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Frank Sinatra [1915-1998] American
Rank: 4
Musician, Singer

Francis Albert Sinatra was an American singer, actor, and producer who was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century. Sinatra's music has been considered timeless by many. 

Women, Attitude, Beauty, Best, Chance, Death, Family, Funny, Love, Men, Respect, Success, Truth

The best revenge is massive success. Best, Success
Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. Love
May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.
Cock your hat - angles are attitudes. Attitude
I like intelligent women. When you go out, it shouldn't be a staring contest. Women
I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.
Basically, I'm for anything that gets you through the night - be it prayer, tranquilizers or a bottle of Jack Daniels.
I'm for whatever gets you through the night. Funny
You treat a lady like a dame, and a dame like a lady.
You gotta love livin', baby, 'cause dyin' is a pain in the ass.
Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe. I'm honest.
I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually. Family
People often remark that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it. Chance
Throughout my career, if I have done anything, I have paid attention to every note and every word I sing - if I respect the song. If I cannot project this to a listener, I fail. Respect
I'm supposed to have a Ph.D. on the subject of women. But the truth is I've flunked more often than not. I'm very fond of women; I admire them. But, like all men, I don't understand them. Men, Truth, Women
Nothing anybody's said or written about me ever bothers me, except when it does.
Rock 'n Roll: The most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear.
Hell hath no fury like a hustler with a literary agent.
I'm gonna live till I die. Death
Dare to wear the foolish clown face.
I am a thing of beauty. Beauty
Don't get even, get mad.
Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you.
I believe that God knows what each of us wants and needs. It's not necessary for us to make it to church on Sunday to reach Him. You can find Him anyplace. And if that sounds heretical, my source is pretty good: Matthew, Five to Seven, The Sermon on the Mount.
What I do with my life is of my own doing. I live it the best way I can. I've been criticized on many, many occasions, because of - acquaintances, and what have you.
In Hoboken, when I was a kid, I lived in a plenty tough neighborhood.
A man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then, it's too late.
The martial music of every sideburned delinquent on the face of the earth.
Our civilization, such as it is, was shaped by religion, and the men who aspire to public office anyplace in the free world must make obeisance to God or risk immediate opprobrium.
I'm trying to figure out, Chairman of what Board? People come up to me and seriously say: 'Well, what are you Chairman of?' And I can't answer them.
For my money, Tony Bennett is the best singer in the business. He excites me when I watch him. He moves me. He's the singer who gets across what the composer has in mind, and probably a little more.
I'm like Albert Schweitzer and Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein in that I have a respect for life - in any form. I believe in nature, in the birds, the sea, the sky, in everything I can see or that there is real evidence for. If these things are what you mean by God, then I believe in God.
There are things about organized religion which I resent. Christ is revered as the Prince of Peace, but more blood has been shed in His name than any other figure in history. You show me one step forward in the name of religion, and I'll show you a hundred retrogressions.
My father had a piano that was a nickelodeon - put a nickel, and the roller would play.

The script ran 0.008 seconds.