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Poets with tag Spasmodic:

Spasmodic poetry frequently took the form of verse drama, the protagonist of which was often a poet. It was characterized by a number of features including lengthy introspective soliloquies by the protagonist, which led to the charge that the poetry was egotistical.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning1806-1861ENGChristian, Romanticism, Sonnet, Spasmodic, Victorian11833
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1807-1882USADidactism, Fireside poets, Romanticism, Spasmodic, Vernacular, Victorian46329
Alfred Lord Tennyson1809-1892ENGBipolar disorder, Didactism, Fantasy, Laureate, Romanticism, Spasmodic, Victorian, War18016
Arthur Hugh Clough1819-1861ENGSpasmodic, Victorian26246

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