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Quotes with tag Environmental:

John MuirKeep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.101
Isaac Bashevis SingerI did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens.101
Ban Ki-moonSaving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth... these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women's empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.101
Bill NyeClimate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us.101
Evo MoralesSooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.101
Geoff MulganOn the environment and climate change, I suspect that future generations will think there was too much timidity, too much fear of upsetting business. Basically, New Labour was very nervous about regulating business, or requiring it to do anything, even when there was a very clear social or environmental case for doing so.101
Gro Harlem BrundtlandYou cannot achieve environmental security and human development without addressing the basic issues of health and nutrition.101
Mike HuckabeeThe most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.101
Norm DicksThe Endangered Species Act is the strongest and most effective tool we have to repair the environmental harm that is causing a species to decline.101
Victor PontaIn the end, I think the majority of Romanian society will understand that if we respect environmental protection standards, if we have benefits in taxes, royalties, jobs, we should do what all the modern countries in Europe and beyond are doing to take advantage of their natural resources.101
William Clay Ford, Jr.I believe very strongly that corporations could and should be a major force for resolving social and environmental concerns in the twenty-first century.101
Aldo LeopoldConservation is a state of harmony between men and land.101
Anna FreudWe are aware only of the empty space in the forest, which only yesterday was filled with trees.101
Fritz TodtIn places where this beauty has already disappeared, we will reconstruct it.101
Gaylord NelsonThe most important environmental issue is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the lack of a conservation ethic in our culture.101
Madeleine M. KuninWhen all the world appears to be in a tumult, and nature itself is feeling the assault of climate change, the seasons retain their essential rhythm. Yes, fall gives us a premonition of winter, but then, winter, will be forced to relent, once again, to the new beginnings of soft greens, longer light, and the sweet air of spring.101
Roger Tory PetersonBirds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we'll soon be in trouble.101
Sidney SheldonTry to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived. 101
Stewart UdallPlans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.101
Susan GeorgeIf you cut down a forest, it doesn't matter how many sawmills you have if there are no more trees.101
Tom AllenEnergy conservation is the foundation of energy independence.101
Barry CommonerEnvironmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented. 101
David FiloFundamentally, if you look at where the environmental issues are coming from, it's all because of humans and our impact on the environment, so while it's true that one individual is not going to sufficiently fix the environment, it is a necessary thing.101
Gale NortonLocal innovation and initiative can help us better understand how to protect our environment.101
Ma JunOn April 16, 2010, 34 Chinese environmental organizations, including Friends of Nature, the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, and Green Beagle, questioned heavy metal pollution in a letter sent to CEO Steve Jobs.101
Alex TrebekIf you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you.101
Allan SavoryThe problem with holistic management is it's so profoundly simple, but it's not easy. And it's profoundly simple. You're almost insulting people's intelligence to explain it twice, just about making better decisions of where you want to go in your life, bringing in environmental, social, economic issues simultaneously.101
Dennis WeaverWe don't have to sacrifice a strong economy for a healthy environment.101
Gale Anne HurdWe tend to be more environmental at home than at work, regardless of the industry we're in.101
Robert Kennedy, Jr.I always knew that I was going be an environmental advocate when I was very young.101
Sigmar GabrielBut, as environment minister, I am very interested in a thriving German automobile industry, because I can only pay for the rising costs of environmental protection at home and abroad if there are people in Germany with jobs and who pay taxes.101
Will StegerWithin 10 years it will be impossible to travel to the North Pole by dog team. There will be too much open water.101
John ColemanIt is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.101
Renee JamesDevelop resilience and be brave. There are days when it is very discouraging. You have to develop personal resilience to environmental things that come along. If you let every single environmental challenge knock you off your game, it's going to be very, very hard.101
Jeff BingamanI hope that in future Congresses there will reemerge a recognition that climate change is a reality, that our policies to meet our energy needs must also deal responsibly with environmental issues, including the damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions.101
Robert HormatsAs the world's 'most dynamic' cities seek to manage their own urban growth, American state and local officials have much to offer. Our mayors can share their experiences in urban design, clean energy projects, Smart Grids, codes for energy efficient buildings, transportation safety, and innovative environmental solutions.101
Chris StewartThere is no better example of the overreach of government than in environmental law.101
Anil AgarwalEnvironmental activism against the resource industry is widespread all over the world, but at the same time we have to realise that these are basic materials on which civilisation depends. We need to tap natural resources in a sustainable manner.101
John GaramendiMother Nature comes up against reality, and the reality is that the system doesn't work.101
John S. WatsonWhat I see are people who want affordable energy. They want strong environmental standards - they want a lot of things - but first and foremost they want affordable energy. And if you want affordable energy, you want oil, gas and coal.101
Ellen DeGeneresIf we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.102
Joe BidenThe Chinese have figured out that they have a giant environmental problem. Folks in Beijing, some days, literally can't breathe. Over a million Chinese die prematurely every year because of air pollution.102
Sitting BullThey claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their buildings and their refuse.102
Ban Ki-moonSustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.102
Dan LipinskiYet, despite our many advances, our environment is still threatened by a range of problems, including global climate change, energy dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels, and loss of biodiversity.102
Jacques Yves CousteauWater and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.102
Natalie JeremijenkoThis whole idea that we address environmental issues by not doing stuff just doesn't work.102
O. HenryWe may achieve climate, but weather is thrust upon us.102
Vaclav KlausNevertheless, there is another threat on the horizon. I see this threat in environmentalism which is becoming a new dominant ideology, if not a religion. Its main weapon is raising the alarm and predicting the human life endangering climate change based on man-made global warming.102
Yann Arthus-BertrandNo one is an environmentalist by birth. It is only your path, your life, your travels that awaken you.102
Alexandra PaulFor me, going vegan was an ethical and environmental decision. I'm doing the right thing by the animals.102
Chris GibsonAll too often, the conversation about appropriate and balanced environmental stewardship gets caught up in partisan politics. Yet, this conversation is key to the preservation of our great country for generations to come, as important as ensuring we have fiscally responsible policies to secure our future.102
David James DuncanEcosystems are holy. The word "environmental" is a deadly compromise itself. It's a policy word that lives only in the head, and barely there.102
Gaylord NelsonIn the state of Wisconsin it's mandated that teachers in the social sciences and hard sciences have to start giving environmental education by the first grade, through high school.102
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.With EarthEcho Expedition: Acid Apocalypse, we are working with youth leaders and noted experts on the changing chemistry of our ocean to help illuminate one of our most pressing and inscrutable environmental issues.102
Preston ManningThere are more effective ways of tackling environmental problems including global warming, proliferation of plastics, urban sprawl, and the loss of biodiversity than by treaties, top-down regulations, and other approaches offered by big governments and their dependents.102
Corey FeldmanI'd say that animal rights and environmental issues have always been at the forefront of my mind.102
Frank MurkowskiI firmly believe that we can have a healthy environment and a sustainable timber industry.102
Gloria ReubenIt seems to me like Mother Nature's mercy and forgiveness have run dry, as we ceaselessly abuse her and take her for granted in order for us to continue our addiction to using fossil fuels. I've gotta say, I don't blame her. Not one bit.102
Hugh RossGod put the human race in charge of managing the resources of the entire planet for the benefit of all life. Therefore, we, of all people on this planet, should be concerned about environmental issues and doing what we can to enhance the beauty and productivity of the natural realm.102
Ma JunWhen I look at China's environmental problems, the real barrier is not lack of technology or money. It's lack of motivation.102
Richard TrumkaTime after time we're told corporations should have freedom from pesky job safety regulations, environmental protections and labor standards - giving working people the freedom to be crushed in collapsing mines, choke on filthy air and get paid too little to live on.102
Charles PlattWatching cold fusion is like watching water boil in slow motion. First, sufficient deuterium has to penetrate the palladium electrode. This can take a few weeks. Then, if excess heat is generated during the next month or two, accurate temperature readings require extreme precautions to exclude environmental effects.102
Judd GreggI've always been a strong supporter of environmental protection and initiatives in that area. But I'm willing to set priorities. If we have to make reductions in one place, we'll have to-in order to increase another place, I'm willing to do that.102
Kishore Chandra DeoThere are several issues why we are opposed to bauxite mining in Visakhapatnam agency region, like environmental pollution, threat to rivers, and tourism.102
Thomas R. CechThere should be more attention paid to scientific research in the ecology area, and I think that such attention to proper environmental concerns would make the public feel much better about it.102
Andrew NikiforukIf Canada could simply apply the basic principles of sustainable development, such as the internalization of costs and 'polluters pay,' it would have long-term beneficial effects, both environmental and economic.102
Beau GarrettI'm such an advocate for animal rights and environmental rights.102
Charles PellyUltimately, auto designers need to overcome market challenges with innovative design solutions. The automotive industry is at a turning point with environmental and economic conditions on one side and breakthrough technology on the other, so it will be fascinating to see how these design leaders envision the future.102
Albert WynnWe must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.102
Jim ClyburnEnvironmental protection doesn't happen in a vacuum. You can't separate the impact on the environment from the impact on our families and communities.102
Aleqa HammondThe North Pole will be ice-free during summer in years to come, and that itself will put the Arctic Sea basin on a very high risk of... environmental disasters that might be there.102
Ansel AdamsIt is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.103
Henry PaulsonEconomic growth and environmental protection are not at odds. They're opposite sides of the same coin if you're looking at longer-term prosperity.103
Ike SkeltonIn fact, because of their connection to the land, farmers do more to protect and preserve our environment than almost anyone else. They are some of the best environmentalists around.103
Li KeqiangThe growth that we want is one that brings real benefits to the people, raises quality and efficiency of development, and contributes to energy conservation and environmental protection.103
Paul HawkenWe assume that everything's becoming more efficient, and in an immediate sense that's true; our lives are better in many ways. But that improvement has been gained through a massively inefficient use of natural resources.103
Peter BenchleyWithout the oceans there would be no life on Earth.103
Russel HonorePeople need to be cautious because anything built by man can be destroyed by Mother Nature.103
Gaylord NelsonLoads of chemicals and hazardous wastes have been introduced into the atmosphere that didn't even exist in 1948. The environmental condition of the planet is far worse than it was 42 years ago.103
Katherine DunnAmerican culture is torn between our long romance with violence and our terror of the devastation wrought by war and crime and environmental havoc.103
Pat BuchananJust as there's garbage that pollutes the Potomac river, there is garbage polluting our culture. We need an Environmental Protection Agency to clean it up.103
Barry CommonerEarth Day 1970 was irrefutable evidence that the American people understood the environmental threat and wanted action to resolve it.103
Daryl HannahAnd I know that the younger generation is doing things that are so ingenious. And for them it's not a matter of a political belief or an environmental stance. It's really just common sense.103
Ed Begley, Jr.California has always led the way on environmental protection and always reaped the benefits, pioneering everything from catalytic convertors on cars to stationary source reduction.103
Elizabeth EmkenThe genetics of autism are real, but there are also environmental triggers.103
Frank MurkowskiPushing production out of America to nations without our environmental standards increases global environmental risks.103
Hugh RossThe potential in many environmental issues is that if you undertake corrective action without appropriate understanding of the problem, then you wind up doing more harm than good.103
Lee R. RaymondI find it interesting that many of the people who want to restrict fossil fuels live in well-developed countries where abundant and affordable energy is readily available.103
Michael BurgessNuclear power will help provide the electricity that our growing economy needs without increasing emissions. This is truly an environmentally responsible source of energy.103
N. Murray EdwardsAll of us are going to have to find ways to do things more efficiently, find ways to get our costs more in line, and do it in a time of higher regulatory and environmental standards.103
Nikolaas TinbergenThe majority of autists - as well as their parents - seem to be genuine victims of environmental stress.103
Pat BuckleyI can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment.103
Bob BrownThe future will either be green or not at all. 103
Gary L. FrancioneThere is no 'need' for us to eat meat, dairy or eggs. Indeed, these foods are increasingly linked to various human diseases and animal agriculture is an environmental disaster for the planet.103
Jerry GreenfieldBusinesses typically look at issues like price, quality, time of delivery. They don't often think about social and environmental impact because they're focused on their financial bottom line.103
Bruce BeutlerAutoimmunity is probably the next frontier. The majority of cases of autoimmune disease result from a complex genetic problem that has environmental influences. It is a colossal task for the immune system to maintain tolerance to self and yet be ready to react to everything in the world around us.103
John HickenlooperI assume we will have figured out a way to efficiently utilize solar energy and tied that to an efficient way to use nuclear energy in such a way that it doesn't pose a serious environmental issue.103
Jim FowlerThe quicker we humans learn that saving open space and wildlife is critical to our welfare and quality of life, maybe we'll start thinking of doing something about it.103
Joseph Wood KrutchIf we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either.103
Rex TillersonNatural gas obviously brings with it a number of quality-of-life environmental benefits because it is a relatively clean-burning fuel. It has a CO2 footprint, but it has no particulates. It has none of the other emissions elements that are of concern to public health that other forms of power-generation fuels do have: coal, fuel oil, others.103
Robert BradyFurthermore, both Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection have evaluated the sediment to be dredged and also found it to be not toxic.103
Jim JeffordsSince the day he came into office, President Bush has worked to gut more than 34 years of hard work by weakening many of our Nation's standing environmental laws, some of which were signed into law by his father.103
John HoldrenIt is economically irrational to exclude large environmental costs from the balance sheets of the producers and the consumers. You are only kidding yourself if you export those costs on to society as a whole.103
Jim ClyburnBut reducing harmful emissions, abating our dependence on foreign oil and developing alternative renewable energy sources have benefits that go beyond environmental health, they improve personal health, enhance national security and encourage our nation's economic viability.103
Matthew YglesiasThe environmental movement's focus on the Keystone XL pipeline issue really used to baffle me.103
Jane PoynterShrimp farms are a scourge on the earth, frankly, from an environmental point of view. They pour huge amounts of pollutants into the ocean. They also pollute their next-door neighbors.103
Judith RodinA social impact bond is a new way of bringing financing into social and environmental support issues.103
John PortmanArchitects in the past have tended to concentrate their attention on the building as a static object. I believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces and environmental condition.103
Elon MuskWe're running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere... can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.104
AeschylusBy polluting clear water with slime you will never find good drinking water.104
Bill BradleyEvery time I have some moment on a seashore, or in the mountains, or sometimes in a quiet forest, I think this is why the environment has to be preserved.104
Carlos GhosnThe time is right for electric cars - in fact the time is critical.104
Debbie Wasserman SchultzTo be clear, climate change is a true 800 pound gorilla in the room. The effects of global warming threaten global environmental upheaval over the coming century. But for South Florida and the Everglades, it could be our death knell if urgent action is not taken.104
E. O. WilsonIf all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.104
Olympia SnoweIn today's world, it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate - and even thrive - in an environmentally-friendly manner.104
Richard RogersThe only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.104
T. Boone PickensThe cheapest natural gas in the world is in the United States.104
William BartramIf we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose.104
James LovelockSadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest.104
Nina FedoroffIf there are more and more environmental refugees, they are going to end up on your doorstep too.104
Paul KrugmanI think so long as fossil fuels are cheap, people will use them and it will postpone a movement towards new technologies.104
Richard LammOur globe is under new dramatic environmental pressure: our globe is warming, our ice caps melting, our glaciers receding, our coral is dying, our soils are eroding, our water tables falling, our fisheries are being depleted, our remaining rainforests shrinking. Something is very, very wrong with our eco-system.104
Roger Tory PetersonNot all is doom and gloom. We are beginning to understand the natural world and are gaining a reverence for life - all life.104
Danny GloverIf we talk about the environment, for example, we have to talk about environmental racism - about the fact that kids in South Central Los Angeles have a third of the lung capacity of kids in Santa Monica.104
Ed Begley, Jr.People are overwhelmed looking up at the Mount Everest of environmental challenges that we face. But you put one foot in front of the other and you recognize that not everyone is Sir Edmund Hillary.104
Ma JunEven the government understands that the environmental challenge is so big that no single agency can handle it. It needs collaboration among all the stakeholders - companies, governments, NGOs and the public. Public accountability will be the ultimate driving force.104
Holly Robinson PeeteI'm not a doctor or scientist. I'm just a mom. But I do think there's a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child's case, is what resulted in autism.104
John ColemanA majority of American citizens are now becoming skeptical of the claim that our carbon footprints, resulting from our use of fossil fuels, are going to lead to climatic calamities. But governments are not yet listening to the citizens.104
Samuel WilsonOne of the responsibilities faced by the Environmental Genome Project is to provide the science base upon which society can make better informed risk management decisions.104
Chai JingEnvironmental protection and economic development are not in conflict. Environmental protection is not a burden but a source for innovation. It can increase competition, create jobs, and lifts the economy.104
Jeremy GranthamThe language 'It's too late' is very unsuitable for most environmental issues. It's too late for the dodo and for people who've starved to death already, but it's not too late to prevent an even bigger crisis. The sooner we act on the environment, the better.104
Jim JeffordsThis Bush administration has a growing credibility gap, maybe even a credibility chasm, on environmental policy. The President has lost the trust of the American people when it comes to the environment.104
John LithgowI'm very concerned for the future of the earth and its amazing creatures. We've got to be careful and make sure we don't foul our own nest.104
Mackenzie CrookI like the outdoors and the natural world. Environmental issues.104
John AndersonIt is one of the issues that will have to be worked through however let me make the point and I think anyone would accept that if you set it up properly, not only will you get better environmental outcomes, you have a chance to create more wealth with the available resource.104
Jean-Francois CopeThere has been a banking crisis, a financial crisis, an economic crisis, a social crisis, a geostrategic crisis and an environmental crisis. That's considerable in a country that's used to being protected.104
David AttenboroughIt's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It's not just climate change; it's sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.105
John MuirWhen we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. 105
Margaret MeadWe won't have a society if we destroy the environment. 105
Christopher DoddWe learned that economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand.105
Dan LipinskiThe hydrogen powered car, with its high fuel mileage and zero emission rate, is just one example of the products under development that will help increase our energy independence.105
Keith EllisonEnvironmental spending creates jobs in engineering, manufacturing, construction, materials, operations and maintenance.105
Natalie JeremijenkoWealth and vegetation go together, and that exacerbates environmental injustice. The poor bear the burden of degraded environments.105
Noreena HertzTransparency, accountability and sustainability have become the slogans of the market leaders. Companies carry out environmental and social audits to court the consumer, and even the bluest chips woo organisations such as Greenpeace and Amnesty.105
Aldo LeopoldHarmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.105
Bjorn LomborgIn the rich world, the environmental situation has improved dramatically. In the United States, the most important environmental indicator, particulate air pollution, has been cut by more than half since 1955, rivers and coastal waters have dramatically improved, and forests are increasing.105
Donella MeadowsA knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world's nations toward saving the climate.105
Edward BurtynskyI think the environmental movement has failed in that it's used the stick too much; it's used the apocalyptic tone too much; it hasn't sold the positive aspects of being environmentally concerned and trying to pull us out.105
Gaylord NelsonFranklin Roosevelt was very concerned about environmental issues.105
John James AudubonA true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.105
Luther BurbankI see humanity now as one vast plant, needing for its highest fulfillment only love, the natural blessings of the great outdoors, and intelligent crossing and selection.105
Ted DansonWe're not trying to reinvent the wheel; for any environmental organization to claim sole responsibility for any kind of victory is insane, because everybody attacks these problems as a group.105
Richard LugarEthanol is a premier, high performance fuel. It has tremendous environmental benefits and is a key component to energy independence for our country.105
Ander CrenshawEnergy cogeneration on Capitol Hill makes economic and environmental sense and should be pursued for those reasons.105
Jay InsleeWe had some major successes and we did so because the country embraced the spirit of Earth Day and embraced this concept that we have to have forward-looking, visionary environmental policy and energy policy in this country.105
Matt GonzalezSome types of environmental restoration projects are well-known; restored wetlands, for instance, or coal mine reclamation projects. Recently though, larger dam removal projects have started, a number of them in Washington state.105
Robin McLeavyMy mom was an environmental activist in Australia in the late '60s and '70s, and I guess I've inherited that awareness from her.105
Ben SaundersEnvironmental scientists in Canada said it was impossible for me to get to the Pole in 2004... I said 'no,' it's still OK, and I can still get there, and I did.105
Jacob BronowskiYou will die but the carbon will not; its career does not end with you. It will return to the soil, and there a plant may take it up again in time, sending it once more on a cycle of plant and animal life.105
Shalom HarlowYou don't have to live in the country and grow your own food to be green.105
Torsten WieselInnate mechanisms endow the visual system with highly specific connections, but visual experience early in life is necessary for their maintenance and full development. Deprivation experiments demonstrate that neural connections can be modulated by environmental influences during a critical period of postnatal development.105
John HoevenThe irony of environmental opposition to the Keystone XL project is that stopping the pipeline to the U.S. will not stop production in the oil sands of Canada. Instead of coming to the United States, the oil will still be produced and shipped by rail or a pipeline similar to the Keystone XL to Canada's Pacific Coast.105
Jostein GaarderNo day is alike - I do many other things, and I'm very active in the environmental movement.105
John AndersonBut my point is that you design something in the end that precludes any unhealthy trading practices that are not going to serve your environmental or your economic objectives but now is not the time to do it.105
John DoerrGreen-tech could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st Century.105
John S. WatsonIf you look around the world, the countries with the best environmental practices are the wealthiest. There's a reason for that. If you're worried about where your next meal is going to come from or shelter over your head, your focus is on those things.105
Margaret MeadNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.106
Ban Ki-moonGrave security concerns can arise as a result of demographic trends, chronic poverty, economic inequality, environmental degradation, pandemic diseases, organized crime, repressive governance and other developments no state can control alone. Arms can't address such concerns.106
Brian GreeneNature's patterns sometimes reflect two intertwined features: fundamental physical laws and environmental influences. It's nature's version of nature versus nurture.106
Wangari MaathaiIn a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace.106
William Ralph IngeWe have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form.106
Annie DillardThere is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind.106
Donella MeadowsYou may be able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere.106
Garrett HardinNo one should be able to enter a wilderness by mechanical means.106
Kevin RichardsonWe can have technology, prosperity, nice homes and cars, but at the same time we must be conscious of what we are dumping into the water, the air and our food.106
Lynn JurichThere is a new wave of environmental consumers I like to call Pocketbook Environmentalists. They're going green primarily because it makes good financial sense, but the fact that it benefits their families' health and the environment also makes them feel good.106
Peter SengeBusiness has a way of talking about how to create value, which is in some way isn't bad... We just need to start thinking about if the value we want to create is consistent with all social and environmental well being.106
Ed Begley, Jr.The environmental crisis is all a result of rushing.106
Janine BenyusFor businesses, biomimicry is about bringing a new discipline - biology - to the design table. It's not to write an environmental impact statement, as most biologists in business do right now.106
Michael E. MannPublic discourse has been polluted now for decades by corporate-funded disinformation - not just with climate change but with a host of health, environmental and societal threats. The implications for the planet are grim.106
Dennis WeaverPractically every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.106
Jeremy RifkinIn this country, the health concerns and the environmental concerns are as deep as in Europe. All the surveys show that. But here, we didn't have the cultural dimension. This is a fast-food culture.106
Dixie Lee RayMankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything.106
Martin HeinrichAmericans increasingly understand that clean energy is more than just an environmental issue. It is crucial to reducing our dangerous dependence on foreign countries.106
James InhofeMuch of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science.106
Al GoreI think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy.107
Lawrence M. KraussThe root cause of the looming energy problem - and the key to easing environmental, economic and religious tensions while improving public health - is to address the unending, and unequal, growth of the human population. And the one proven way to reduce fertility rates is to empower young women by educating them.107
Li KeqiangSmog is affecting larger parts of China, and environmental pollution has become a major problem, which is nature's red-light warning against the model of inefficient and blind development.107
Frank TiplerA person whose skin is metallic can no more have its reproduction restricted than a black-skinned person. Regarding life as a form of machinery and intelligent machines as people without our environmental limitations is essential in understanding FAP, the Final Anthropic Principle, which deals with evolution in the far future.107
Hans BlixLike I said, I'm more worried long term about the environmental issues then the use of arms.107
Jack DangermondThere is the GIS world that is largely managing authoritative data sources, supporting geocentric workflows like fixing roads, making cities more livable through better planning, environmental management, forest management, drilling in the right location for oil, managing assets and utilities.107
Luther BurbankWe must return to nature and nature's god.107
Lynn MargulisAll living beings, not just animals, but plants and microorganisms, perceive. To survive, an organic being must perceive - it must seek, or at least recognize, food and avoid environmental danger.107
Michael FrantiDuring my travels in Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Europe and all over the United States, I have seen and heard the voices of people who want change. They want the stabilization of the economy, education and healthcare for all, renewable energy and an environmental vision with an eye on generations to come.107
Paul TsongasJourney with me to a true commitment to our environment. Journey with me to the serenity of leaving to our children a planet in equilibrium.107
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.Fossil fuels and mining is a short-term gambit. If we develop those resources at the expense of the environmental gold mine that is the Great Barrier Reef, we will all lose in the long run.107
Godfrey ReggioSo to hope to be able to have peace, to be able to have justice and environmental balance, are consequences of our behavior, not just our intentions.107
Ma JunEnvironmental problems cannot be resolved here the way they are resolved in other countries. I heard that 80 per cent of the environmental problems in the U.S. are solved in court. That can't happen here.107
Jeremy RifkinThe position I took at the time was that we hadn't really examined any of the potential environmental consequences of introducing genetically modified organisms.107
Alan DundesCities all over the world are getting bigger as more and more people move from rural to urban sites, but that has created enormous problems with respect to environmental pollution and the general quality of life.107
Brian HerbertIn 'Sidney's Comet,' thanks to all the consumerism, all the garbage had to be put in deep space, even though we're not supposed to litter the cosmos - that was an environmental message. Although it was funny, it had an important message.107
Sherwood BoehlertLet me start by emphasizing that I am open to efforts to expedite environmental procedures for true emergencies or in other clear cases where current laws are needlessly burdensome.107
Joe BartonI would point out that if you're a believer in the Bible, one would have to say the Great Flood is an example of climate change and that certainly wasn't because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy.107
Jonathan FranklinEnvironmental activists in the rough Antarctic seas have launched a new tool in the fight to stop a Japanese operation to kill hundreds of whales: remote-controlled drones.107
Robert F. EngleWhy not put a tax on carbon emissions. It would raise a lot of money, it would reduce the environmental damages in the future, it would solve so many problems, and it would be a much more constructive thing to do than to think about raising the income tax.107
Frances BeineckeMany environmental battles are won by delaying a destructive project long enough to change the conversation - to allow new economic, political and social dynamics to emerge.108
Gene GreenE-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States and can pose serious environmental and health problems here and around the world when not handled properly.108
Kiefer SutherlandI do believe very strongly that all of us and all of the other things in the context of our planet with Mother Nature, all of these things absolutely have a profound effect.108
Niki de St. PhalleThe world has been experiencing a whole pattern of auto-destruction, whether in environmental disasters like Chernobyl or health disasters like AIDS.108
Victoria PrincipalUnless we keep this planet healthy, everything else is for naught.108
David PrattNo one does a better, cleaner, or environmental friendlier, than the United States, when it comes to drilling for oil, gas, coal, oil refineries and fish friendly hydroelectric.108
David R. BrowerIt seems that every time mankind is given a lot of energy, we go out and wreck something with it.108
Barry CommonerThe most meaningful engine of change, powerful enough to confront corporate power, may be not so much environmental quality, as the economic development and growth associated with the effort to improve it.108
Jochen ZeitzWe should bring in an environmental attitude, and I think luxury should automatically be about sustainability and quality.108
Arlo GuthrieAt the same time the folk boom was happening, the civil rights movement was happening, the anti-war movement was happening, the ban the bomb movement was happening, the environmental movement was happening. There was suddenly a generation ready to change the course of history.108
Dennis WeaverWhen we realize we can make a buck cleaning up the environment, it will be done!108
Ben PeekI'd like to avoid the environmental apocalypse if I could. Zombies, robots - I don't know - I'd probably do alright hidden in the middle of the herd and sacrificing people to keep myself alive, but where you gonna hide when all the food is gone?108
Rob MachadoI've always been a big supporter of the Surfrider Foundation. I started my own foundation, Rob Machado Foundation, which focuses on environmental education for the little people of the world.108
Robert HassI would say Gary Snyder, who is from my part of the world as a poet and environmental thinker, will be read just as Henry Thoreau as John Muir will continue to be read.108
Joseph Wood KrutchIf people destroy something replaceable made by mankind, they are called vandals; if they destroy something irreplaceable made by God, they are called developers.108
Roz SavageI don't own designer clothes, or a sports car, or a huge house, but I am seeing the world, experiencing amazing things, and I have become an environmental campaigner.108
Majora CarterSustainable South Bronx advocates for environmental justice through sustainable environmental and economic development projects.108
Fred UptonOur work on light bulbs wasn't an arbitrary mandate. We didn't just pick a standard out of the air, or look for a catchy sounding standard like 25 by 2025 not based in science or feasibility. Instead, we worked with both industry and environmental groups to come up with a standard that made sense and was doable.109
Muhammad YunusUnprecedented technological capabilities combined with unlimited human creativity have given us tremendous power to take on intractable problems like poverty, unemployment, disease, and environmental degradation. Our challenge is to translate this extraordinary potential into meaningful change.109
Natalie JeremijenkoWe ignore slow environmental changes unless they are crisis-driven, such as hurricanes in Florida.109
David AgusIf your DNA profile puts you at a higher risk of developing obesity, that doesn't mean it's your fate. You can take control of the environmental side of the equation and reduce your overall lifetime risk by a lot.109
Ma JunChina leads the world in energy consumption, carbon emissions, and the release of major air and water pollutants, and the environmental impact is felt both regionally and globally.109
Jerry GreenfieldBusinesses can lead with their values and make money, too. You don't have to simply be purely profit-driven. You can integrate social and environmental concerns into a business, be a caring business, be a generous business and still do very well financially.109
Louis BaconAs a nation, we owe a great deal to the National Audubon Society, one of our most distinguished and important environmental organizations, and all those who work to protect America's open land and waterways.109
Daniel PaulyWhile the climate crisis gathers front-page attention on a regular basis, people - even those who profess great environmental consciousness - continue to eat fish as if it were a sustainable practice.109
Mac ThornberryWe should restore a proper balance in environmental regulation and energy production that is based on common sense, not political agendas.109
Alexander CockburnWear the badge of environmental radicalism, and you're a citizen automatically under suspicion.109
Judy BiggertIf we don't continue to pursue alternative, emissions-free energy sources like nuclear fuel, we are at risk of increasing our dependence on costly natural gas.109
T. Boone PickensNatural gas is a better transportation fuel than gasoline, so if that's the case, it's cheaper, it's cleaner and it's a domestic resource.110
Tyler CowenThe way to make the world a better place, through your eating, is simply to eat a bit less meat. Local is sometimes good, sometimes bad. But even when it's good, its environmental impact is relatively small compared to other possible improvements.110
Zac GoldsmithPoliticians usually get the blame for dragging their feet on environmental issues. And fair enough. Most of them do just that. But the blame isn't theirs alone. For politicians afraid of losing votes, a bristling media waiting to transform good green ideas into monsters is a colossal disincentive.110
Maurice StrongA shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.110
Tristram StuartViewed from a holistic ecological perspective, some meat - such as conscientiously hunted animals - involves less suffering and environmental damage than arable agriculture, while both of these are significantly less harmful than indiscriminately purchasing meat on the market.110
Barry CommonerWhat I have experienced over time is that environmental problems are easier to deal with in ways that don't go into their interconnections to the rest of what we are.110
Julian LennonI've been a philanthropist for all my life, and... I've had many involvements in humanitarian and environmental issues.110
Nirmalya KumarChinese brands will face many obstacles when marketing to Western consumers. Beyond the associations with poor quality and unsound environmental practices, they generally do not have the marketing capabilities or budgets to build powerful global brands.110
Thomas R. InselWhat causes autism? As far as we know in 2013, there is no single gene or single environmental factor that accounts for the more than 1 million Americans with ASDs.110
Dustin LynchWith my biology degree, I got this job at an environmental lab. We tested sewage runoff, we tested chemical warfare waste runoff. It's a job I'll never do again and I would never wish upon anybody.110
Carolyn KizerEnvironmental concerns and feminism are locked together. Generally, women have closer connections to the organic nature of our lives.110
Robert HassYou begin to see that all of these things are connected: The kind of cuts that mean less environmental protection are also the kind of cuts that mean less musical education for the schools and that also mean more overcrowded schools.110
Sherwood BoehlertWell, for starters, we have to do more to create demand for new technologies that can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and environmental degradation.110
Antoine PredockA building that has great environmental responsibility is a political animal in a way because it becomes promotional of a cause. I think that kind of advocacy through architecture is really good.110
Joe BartonI tell my environmental friends that they have won. Every issue we look at from an energy perspective is now also looked at from an environmental perspective.110
James FallowsThere's no longer any surprise in noting that China has grave environmental problems.110
Adam SchiffUnless action is taken soon - unless we can display the same vision of that earlier period - we will lose the treasure of California's open space and environmental beauty.111
Anita RoddickThe Body Shop Foundation is run by our staff and supports social activism and environmental activism. We don't tend to support big agencies.111
Barbara BoxerWe have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight - the fight for electoral justice.111
Dan LipinskiHydrogen holds great promise to meet many of our future energy needs, and it addresses national security and our environmental concerns. Hydrogen is the simplest, most abundant element in the universe.111
E. O. WilsonDestroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.111
Freeman DysonWe have no reason to think that climate change is harmful if you look at the world as a whole. Most places, in fact, are better off being warmer than being colder. And historically, the really bad times for the environment and for people have been the cold periods rather than the warm periods.111
Thomas MalthusPopulation, when unchecked, goes on doubling itself every 25 years or increases in a geometrical ratio.111
Charles SaatchiIt's obvious nonsense, but it makes nice people feel good about themselves to do their bit for the planet. It's vanity of a grotesque kind to believe that mankind, and our 'carbon footprint', has more impact on the future of Earth than Nature, which bends our planet to its will, as it sees fit.111
Ed RendellThere are a tremendous amount of environmental issues that are on the table.111
Jamais CascioWith increasing fervor since the 1980s, sustainability has been the watchword of scientists, environmental activists, and indeed all those concerned about the complex, fragile systems on the sphere we inhabit. It has shaped debates about business, design, and our lifestyles.111
James LovelockChina will soon emit more greenhouse gases than America, but its regime knows if it caps aspirations there will be a revolution.111
Maurice StrongAfter all, sustainability means running the global environment - Earth Inc. - like a corporation: with depreciation, amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words, keeping the asset whole, rather than undermining your natural capital.111
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.Truly, we do live on a 'water planet.' For us, water is that critical issue that we need. It's the most precious substance on the planet, and it links us to pretty much every environmental issue, including climate change, that we're facing.111
Ted DansonWe have a project with Unocal here in Los Angeles, where we as an environmental organization, the oil company, and the state all get together to promote the recycling of used motor oil.111
Gale NortonWhy has it seemed that the only way to protect the environment is with heavy-handed government regulation?111
Jeff GoodellMark Ruffalo, aka the Incredible Hulk, is the natural gas industry's worst nightmare: a serious, committed activist who is determined to use his star power as a superhero in the hottest movie of the moment to draw attention the environmental and public health risks of fracking.111
Rachel CorrieI want to be a lawyer, a dancer, an actress, a mother, a wife, a children's author, a distance runner, a poet, a pianist, a pet store owner, an astronaut, an environmental and humanitarian activist, a psychiatrist, a ballet teacher, and the first woman president.111
Matt GonzalezA fascinating challenge facing today's environmental movement is how to best approach the reversal of past decisions that altered once-pristine environmental spaces for the sake of urgent man-made needs.111
Bill RichardsonFracking is doable if there's full disclosure of all chemicals used. Secondly, science dictates the policy rather than politics. Third, there's collaboration between environmental groups and the natural gas industry.112
Dan LipinskiThe high prices also highlight the fact that the U.S. is too heavily dependent on fossil fuels that we import from unstable parts of the world. To protect our national security, we must become more energy secure.112
G. Gordon LiddyEnvironmentalism is a form of pagan fundamentalism. These green wackos are fanatics like al-Quaida. Just like them.112
Herbert A. SimonTo deal with these problems - of world population and hunger, of peace, of energy and mineral resources, of environmental pollution, of poverty - we must broaden and deepen our knowledge of nature's laws, and we must broaden and deepen our understanding of the laws of human behavior.112
Zac GoldsmithPolitics colours everything, and anyone who wants change is necessarily political. As an environmental campaigner more or less since I left school in the early '90s, I have always been involved in lobbying, campaigning and pushing for changes.112
Beverly SillsA primary function of art and thought is to liberate the individual from the tyranny of his culture in the environmental sense and to permit him to stand beyond it in an autonomy of perception and judgment.112
Bob BeauprezFracking has been used for more than 60 years to successfully drill over a million oil and gas wells in the U.S. Nonetheless, the prevailing mythology on the radical left is that the technology is 'poisoning our children' by polluting the water we drink and the air we breathe.112
Edward James OlmosThere are nuclear weapons in China, Iran, Korea and Pakistan. It wouldn't take much to send a couple of warheads off on this planet somewhere that would cause a lot of environmental damage, then if you have got someone who wants to retaliate you have real problems.112
John Shelby SpongMother Nature is not sweet.112
Kevin RichardsonI wanted to help raise awareness, so I created an environmental foundation called Just Within Reach.112
Sophie TurnerI think that you form the way that you act from others around you; it's a kind of an environmental thing.112
Alex SteffenThe planet's biggest problems have to do with sustainability, environmental decline, global poverty, disease, conflict and so forth. Really, they're all interconnected - it's one big problem, which is that the way we're doing things can't go on.112
Cathy McMorris RodgersMaintaining healthy forests is essential to those who make a living from the land and for those of us who use them for recreational purposes.112
Gary MillerA variety of factors contribute to the price of gasoline in the United States. These factors include worldwide supply, demand and competition for crude oil, taxes, regional differences in access to gasoline supplies and environmental regulations.112
Sue KellyMy efforts in Congress are guided by the belief that environmental preservation and restoration are a critical part of the legacy we leave to future generations.112
Bonnie WrightIt is extremely important to me that the social and environmental issues associated with the production of fashion clothing are addressed.112
Jim ClyburnEnvironmental policy must strike a balance between the earth's best interests and our citizen's pressing needs.112
Kurt VonnegutWe could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.113
Frances BeineckeI have long understood that climate change is not only an environmental issue - it is a humanitarian, economic, health, and justice issue as well.113
Jello BiafraI don't think it's too hippie to want to clean up the planet so you don't wind up dying of some kind of cancer when you're 45 years old. It enrages me that these big cancer-research organizations can't be bothered to man the front lines of environmental protest.113
Nina EastonIn May 2007, congressional Democrats and the Bush administration agreed to a plan to include environmental and international labor standards in upcoming trade agreements.113
Sylvia EarleTen percent of the big fish still remain. There are still some blue whales. There are still some krill in Antarctica. There are a few oysters in Chesapeake Bay. Half the coral reefs are still in pretty good shape, a jeweled belt around the middle of the planet. There's still time, but not a lot, to turn things around.113
Alexandra PaulI had never been able to get a car that said how much I cared about the environment until I drove electric.113
Lindsey GrahamThe sooner we get started with alternative energy sources and recognize that fossil fuels makes us less secure as a nation, and more dangerous as a planet, the better off we'll be.113
Sigourney WeaverPeople who run environmental groups and things like that, who have to listen to all kinds of nonsense and keep their tempers, are very diplomatic and very inclusive.113
Stewart UdallLady Bird Johnson did more than plant flowers in public places. She served the country superbly by planting environmental values in the minds of the nation's leaders and citizens.113
Ma JunWe firmly believe the environmental issues cannot be addressed without extensive public participation, but people need to be informed before they can get involved.113
Melissa BeanUnder the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Program, homes are independently verified to be measurably more energy efficient than average houses.113
Anna LindhGlobal markets must be balanced by global values such as respect for human rights and international law, democracy, security and sustainable economic and environmental development.113
Jay InsleeI reflect back 35 years ago, and look how far we have come in America with our environmental policy to improve the conditions of our air and water, and we have had some real successes.113
Josh FoxThe Safe Drinking Water Act, the safety provisions of the Clean Water Acts, the Clean Air Act, the Superfund Law - the gas industry is exempt from all these basic environmental and worker protections. They don't have to disclose the chemicals they use. They don't have to play by the same rules as anybody else.113
Samuel WilsonWhile the Environmental Genome Project does not seek to assign allele frequencies, we are aware of the importance of accurate allele frequency estimates for future epidemiologic studies and the large sample sizes such estimates will require.113
Sherwood BoehlertHaving yet another vote on refinery legislation that uses high oil prices as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and to give more legislative gifts to the oil industry is misguided in the extreme.113
Antoine PredockI try to understand place on a deeper level than just the physical or environmental aspects. It includes cultural and intellectual forces, too. It's an inclusive approach that brings in many disciplines and sees place as a dynamic thing.113
Jim FowlerI don't think we're going to save anything if we go around talking about saving plants and animals only; we've got to translate that into what's in it for us.113
Christopher AlexanderComplexity is one of the great problems in environmental design.114
Jacques Yves CousteauThe real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.114
Paul HawkenThe responses that environmentalists evoke - fear, anxiety, numbness, despair - are not helpful, even if they are understandable. It should be fascinating, even enthralling, to be in the milieu of environmental change.114
Pierce BrosnanYou always bump into politics in life, and as a man, I'm party to a number of environmental issues that concern me first and foremost, as a man, as a father.114
Brooke BurkeI really believe in the environmental movement right now - it only takes a little effort to make a big difference.114
David R. BrowerThere is no place where we can safely store worn-out reactors or their garbage. No place!114
Eric MaskinWhat we mean by an outcome will naturally depend on the context. Thus, for a government charged with delivering public goods, an outcome will consist of the quantities provided of such goods as intercity highways, national defense and security, environmental protection, and public education together with the arrangements by which they are financed.114
Garrett HardinMoreover, the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce; it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.114
Keith OlbermannAt Current, television is all we do - that's our business. We don't have amusement parks I have to worry about, we don't have environmental cases against us, we don't have a series of outdoor-advertising companies.114
Stewart UdallThe environmental effects of the automobile are well known: motor vehicles cause, for example, as much as 75 percent of the noise and 80 percent of the air pollution in our cities, and the industry must face mounting pressure from environmentalists.114
Barry CommonerThe environmental crisis arises from a fundamental fault: our systems of production - in industry, agriculture, energy and transportation - essential as they are, make people sick and die.114
Bruce SterlingMy idea of an amusement park story is getting adventurers to go tour environmental disaster areas. After all, if the entire Great Barrier Reef gets killed, which seems like an extremely lively possibility, what are you going to do with all that rotting limestone?114
Ma JunWe copied laws and regulations from western countries, but enforcement remains weak, and environmental litigation is still quite near impossible.114
Jairam RameshI think environmentalists do no service to their cause by taking fundamentalist stances. I am not defending corporate India's track record, but for many environmental problems, there are technological solutions.114
Marshall CurryI was surprised to see how much the mainstream environmental movement hates the ELF.114
Samuel WilsonIt is important to consider whether the sample size selected by the Environmental Genome Project will provide sufficient power to discover most alleles relevant to gene-environment interactions.114
Amy Jo MartinWe'll continue to see more and more brands integrate social causes, charitable components and environmental issues as underlying themes to their campaigns and messaging. Humans connect with humans after all, and brands are using this as a point of connection to engage with their audience, especially charity-minded Generation Y.115
Howard GardnerI align myself with almost all researchers in assuming that anything we do is a composite of whatever genetic limitations were given to us by our parents and whatever kinds of environmental opportunities are available.115
Rodney FrelinghuysenThe Keystone pipeline is one of those things that's sort of a political driver. And mostly, the Republicans use it to sort of embarrass the president and embarrass quite a few Democrats who feel that there's a potential for an environmental disaster.115
Zac GoldsmithGM has never been about feeding the world or tackling environmental problems. It is and has always been about control of the global food economy by a tiny handful of giant corporations. It's not wicked to question that process. It is wicked not to.115
Ethan HawkeAt every turn, when humanity is asked the question, 'Do you want temporary economic gain or long-term environmental loss, which one do you prefer,' we invariably choose the money.115
Mike LoveOne of the most important lessons we can glean from the environmental movement is to 'think globally and act locally.'115
Paul StametsOf all mushrooms commonly consumed, oyster mushrooms in the genus Pleurotus stand out as exceptional allies for improving human and environmental health. These mushrooms enjoy a terrific reputation as the easiest to cultivate, richly nutritious and medicinally supportive.115
Barry CommonerEnvironmental concern is now firmly embedded in public life: in education, medicine and law; in journalism, literature and art.115
Klaus LacknerI believe that it is impossible to stop people from using the fossil fuels, so we need to develop technologies which allow us to use them without creating environmental havoc on the planet.115
Sheherazade GoldsmithThe planet's environmental woes tend to be overlooked as we scramble for the latest high-tech gizmos - and conveniently ignore their energy consumption.115
Dixie Lee RayThe government should set a goal for a clean environment but not mandate how that goal should be implemented.115
Samuel WilsonWe all recognize that in recent decades, many important achievements have helped create a cleaner, healthier environment, yet our national needs in environmental health are not being fully met.115
James FallowsEnvironmental disaster is the gravest threat to China's continued development. That's according to me, but it is not some wacko view.115
Jamshyd GodrejAs a group, we want to follow good and green strategy. Setting targets is one element of that. The second part is to design products which meet environmental goals.115
Dan LipinskiThe environmental benefits of hydrogen are also outstanding. When used as an energy source, hydrogen produces no emissions besides water. Zero polluting emissions, an amazing advance over the current sources of energy that we use.116
Frances BeineckeWhen we go to the store, we bring home more than food - we bring home traces of broader environmental problems. But we can use our shopping carts and dinner plates to help solve some of those problems.116
Jane D. HullDespite Arizona's remarkable growth in recent years, we have met the current federal health standards for ozone pollution and the Environmental Protection Agency recently approved our dust control plan.116
Marlee MatlinThe Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth. 116
Michael PollanPeople in Slow Food understand that food is an environmental issue.116
Muhammad YunusCivilization has given us enormous successes: going to the moon, technology. But then this is the civilisation that took us to debt, environmental crisis, every single crisis. We need a civilization where we say goodbye to these things.116
Brian MulroneyI think the government has to reposition environment on top of their national and international priorities.116
Ken SalazarI think the future for solar energy is bright.116
Galen RowellThere is no question that photography has played a major role in the environmental movement.116
Jeff GoodellHave we failed to slow global warming pollution in part because climate and environmental activists have been too polite and well behaved?116
Klaus LacknerFossil fuels will run out not because of limited resources but because of the environmental impact. If I can solve that impact, I have basically increased the resource base by a vast amount.116
Ma JunBrands who come to China, often they just care about price - so they actually drive the suppliers to cut corners on environmental standards to win a contract.116
Samuel WilsonMoreover, environmental health at the local level has become narrowly focused, very much defined around regulations and the attendant regulatory debates.116
Joel SalatinOur land-healing ministry really is about cultivating relationships: between the people, the loving stewards, and the ecology of a place, what I call the environmental umbilical that we're nurturing here.117
Andrew WeilWe need to accept the seemingly obvious fact that a toxic environment can make people sick and that no amount of medical intervention can protect us. The health care community must become a powerful political lobby for environmental policy and legislation.117
Alex SteffenClimate change is not a discrete issue; it's a symptom of larger problems. Fundamentally, our society as currently designed has no future. We're chewing up the planet so fast, in so many different ways, that we could solve the climate problem tomorrow and still find that environmental collapse is imminent.117
Radhanath SwamiReligious and spiritual leaders should be held accountable for environmental activism, not only because they have access to large communities and can influence votes, but because service is integral to religious and spiritual life.117
Frances BeineckeClimate change is the central environmental ill of our time. We have an obligation to protect our children from the dangers of this widening scourge, and we aren't yet doing enough about it.118
Peter DiamandisWe live in a world bathed in 5,000 times more energy than we consume as a species in the year, in the form of solar energy. It's just not in usable form yet.118
Ed RendellAnd secondly, I would impose a significant state landfill tipping fee and use that tipping fee to fund the billion dollar bond issue that I want to create to produce the funds for all of the environmental challenges that we just went over.118
Ellen StofanTo avoid congestion, I get up at 5:10, grab a slice of raisin toast, and leave the house at 6 A.M. My husband, Tim Dunn, who works for an environmental agency, is still asleep when I slip out, and I find that rather annoying.118
Ma JunChina has leapfrogged into this information age, and Web users have grown very significantly, which knocked down the cost of doing the environmental transparency.118
Clay ShirkyThere is no larger collective-action problem than the environment. The three biggest lies of the environmental movement is that every little bit helps, you can do your part, and together we can do it.118
Maggie QThere's so many issues tied to the meat industry. I mean, social, environmental, humanitarian - all of them. I know that when I'm eating that I'm not hurting the planet, I'm not hurting other people on this planet, I'm not hurting animals... and I'm not hurting nature.118
Marcus BrigstockeI rarely fly, for environmental reasons more than anything else.118
Jerry CostelloThis Nation has realized significant environmental improvements over the last three decades.118
David SuzukiIn the environmental movement, every time you lose a battle it's for good, but our victories always seem to be temporary and we keep fighting them over and over again.119
Erich FrommJust as modern mass production requires the standardization of commodities, so the social process requires standardization of man, and this standardization is called equality.119
Gisele BundchenI feel privileged to be a U.N. ambassador. It gives me an opportunity to use my voice to help raise awareness about important social and environmental issues.119
Vince CableI am going to confront the old-fashioned negative thinking which says that all government needs to do to generate growth is cut worker and environmental protections, cut taxes on the rich and stroke 'fat cats' until they purr with pleasure. I'm completely repudiating the idea that government has to get out of the way.119
Ted DansonAddress these environmental issues and you will address every issue known to man. And we keep dabbling in things that aren't really that important in the long term.119
Barry CommonerMy entry into the environmental arena was through the issue that so dramatically - and destructively - demonstrates the link between science and social action: nuclear weapons.119
Samuel WilsonThe infrastructure for linking environmental health and public health is not working as well as it should.119
Indira GandhiThe environmental problems of developing countries are not the side effects of excessive industrialisation but reflect the inadequacy of development.120
Garrett HardinWhy are ecologists and environmentalists so feared and hated? This is because in part what they have to say is new to the general public, and the new is always alarming.120
Ace FrehleyI don't see this planet being... they're talking about how they're turning around the environmental problems here, but I think it's already too late.120
David FrumWhy should we not expect self-designated environmental leaders to practice what they preach?121
David SuzukiOver and over, we hear politicians say they can't spend our tax dollars on environmental protection when the economy is so fragile.121
Douglas BrinkleyIt's Nixon who created the Environmental Protection Agency. Clean Air and Water Acts. Endangered Species Act. Promoted affirmative action. One could go on and on with Nixon as a New Deal liberal on domestic policy and a hawk, but one with great geo-political skills.121
Mikhail GorbachevI think the environmental problem will be the number one item on the agenda of the 21st century... This is a problem that cannot be postponed.121
Rose GeorgeThe Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS), which controls the living environment on shuttles and on the International Space Station, doesn't have the luxury of disposal: discharging trash into space has long been judged a bad idea.121
Aisha TylerI thought I was gonna be an attorney, so I went to Dartmouth and I was a government major and I minored in environmental policy, and I didn't do anything academically around the arts.121
Brian MulroneyWe created the Cabinet Committee on the Environment to review the environmental implications of all government initiatives. I think what made us successful was the fact that it was a sustained approach. We did something new every year.121
Marshall CurryI have a pretty positive view of environmental activism, but I didn't know much about the ELF. A lot of people make documentaries because they have something they want to say, but I make them because there's something I want to explore.121
Josh FoxThe BP spill was the greatest environmental catastrophe in U.S. history. Yet somehow, gas companies like BP and Halliburton ran interference on reporting that story.121
David AttenboroughAll our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people and harder - and ultimately impossible to solve - with ever more people.122
David FrumI'm a latecomer to the environmental issue, which for years seemed to me like an excuse for more government regulation. But I can see that in rich societies, voters are paying less attention to economic issues and more to issues of the spirit, including the environment.122
GrimesI'm sad that it's uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues.122
Gro Harlem BrundtlandMore than ever before, there is a global understanding that long-term social, economic, and environmental development would be impossible without healthy families, communities, and countries.122
Michael PollanIn addition to contributing to erosion, pollution, food poisoning, and the dead zone, corn requires huge amounts of fossil fuel - it takes a half gallon of fossil fuel to produce a bushel of corn.122
Tristram StuartIt is all very well for 2% of the population to live in a monastic state of meatlessness while everyone else gorges their way towards environmental meltdown or the nearest heart clinic. Vegetarianism is good for the willing minority, but not much use as a campaign tool.122
Barry CommonerIn every case, the environmental hazards were made known only by independent scientists, who were often bitterly opposed by the corporations responsible for the hazards.122
Ma JunIn America, you complain about job losses because of China, but here, we carry all of the environmental costs.122
Peter DeFazioOf the 55 refineries closed in America in the last 10 years, they were all closed for economic reasons, mostly oil company mergers. Not a single one was closed for environmental purposes or objections.122
James BuchanNature is not simply a technical or economical resource, and human beings are not mere numbers. To suggest that one can somehow align all the squabbling institutions of science, environmental management, government and diplomacy in an alliance of convenience to regulate the global climate seems to me optimistic.122
Ted TurnerI think Captain Cousteau might be the father of the environmental movement.123
Thomas FriedmanNature is regulating our climate for free. Mother Nature, she's been doing that for free, for a long, long time. Now do you really want to get in there and do geo-engineering and all this kind of stuff?123
Jared DiamondTake air quality in the United States today: It's about 30 percent better than it was 25 years ago, even though there are now more people driving more cars.123
Barry CommonerEnvironmental quality was drastically improved while economic activity grew by the simple expedient of removing lead from gasoline - which prevented it from entering the environment.123
John SununuEnergy and environmental regulation, transportation, and broadband policy all benefit when legislators have a basic grounding in the technical concepts behind business models, products, and innovation.123
Jerry GreenfieldLook at your business and the activities that you undertake. Then, start to think about not just your economic concerns, but about social and environmental impacts that businesses have.123
Robert Kennedy, Jr.We have very strong environmental laws in the United States and elsewhere around the world. The problem is that they're seldom enforced.123
Sara GilbertYou want to keep the severity of our environmental problems in mind enough to keep yourself motivated but not enough to paralyze you into depression.123
John DeweyNature is the mother and the habitat of man, even if sometimes a stepmother and an unfriendly home.124
Freddie Prinze, Jr.I don't know if acting is genetic. Maybe it's environmental.124
G. Willow WilsonI have younger friends who are in this pinch where they feel they've been counted out before they've had a chance to prove themselves. They've inherited a lot of debt - not just student debt but environmental debt, political debt. They really feel squeezed.124
Paul HawkenAll is connected... no one thing can change by itself.124
Klaus SchwabEnvironmental pollution, terrorism, and many other global threats do not stop at borders. We all bear global responsibility and thus need a global identity to enable us to cope with them. We must learn to integrate different levels of identity in ourselves. What matters is not either/or, but both/and.124
Thomas PerezThere's a myth out there that you have to genuflect at the altar of quarterly earnings. But it's a false choice that you can either be a good fiduciary or promote values such as environmental sustainability.124
Tristram StuartDetermining the value of individual texts has been an ideological scuffle in literary criticism for centuries: but the environmental cost of printing them hauls this dispute from the ivory tower into day-to-day decision-making. Is it right to write? The publishing industry is slowly beginning to commit to using sustainably harvested trees.124
Barry CommonerThe wave of new productive enterprises would provide opportunities to remedy the unjust distribution of environmental hazards among economic classes and racial and ethnic communities.124
Jeremy GranthamI find the parallels between how some investors refuse to recognise the trends and our reaction to some of our environmental challenges very powerful. There is an unwillingness to process unpleasant data.124
Bill GatesClimate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.125
Joe BidenThis is absolutely bizarre that we continue to subsidize highways beyond the gasoline tax, airlines, and we don't subsidize, we don't want to subsidize a national rail system that has environmental impact.125
Al GoreOur world faces a true planetary emergency. I know the phrase sounds shrill, and I know it's a challenge to the moral imagination.125
Barry CommonerThe environmental crisis is a global problem, and only global action will resolve it.125
Martina NavratilovaI've been active in animal rights and all kinds of environmental stuff and children's charities over the years.125
David SuzukiIt's not unexpected that shooting massive amounts of water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure into the earth to shatter shale and release natural gas might shake things up. But earthquakes aren't the worst problem with fracking.126
Jacques Yves CousteauMankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.126
Naveen Jain'Being green' is commendable, but I hope that people don't take too much pride and self-adoration because they shut off the water when they brushed their teeth. The truth of the matter is, conservation alone will do little to save our planet.126
Wangari MaathaiIn Kenya women are the first victims of environmental degradation, because they are the ones who walk for hours looking for water, who fetch firewood, who provide food for their families.126
Yakov SmirnoffI have American in-laws, and I care about the environment. We don't use disposable diapers, which, of course, creates an environmental problem of our own.126
Maurice StrongOne of the things that I've always thought I would like to do is to develop an environmental index. Then people can measure their own environmental performance on an index as they do in other ways.126
Galen RowellThese days, most nature photographers are deeply committed to the environmental message.126
Jochen ZeitzI call upon governments to start supporting companies to use more sustainable materials in their products instead of continuing with antiquated incentives, such as import duties on synthetic materials that are in principle much higher compared with those placed on leather goods regardless of the environmental footprint.126
Al GoreI took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth, environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.201
Gene GreenThere's a value in used electronic equipment, and currently, there are small, domestic recyclers that process this equipment safely. But they have a hard time competing with facilities overseas that have few, if any, environmental and safety standards.201
Robert CollierPeople blame their environment. There is only one person to blame - and only one - themselves.201
Robert RedfordI think the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend?201
Marsha BlackburnLiberals in Congress have spent the past three decades pandering to environmental extremists. The policies they have put in place are in large part responsible for the energy crunch we are seeing today. We have not built a refinery in this country for 30 years.201
Suzan DelBeneWe must not risk defunding environmental conservation programs, which is why Congress should reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund to preserve our natural resources.201
Marshall McLuhanAdvertising is an environmental striptease for a world of abundance.202
James D. WatsonEver since we achieved a breakthrough in the area of recombinant DNA in 1973, left-wing nuts and environmental kooks have been screaming that we will create some kind of Frankenstein bug or Andromeda Strain that will destroy us all.202
Ron WydenIf China is helping its domestic industries charge an artificially low price for solar panels and other environmental goods, then China is violating international trade rules that it agreed to when it became a member of the World Trade Organization.202
Ted DansonThe environmental movement, like all political processes, reacts best to disasters. But these are very slow, very gradual disasters in the making.202
Ma JunThe motivation should come from regulatory enforcement, but enforcement is weak, and environmental litigation is near to impossible. So there's an urgent need for extensive public participation to generate another kind of motivation.202
John MuirTake a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you.203
Muhammad YunusPeace should be understood in a human way - in a broad social, political and economic way. Peace is threatened by unjust economic, social and political order, absence of democracy, environmental degradation and absence of human rights.203
Bjorn LomborgThe main environmental challenge of the 21st century is poverty. When you don't know where your next meal is coming from, it's hard to consider the environment 100 years down the line.203
Clive AndersonOn the environmental front there's concern about global warming and high levels of carbon dioxide, and trees take in CO2 and store carbon.203
Jared DiamondI decided that now is the time to start doing the things that really interest me and I find important. It was in the 10 years of the MacArthur grant that I began working on my first book... and I began putting more work into environmental history.203
Joan JettFactory farming is one of the biggest contributors to the most serious environmental problems. The meat industry causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, planes and ships in the world.203
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.EarthEcho Expeditions represents the culmination of more than a decade of working with educators and youth from around the world. EarthEcho Expeditions uses the thrill of adventure to inspire and empower a new generation of environmental champions.203
Henry David ThoreauEvery creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.204
Edith WidderThere's a lionfish cookbook put out by the Reef Environmental Educational Foundation, and it tells you how to catch them, how to clean them.204
Harri HolkeriI think we have grave problems. I am very much concerned about environmental questions, even though in Finnish society, we are not facing the most urgent problems.204
James LovelockIf we gave up eating beef we would have roughly 20 to 30 times more land for food than we have now.204
Will DurantMoral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions.205
Zac Goldsmith'Green' is likely to be a big issue in the 2008 U.S. presidential election - largely in response to George Bush's suicidal refusal to engage with environmental issues.205
Maurice StrongI am on the board of corporations who contribute both to environmental problems and their solutions. And I am on the NGO side: the Earth Council and other organizations.205
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.I travel all over the country speaking to young people, and I am always amazed at how engaged in environmental conservation they are.205
Tristram StuartVegetarians have been around for a very long time - Pythagoreans forbade eating animals more than 2,500 years ago - but even as the environmental evidence mounted, they didn't appear to be winning the argument.205
Henry David ThoreauIf a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.206
Craig VenterThe environment has fallen to the wayside in politics.206
Frances BeineckeOur nation has abundant clean energy resources, and tapping them will generate jobs, make the air safer to breathe, and tackle climate change - the greatest environmental crisis of our time.206
Paul HawkenWe are now heading down a centuries-long path toward increasing the productivity of our natural capital - the resource systems upon which we depend to live - instead of our human capital.206
Wendy DavisThe Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - what a joke. In my district, we caught them lying to us about the results of air quality studies in the Barnett Shale. They are playing with the health and safety of our communities, and we are going to tell them that is not acceptable.206
Zac GoldsmithWe always hear from newspapers that while people understand the environmental challenge, they are unwilling to stomach the solutions. The trouble is, we only ever hear about the solutions from the media, and for whatever reason, they are almost always caricatured beyond recognition. If there's no appetite for green, it's not surprising.206
Donella MeadowsLike the other great revolutions, an environmental revolution will require sacrifices and lead to enormous gains. It, too, will change the face of the land and human institutions, hierarchies, self-definitions, cultures. It will take centuries. If it happens. There is no guarantee, of course.206
Jared DiamondFederal elections happen every two years in this country. Presidential elections every four years. And four years just isn't long enough to dismantle all the environmental laws we've got in this country.206
Tristram StuartThe manufacture and running of all the world's computers, the toxicity of the hardware mountains that we currently dump on other countries; all this can be totted up on the environmental account of web-users and its authors.206
Chen GuangbiaoI don't know anything about propaganda for Chinese reunification. I only know about charity and environmental work. I just want to do good.206
Albert EinsteinThe environment is everything that isn't me. 207
David SuzukiI always felt that if someone shot me, it would be great for the environmental movement, because they would make me a martyr. Our biggest fear was our children, because there was a tremendous amount of threat and intimidation, and my wife was terrified that the children might be grabbed or assaulted in some way. That was the real fear.207
Maurice StrongI've developed a huge regard for Toyota for its environmental awareness, for its immense commitment to research and development in this field, and for its leadership in developing hybrids which others are now following.207
Chellie PingreeIncredibly, oil and gas companies don't have to pay certain environmental costs that amount to small change to them, while an offshore wind project start-up is faced with fees that could mean the difference between building a wind farm and packing up and going home.207
John MackeyI've always thought the main argument for organic was more environmental than a health argument. I just don't think spraying a lot of pesticides into the environment on a routine basis is a good thing.207
John KeyNew Zealand needs to balance its environmental responsibilities with its economic opportunities, because the risk is that if you don't do that - and you want to lead the world - then you might end up getting unintended consequences.207
Douglas BrinkleyI think there's a green side to John Kerry, if you like, that he's an environmental activist. His record on the environment is as best as you have on a pro-environment record of anybody in the U.S. Senate.208
Fred UptonWithout international participation, jobs and emissions will simply shift overseas to countries that require few, if any, environmental protections, harming the global environment as well as the U.S. economy.208
David SuzukiIf we want to address global warming, along with the other environmental problems associated with our continued rush to burn our precious fossil fuels as quickly as possible, we must learn to use our resources more wisely, kick our addiction, and quickly start turning to sources of energy that have fewer negative impacts.209
William HagueI believe we should reframe our response to climate change as an imperative for growth rather than merely being a way of being green or meeting environmental commitments.209
Zac GoldsmithBy uploading 40 years of 'Ecologist' editions online, we will be creating the world's most extensive ecological archive. 'The Ecologist' will continue to set the environmental and political agenda here and abroad.209
Pim FortuynThe whole environmental policy in the Netherlands has no substance any more.209
Tim CopeFor me, adventures are a vehicle for travelling deep into the fabric of society, coming to know the environmental conditions that shape people's lives and viewing the present in the context of history.209
Barry CommonerBy adopting the control strategy, the nation's environmental program has created a built-in antagonism between environmental quality and economic growth.209
Ronald ReaganIf the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state, Indiana wouldn't be here. It'd still be waiting for an environmental impact statement.210
David SuzukiFrom year to year, environmental changes are incremental and often barely register in our lives, but from evolutionary or geological perspectives, what is happening is explosive change.210
Tyler CowenFor the U.S., I think we should have a carbon tax, for environmental reasons.210
William Clay Ford, Jr.There's a rising tide of environmental awareness and activism among consumers that's going to continue to swell in the 21st century. Smart companies will get ahead of that wave and ride it to success and prosperity. Those that don't are headed for a wipeout.210
Bill MarisThere are environmental threats to health; there are internal threats to health - genetic conditions, viral threats, diseases like cancer and Parkinson's. And then there are societal and global ones, like poverty and lack of nutrition. And unknown viral threats - everything from a new kind of influenza to hemorrhagic fever.210
Jamais CascioComputer programmers, biotechnologists, environmental scientists, neuroscientists, nanotech engineers - all of these fields, and more, should have at least a course in ethics as part of their degree requirements.210
Maurice StrongTed Turner is still a leader. And he sets a great example. His ability financially has been reduced, but his influence and his example still is an important asset to the whole environmental movement.210
Ramez NaamOn almost every environmental issue I care about, in fact, I've been wrong at one point or another. I used to think that climate change was no big deal, that most environmental problems were massive exaggerations, that oil reserves were effectively unlimited, and more.210
Sarah ParcakI hope my work contributes to understanding long-term patterns of human behavior and how we survive, thrive, or fail during times of environmental, social, and economic crisis.211
Elon MuskThe reality is gas prices should be much more expensive then they are because we're not incorporating the true damage to the environment and the hidden costs of mining oil and transporting it to the U.S. Whenever you have an unpriced externality, you have a bit of a market failure, to the degree that eternality remains unpriced.212
Jacqueline NovogratzFor too much of history, we've viewed the world's precious resources - both environmental and human - as things to extract, to make the most of in order to maximize their potential.212
Jeff GoodellAmericans don't pay much attention to environmental issues, because they aren't sexy. I mean, cleaning up coal plants and reining in outlaw frackers is hugely important work, but it doesn't get anybody's pulse racing.212
Stephen FincherYou name it - it is something every day from the Environmental Protection Agency, and every group I talk to is the same message: 'Please stop them. Please stop.'212
Paul HawkenI think an old style of addressing environmental problems is ebbing, but the rise of the so-called conservative, political movement in this country is not a trend towards the future but a reaction to this very broad shift that we are undergoing.213
Ramez NaamThreats that could wipe out the bulk of life on earth abound. Planetary catastrophe could come in the form of a killer asteroid impact, the eruption of massive supervolcanoes, a nearby gamma ray burst that sterilizes the earth, or by human-driven environmental collapse.213
Leonardo DiCaprioRaising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.214
Ramez NaamEnvironmental concern is a phenomena that tends to rise in a nation after a certain level of wealth.214
James SurowieckiIn the auto industry, there's one thing you can always count on: if a new environmental or safety rule is proposed, executives will prophesy disaster.215
Jon MeachamEnvironmental concern is a little like dieting or paying off credit-card debt - an episodically terrific idea that burns brightly and then seems to fade when we realize there's a reason we need to diet or pay down our debt. The reason is that it's really, really hard, and too many of us in too many spheres of life choose the easy over the hard.215
Jane Velez-MitchellEvery decision we make - when we choose a vehicle, when we pump gas into that vehicle, when we order food - is not just a personal lifestyle choice. It's an environmental and moral choice.215
Klaus SchwabThe trends that are shaping the twenty-first-century world embody both promise and peril. Globalization, for example, has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty while contributing to social fragmentation and a massive increase in inequality, not to mention serious environmental damage.216
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.I have spent many years working in education and media, from hosting documentaries to being a spokesperson for Discovery Education to revolutionizing youth environmental service through my non-profit, EarthEcho International.216
Nina EastonWhen I visited the Water Institute's Baton Rouge offices overlooking the Mississippi River, I couldn't find a drop of the charged politics that drives so many environmental conversations in Washington.218
Robert ZubrinIt should be noted that the EPA's banning of methanol is categorically absurd from the point of view of environmental protection.218
David AttenboroughAll we can hope for is that the thing is going to slowly and imperceptibly shift. All I can say is that 50 years ago there were no such thing as environmental policies.219
Antonin ScaliaIt is not rational, never mind 'appropriate,' to impose billions of dollars in economic costs in return for a few dollars in health or environmental benefits.220
Henry PaulsonEvery global concern - economic, environmental or security-related - can be addressed more effectively when the U.S. and China work together.220
Ma JunIf major companies sourcing in developing countries care only about price and quality, local suppliers will be lured to cut corners on environmental standards to win contracts.220
Arnold SchwarzeneggerI have a private plane. But I fly commercial when I go to environmental conferences.221
Annie LeibovitzMy lens of choice was always the 35 mm. It was more environmental. You can't come in closer with the 35 mm.221
Simon MainwaringMore and more companies are reaching out to their suppliers and contractors to work jointly on issues of sustainability, environmental responsibility, ethics, and compliance.221
John DelaneyClimate change is the environmental challenge of this generation, and it is imperative that we act before it's too late.221
Daniel GolemanThe industrial processes in use today were developed at a time when no one had to consider what the environmental impact was. Who cared? But making ecological concerns matter to a company's bottom line will help it do the research and development that will reinvent everything we buy.223
Noreena HertzIt is a world of extremes, which can be characterised most clearly in terms of exclusion. That means political exclusion, whereby the rights of citizens are marginalised by the interests of big business: George W Bush's environmental policy, for example, is clearly formulated in the interests of U.S. energy companies.223
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.Helping people understand the impact of key environmental and human issues worldwide is something that I'm passionate about. CNN's 'Going Green' series of specials are engaging viewers around the world through important messages of conservation and hope.223
Robert ZubrinFrom 1859 to 1971, the U.S. oil industry grew virtually continuously, in the process serving mightily to drive our economy and win our wars. But that growth was stopped dead in 1971 and sent into decline thereafter, as the advent of the EPA and the accompanying National Environmental Policy Act made it increasingly difficult to drill.223
Ma JunIt has been shown that public participation can limit powerful interest groups, while competing interests can help find a reasonable balance between development and environmental protection.223
Ma JunChina's environmental conundrums will not be solved by changes within government alone. New mechanisms are needed to allow the communities which may be affected by a given plan, and citizens concerned about the environment, to join in.224
Ma JunEnvironmental agencies in China are hamstrung by local officials who put economic growth ahead of environmental protection; even the courts are beholden to local officials, and they are not open to environmental litigation.225
Ban Ki-moonWe are using resources as if we had two planets, not one. There can be no 'plan B' because there is no 'planet B.'226
Yoko OnoEvery drop in the ocean counts. 226
Ma JunWe must strictly enforce the Environmental Law, closing down the polluters that fail to meet the standards.226
Annalee NewitzAs fears about the energy and environmental crises reach a fever pitch, we're all searching for solutions. And one possibility is that we could fix everything if we'd just shrink our population back down to about 2 billion people - which would put us roughly where we were at 80 years ago.301
Jane Velez-MitchellThe worst environmental decision you can make as a human being is to have 14 kids.301
Jeremy CorbynWhat I remain opposed to is the idea that David Cameron could go around and give up workers' rights, give up environmental protection, give up a whole load of things that are very important.302
Joel FuhrmanWe know that childhood and adolescence are the most crucial times for environmental stimuli to affect breast cancer risk, but changes made during adulthood and even after diagnosis still have the potential to create positive changes in the body.302
Ma JunEnvironmental groups are not completely against dams. We approve of appropriate development.303
Vivienne WestwoodI always thought we had an environmental problem, but I hadn't realized how urgent it was. James Lovelock writes that by the end of this century there will be one billion people left.304
Suzan DelBeneStrong, enforceable environmental protections will not only help protect our planet for future generations, it will also level the playing field for small-and-medium-sized U.S. businesses by raising environmental standards.304
Rebecca MacKinnonOver the past several decades, a growing number of investors have been choosing to put their money in funds that screen companies for their environmental and labor records. Some socially responsible investors are starting to add free expression and privacy to their list of criteria.305
Simon MainwaringWe now see numerous examples of brands working together to address issues such as environmental degradations, climate control, pollution, poverty and disease.307
Ma JunChina is bearing the environmental cost for much of the world because China is the factory of the world.307
Douglas RushkoffWhat's it like to envision the ten-thousand-year environmental impact of tossing a plastic bottle into the trash bin, all in the single second it takes to actually toss it? Or the ten-thousand-year history of the fossil fuel being burned to drive to work or iron a shirt? It may be environmentally progressive, but it's not altogether pleasant.308
E. O. WilsonA very Faustian choice is upon us: whether to accept our corrosive and risky behavior as the unavoidable price of population and economic growth, or to take stock of ourselves and search for a new environmental ethic.309
Stella McCartneySustainability goes across everything I do with Adidas and everything I do with my own house, so the Olympic kit is no exception. It is incredibly environmental in the way that it is manufactured. For example, there's no leather; it's free from PVC. There's lots of woven materials, which means a lot less waste.309
Matt TaibbiThe NFL, sadly, has a fatal environmental problem: It kills its workers.309
Mitch KaporIf you look at the history of other movements, whether Civil Rights or environmental rights, these are all decades-long undertakings.309
Ma JunUrban residents, most of them middle class, have a much better sense of their environmental rights, and they're willing to take to the streets.309
Jochen ZeitzLet's recreate the equivalent of the Met Ball in Europe and, rather than for the museum, give the money to environmental causes.313
Leila JanahIn terms of environmental impact, Samasource jobs are very green. Our product is human intelligence, and it's transported through the Internet rather than via carbon-intensive trucking, shipping, and warehousing.314
Suzan DelBeneAs I have said all along, for any trade promotion authority bill to gain my support, it must require strong, enforceable environmental and labor protections.315
Anne WojcickiIt's worth knowing more about the complicated environmental and genetic factors that could explain why traumatic brain injuries lead to long-term disabilities in some people and not in others.316
David SuzukiBeyond reducing individual use, one of our top priorities must be to move from fossil fuels to energy that has fewer detrimental effects on water supplies and fewer environmental impacts overall.316
Joel SalatinIt really disturbs me that the environmental movement has been co-opted by creation-worshippers instead of being encouraged by the Creator-worshippers.318
Charles DuhiggMany environmental advocates argue that agricultural pollution will be reduced only through stronger federal laws.319
Simon MainwaringWhen people align around shared political, social, economic or environmental values, and take collective action, thinking and behavior that compromises the lives of millions of people around the world can truly change.319
Elizabeth WarrenI have voted against only one of President Obama's nominees: Michael Froman, a Citigroup alumnus who is currently storming the halls of Congress as U.S. Trade Representative pushing trade deals that threaten to undermine financial regulation, workers' rights, and environmental protections.320
Jane Velez-MitchellWouldn't it help Americans more, in the long run, if we were forced to accept some responsibility for the environmental wreckage we prefer to assume is totally out of our control?322
Vivienne WestwoodEconomists treat economics as if it is a pure science divorced from the facts of life. The result of this false accountancy is a willful confusion under cover of which industry wreaks its havoc scot-free and ignores the environmental cost.323
Jeffrey KlugerToxins love to get you while you're young. Lead, mercury, secondhand smoke and sundry other environmental nasties do a lot more damage when tissue is immature, vulnerable and growing than when it's mature and comparatively fixed.324
Sherrod BrownIf we're going to pass international trade agreements, as we should, they should have similar kind of rules, not as high a wage as obviously as a steelworker in the U.S. or in Lorain, Ohio, but certainly rules on the environment and worker safety. You go to Mexico, you don't see those kinds of worker protections or environmental safeguards.401
Frances BeineckeWhen the government undertakes or approves a major project such as a dam or highway project, it must make sure the project's impacts, environmental and otherwise, are considered. In many cases, NEPA gives the public its only opportunity to be heard about the project's impact on their community.402
Elon MuskBiofuels such as ethanol require enormous amounts of cropland and end up displacing either food crops or natural wilderness, neither of which is good.404
Ted DeutchCongress has no business telling courts within a state that they are prohibited from considering issues involving a lease for energy development, production, and exploration that has the potential to cause irreparable environmental and economic damage to the Gulf Coast area of that state.404
Jose AndresFood and the way we grow it and produce it are a major cause of environmental degradation.407
Margaret AtwoodIf one of the arguments against eating meat is to do with cruelty and animal intelligence, then lab meat avoids that. There's also the environmental argument for it.409
Paul GosarIt's absolutely shameful that Rep. Grijalva would try to use tribes as political pawns to implement the misguided agenda of extremist environmental groups.410
Eric SchneidermanWe've sued out-of-state power plants that are polluting our air and led a coalition of attorneys general from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and Massachusetts against efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives to remove critical environmental regulations that protect New York communities from toxic pollution.412
Jeremy CorbynRiding a bicycle is the summit of human endeavour - an almost neutral environmental effect coupled with the ability to travel substantial distances without disturbing anybody. The bike is the perfect marriage of technology and human energy.414
Leslie Odom, Jr.What is the future going to say about us now? What are our kids going to look at us and say, 'How could you not stop that person from getting into power? How could you not stop that environmental disaster that you saw coming a mile away?'416
Jimmy CarterI've used the prestige and influence of having been a president of the United States as effectively as possible. And secondly, I've still been able to carry out my commitments to peace and human rights and environmental quality and freedom and democracy and so forth.417
Bernie SandersGood environmental policy is good economic policy.421
Brian GreeneWhen you buy a jacket, you pick the size to ensure it fits. Similarly, we live in a universe in which the amount of dark energy fits our biological make-up. If the amount of dark energy were substantially different from what we've measured, the environmental conditions would be inhospitable to our form of life.421
Seth ShostakThe Moon stabilizes Earth's obliquity. Well, almost. The tilt actually varies between 22 and 24.5 degrees - and the variation is enough to induce such environmental inconveniences as the occasional ice age. Without the Moon, it might be much worse.422
Paul WatsonI've won some awards. 'Time' magazine designated me as one of the environmental heroes of the 20th century. Oh, and I've got some honorary citizenships, like from the Conch Republic of the Florida Keys. But the one thing I am proud of is I didn't get the Chevron environmental award. Never did get that one.423
Rebecca MacKinnonWithout global human rights, labor and environmental movements, companies would still be hiring 12-year-olds as a matter of course and poisoning our groundwater without batting an eyelid.423
Henry David ThoreauThank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth. 424
P. J. O'RourkeThere are plenty of problems in the world, and doubtless climate change - or whatever the currently voguish phrase for it all is - certainly is one of them. But it's low on my list.425
Peter SingerIf people are prepared to eat locally and seasonally, then they probably do pretty well in terms of environmental impact.425
Paul WatsonThe environmental movement doesn't have many deserters and has a high level of recruitment. Eventually, there will be open war.501
Bernie SandersI see a future where states compete with one another to see which can be the most efficient, and where businesses seek out efficient states in which to locate so they can reap the economic and environmental benefits for their businesses and employees.505
Craig VenterI think future engineered species could be the source of food, hopefully a source of energy, environmental remediation and perhaps replacing the petrochemical industry.505
Elon MuskAs you heat the planet up, it's just like boiling a pot.514
Paul WatsonUsually, environmental programs are not designed for a mainstream audience.517
Elon MuskI'm anti-tax, but I'm pro-carbon tax.524
Michael PollanMeat is a mighty contributor to climate change and other environmental problems. The amount of meat we're eating is one of the leading causes of climate change. It's as important as the kind of car you drive - whether you eat meat a lot or how much meat you eat.524
Henry David ThoreauIt appears to be a law that you cannot have a deep sympathy with both man and nature.601
Rebecca MacKinnonIt took a generation for companies to recognise their responsibilities in terms of labour practices and another generation for them to recognise their environmental obligations.608
Bernie SandersElection days come and go. But the struggle of the people to create a government which represents all of us and not just the one percent - a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice - that struggle continues.612
Bernie SandersI think it makes people in the Pentagon kind of nervous to know that chemical agents and environmental factors could cause so much damage in terms of what may happen in the future.614
Brian EnoI'd been making music that was intended to be like painting, in the sense that it's environmental, without the customary narrative and episodic quality that music normally has. I called this 'ambient music.' But at the same time I was trying to make visual art become more like music, in that it changed the way that music changes.618
Marianne WilliamsonHuman civilization as we know it is like the Titanic headed for the iceberg, whether the iceberg be nuclear, environmental or terrorism-related.706
Noam ChomskyThere are two problems for our species' survival - nuclear war and environmental catastrophe - and we're hurtling towards them. Knowingly.722
Bernie SandersClinton understands that climate change is real, is caused by human activity and is one of the great environmental crises facing our planet. She knows that we must transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and move aggressively to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.726
Noam ChomskyCongressional Republicans are dismantling the limited environmental protections initiated by Richard Nixon, who would be something of a dangerous radical in today's political scene.1803

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