mario BataliIn America, I would say New York and New Orleans are the two most interesting food towns. In New Orleans, they don't have a bad deli. There's no mediocrity accepted.105
Martin HeideggerAgriculture is now a motorized food industry, the same thing in its essence as the production of corpses in the gas chambers and the extermination camps, the same thing as blockades and the reduction of countries to famine, the same thing as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.105
Michael PollanHigh-quality food is better for your health.105
Paul O'GradyI was a really picky eater as a child. Because I was obsessed by Popeye, my mum and aunts would put my food in a can to represent spinach and we'd hum the Popeye tune and then I'd happily eat it.105
Paul PrudhommeCajun is country food by farmers and fisherman that arrived in Louisiana from Acadiana, Canada.105
Phil RobertsonTwo of the central ingredients to our family are food and faith, so sitting down together and thanking God for the food He's provided means everything to us. Prayer is a natural part of our lives - not only around the dinner table, but all day long.105
QuintilianOur minds are like our stomaches; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.105
RainI like junk food, French fries, hamburgers - I love it.105
Rene RedzepiTake a trip to the forest and experience the greatness of getting on your knees and picking your own food and going home... and eating it.105
Sholom AleichemIt is an old custom amongst Jewish children, to become war-like on the 'L'ag Beomer.' They arm themselves from head to foot with wooden swords, pop-guns and bows and arrows. They take food with them, and go off to wage war.105
Valerie BertinelliOnce a food becomes off-limits, then it takes on this whole other personality. 'Forbidden' is more tempting. And it becomes something evil, but food is food. It's there to nourish your body.105
A. J. LieblingIf the first requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite, the second is to put in your apprenticeship as a feeder when you have enough money to pay the check but not enough to produce indifference of the total.105
Alice WatersI think America's food culture is embedded in fast-food culture. And the real question that we have is: How are we going to teach slow-food values in a fast-food world? Of course, it's very, very difficult to do, especially when children have grown up eating fast food and the values that go with that.105
Andrew WeilGet people back into the kitchen and combat the trend toward processed food and fast food.105
Barbara TuchmanTo a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse.105
Curtis StoneKeep it simple in the kitchen. If you use quality ingredients, you don't need anything fancy to make food delicious: just a knife, a cutting board, and some good nonstick cookware, and you're set.105
David O. RussellI did a dance sequence in my second short film, which was my best short film, called 'Hairway to the Stars,' and I think Chris Wink, the founder of Blue Man Group, was in that. It's a black-and-white dance sequence. We were Glorious Food waiters together.105
Duane ChapmanWe believe that God is big enough to give every nationality their own religion, as he's given them their own taste in food, in plants, in furniture, and housing. I think that each religion has their basic Christ-ish way to get to the Everlasting God.105
Dylan LaurenThere's no denying that candy is comfort food and it's affordable.105
Jason MrazI don't think love is a tricky issue at all. Love is best understood when we share: Share time, energy, food, resources, insights, information, whatever. It's usually thought of as something that exists between two people, but that's just because it's easier to see and feel in the space between them. Each person is sharing a lot with the other.105
Jet LiJackie Chan is a very good comedy/martial arts star. He does one kind of martial arts that Jet Li doesn't know how to do and Jet Li does a martial art that Jackie Chan doesn't know how to do. You can both go to two Chinese restaurants, but both can have different kinds of food.105
Karen Thompson WalkerEnd-of-the-world stories tend to ring true. I've always been drawn to them, but as I wrote my own, I found surprising pleasure in creating a world that is so radically changed, yet where there's so much meaning and value in every small and ordinary thing we have, and take for granted: hot showers, enough food, friends, routines.105
Kate AtkinsonWhen I'm writing, my neural pathways get blocked. I can't read. I can barely hold a conversation without forgetting words and names. I wish I could wear the same clothes and eat the same food each day.105
Klaus KinskiI am your fairy tale. Your dream. Your wishes and desires, and I am your thirst and your hunger and your food and your drink.105
Marilu HennerResearch has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.105
Mark HymanWhile weight loss is important, what's more important is the quality of food you put in your body - food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes.105
Michael SymonGo to the grocery store and buy better things. Buy quality, buy organic, buy natural, go to the farmers market. Immediately that's going to increase the quality of the food you make.105
Suzanne SomersAll those spices and herbs in your spice rack can do more than provide calorie-free, natural flavorings to enhance and make food delicious. They're also an incredible source of antioxidants and help rev up your metabolism and improve your health at the same time.105
Toby JonesI heard about the project over a year before we began. My American agent said, 'Oh, you might want to read 'In Cold Blood' because they're talking about you for Capote, but the script's with Johnny Depp and Sean Penn at the moment.' So, these things take their time to dribble down the food chain.105
Tristram StuartThe job of uncovering the global food waste scandal started for me when I was 15 years old. I bought some pigs. I was living in Sussex. And I started to feed them in the most traditional and environmentally friendly way. I went to my school kitchen, and I said, 'Give me the scraps that my school friends have turned their noses up at.'105
Alice DregerWhen I ask my medical students to describe their image of a woman who elects to birth with a midwife rather than with an obstetrician, they generally describe a woman who wears long cotton skirts, braids her hair, eats only organic vegan food, does yoga, and maybe drives a VW microbus.105
Angie StoneI was always on the go, and thought I was too busy to develop something like this. I thought at the time that diabetes went along with bad habits, but I was the last one in my family to eat junk food.105
Cathy GuisewiteFood, love, career, and mothers, the four major guilt groups.105
E. L. JamesOnce you're in charge of your job, your house, your children, getting the food on the table, doing all of this, all of the time, it'd be nice for someone else to be in charge for a bit maybe.105
Edie BrickellI can make dressing - or stuffing. Y'all call it stuffing up here, we call it dressing down there. It's really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on, and I love to make that.105
Harvey V. FinebergI spend so much of my day at work. I would like to have the workplace be part of a healthier strategy. Reminding me more about walking the steps rather than taking that elevator. Not just promoting healthier food in the cafeteria, but providing information on healthier choices. I use it when I look at the alternatives.105
Jeff GoodellAustralia is the only island continent on the planet, which means that changes caused by planet-warming pollution - warmer seas, which can drive stronger storms, and more acidic oceans, which wreak havoc on the food chain - are even more deadly here.105
Jonathan WintersWell, the most terrible fear that anybody should have is not war, is not a disease, not cancer or heart problems or food poisoning - it's a man or a woman without a sense of humor.105
Marian KeyesHere's how it is: I feel guilty about every single bite of food that goes into my mouth.105
Sade AduWhatever I'm doing, I'm in that moment and I'm doing it. The rest of the world's lost. If I'm cooking some food or making soup, I want it to be lovely. If not, what's the point of doing it?105
Sheherazade GoldsmithIf you're trying to cut down the distance travelled from the farm to your plate, it makes sense to do the same for your pet. If we all shifted our bias towards sustainable pet food, we would be helping more than just our faithful friends.105
Carla HallFor me, I love the flavors of Southern food, and people usually think of Southern food as heavy and fattening, but it doesn't have to be.105
Jeremy RifkinThey're now turning those seeds into intellectual property, so they have a virtual lock on the seeds upon which we all depend for our food and survival.105
Joe BastianichFrankly, Milan kind of sucks as a restaurant city. It's so fashion-obsessed that people don't pay that much attention to the food.105
Joe PerryI love Indian food - it's my favourite cuisine. I love the mixture of spices and the subtle flavours. It's really erotic; the spices are so sensuous.105
Sasha CohenI eat a variety of foods like vegetables, fruit and beef for protein and iron.105
Mohammed MorsiIf there is a spot where you have dictatorship, where people are not free, people are not satisfied, they do not find food and shelter, they are under the poverty level, this is a dangerous spot for the whole world, because those people will move, and they will move to different places. They will be carrying bad feelings towards others.105
Jennifer LeeI like to say, 'Chop suey's the biggest culinary joke that one culture has ever played on another,' because chop suey, if you translate into Chinese, means 'tsap sui,' which, if you translate back, means 'odds and ends.'105
Johnny RamoneEurope was a horrible place. There was nothing on TV. The food was terrible. And they don't even have ice. Who doesn't have ice?105
W. C. FieldsOnce, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.106
Ivan PavlovEdible substances evoke the secretion of thick, concentrated saliva. Why? The answer, obviously, is that this enables the mass of food to pass smoothly through the tube leading from the mouth into the stomach.106
Julia ChildYou learn to cook so that you don't have to be a slave to recipes. You get what's in season and you know what to do with it.106
Alice Roosevelt LongworthYou can't make a souffle rise twice.106
David DuchovnyI love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated.106
Diane AbbottFamilies are struggling against a tide of junk information on junk food.106
Emeril LagasseMy philosophy from day one is that I can sleep better at night if I can improve an individual's knowledge about food and wine, and do it on a daily basis.106
Evo MoralesIt's easy for people in an air-conditioned room to continue with the policies of destruction of Mother Earth. We need instead to put ourselves in the shoes of families in Bolivia and worldwide that lack water and food and suffer misery and hunger.106
Geoff MulganUnderstanding capitalism is in some ways simple. At its best, capitalism rewards creators, makers and providers: the people and firms that create valuable things for others, like imaginative technologies and good food, cars and drugs.106
Homaro CantuMost of us have fond memories of food from our childhood. Whether it was our mom's homemade lasagna or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past.106
Ina GartenI love to take something ordinary and make it really special.106
Joel SalatinThe industrial food system is so cruel and so horrific in its treatment of animals. It never asks the question: 'Should a pig be allowed to express its pig-ness?'106
Linus PaulingI believe that you can, by taking some simple and inexpensive measures, lead a longer life and extend your years of well-being. My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimum amounts to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your food.106
Mario BataliThe passion of the Italian or the Italian-American population is endless for food and lore and everything about it.106
Michael PollanIn corn, I think I've found the key to the American food chain. If you look at a fast-food meal, a McDonald's meal, virtually all the carbon in it - and what we eat is mostly carbon - comes from corn.106
MoliereOne should eat to live, not live to eat. 106
Padma LakshmiPeople always comment about my clothes. They don't think a fashionable woman can love food and be knowledgeable and actually cook.106
Philip JohnsonTo me, the drive for monumentality is as inbred as the desire for food and sex, regardless of how we denigrate it. Monuments differ in different periods. Each age has its own.106
Robert MondaviI always knew the importance of it, since I was three or four years old my mother used to feed me wine and water. I grew up with wine as liquid food.106
Saint BernardTruly, love is delightful and pleasant food, supplying, as it does, rest to the weary, strength to the weak, and joy to the sorrowful. It in fact renders the yoke of truth easy and its burden light.106
Salma HayekI have never denied my background or my culture. I have taught my child to embrace her Mexican heritage, to love my first language, Spanish, to learn about Mexican history, music, folk art, food, and even the Mexican candy I grew up with.106
Shimon PeresThe Middle East is ailing. The malady stems from pervasive violence, shortages of food, water and educational opportunities, discrimination against women and - the most virulent cause of all - the absence of freedom.106
Vince CableMy late wife Olympia was Goan and I've been to India many times. I love the food there. We used to do our shopping in Southall, where you can find cheap but wonderful fruit like mangoes, vegetables and spices. I didn't do much of the cooking, as Olympia did a lot - I was the under-chef and did some of the chopping.106
Wendell BerryTo be interested in food but not in food production is clearly absurd.106
A. J. LieblingThe primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite. Without this, it is impossible to accumulate, within the allotted span, enough experience of eating to have anything worth setting down.106
Becky GIf I can, I love staying in pajamas all day and watching movies and eating good food.106
Calvin TrillinThe most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.106
Cindy SheehanWe're not going to cure terrorism and spread peace and goodwill in the Middle East by killing innocent people, or I'm not even saying our bullets and bombs are killing them. The occupation that they don't have food. They don't have clean water. They don't have electricity. They don't have medicine. They don't have doctors.106
Debi MazarMy mom did not have money. She was a single mom, on and off in periods between marriages. My husband, however, grew up on a wonderful farm in Tuscany, in Florence, and his family was so entertaining in terms of growing their own food and using the fruit of their land. We have very, very different experiences.106
Doug LarsonLife expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.106
Dylan LaurenEvery two months, I allow myself a splurge day where I eat thick, doughy pizza from Pizzeria Uno or an ice cream sundae from my store with birthday-cake ice cream, Marshmallow Fluff, and toppings mixed in.106
Eddie HuangSundays are for Dim Sum. While the rest of America goes to church, Sunday School, or NFL games, you can find Chinese people eating Cantonese food.106
Emmet FoxIt is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life.106
Greg BrennemanBeing a consultant is like flying first-class. The food is terrific, the drinks are cold. But all you can do is walk up to the pilot and say, 'bank left.' If you're in management, you have the controls.106
Heywood BrounI doubt whether the world holds for any one a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice-cream.106
Jeremy LinI love eating junk food. I'm a huge snacker, chips and candy.106
Louie SchwartzbergWhen I heard that the bees were in trouble, the fact that they're disappearing and not coming back to the hive, which is a big issue, since a third of the food we eat comes from plants, I figured you couldn't tell the story of the bees without the story of the flowers and how they basically have evolved together for over 150 years.106
Marilu HennerWe tend to connect bad food and bad habits with romance and sex.106
Paul StametsFrom dead plant matter to nematodes to bacteria, never underestimate the cleverness of mushrooms to find new food!106
Teri GarrI have an enormous fondness for delicious food. It's very comforting.106
Thomas KellerFood should be fun.106
Cat CoraChronic malnutrition, or the lack of proper nutrition over time directly contributes to three times as many child deaths as food scarcity. Yet surprisingly, you don't really hear about this hidden crisis through the morning news, Twitter or headlines of major newspapers.106
Cathy McMorris RodgersWomen oftentimes are the ones making those economic decisions, sitting around the kitchen table and trying to figure out how to pay for rising gas prices or food prices or the health insurance costs.106
David Gerrold'Star Trek' is the McDonald's of science fiction; it's fast food storytelling. Every problem is like every other problem. They all get solved in an hour. Nobody ever gets hurt, and nobody needs to care. You give up an hour of your time, and you don't really have to get involved. It's all plastic.106
David SoulI like to eat and I love the diversity of foods.106
Douglas ConantMy most memorable meal is every Thanksgiving. I love the food: the turkey and stuffing; the sweet potatoes and rice, which come from my mother's Southern heritage; the mashed potatoes, which come from my wife's Midwestern roots; the Campbell's green-bean casserole; and of course, pumpkin pie.106
Jonathan Safran FoerFood is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity.106
Marisa MillerThe food and drink that goes along with football is one of the best things: hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and dips. At the stadium I would probably get nachos, but when I'm at home we order pizza a lot.106
Mark UdallOur livelihood is intimately tied to the food we eat, water we drink and places where we recreate. That's why we have to promote responsibility and conservation when it comes to our natural resources.106
Prabal GurungI mean, I can cook, but I'd get very nervous having my food being judged by dinner guests.106
Michael ChangAs long as there's pasta and Chinese food in the world, I'm okay.106
Mary Catherine BatesonHuman beings do not eat nutrients, they eat food.106
Mother TeresaIf you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. 107
Christopher HitchensOwners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are God.107
HippocratesLet food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. 107
W. H. AudenWhat the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish.107
Julia ChildI think one of the terrible things today is that people have this deathly fear of food: fear of eggs, say, or fear of butter. Most doctors feel that you can have a little bit of everything.107
Morgan FreemanLet me be the first to tell you, drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do in cold weather. Hot soup is the best because the process of digesting food helps to warm you up.107
Alain DucasseFood is one part of the experience. And it has to be somewhere between 50 to 60 percent of the dining experience. But the rest counts as well: The mood, the atmosphere, the music, the feeling, the design, the harmony between what you have on the plate and what surrounds the plate.107
Alan KingI learned to cook in self-defense. My wife doesn't know what a kitchen is. In the first month of our marriage, she broiled lamb chops 26 nights in a row. Then I took over. I used to mind her not caring about food, but no more - as long as I can eat what I want.107
Billy CrystalHumans love sex, we need sex, it's how we connect, it reminds us we're alive, it's the third most basic human need, after food and good movie popcorn.107
Charlotte Perkins GilmanThe female of the genus homo is economically dependent on the male. He is her food supply.107
Christopher DoddIt's easy for Americans to forget that the food they eat doesn't magically appear on a supermarket shelf.107
Desiderius ErasmusWhen I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. 107
Ed KochThe best way to lose weight is to close your mouth - something very difficult for a politician. Or watch your food - just watch it, don't eat it.107
Eric SchlosserStudies have found that preparing your own food is usually healthier and less expensive than buying fast food. But most people just don't have the time.107
Finley Peter DunneMost vegetarians look so much like the food they eat that they can be classified as cannibals.107
Graydon CarterA workday lunch that lasts as long as a transcontinental flight is an impossibility for all but the most pliant and footloose of food tourists. To get in the game, you need a thick wallet, an adventurous palate, and a whole lot of time.107
Gro Harlem BrundtlandContaminated food is a major cause of diarrhea, substantially contributing to malnutrition and killing about 2.2 million people each year, most of them children.107
Hernan CortesThere are apothecaries' shops, where prepared medicines, liquids, ointments, and plasters are sold; barbers' shops, where they wash and shave the head; and restaurateurs, that furnish food and drink at a certain price.107
Holly MadisonI love chicken fingers, I love French fries. I love desserts. I'm not just into dessert or just into savoury food. I love it all. I'm a pig. I love food. So it takes a lot of discipline to eat healthy.107
John OliverSometimes it's good to remember how bad food can be, so you can enjoy the concept of flavour to the fullest.107
Michael PollanAt home I serve the kind of food I know the story behind.107
Nellie BlyIn our short walks we passed the kitchen where food was prepared for the nurses and doctors. There we got glimpses of melons and grapes and all kinds of fruits, beautiful white bread and nice meats, and the hungry feeling would be increased tenfold.107
Norman BorlaugCivilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply.107
Peter De VriesThe murals in restaurants are on par with the food in museums.107
Rachael RayI tried to bake a cake for my mother's birthday - it took me four hours. It was terrible, and I cried for three days.107
Rene RedzepiLearning about issues such as sustainability and locavorism are things that you need to have as part of you as a chef because it will make you cook more delicious food.107
Robert MondaviI want to make wines that harmonize with food - wines that almost hug your tongue with gentleness.107
Robert OrbenOlder people shouldn't eat health food, they need all the preservatives they can get.107
Shaun WhiteI can't stay away from Chinese food. I really love that stuff.107
Sophia LorenSpaghetti can be eaten most successfully if you inhale it like a vacuum cleaner.107
Tim HowardSure, I like ice cream, but when you keep a healthy lifestyle, it's: Do you prefer sweets and crappy food, or do you prefer to have a nice body? It depends on what you want more.107
Valerie BertinelliI've realized that I'm more important than food is. I love a big slice of pizza, but I love myself more. Being thin is about changing the way you think about yourself. It's about saying that you deserve to be healthy.107
Yotam OttolenghiOne man's trash is another man's treasure, and the by-product from one food can be perfect for making another.107
Alice WatersWe've been so disconnected agriculturally and culturally from food. We spend more time on dieting than on cooking.107
Brooke ShieldsI was always with a single mom, and we never had schedules or anything. We were just Bohemian, us against the world, which was kind of great, but it certainly didn't breed security. I've gotten hyper-sensitive to schedules and bath time and eating at the dinner table. We don't just 'Bohemian' go out at nine o'clock and go get Chinese food.107
Calvin TrillinI never eat in a restaurant that's over a hundred feet off the ground and won't stand still.107
Curtis StoneIt is great to add some glamour to the food industry, like television shows have done for the food world and inspiring people to work in the industry. The flip side of that is unfortunately people think that after they get their qualifications, they get their invitation to compete on 'Top Chef.'107
Jet LiIn the States, you can buy Chinese food. In Beijing you can buy hamburger. It's very close. Now I feel the world become a big family, like a really big family. You have many neighbors. Not like before, two countries are far away.107
Lynn MargulisAll living beings, not just animals, but plants and microorganisms, perceive. To survive, an organic being must perceive - it must seek, or at least recognize, food and avoid environmental danger.107
Martin ReesSome global hazards are insidious. They stem from pressure on energy supplies, food, water and other natural resources. And they will be aggravated as the population rises to a projected nine billion by mid-century, and by the effects of climate change. An 'ecological shock' could irreversibly degrade our environment.107
Neal BarnardChicken fat, beef fat, fish fat, fried foods - these are the foods that fuel our fat genes by giving them raw materials for building body fat.107
Niger InnisThe slaves had food stamps, too. It was called 'scraps from Massa's table.'107
Patricia IrelandStewardesses are still paid so little that in many cases, new hires qualify for food stamps.107
Sri Mulyani IndrawatiThe problem of the food price is structural. The growth of demand cannot be checked in that it is coming from middle income countries demanding more quality and more quantity of food. High demand is here to stay.107
Daryl HannahThat's a big goal of mine, to try and grow as much of my own food as possible.107
David MixnerMy family lived off the land and summer evening meals featured baked stuffed tomatoes, potato salad, corn on the cob, fresh shelled peas and homemade ice cream with strawberries from our garden. With no air conditioning in those days, the cool porch was the center of our universe after the scorching days.107
Ralph MerkleBecause of technological limits, there is a certain amount of food that we can produce per acre. If we were to have intensive greenhouse agriculture, we could have much higher production.107
Jesse McCartneyAll I watch is the Food Network. I took a cheesemaking class a few weeks ago, and I told my family and friends to only get me kitchen stuff on my birthday. I'm into every kind of cookbook and anything by Anthony Bourdain. I'd love to own a restaurant if I could find the right chef.107
Joe BastianichPasta is the one food I can't live without. It's the food I eat to fuel my running.107
Radhanath SwamiWe can't really digest food unless there's hunger. So we can't really assimilate spiritual wisdom unless we feel the need for it.107
Robin LeachWhoever would have guessed that in the land of cheap sausages and mashed potatoes there could be such a change which would actually bring the French from Paris every weekend to invade Britain en masse to eat great food and drink great wine.107
Roland JoffeSitting down to a meal with an Indian family is different from sitting down to a meal with a British family.107
Cristin MiliotiOn my first date, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to eat a la carte, and I said that I would prefer to stay inside!107
Jasper CarrottI should be more vocal about the things I believe are doing us harm, but many years ago in my early twenties, I learned a bit of a lesson. I started to realise at that time the benefits of eating healthy food and drink.107
John GalsworthyThe French cook; we open tins.107
Rodney DangerfieldI'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table.108
Ivan PavlovIt has long been known for sure that the sight of tasty food makes a hungry man's mouth water; also lack of appetite has always been regarded as an undesirable phenomenon, from which one might conclude that appetite is essentially linked with the process of digestion.108
Alice PaulFood simply isn't important to me.108
Anthony BourdainI've seen zero evidence of any nation on Earth other than Mexico even remotely having the slightest clue what Mexican food is about or even come close to reproducing it. It is perhaps the most misunderstood country and cuisine on Earth.108
Colonel SandersThe food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'.108
Dorothy DayIt is easier to have faith that God will support each House of Hospitality and Farming Commune and supply our needs in the way of food and money to pay bills, than it is to keep a strong, hearty, living faith in each individual around us - to see Christ in him.108
George WillA society that thinks the choice between ways of living is just a choice between equally eligible 'lifestyles' turns universities into academic cafeterias offering junk food for the mind.108
Guy FieriShort of screaming-hot Thai food, everything can be suitable for kids too.108
Homaro CantuFrom food trucks to hot dog stands to county fair favorites, 'street food' has enjoyed a rich and storied history in American cuisine. However, street food has been around for thousands of years. In fact, street food is believed to have originated as far back as Ancient Rome.108
Jim GaffiganSteakhouses sort of have this old-school nature to them; they're like museums full of good food. It's fun hearing the waiter share his expertise on the different cuts of beef and how they're going to cut up your baked potato.108
Johnny CarsonI know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.108
Mario BataliAs far away as you can get from the process of mechanisms and machinery, the more likely your food's going to taste good. And that - that is probably the largest thing I can hand to anybody is let your hands touch it. Let them make it.108
Meek MillI work hard. I focus on myself and putting food on my dinner table before anything else. I don't worry about other artists. Worrying about the next person in a negative way is the wrong way to be.108
Miranda LambertJunk food drags you down.108
Norman BorlaugMan's survival, from the time of Adam and Eve until the invention of agriculture, must have been precarious because of his inability to ensure his food supply.108
Paul DanoI like a restaurant called Bruci, and there's some really nice people who work there and good food. They change their menu a lot, so maybe that's what keeps me coming back. I never know what I'm going to get.108
Peter O'TooleMy favorite food from my homeland is Guinness. My second choice in Guinness. My third choice - would have to be Guinness.108
Robert MondaviEven more importantly, it's wine, food and the arts. Incorporating those three enhances the quality of life.108
Saint BasilFirst and foremost, the monk should own nothing in this world, but he should have as his possessions solitude of the body, modesty of bearing, a modulated tone of voice, and a well-ordered manner of speech. He should be without anxiety as to his food and drink, and should eat in silence.108
Salma HayekIf you love food and you love red wine and they put you in France, you're in a good place and you're in a bad place at the same time. You have to weigh yourself every day, and you have to have an alarm number. When you get to that number, you have to start putting it in reverse.108
Stanley HauerwasTo be poor does not mean you lack the means to extend charity to another. You may lack money or food, but you have the gift of friendship to overwhelm the loneliness that grips the lives of so many.108
Tom BradyI could talk food all day. I love good food.108
Tyler CowenIf we want to improve American food and make it much cheaper, we should deregulate the food trucks and the other street vendors, provided they meet certain sanitation standards. Many cities have already moved down this path, and people are not keeling over with salmonella.108
Virgil ThomsonI said to my friends that if I was going to starve, I might as well starve where the food is good.108
William WestmorelandWhen I took command in Vietnam, I gave great emphasis to food and medical care - and to the mail.108
Alice WatersThe way we subsidize food makes it cheaper to go to McDonald's and get a hamburger than a salad, and that's insane. It's pure government policy.108
Candice SwanepoelI feel if I'm healthy and happy, I look good. With a good mixture of fitness and healthy food I always feel great!108
Curtis StoneIn my travels, I also noticed that kids in Thailand like spicy food, and kids in India love curry. I'm hoping to introduce my son, Hudson, to lots of veggies and spices when he's young. I say that before he's started on solid foods, so it could be easier in theory than practice!108
DhanushMusic is my breath, blood and food - without music I would perish; the actor in me would die.108
Kirstie AlleyMy food demons are Chinese food, sugar, butter.108
Mark HymanStay away from milk. It is nature's perfect food - but only if you are a calf.108
Nathan DealIf a State has reliable scientific information that demonstrates that a warning is needed for a particular food, then in the interest of public health, it should share that information with the FDA and petition for a new national standard.108
Sasha GreyWhen it comes to romance, I'm really simple. I am really a 'dinner and a movie' type of person, and I love food, so surprise me and order something different or adventurous when it comes to food, and I'm like a kid at Halloween.108
Ted AllenBelieve me, I understand the need for easy and speedy. After a 12-hour day of shooting 'Chopped,' say, I'm talking stir-fry, spaghetti, heck, peanut-butter sandwiches. But that's not about the joy of food. That's survival.108
Dikembe MutomboMy mother taught us to sell food in the market so we could pay for school. I would get up at 4:30 A.M. and start selling bread and cheese before going to class. School cost $65. The average salary was $125 a year, and with 10 kids, how are you going to pay for that?108
Jim DeMintWell, we lost a lot of our independence already. We are dependent on China for credit. We are dependent on Middle Eastern countries for energy supplies. And many Americans are dependent on the government for their income, health care, education of their children, food stamps.108
Kiran DesaiI'm always in the kitchen, cooking and experimenting - I love it. And every now and then I think, 'I should write a cookbook' or, 'I should write for food magazines.' And then I get drawn back to writing fiction again.108
Sheherazade GoldsmithI love judging food by its smell and feel and taste. The healthiest tomato isn't always the perfect one that's been covered in pesticides.108
Steve SabolThere have been nine Super Bowls in New Orleans, and not all of them have brought the best of luck to NFL Films. We got robbed twice there, got food poisoning, and my hotel room was broken into on the day the Bears played the Patriots in January 1986.108
Jacques PepinI taped my first series for PBS in 1982 at WJCT-TV in Jacksonville, Florida. The show, called 'Everyday Cooking with Jacques Pepin,' was about saving time and money in the kitchen - and it was a celebration of simple and unpretentious food.108
Marcelene CoxEating without conversation is only stoking.108
Nikola TeslaWe have soon to have everywhere smoke annihilators, dust absorbers, ozonizers, sterilizers of water, air, food and clothing, and accident preventers on streets, elevated roads and in subways. It will become next to impossible to contract disease germs or get hurt in the city, and country folk will got to town to rest and get well.109
Woody AllenThe food here is terrible, and the portions are too small.109
Alton BrownI say grace. I'm a big believer in grace. I happen to believe in a God that made all the food and so I'm pretty grateful for that and I thank him for that. But I'm also thankful for the people that put the food on the table.109
Anthony BourdainYou have an impeccable argument if you said that Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo are food capitals. They have a maximum amount of great stuff to eat in the smallest areas.109
Bernie SiegelIf we had no hope - for a cure, for winning the lottery, for falling in love, for the end of war, for being free of abuse, or for having food, warmth, clothing, and shelter - we would have no reason to go on. What you hope for doesn't matter, but rather the essence of hope itself.109
Christian Nestell BoveeMusic is the fourth great material want, first food, then clothes, then shelter, then music.109
Diane AbbottWhen fast food is not a treat but a dietary staple, the children surf the internet all day in dark corners of the room and are bombarded with latest gadgets. Things replace parental standards.109
Eric SchlosserI'm all in favor of animal rights, but I'd like to see the food movement take a much stronger stand in defense of basic human rights. If you're a vegan or a vegetarian, you should care about the people who are picking your fruits and vegetables by hand.109
Fran LebowitzMy favorite animal is steak.109
Ginnifer GoodwinI can safely say that other than macaroni and cheese, there's no processed food in my life. There's no inorganic food in my life these days. There's no junk food. There's not a lot of sugar. There's no soy. I mean, really everything that's going into my body is pretty pure.109
Katherine HeiglI'm too lazy and I like food and I like my free time too much to spend it working out!109
Kirk CameronPut your nose into the Bible everyday. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian.109
Margot RobbieI love flying so much. I even like airplane food. No one bothers you and your phone never goes off and you can't have emails go through. It's undisturbed.109
Michael PollanPerhaps more than any other, the food industry is very sensitive to consumer demand.109
Michael SpecterAll the food we eat, whether Brussels sprouts or pork bellies, has been modified by mankind. Genetic engineering is only one particularly powerful way to do what we have been doing for eleven thousand years.109
Phil DonahueMiss Child is never bashful with butter.109
Rachael RayGood food and a warm kitchen are what makes a house a home. I always tried to make my home like my mother's, because Mom was magnificent at stretching a buck when it came to decorating and food. Like a true Italian, she valued beautification in every area of her life, and I try to do the same.109
Ray KrocWe provide food that customers love, day after day after day. People just want more of it.109
Steve WynnI'm killing two birds at once, so to speak. Animal-based food kills people. This way, by going vegan... we get healthy and save animals. I'm being selfish, too, because if I can get my employees healthier, we cut down on sick days and gain more productivity.109
Tabatha CoffeyDuring a color consultation, I like to reference food as a visual. Hot fudge and orange marmalade paint a clearer picture and helps prevent end results that leave you feeling unsatisfied.109
Tom BradyMy sisters like cooking at my place. It has a bit more room, and the food tastes a little bit better. A big pot of spaghetti and sauce, some warm French bread - works all the time. I think I've been eating pasta for 26 years.109
Vir DasI love the food, the girls, the sky and everything that is Delhi. I have very fond memories of the Moolchand flyover.109
Avril LavigneWhen I tour, I stuff fridges full of organic food and stick to that.109
Bethenny FrankelNever eat while doing something else, because you won't get the satisfaction from your food and you'll be more likely to overeat.109
Carl HonoreEverywhere, people are discovering that doing things more slowly often means doing them better and enjoying them more. It means living life instead of rushing through it. You can apply this to everything from food to parenting to work.109
Eva LongoriaI'm a terrific Mexican cook, and I just love Mexican food. And I love cooking Mexican food.109
Kenny LogginsMy quest these days is to find my long lost inner child, but I'm afraid if I do, I'll end up with food in my hair and way too in love with the cats.109
Mark HymanThe very fact that we are having a national conversation about what we should eat, that we are struggling with the question about what the best diet is, is symptomatic of how far we have strayed from the natural conditions that gave rise to our species, from the simple act of eating real, whole, fresh food.109
Mike NicholsAmerican society to me and my brother was thrilling because, first of all, the food made noise. We were so excited about Rice Krispies and Coca-Cola. We had only silent food in our country, and we loved listening to our lunch and breakfast.109
Michael SymonI don't think any other holiday embraces the food of the Midwest quite like Thanksgiving. There's roasted meat and mashed potatoes. But being here is also about heritage. Cleveland is really a giant melting pot - not only is my family a melting pot, but so is the city.109
Timothy FerrissFood became for me a way of becoming self-sufficient with my hands, to regain manual literacy, which I think has been lost on our generation and certainly younger generations. Very few people can actually make things with their hands and do things with their hands.109
Jane Velez-MitchellIt was gross enough for fast food restaurants to ban, but apparently our government wants so-called pink slime to be a staple in your kids' lunches.109
Joel FuhrmanFood is really and truly the most effective medicine.109
Malin AkermanI'm a big pasta fan. I'm a big Italian food fan. Anything Italian - I love cheese, mozzarella. Mozzarella is my favorite, so I have to say anything Italian, I'll take it.109
Masaharu MorimotoCulture and tradition have to change little by little. So 'new' means a little twist, a marriage of Japanese technique with French ingredients. My technique. Indian food, Korean food; I put Italian mozzarella cheese with sashimi. I don't think 'new new new.' I'm not a genius. A little twist.109
William ShakespeareIf music be the food of love, play on. 110
W. C. FieldsI cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food. 110
Vivienne WestwoodI'm frugal. I'm not a very acquisitive woman. I never waste food. If you prepare your own food, you engage with the world, it tastes alive. It tastes good.110
Alfred NobelI am a misanthrope and yet utterly benevolent, have more than one screw loose yet am a super-idealist who digests philosophy more efficiently than food.110
Anthony BourdainHong Kong is a wonderful, mixed-up town where you've got great food and adventure. First and foremost, it's a great place to experience China in a relatively accessible way.110
Dean KamenNothing that has value, real value, has no cost. Not freedom, not food, not shelter, not healthcare.110
Elayne BooslerEver notice that Soup for One is eight aisles away from Party Mix?110
Gilbert GottfriedIf someone else is paying for it, food just tastes a lot better.110
Guy FieriI don't know what singers feel like when they make a song and people clap along and love it, but when people walk up to me and say the food was outstanding, that's what it is all about. I cook because I like to make people happy.110
Hugh JackmanTo this day, I am the least materialistic person I know, because my father didn't raise me to just go out and buy this or that car. The only reason I wanted to make money as an actor was because I'm passionate about food!110
Ingrid NewkirkReal nutrition comes from soybeans, almonds, rice, and other healthy vegetable sources, not from a cow's udder.110
Joel SalatinNobody trusts the industrial food system to give them good food.110
Kevin RuddBut Australia faces additional regional and global challenges also crucial to our nation's future - climate change, questions of energy and food security, the rise of China and the rise of India. And we need a strong system of global and regional relationships and institutions to underpin stability.110
Martin ScorseseIf your mother cooks Italian food, why should you go to a restaurant?110
Michael PollanFairness forces you - even when you're writing a piece highly critical of, say, genetically modified food, as I have done - to make sure you represent the other side as extensively and as accurately as you possibly can.110
Michael StipeI've always felt that sexuality is a really slippery thing. In this day and age, it tends to get categorized and labeled, and I think labels are for food. Canned food.110
Olivia WildeI have very high standards for every part of life - my work, my relationships, food, love. I can't just pretend.110
Peter CapaldiI don't think I would have been great in the 17th century. I would have enjoyed the frocks, and certainly some of the food would have been appealing, but the disease and hygiene would have worried me.110
Rachael RayIt only looks like I get to eat a lot of food on TV. I really just get the one bite and the crew and guests eat everything else.110
Rachel NicholsI definitely try to eat a healthy diet, but I am the first person to say I love unhealthy food. I would never tell you I don't. I love fried chicken or mac and cheese. Do I order them all the time when I'm out at restaurants? No, though I do have one splurge meal a week.110
Robert RedfordHealth food may be good for the conscience but Oreos taste a hell of a lot better.110
Syd BarrettI'd like to be rich. I'd like a lot of money to put into my physicals and to buy food for all my friends.110
Wentworth MillerI had a brief experience in the food industry. I was a bus boy in a Mexican restaurant in Arizona, scraping re-fried beans off people's plates. It teaches you a bit of humility and the importance of a good deodorant.110
Gayle KingI have an impressionable palate. A well-worded menu or beautifully presented dish excites me. I get a great deal of pleasure just thinking about food.110
Leigh HuntIf you are ever at a loss to support a flagging conversation, introduce the subject of eating.110
Michael FrantiI eat bags and bags of cashews. I've got them in the kitchen, and about ten feet away I've got another bowl on the kitchen table. In my backpack, I've always got a bag of cashews. I started eating them in the airports because that's the one food that you can find in every airport that's actually nutritious.110
Sebastian BachI never really knew what fine cuisine was when I was a little boy in Canada. For me, Italian food was 'Kraft Dinner' or pizza. When I moved to New York, that's when I discovered all the Italian food.110
Andrew LuckThe sweetest thing we ever had was, like, animal crackers in the pantry. I think my parents sort of passively made sure that we didn't have a lot of junk food at our disposal, and I think that helped me and all my siblings growing up with how to approach nutrition and eating right.110
Joel FuhrmanHealthy people eating healthy food should never need to take an antibiotic.110
Jonathan WintersThe most terrible fear that anybody should have is not war, is not a disease, not cancer or heart problems or food poisoning - it's a man or a woman without a sense of humor.110
Sai BabaMan seeks to change the foods available in nature to suit his tastes, thereby putting an end to the very essence of life contained in them.111
Al SharptonI was raised by a single mother who made a way for me. She used to scrub floors as a domestic worker, put a cleaning rag in her pocketbook and ride the subways in Brooklyn so I would have food on the table. But she taught me as I walked her to the subway that life is about not where you start, but where you're going. That's family values.111
Brendan BehanI have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer.111
Chris RockThere are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments. 111
David ChangAmerica is a country of abundance, but our food culture is sad - based on huge portions and fast food. Let's stop with the excuses and start creating something better.111
Donnie YenI always used to wonder why American actors were getting fat, then I made a U.S. movie. I'm seeing all the food every day, and there's lots of waiting around because making an American movie is very slow.111
Eric RiesEntrepreneurs always pitch their idea as 'the X of Y', so this is going to be 'the Microsoft of food.' And yet disruptive innovations usually don't have that character. Most of the time, if something seems like a good idea, it probably isn't.111
Francis CollinsI'm aware there are certain products that are being advertised - food products - with 'no chemicals whatsoever.' Well, that would be pretty hard to arrange, since everything around us is made up of atoms and molecules - chemicals - including ourselves.111
Gwyneth PaltrowCreating a meal for my friends and family, sitting together, eating, laughing and talking - that is when I am so happy. Oh my God, if you could see how much food I make - I am the original Jewish mother.111
Marcus SamuelssonWe struggle with eating healthily, obesity, and access to good nutrition for everyone. But we have a great opportunity to get on the right side of this battle by beginning to think differently about the way that we eat and the way that we approach food.111
Marianne WilliamsonThe Project Angel Food Program's mission is to nourish the body and spirit of men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS and other serious illness. The Project Angel Food Program delivers free and nutritious meals prepared with love. We act out of a sense of urgency because hunger and illness cannot wait.111
Yotam OttolenghiFusion food as a concept is kind of trying to quite consciously fuse things that are sometimes quite contradictory, sometimes quite far apart, to see if they'd work.111
Edward ThorndikeThere is no reasoning, no process of inference or comparison; there is no thinking about things, no putting two and two together; there are no ideas - the animal does not think of the box or of the food or of the act he is to perform.111
Jason SilvaTechnology is, of course, a double edged sword. Fire can cook our food but also burn us.111
Justin TimberlakeWith the exception of octopus, I don't think I've met any food that I didn't like. And by the way, sometimes I do like octopus. I'm just not crazy about it by itself. I love sea urchin. I love uni. If I'm going to die of anything, it's going to be gluttony.111
Steve AokiMy favorite food is Ramen.111
Tom VilsackThe lack of access to proper nutrition is not only fueling obesity, it is leading to food insecurity and hunger among our children.111
Brian SkerryNew England waters are some of my favorite - they are some of the richest waters because they are temperate waters and nutrient-rich, and therefore provide food for so many animals, from giant whales to sharks to everything else.111
John PiperWoe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement!111
Martin YanIf I could only have one type of food with me, I would bring soy sauce. The reason being that if I have soy sauce, I can flavor a lot of things.111
Kanye WestI hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family it says they're looting, if you see a white family it says they're looking for food.112
Ivan PavlovFrom the described experiment it is clear that the mere act of eating, the food even not reaching the stomach, determines the stimulation of the gastric glands.112
Julia ChildAnimals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible, and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.112
Andy CohenSt. Louis has a lot of weird food customs that you don't see other places - and a lot of great ethnic neighborhoods. There's a German neighborhood. A great old school Italian neighborhood, with toasted ravioli, which seems to be a St. Louis tradition. And they love provolone cheese in St. Louis.112
Anthony BourdainThose places I don't understand, just doing bad food. It takes some doing. Making good pasta is so much easier than making bad stuff. It actually takes quite an effort to make poor linguine pomodora.112
David ChangGrowing up, my dad owned a restaurant in Washington, DC, and food was something I was passionate about. But when I finally got into it, I felt like it was so late in the game; that's why I worked seven days a week at Craft and Mercer Kitchen. I wanted to see how far I could take it.112
Giada De LaurentiisMy grandfather gave me inspiration to cook, and love food and flavors. My Aunt Raffie, gave me creativity and the inspiration to create new things. My mother inspires me to find simplicity in food.112
Rachael RayWhen you're out grocery shopping for your family, maybe you can put a can of cat or dog food in your cart and bring it to an animal relief center.112
Ted NugentVegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak.112
Tyra BanksGlobal warming will threaten our crops, so natural food will be scarce. Hourglass, curvy bodies will be the aspirational beauty standard, representing that those women have access to bounties of fulfilling yet healthy food, which means they are affluent.112
Bill RancicI cook a lot of Italian food. Bucatini Pomodoro is my best: it's a fat spaghetti with tomato, olive oil, and reminds me of getting married in Italy.112
Sandra LeeChristmas is more stressful with present buying and making sure everyone gets included, but Thanksgiving is really not that. I don't ever really get stressed out about the food.112
Sarah McLachlanI've never dieted in my life; I like food too much. I'm just thoughtful about what I eat, and I'm lucky that I love the taste of vegetables. I'm certainly not 'actress skinny,' and I never will be. I'm strong, and my body works great for me.112
Sebastian BachQuebec City is the most European of any city in North America; they speak French all the time. There is a part of town called Old Quebec which is really like being in France. The architecture is just gorgeous, food, shopping. I'd say Quebec City is the most beautiful city in North America I've seen.112
Cat CoraI think about food all the time. It's my passion; it's my profession. But some people think about food all the time because they're hungry. We can put an end to this if we join forces and lend a hand.112
John RidleyTo this day, the only argument against Obama that critics can seem to come up with involves admitting he's better than them - though they certainly season it with some racism. You know, he's that lucky black man who actually appeals to the populace. He's that elitist who got himself off food stamps and into Harvard.112
Josh HutchersonWell, food's always the way to anybody's heart, I think, guy or girl.112
Shay MitchellI'm reading a lot of different books, but I always think I have to switch it up a little bit. It's like food - everything in moderation, same with my books, same with my reading. You read books that are good for you and you learn a lot of stuff, then you read 'Fifty Shades of Grey,' which is like candy.112
Jennifer Love HewittI do love Italian food. Any kind of pasta or pizza. My new pig out food is Indian food. I eat Indian food like three times a week. It's so good.112
Mark TwainPart of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.113
Audrey HepburnLet's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me. 113
Dwayne JohnsonI'll never, ever be full. I'll always be hungry. Obviously, I'm not talking about food. Growing up, I had nothing for such a long time. Someone told me a long time ago, and I've never forgotten it, 'Once you've ever been hungry, really, really hungry, then you'll never, ever be full.'113
Bobby FlayMy contribution I hope is to get people to eat full-flavored food. If I could come away with that alone, that would be a fantastic accomplishment. I'm also very proud of being a very American chef.113
Eric SchlosserHey, I used to eat at McDonald's: I liked the taste of the food, especially the French fries.113
Guru NanakMe, the bard out of work, the Lord has applied to His service. In the very beginning, He gave me the order to sing His praises night and day. The Master summoned the minstrel to His True Court. He clothed me with the robe of His true honour and eulogy. Since then, the True Name had become my ambrosial food.113
Guy FieriLiver is my number one most hated food. Oh, God, I get sick talking about it!113
Homaro CantuSitting down and sharing a meal together combines two of my favorite loves: eating great food and talking about great food.113
Joel SalatinFrom zoning to labor to food safety to insurance, local food systems daily face a phalanx of regulatory hurdles designed and implemented to police industrial food models but which prejudicially wipe out the antidote: appropriate scaled local food systems.113
L'Wren ScottPeruvian food is so simple yet amazingly flavored with their traditional spices.113
Nathan MyhrvoldThe physics of water is central to cooking, because food is mostly water. All steak that you cook is actually boiled on the inside.113
Paula DeenI don't want to spend my life not having good food going into my pie hole. That hole was made for pies.113
Rachael RayYou know, food is such - it's a hug for people.113
Sandra CisnerosI spent my thirties living out of boxes and moving every six months to a year. It was my cloud period: I just wandered like a cloud for ten years, following the food supply. I was a hunter, gatherer, an academic migrant.113
Victoria MoranAs I see it, a green salad is an open invitation to carrots, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and the sprouts that grow in jars on my kitchen counter.113
WaleI'm very proud of my Nigerian heritage. I wasn't fortunate enough to be raised in a heavy Nigerian environment, because my parents were always working. My father was with D.C. Cabs and my mother worked in fast food and was a nurse.113
Allen WestWell, first of all, we've got to get away from being offended by the truth. We've seen a 41 percent increase in food stamp recipients across the United States of America since President Obama was sworn in in January 2009. That has nothing to do with black, white, Hispanic or whatever. It's a fact, and we need to, you know, deal with that.113
Jonathan SacksYom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holy of holies of Jewish time. It is that rarest of phenomena, a Jewish festival without food. Instead it is a day of fasting and prayer, introspection and self-judgment when, collectively and repeatedly, we confess our sins and pray to be written into God's Book of Life.113
Jose AndresI realized very early the power of food to evoke memory, to bring people together, to transport you to other places, and I wanted to be a part of that.113
Mary-Kate OlsenAustralia is so cool that it's hard to even know where to start describing it. The beaches are beautiful; so is the weather. Not too crowded. Great food, great music, really nice people. It must be a lot like Los Angeles was many years ago.113
Marianne FaithfullI was anorexic in the '60s and '70s, although it wasn't called anorexia then. I thought people would be nicer to me if I looked very small and delicate, so food wasn't high on my agenda. But it is now.113
Sally SchneiderConfit is the ultimate comfort food, and trendy or not, it is dazzling stuff.113
Franz KafkaSo long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being. 114
Mitch HedbergFettucini alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.114
Julia ChildAs we say in the American Institute of Wine and Food, small helpings, no seconds. A little bit of everything. No snacking. And have a good time.114
Alton BrownI spent a college semester in a small town in Italy - and that is where I truly tasted food for the first time.114
Anthony BourdainNobody in Singapore drinks Singapore Slings. It's one of the first things you find out there. What you do in Singapore is eat. It's a really food-crazy culture, where all of this great food is available in a kind of hawker-stand environment.114
Emeril LagasseMusic is one of those things that is constantly going in my head all the time. It's sort of like the evolution and creation of doing food, or my philosophy about wine. It's always beating in my head, so it keeps the spirit moving.114
Homaro CantuYou know, I want to eat junk food. My kids love junk food.114
Kareena Kapoor KhanOne should eat everything especially healthy and not junk food. I don't like the idea of starving. I would eat and burn it out in gym. The amount of intake is what matters.114
Marcus SamuelssonWhile some people may think being a chef only entails making enticing dishes and pushing the culinary boundaries, being a part of the food industry involves much more.114
Mario BataliEveryone makes pesto in a food processor. But the texture is better with a mortar and pestle, and it's just as fast.114
Phil AnselmoEveryone's gonna have their opinion, everyone's gonna have their favorite bands. The best way I can describe it is music is like food, either you love it, hate it, or are indifferent about it. Or you grow up and acquire a taste for it.114
Rachael RayWe created a line of pet food called Nutrish that's made to human standards, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to animal rescue. One of our top-tier donors is the ASPCA, and they help us challenge animal shelters all across the country to get more animals placed in homes.114
Robert M. PirsigMetaphysics is a restaurant where they give you a thirty thousand page menu, and no food.114
Alison SweeneyThe number one mistake is giving pets table scraps. I made the mistake thinking I was showing my dog love by giving her food and treats. You see a tiny 4 oz. piece of cheese, but for a Boston Terrier like mine, that's like one and a half hamburgers. That's unhealthy.114
Michael ShermerThe case for exploiting animals for food, clothing and entertainment often relies on our superior intelligence, language and self-awareness: the rights of the superior being trump those of the inferior.114
Arjun RampalI look at fitness as a necessity in the same way as how you drink water, eat food, one should look at fitness in a dedicated way. People will look fresh and happy. If you are happy, you in a way look fit.114
John BarrymoreI would like to find a stew that will give me heartburn immediately, instead of at three o clock in the morning.114
Nikola TeslaI do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.115
Alan AldaI love oatmeal. To me, it's not boring. I agree that ordinary oatmeal is very boring, but not the steel-cut Irish kind - the kind that pops in your mouth when you bite into it in little glorious bursts like a sort of gummy champagne.115
Alton BrownEverything in food is science. The only subjective part is when you eat it.115
Andrea BocelliIt's important for me who is at the table with me; the moment when everyone speaks to each other and everyone listens. If there's good food, it's much better.115
Carol BurnettBut I don't begrudge anybody, because I know how hard it is to have that dream and to make it happen, whether or not it's just to put a roof over your head and food on the table.115
Chinua AchebeI tell my students, it's not difficult to identify with somebody like yourself, somebody next door who looks like you. What's more difficult is to identify with someone you don't see, who's very far away, who's a different color, who eats a different kind of food. When you begin to do that then literature is really performing its wonders.115
George MullerDo but stand still in the hour of trial, and you will see the help of God, if you trust in Him. But there is so often a forsaking the ways of the Lord in the hour of trial, and thus the food of faith, the means whereby our faith may be increased, is lost.115
Giada De LaurentiisMy grandfather's family used to own a pasta factory in Naples and they would go door-to-door selling their pasta. So his love of food came from his parents, which was then passed down to my mother and then again to me.115
Jamie OliverIf you only design menus that are essentially junk or fast food, the whole infrastructure supports junk.115
Mario BataliCookbooks have all become baroque and very predictable. I'm looking for something different. A lot of chefs' cookbooks are food as it's done in the restaurants, but they are dumbed down, and I hate it when they dumb them down.115
Michael SpecterWe're lying ourselves into believing things are untrue, like organic food will solve all our problems, or vitamins will make us healthy, or we don't need to vaccinate our children.115
Paula DeenI have my new food line in the works - I think it's over 200 items. Hopefully I can make a difference; it's delicious food that's just so easy. I think it'll help people enjoy their lives... it's good!115
Penelope CruzI love Spanish food. My diet is the Mediterranean diet, which is good food. I eat well.115
Rachael RayNever be a food snob. Learn from everyone you meet - the fish guy at your market, the lady at the local diner, farmers, cheese makers. Ask questions, try everything and eat up!115
Bruce DickinsonWhen you cut human beings down to size, we're really quite simple creatures; food, shelter, warmth, light, heat and you build it up from there really until you finally go Gucci shoes or whatever it is or whatever your consumer desires are. All those desires are ultimately, they're about gratification.115
Carl HonoreIn our fast-forward culture, we have lost the art of eating well. Food is often little more than fuel to pour down the hatch while doing other stuff - surfing the Web, driving, walking along the street. Dining al desko is now the norm in many workplaces. All of this speed takes a toll. Obesity, eating disorders and poor nutrition are rife.115
Julia ChildBecause of media hype and woefully inadequate information, too many people nowadays are deathly afraid of their food, and what does fear of food do to the digestive system? I am sure that an unhappy or suspicious stomach, constricted and uneasy with worry, cannot digest properly.116
Marcus Tullius CiceroJust as the soul fills the body, so God fills the world. Just as the soul bears the body, so God endures the world. Just as the soul sees but is not seen, so God sees but is not seen. Just as the soul feeds the body, so God gives food to the world.116
Alton BrownYou know most of the food that Americans hold so dear - things like hamburgers and hot dogs - were road food, but even before they were road food, they were peasant food.116
Giada De LaurentiisFood was always a big part of my life. My grandfather was one of 14 kids, and his parents had a pasta factory, so as a kid, he and his siblings would sell pasta door to door. After he became a movie producer, he opened up De Laurentiis Food Stores - one in Los Angeles and one in New York.116
Hugh JackmanI love food, all types of food. I love Korean food, Japanese, Italian, French. In Australia, we don't have a distinctive Australian food, so we have food from everywhere all around the world. We're very multicultural, so we grew up with lots of different types of food.116
Mary ShelleyThe agony of my feelings allowed me no respite; no incident occurred from which my rage and misery could not extract its food.116
Michael PollanPeople in Slow Food understand that food is an environmental issue.116
Michael SpecterWhen people say they prefer organic food, what they often seem to mean is they don't want their food tainted with pesticides and their meat shot full of hormones or antibiotics. Many object to the way a few companies - Monsanto is the most famous of them - control so many of the seeds we grow.116
Saint AmbroseGod created the universe in such a manner that all in common might derive their food from it, and that the Earth should also be a property common to all.116
Saint BasilNow, if you notice how the swan, putting its neck down into the deep water, brings up food for itself from below, then you will discover the wisdom of the Creator, in that He gave it a neck longer than its feet for this reason, that it might, as if lowering a sort of fishing line, procure the food hidden in the deep water.116
Yotam OttolenghiStereotypical vegetarian food looks gray and brown.116
Andrew WeilEveryone prefers some foods over others, but some adults take this tendency to an extreme. These people tend to prefer the kinds of bland food they may have enjoyed as children - such as plain or buttered pasta, macaroni and cheese, cheese pizza, French fries and grilled cheese sandwiches - and to restrict their eating to just a few dishes.116
Scarlett JohanssonI still eat a burger at a counter with ketchup dripping down my face.117
Dita Von TeeseI suppose women are attracted to the bad-boy image sometimes because it's fun to have an adventure. It's like eating junk food... it's fun at the time, but ultimately not the best choice.117
Garrison KeillorThe highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out of his nose.117
Henry FieldingLOVE: A word properly applied to our delight in particular kinds of food; sometimes metaphorically spoken of the favorite objects of all our appetites.117
Jamie OliverI wouldn't say that processed food, ready meals and even takeaways aren't relevant to modern life, it's just that over the past 40 years there are three generations of people who have come out of school and gone through their home life without ever being shown how to cook properly.117
Jim GaffiganI'm a big eater. I mean, a lot of my stand-up is about food, and you write about what you know, and that's the only thing I know. I don't know anything else.117
Niall HoranQueuing tips for fans: wrap up and bring food!117
Paula DeenI wake up every morning happy for where I am in life. It's not all about the cooking, but the fact that I can contribute by using my influence to help people all over the country. In the last two years, my partners and I have fed more than 10 million hungry people by bringing meat to food banks.117
Tom ColicchioHunger is a political issue, and there are several things politically that are keeping people hungry - not funding food stamps adequately, not funding school lunches adequately. So there is a political solution to the problem of hunger.117
Ziggy MarleyIf food is labeled, some people might choose to eat stuff that's genetically modified. They might decide they love it. But give us a choice.117
Carl HonoreTurn the preparing of food into a communal affair by enlisting others to help with the chopping, grating, stirring, simmering, tasting and seasoning. When the cooking is finished, eat together round the table with the electronic gadgets switched off so you can savor the food and let the conversation flow.117
Jose AndresIn America, diner food or roadside barbecue is the best road food, but I am not a fan of eating while driving - too messy.117
Alfred NobelA heart can no more be forced to love than a stomach can be forced to digest food by persuasion.118
Roger FedererI am a sucker for those old traditional places, and Rome is as good as it gets, particularly when you throw in Italian food.118
Steve CarellThe best food is in Chicago. There are great restaurants everywhere, from fancy places to burger joints.118
Leighton MeesterI couldn't relate to kid stuff. 'Jimmy doesn't like me!' Who cares? I was worried we didn't have gas money or food. Those were my concerns.118
Mario TestinoI am very much about promoting Lima because I think Peru and the mountains and the Incas, everybody is aware of those, but Lima is something that people should discover - especially our food.118
Suzanne SomersFresh, organic, cage-free eggs that slip right out of the shell are a versatile gift of the food world and can be transformed into a variety of tasty meals.118
Kurt CobainIt's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.119
Lord ByronA woman should never be seen eating or drinking, unless it be lobster salad and Champagne, the only true feminine and becoming viands.119
Taylor SwiftI think about food literally all day every day. It's a thing.119
Julia ChildI was lucky to marry Paul. He was a great inspiration, his enthusiasm about wine and food helped to shape my tastes, and his encouragement saw me through discouraging moments. I never would have had my career without Paul Child.119
Giada De LaurentiisI'm into very colorful food. Obviously lots of flavor, but I think we eat with our eyes first, so it has to look great. The presentation has to be great.119
Hugh JackmanIf I'm a lush at anything, it's food and drink. I'm not materialistic in any way, but I value food.119
Marcus SamuelssonEvery time you use the word 'healthy,' you lose. The key is to make yummy, delicious food that happens to be healthy.119
Nick CannonI always say that candy is the perfect studio food - it keeps your energy going.119
Marc JacobsLuxury is anything you don't need, right? I mean, you need food, water, clothing, shelter... but good wine, good food, beautiful interiors, nice clothes; those aren't necessities, they are luxuries - it's all luxury.119
MatisyahuWhat is it to keep kosher? Is it eating kosher potato chips? Kosher is a bigger idea. I think it's about being healthy. But according to some people, it's about not eating this food because it's forbidden by the Jewish law. My view of the halachah changed a little bit. The laws are there hopefully to be a tool.119
Dave BarryThe only kind of seafood I trust is the fish stick, a totally featureless fish that doesn't have eyeballs or fins.120
Al FrankenIf 98 out of 100 doctors tell me I've got a problem, I should take their advice. And if those two other doctors get paid by Big Snack Food, like certain climate deniers get paid by Big Coal, I shouldn't take their advice.120
Anthony BourdainGet up early and go to the local produce markets. In Latin America and Asia, those are usually great places to find delicious food stalls serving cheap, authentic and fresh specialties.120
Ban Ki-moonClimate change, demographics, water, food, energy, global health, women's empowerment - these issues are all intertwined. We cannot look at one strand in isolation. Instead, we must examine how these strands are woven together.120
Curtis JacksonEvery day, families in Africa go without food and water, never knowing when their next meal might be; but we can change that if we all work together. In order to make a difference, every purchase of my new energy shot, Street King, will provide a meal for a child in need.120
Michael PollanEvery major food company now has an organic division. There's more capital going into organic agriculture than ever before.120
Orlando BloomThe world produces enough food for everyone. Why are one billion people going hungry?120
Rachel McAdamsI'm not an amazing cook. But I can follow a recipe!120
Rafael NadalWhy would I want a place of my own? Then I would have to things worry about, like doing laundry and having food in the fridge.120
Erma BombeckOnce you get a spice in your home, you have it forever. Women never throw out spices. The Egyptians were buried with their spices. I know which one I'm taking with me when I go.121
Gloria SteinemMama grizzlies mate later than other bears. They have two cubs instead of four. They wait four years - about twice as long as other bears - between having cubs. And after they're pregnant, if winter is hard or their health is not good or the food supply is uncertain, they re-absorb the embryo into their body.121
P. T. BarnumTrue economy consists in always making the income exceed the out-go. Wear the old clothes a little longer if necessary; dispense with the new pair of gloves; mend the old dress: live on plainer food if need be; so that, under all circumstances, unless some unforeseen accident occurs, there will be a margin in favor of the income.121
Jane GoodallI did this book 'Harvest for Hope,' and I learned so much about food. And one thing I learned is that we have the guts not of a carnivore, but of an herbivore. Herbivore guts are very long because they have to get the last bit of nutrition out of leaves and things.121
Anthony BourdainThe fact that over 50 per cent of the residents of Toronto are not from Canada, that is always a good thing, creatively, and for food especially. That is easily a city's biggest strength, and it is Toronto's unique strength.121
Bobby FlayNobody believed the 'Food Network' could last. Even I was short sighted and thought to myself, 24 hours of food on TV? They'll run out of things to talk about in four days! But that wasn't true. 'Food Network' continues to get better and evolve.121
Elton JohnI love places that have an incredible history. I love the Italian way of life. I love the food. I love the people. I love the attitudes of Italians.121
Larry DavidThe lunch in a normal American restaurant is very problematic for me. I don't like to have hot food for lunch.121
Ted NugentMankind: A quality of life upgrade is available to each and every one of you. It should give you a quality of life upgrade, which means no drugs, no alcohol, no fast food - unless, of course, it's a mallard.121
Yotam OttolenghiThe combination of lentils with rice or bulgur is the absolute height of Levantine comfort food. I could eat it every day.121
Mariska HargitayYou know how you wake up in the morning and sometimes you look gorgeous and other times you look like you got hit by a mack truck? I realized that my mack truck is food. If I have no sugar, yeast or wine, I have no undereye bags and my skin is perfect.121
Suzanne SomersArtificial sweeteners may trigger cravings for other sweet foods. When your body is not fed nutrients, it asks again and again for more food, triggering heavy-duty cravings for fattening, sugary foods. Artificial sweeteners also mess with your metabolism.121
AesopA crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.122
Julia ChildWhen I got to France I realized I didn't know very much about food at all. I'd never had a real cake. I'd had those cakes from cake mixes or the ones that have a lot of baking powder in them. A really good French cake doesn't have anything like that in it - it's all egg power.122
Elizabeth GilbertListen - of course money changes everything, but so does sunlight, and so does food: These are powerful but neutral energy sources, neither inherently good nor evil but shaped only by the way we use them.122
Paul TherouxBecause of my capacity for listening to strangers' tales, or the details of their lives, my patience with their food and their crotchets, my curiosity that borders on nosiness, I am told that anyone traveling with me experiences an unbelievable tedium, and this is why I choose to travel alone.122
Queen LatifahI am not one to turn down macaroni and cheese, even late at night. I love Italian food. I love pasta... A refrigerator full of water and Gatorade? Honey, that's just not gonna happen.122
Zooey DeschanelI love to cook. But I have some food allergies, so I have to contend with those.122
Suzanne SomersYour liver is your vital detoxification organ, and if it becomes overloaded with toxins from the food, drink, or medications you're consuming, you'll have more toxins circulating throughout your body, damaging your organs and glands. Detoxing your liver will help it work more efficiently - and help you slim your waistline.122
Anthony BourdainAs I see it, fast food outfits have targeted small children with their advertising in a very effective way. You know, it's clowns and kid's toys and bright colors and things like that.123
Chuck PalahniukMy father worked for the railroad, and whenever a train crashed, we would go as a family and steal food from the boxcars. One year we stole a case of butterscotch pudding that was for export to Israel. It took us years to get through.123
Giada De LaurentiisAttitudes toward food have completely changed.123
Howard SchultzThe growth of the company and the license that Starbucks has is to participate in other food and beverage opportunities. We have a global business... and in many parts of the world, tea is much, much bigger than coffee, and we're going to bring tea and bring our capability and our understanding of what we've done for coffee to tea.123
Jon StewartI've always liked Atlanta. And not just for the strip clubs, but the shopping and the food.123
Muhammad YunusWhat we are trying to do is to create a social business in Bangladesh, a joint venture to create restaurants for common people. Good, healthy food at affordable prices so that people don't have to opt for food that is unhealthy and unhygienic.123
Nat King ColePrimarily I'm a meat man, although once in a while I toy with a few vegetables.123
Nhat HanhI love to sit and eat quietly and enjoy each bite, aware of the presence of my community, aware of all the hard and loving work that has gone into my food.123
Penn JilletteBacon is so good by itself that to put it in any other food is an admission of failure. You're basically saying, 'I can't make this other food taste good, so I'll throw in bacon.'123
Marilu HennerI always say centered food equals centered behavior.123
PlatoAnd what, Socrates, is the food of the soul? Surely, I said, knowledge is the food of the soul.124
George Bernard ShawStatistics show that of those who contract the habit of eating, very few survive.124
Robert MugabeWe are not hungry... Why foist this food upon us? We don't want to be choked. We have enough.124
Jonathan SwiftHe was a bold man that first ate an oyster.124
Robert A. HeinleinThere is no way that writers can be tamed and rendered civilized or even cured. The only solution known to science is to provide the patient with an isolation room, where he can endure the acute stages in private and where food can be poked in to him with a stick.124
Billy JoelMost people are satisfied with the junk food being sold as music.124
Frank A. ClarkMaybe a person's time would be as well spent raising food as raising money to buy food.124
Marcus SamuelssonChildren want to mimic adults. They notice when you choose to prepare fresh vegetables over calling in another pizza pie for dinner. They will see that food made with love and care outweighs going through the drive-through window.124
Queen LatifahI like Pirate's Booty. Prunes and olives, too. I love hummus. I can eat that until I die. I tend to eat mostly organic food.124
Sitting BullIf I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children's mouths, and I do not wish to be that mean.125
Yogi BerraYou better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six. 125
Anthony BourdainI'm very proud of the Rome episode of 'No Reservations' because it violated all the conventional wisdom about making television. You're never, ever supposed to do a food or travel show in black and white.125
Friedrich NietzscheNot necessity, not desire - no, the love of power is the demon of men. Let them have everything - health, food, a place to live, entertainment - they are and remain unhappy and low-spirited: for the demon waits and waits and will be satisfied.126
Leo TolstoyTo say that a work of art is good, but incomprehensible to the majority of men, is the same as saying of some kind of food that it is very good but that most people can't eat it.126
Virat KohliI love trying out different cuisines. In Delhi, I love Megu at the Leela, and TK's at the Hyatt. I also enjoy Khan Chacha's rolls. In Mumbai, it's Royal China and Shiro. And in Bangalore, I like the food at Bricklane.126
Anthony BourdainAnyone who's a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: 'Is it good? Does it give pleasure?'126
Orlando BloomIf you think of the ice caps as the fridge of our planet, if your fridge at home died, the food you eat would go rotten, and you'd starve.126
Simon CowellI was 12 years old when I first realized that food could be hot. That's why I turned out the way I am.126
Pope FrancisToday, the news is scandals; that is news, but the many children who don't have food - that's not news. This is grave. We can't rest easy while things are this way.201
W. C. FieldsReminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.201
Percy Bysshe ShelleyObscenity, which is ever blasphemy against the divine beauty in life, is a monster for which the corruption of society forever brings forth new food, which it devours in secret.201
Julia ChildI was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.201
Robert Louis StevensonWine is bottled poetry. 201
John CleeseIf God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?201
Octavia ButlerA 10-pound sack of potatoes lasts a long time.201
Ryan ReynoldsA producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service.201
Dolly PartonMy weaknesses have always been food and men - in that order.202
David LynchA poet could write volumes about diners, because they're so beautiful. They're brightly lit, with chrome and booths and Naugahyde and great waitresses. Now, it might not be so great in the health department, but I think diner food is really worth experiencing periodically.202
Fran LebowitzFood is an important part of a balanced diet.202
James ThurberThe most dangerous food is wedding cake.202
Marcus SamuelssonThe opportunity here in the U.S. is so unique because we are so diverse, with so many different cultures living together. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists, all with their own connections to the spiritual aspects of food and with lessons that we can learn from each other.202
Jennifer Love HewittProbably my biggest challenge is not eating all the food that I want to eat sometimes.202
Bertrand RussellI believe in using words, not fists. I believe in my outrage knowing people are living in boxes on the street. I believe in honesty. I believe in a good time. I believe in good food. I believe in sex.203
Bernie MacYou know you poor when you eatin' breakfast food late. You fryin' toast? At nine o'clock at night? With bacon? You're broke.203
Bill WattersonI won't eat any cereal that doesn't turn the milk purple.204
Ted NugentMy idea of fast food is a mallard.204
Tyra BanksI love food and feel that it is something that should be enjoyed. I eat whatever I want. I just don't overeat.204
Cyril ConnollyThe worst vice of the solitary is the worship of his food.204
Leo TolstoyA man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.205
Gene SimmonsSugar-free ice pops are an invention of God. They hardly have any calories since they're mostly water. I eat about 15 pops every two days.205
Julian BagginiPeople do care where their food, or other goods, comes from, not merely if the price is right. And that means no business can afford to ignore the impacts their buying practices have on producers and on the perceptions and choices of consumers.205
Gisele BundchenI have a lot of fruit trees and my own little vegetable garden and chickens. And every time I eat, I bless my food; I say I'm grateful for for it and let it nourish every part of my body.206
Marcus SamuelssonI had a long-lasting love affair with the flavors from Japan and the hustling New York street vendors. And, of course, a life-changing return to Ethiopia has made huge impacts on my life in food.206
Ronald ReaganYou can tell alot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans.207
Nikola TeslaThere is no doubt that some plant food, such as oatmeal, is more economical than meat, and superior to it in regard to both mechanical and mental performance. Such food, moreover, taxes our digestive organs decidedly less, and, in making us more contented and sociable, produces an amount of good difficult to estimate.207
Woody AllenI will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick. Not wounded. Dead.207
Marina AbramovicEvery party is the same, too many people, too little food, and you have to wait around. I'm extremely bored with parties.207
Benjamin FranklinI saw few die of hunger; of eating, a hundred thousand. 208
Michelle ObamaThe problem is when that fun stuff becomes the habit. And I think that's what's happened in our culture. Fast food has become the everyday meal.208
Liam NeesonI'm Irish, so I'm used to odd stews. I can take it. Just throw a lot of carrots and onions in there and I'll call it dinner.208
William J. ClintonI haven't eaten at a McDonald's since I became President.208
Ronald ReaganIt's difficult to believe that people are still starving in this country because food isn't available.209
Jonathan SwiftPromises and pie-crust are made to be broken.209
Hugh JackmanMy gosh, I love food. If I wasn't an actor, I could be a completely different body shape right now.209
John LydonMove to Italy. I mean it: they know about living in debt; they don't care. I stayed out there for five months while I was making a film called 'Order Of Death,' and they've really got it sussed. Nice cars. Sharp suits. Great food. Stroll into work at 10. Lunch from 12 till three. Leave work at five. That's living!210
Fran LebowitzIf you're going to America, bring your own food.210
Howard SchultzWe need to reinvent food at Starbucks. Less could be more.210
Marcus SamuelssonPasta isn't just for Italian food anymore. Now there are tasty pasta recipes found in Asian cuisine, and it's emerging as a newfound love for vegans.210
Robert KiyosakiMoney is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air and housing, it affects everything yet for some reason the world of academics thinks it's a subject below their social standing.210
Yotam OttolenghiI always preferred my father's pasta the next day, when he'd put it in a hot oven with heaps of extra cheese. It would emerge slightly burned and very crisp on top.210
Jerry SaltzThe secret of food lies in memory - of thinking and then knowing what the taste of cinnamon or steak is.210
Thomas SowellThe biggest and most deadly 'tax' rate on the poor comes from a loss of various welfare state benefits - food stamps, housing subsidies and the like - if their income goes up.211
Beth DittoOlympia was a town crawling with music. I was new to the whole punk scene. The culture shock continued; Olympia had bagels! We didn't have bagels in Arkansas. You could order vegetarian food all over town! It was so crazy to me - a place with so many vegetarians, the restaurants made special dishes for them?211
David SuzukiPeople don't even understand that every bit of our food was once alive. We take another creature, plant, animal, microorganism, tear it apart in our mouths. And incorporate those molecules into our own bodies. We are the Earth in the most profound way.211
Jennifer LopezI like to cook Puerto Rican food. That's what I grew up on: rice, beans, meat, some Italian-American food. I know my way around the kitchen.211
E. M. ForsterThe main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.212
Leonardo da VinciMan and animals are in reality vehicles and conduits of food, tombs of animals, hostels of Death, coverings that consume, deriving life by the death of others.213
Johnny DeppThe term 'serious actor' is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Like 'Republican party' or 'airplane food.'213
Anthony BourdainOne of the things is challenging yourself to do a Rome show when everybody's done a Rome show. To find some aspect of food culture or chef culture that people can look at in a new way.214
Carrie UnderwoodI'm girlie in the sense that I like makeup, but I also love sports and man food.214
Marcus SamuelssonTaking dishes straight off the restaurant's menu and putting them into a cookbook doesn't work, because as a chef you have your own vision of what your food is, but you can't always explain it. Or you can't pick recipes that best illustrate who and where you are and what you're doing. And if the recipes don't work, you don't have a book.214
Dolly PartonIf you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.215
Robin WilliamsOkra is the closest thing to nylon I've ever eaten. It's like they bred cotton with a green bean. Okra, tastes like snot. The more you cook it, the more it turns into string.215
Demetri MartinI like to use 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' on my toast in the morning, because sometimes when I eat breakfast, I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable.215
Anthony BourdainI hated the Naked Chef. Fine, yes, he did good things for school food or whatever, but, you know, I don't want my chefs to be cute and adorable.215
Marcus SamuelssonMost cultures traditionally link food and spirituality directly with periodic restrictions and celebrations punctuating the year. Abstinence from particular foods or full-on fasting is part of many religious traditions and holidays.215
Michael MooreI've read stories of slave owners who were very generous. They didn't keep them in shackles, they didn't whip the slaves, they built schools and churches for them, free housing, free food, free everything. It's wrong. No matter how nice you make it look, it's wrong.215
Steve CarellFrom cheesecake on a stick to meat skewers to deep-fried bananas on a stick - there are no plates anymore. In Los Angeles, everything has become a corn dog. Actually, corn dogs still work. But most other food should be stickless.215
Samuel JohnsonNo man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned... a man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company.216
David SuzukiOver and over, the economy has determined the extent of our response, but how much value does it place on breathable air, drinkable water, edible food and stable weather and climate? Surely the economy is the means to a better future, not an end in itself. Surely it must be subordinate to a rich, diverse ecosphere that sustains all life.216
Jennifer AnistonMy best hostess tip is to have good food and really good music!217
Joseph B. WirthlinSometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one's voice.217
Yotam OttolenghiThe natural sweetness of leeks, with their soft, oniony aroma, makes them the perfect winter comfort food.217
Bob MarleyYou entertain people who are satisfied. Hungry people can't be entertained - or people who are afraid. You can't entertain a man who has no food.218
Ellen DeGeneresPeople love their animals so much so that they put little clothes on them and necklaces and booties and things like that. And if you love your animal, then you should feed them something that's not dangerous for them. There's a lot of poisonous stuff that they're putting in a lot of that food, those by-products.218
Mitch HedbergA waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap. 218
Joseph B. WirthlinThe people who misuse the Sabbath lose the blessings of spiritual food and growth promised to those who keep this commandment.218
Yotam OttolenghiFood that's served at the table in a paper parcel always creates a remarkable culinary moment when opened, because the package is full of aromatic steam from the lightly cooked ingredients inside.218
Benjamin FranklinA house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. 219
Kurt CobainI've had this terrible stomach problem for years, and that has made touring difficult. People would see me sitting in the corner by myself looking sick and gloomy. The reason is that I was trying to fight against the stomach pain, trying to hold my food down. People looked me and assumed I was some kind of addict.219
Douglas HortonIf food were free, why work?219
Marilyn vos SavantKnow how to garnish food so that it is more appealing to the eye and even more flavorful than before.220
Dolly PartonI was always a junk food person, still am.221
Drew BarrymoreI'm such an avid magazine reader - music, art, beauty magazines - and I found that food and restaurants were pouring into everything I cared about. Whether it was the pop-up concept, or some mysterious mini-mall restaurant, I got swept up in the sexy romance of the food movement.221
Marcus SamuelssonThe reasons for food insecurity are many and varied. But part of the problem is the global farming systems.222
Mitt RomneyIn the richest country in the history of the world, this Obama economy has crushed the middle class. Family income has fallen by $4,000, but health insurance premiums are higher, food prices are higher, utility bills are higher, and gasoline prices have doubled. Today more Americans wake up in poverty than ever before.222
Angelina JolieReal food, I've found, is actually better than dieting.223
Anthony BourdainThe Italians and Spanish, the Chinese and Vietnamese see food as part of a larger, more essential and pleasurable part of daily life. Not as an experience to be collected or bragged about - or as a ritual like filling up a car - but as something else that gives pleasure, like sex or music, or a good nap in the afternoon.223
Ellen G. WhiteIt is important that we relish the food we eat. If we cannot do this, but eat mechanically, our food does not do us that good it should, and we fail to be nourished and built up by it as we otherwise would be, if we could enjoy the food we take into the stomach.223
Edmund BurkeFacts are to the mind what food is to the body.224
Henry RollinsThere's tons of junk food for your mind on the Internet. You can sit there for three or 10 or 20 hours a day getting in online arguments with other people who also choose to waste their time.224
Kanye WestIf you see a black family, it's looting, but if it's a white family they are looking for food.225
Kurt CobainI won't eat anything green.225
Dave BarryEating rice cakes is like chewing on a foam coffee cup, only less filling.225
W. Somerset MaughamIf you want to eat well in England, eat three breakfasts.225
Neil deGrasse TysonIf you get asteroids about a kilometer in size, those are large enough and carry enough energy into our system to disrupt transportation, communication, the food chains, and that can be a really bad day on Earth.301
Erma BombeckNever order food in excess of your body weight.305
Napoleon HillWe begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted.305
Maya AngelouThe best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken.306
Ronald ReaganYou know, if I listened to Michael Dukakis long enough, I would be convinced we're in an economic downturn and people are homeless and going without food and medical attention and that we've got to do something about the unemployed.309
Arnold SchwarzeneggerI do the same exercises I did 50 years ago and they still work. I eat the same food I ate 50 years ago and it still works.309
Anthony BourdainUnderstand, when you eat meat, that something did die. You have an obligation to value it - not just the sirloin but also all those wonderful tough little bits.310
Marcus SamuelssonCooking with your kids and engaging them in hands-on activities are two ways to begin to educate children about the healthy eating, and kick start the important task to help change how the younger generation looks at food and nutrition.310
Dalai LamaEven when a person has all of life's comforts - good food, good shelter, a companion - he or she can still become unhappy when encountering a tragic situation.311
Ezra Taft BensonThere are blessings in being close to the soil, in raising your own food even if it is only a garden in your yard and a fruit tree or two. Those families will be fortunate who, in the last days, have an adequate supply of food because of their foresight and ability to produce their own.311
Leonardo da VinciKnowledge of the past and of the places of the earth is the ornament and food of the mind of man.312
Erma BombeckLike religion, politics, and family planning, cereal is not a topic to be brought up in public. It's too controversial.313
Leonardo da VinciJust as food eaten without appetite is a tedious nourishment, so does study without zeal damage the memory by not assimilating what it absorbs.313
Woody AllenWhy does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage.314
Maya AngelouEating is so intimate. It's very sensual. When you invite someone to sit at your table and you want to cook for them, you're inviting a person into your life.318
Douglas CouplandI know it's not cat food, but what exactly is it that they put inside of tinned ravioli?319
George Bernard ShawAnimals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends.321
Hunter S. ThompsonIt was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.321
Samuel ButlerMan is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.402
Elon MuskBiofuels such as ethanol require enormous amounts of cropland and end up displacing either food crops or natural wilderness, neither of which is good.404
Ezra Taft BensonI have seen what the days of tribulation can do to people. I have seen hunger stalk the streets of Europe. I have witnessed the appalling, emaciated shadows of human figures. I have seen women and children scavenge army garbage dumps for scraps of food. Those scenes and nameless faces cannot be erased from my memory.406
George OrwellWe may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.421
Diane von FurstenbergItaly will always have the best food.422
Oscar WildeI want my food dead. Not sick, not dying, dead.426
Barack ObamaWe can't get to the $4 trillion in savings that we need by just cutting the 12 percent of the budget that pays for things like medical research and education funding and food inspectors and the weather service. And we can't just do it by making seniors pay more for Medicare.508
Maya AngelouI'm just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression. 521
Ezra Taft BensonAn almost forgotten means of economic self-reliance is the home production of food. We are too accustomed to going to stores and purchasing what we need.521
Joan RiversIs Elizabeth Taylor fat? Her favorite food is seconds.526
Benjamin FranklinBeware the hobby that eats.815

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