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Stephen Moyer [1969-0] English
Rank: 103
Actor, Film actor

Stephen Moyer is an English film and television actor and director who is best known as vampire Bill Compton in the HBO series True Blood. 

Attitude, Funny, Romantic, Strength, Teen, Women

I often think a lot of women's attraction to vampires is based on the fact that vampires come from centuries ago, from eras of chivalry and courtly virtues. Women
Vampires are so old that they don't need to impress anyone anymore. They're comfortable in their own skin. It's this enigmatic strength that's very romantic and old-fashioned. I think it goes back to something of a Victorian attitude of finding a strong man who's going to look after his woman. Attitude, Romantic, Strength
Conflict is drama, and how people deal with conflict shows you the kind of people they are.
I love my kids beyond anything.
Film and theater are about misdirection and making the audience see something. I find it interesting. One of the things we do in 'True Blood' is shoot all of our stunts in camera. Instead of doing some kind of visual effect, we try to make it happen.
A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie and weird and odd and quirky. I'd love to do something like that. Who knows? Funny
Cardio is the devil.
I think half of what a trainer does is make you feel shame if you don't show up.
Even if you know that what you'll say will hurt a woman's feelings, I've learned that it's better to be truthful with her than it is to cover up. Ultimate honesty is what a relationship is really about.
The interesting thing about 'True Blood' is that its appeal is not contained to teenage girls. I get stopped in the street and questioned by 70-year-old men whose wives and daughters are making Bloody Marys and throwing 'True Blood' parties.
I was a mod when I was a kid. I'd be in Italian pencil-leg trousers with those bowling shoes you wear outside and a Fred Perry polo shirt with a V-neck sweater. It was like an Essex uniform - a very specific look.
I'm not a very violent dude, and if something can be settled without any physicality, I'm always in favor of that. But if somebody comes near my kids, the atavistic crazy lion comes out.
I used to be an atheist, but I've chilled out a bit on that.
In London I had pear trees in my back garden, so I'd make my own pear and green tomato chutney.
There are lots of procedural shows that I love, but I never really wanted to be a doctor on 'E.R.' - which I'm just picking as an example - or be on a crime procedural.
It's so funny when you're actually directing because things start popping that you don't expect to pop, and something that you think is going to pop, maybe doesn't quite have the impetus that you thought it might.
I wear lots of Junk de Luxe sweaters, Cult of Individuality jeans - which are about the best for me - and Fiorentini + Baker boots. With fashion I'm good on jeans and boots. Ask me about anything else, and I'll just look at you doe-eyed and not understand what you're talking about.
I am lazy.
I'm an English boy. I played a lot of sports growing up, but I never had any kind of workout regimen.
You know, men would much rather run away than talk about stuff, and my default setting has always been, 'If you have an argument, walk out the door.'
When you play a character you have to ask yourself, 'Can I make sense of what's happening here? Is this authentic?'
HBO Go is a fantastic way to spend your time.
Marmite is my little English touch, and I'm crazy for chutneys.
My character in 'The Caller' is very normal.
I didn't want to do film or commercials or television.
I was the classic liberal, left-wing, 'Theater is going to change the world' kind of person. You know, very, very boring.
I started a theater company when I was 17.
I used to teach kids when I was younger. When I was about 14 or 15 I started teaching children drama and something that I used to say to them was, 'Don't be afraid.' People would be afraid of forgetting their lines or something.
One of the things that I've been trying to do with my characters, one of the things that does lead to me turning things down, is I don't really want to repeat myself.
There is a difference between looking all right in a shirt and taking the shirt off. The older that us dudes get, the more the paunch has to be worked on. It's hard.
I was shocked the first time the paps got me in America - when a video camera is put in your face and you're asked questions and 15 people are walking backwards taking your picture. I was coming out of a pizza shop and had my daughter with me.
I think there are worse things for a teen to be enraptured with than 'Twilight.' Teen
Theatre was always my passion.
I love - oh God, I shouldn't say this - I'm really good at bringing orchids back from the dead.
Personally, I'm a big reader, and I've never wanted any of my favorite novels to be made into movies.
I did a lot of musicals when I was young and finally went to drama school to try and get away from doing musicals... and of course the first thing that happened when I got out is I got offered a musical. And then when I got to the Royal Shakespeare Company, which was my next job, I ended up doing a bloody musical!

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