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Poets with tag Others:

Grantwood was an artist's colony established in 1913 by Man Ray and Samuel Halpert and became the artistic center for a collective known as the "Others" group of artists.[8][9][10] The colony consisted of a number of clapboard shacks on a bluff.

Carl Sandburg1878-1967USAChildren, Imagism, National, Nonsense, Others45271
William Carlos Williams1883-1963USABeat, Imagism, Modernism, Others, Sentimentalism, Vernacular11178
Ezra Pound1885-1972USABipolar disorder, Didactism, Haiku, Imagism, Modernism, Others25370
Marianne Moore1887-1972USAImagism, Modernism, Others, Anti-meter20325

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