Currently all Artinfuser Algo servers are in maintenance mode. I do not plan to continue supporting rendering music in this project.
Task configuration (task config) allows the user to control hundreds of parameters, which cannot be changed within web interface. To edit the task configuration, click on the task status icon and scroll down to config editor. Changes can be made and new configuration lines can be added, but be aware that this can lead to errors. The information about the errors can be found in the Algorithm warnings log on the task page.
Viewing configuration is also useful to understand which parameters were changed compared to default settings.
To edit task configuration click on task status and scroll down to task configuration window.
Assign values to the parameters:
some_parameter = 1
another_parameter = "ABC"
Start your comments with # sign:
# This whole line is just a comment
some_parameter = 1 # This is a comment for this parameter
show_correct_hatch = 1 # Set to 1 to mark corrected notes with hatch
If the required parameter is not in the config, proceed to the default config of the MGen algorithm and verify if the parameter is there (click the "Example and include configs" button under the task config, click your algorithm and go to include folder).
Examples of configs can also be consulted (click the "Example and include configs" button under the task config, click the MGen algorithm and choose any config file).
To change instrument parameters user should specify instrument group, instrument name, track id, then colon and then entering the parameter that needs to be changed. To locate the default values for the parameters and to know which parameters exist for each instrument, click the "Instrument configs" button below task config, and then click on the required instrument:
# Randomize note velocity not greater than this percent
"Violin/Arco/1": rnd_vel = 8
# Randomize step dynamics not greater than this percent
"Violin/Arco/1": rnd_dyn = 8
If there are multiple instruments of same type, specify the particular instrument config after the slash:
# Frequency (in percent) when legato can be replaced with non-legato by moving note end to the left
"Trumpet/SM Trumpet": nonlegato_freq = 13
# Minimum note length (in ms) allowed to convert to nonlegato
"Trumpet/SM Trumpet": nonlegato_minlen = 200
Here are types of instrument parameters that you can change:
library = "Friedlander Violin 1.5" # For which library algorithm is optimized
n_min = G3 # Lowest note
n_max = F7 # Highest note
t_min = 12 # Shortest note in ms
t_max = 0 # Longest melody withot pauses in ms (0 = no limit). Decreases with dynamics
# Panning: default 50 (maximum left, 50 - default position, 100 - maximum right):
"Trumpet/SM Trumpet": Pan = 50
# Volume: default 100 (relative volume from 0 to 100):
"Trumpet/SM Trumpet": Volume = 100
CC_Name = 59: "Transition speed"
Mutually exclusive keyswitches are organized into groups. Sending one keyswitch from a group cancels all other keyswitches from the group.
KswGroup = "F2: Color on", "F#2: Color off"
KswGroup = "D3: Normal", "D#3: Sul ponticello", "E3: Sul tasto" # Bow position
KswGroup = "G2: Sustain", "A2: Staccato", "A#2: Pizzicato", "B2: Tremolo" # Style
Transition speed = 80
Color on = 101
all_ahead = 54 # Time in ms to stretch sutain notes (not legato) back to cope with slow attack
tasto_import = 1 # Set to 0 to ignore sul tasto in source MIDI file and play as normal notes
bow_lock = 0 # 0 - do not lock bow, 1 - always sul tasto, 2 - always sul ponticello
# Direct CC volume, should not be changed by user:
"Flute/Normal": Volume_default = 89
Pitches used in task config correspond to the pitches in DAW. Pay attention, that they can differ from pitches in virtual instrument. For example, Kontakt virtual instrument can show F2 note, while in DAW and in task config it is G3.
Move instrument to the left from its default position (50):
# 0 - maximum left, 50 - default position, 100 - maximum right
"Violin/Arco/1": Pan = 40
Decrease instrument final mixer volume from its default (100):
# default 100 (relative volume from 0 to 100)
"Violin/Arco/1": Volume = 80
Apply "con sordino" articulation to the whole Violin track:
"Violin/Arco/1": InitTechnique = "con sord"
Disable random replacing of legato transitions with non-legato for Violin instrument:
# Frequency (in percent) when legato can be replaced with non-legato by moving note end to the left
"Violin/Arco/1": nonlegato_freq = 0
Randomly replace the legato transitions with non-legato only when the note is longer than 0.6 seconds for the Violin instrument:
# Minimum note length (in ms) allowed to convert to nonlegato
"Violin/Arco/1": nonlegato_minlen = 600
Disable gliss articulation for Violin instrument:
# Frequency of gliss articulation in percent
"Violin/Arco/1": gliss_freq = 0
Allow gliss transition only for notes longer than 1.2 seconds
# Minimum note length that can have a gliss transition
"Violin/Arco/1": gliss_minlen = 1200
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Ctrl-F | Cmd-F | Start searching |
Ctrl-G | Cmd-G | Find next |
Shift-Ctrl-G | Shift-Cmd-G | Find previous |
Shift-Ctrl-F | Cmd-Option-F | Replace |
Shift-Ctrl-R | Shift-Cmd-Option-F | Replace all |
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