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Poets with tag Dada:

Dada or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century. Dada in Zürich, Switzerland, began in 1916 at Cabaret Voltaire, spreading to Berlin shortly thereafter, but the height of New York Dada was the year before, in 1915.[1] The term anti-art, a precursor to Dada, was coined by Marcel Duchamp around 1913 when he created his first readymades.[2] Dada, in addition to being anti-war, had political affinities with the radical left and was also anti-bourgeois.[3]

Stephane Mallarme1842-1898FRASymbolism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism1368
Arthur Rimbaud1854-1891FRASymbolism, Free verse, Impressionism, Dark romanticism, Anarchism, Surrealism, Libertine, Dada, Decadents, Homoerotism125103
Guillaume Apollinaire1880-1918FRACubism, Dada, Surrealism, Symbolism32232
E.e. cummings1894-1962USAAestheticism, Dada, Didactism, Formalism, Modernism, Sonnet, Surrealism, Symbolism19015
Paul Eluard1895-1952FRASurrealism, Haiku, Dada56268
Tristan Tzara1896-1963ROU/FRADada, Free verse, Nihilism, Satire, Surrealism6308
Andre Breton1896-1966FRASurrealism, Dada, Atheism7333

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