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Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ITA [ca. 1525-1594]
Group: Roman School
Short description: Sacred vocal music. Smooth melodically and rhythmically, treats all voice parts equally (mostly imitative counterpoint with harmony based on thirds, with careful control of dissonances as passing tines/neighbor notes, suspensions; cadences are overlapping and focused on full triads)
Played 0 of tracks for this composer (total answers). Played blocks map:

Alma Redemptoris Mater (2m)
Dies Sanctificatus (3m)
Sicut Cervus (5m)
Super Flumina Babylonis (3m)
G. P. da - Motet for 5 voices (77m)
Missa Papae Marcelli. The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips (37m)

Last comments for this composer:
2023-01-01 10:56:00

liberte-anne says hi (JS Bach, Handel, Pachelbel, Palestrina, Purcell, D Scarlatti, Telemann, Vivaldi)

2015-05-31 19:57:21

Vivaldi - emotion.

JS Bach - space and infinity, leaps.

Telemann - not space, not emotion, popular.

Palestrina - a capella.

Purcell - soft vocals. Little instruments.

D Scarlatti - only harpsichord.

Pachelbel - canon and harpsichord. (JS Bach, Handel, Pachelbel, Palestrina, Purcell, D Scarlatti, Telemann, Vivaldi)

2015-02-07 14:11:45

Compare medieval Machaut and renaissance Palestrina music here.

Palestrina - smooth melodically and rhythmically, treats all voice parts equally (mostly imitative counterpoint with harmony based on thirds, with careful control of dissonances as passing tines/neighbor notes, suspensions; cadences are overlapping and focused on full triads).

Machaut - not that smooth melodically and rhythmically, independent voices, melodic interest in upper voices, little use of thirds, cadences are clear cut/no overlap; cadences focus on perfect consonances. (Machaut, Palestrina)

Showing 100 last comments

Associated paintings:

Correggio ITA-1489
High Renaissance 1

Memling FLE-1440
Northern Renaissance 1

Correggio ITA-1489
High Renaissance 1

Campin FLE-1375
Northern Renaissance 1

Vermeer DUT-1632
Dutch Golden age, Baroque 1

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