Charice Pempengco [1992-0] American Rank: 105 Musician
Attitude, Dad
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I'm really proud to be Filipino. Filipinos are really supportive, and I want to thank all of them. I love them! | | 101I have come to accept the real me. I have come to love the real me. I now celebrate the real me. | | 102Beyonce is one of my inspirations. Her attitude, her style, her voice... she's perfect. | Attitude | 103Some of my friends are giving me law books. I love reading those. It's like my relaxation. | | 104I don't want to stay a singer forever. I want to fulfill my dream career as a lawyer! | | 105I really wanted to be a dancer, actually. Michael Jackson inspired me a lot. | | 106Maybe sometimes, when I see some kids, you know, with their families. It's making me cry. You know, maybe when I ask them, sometimes, like, 'How does it feel to have a dad?' And, you know, they tell me this great answers, and sometimes I wish my dad was here. | Dad | 107I think being on 'Glee' is such a great experience, but I think the best part was when I did 'All By Myself', because I love that song. | | 108Singing is still my number one. This whole acting thing, it's just for experience, and I just want the people to know that I have other stuff that I really love that I really wanna share with them. | | 109I always want to be surprised and just see what's going to happen next. But definitely next is going to be busy, too. | | 110When I was 4 years old, I thought that I wanted to be a dancer like Michael Jackson. | | 111Being a famous singer or an international singer - that's my dream, too, but my main goal is to be a real student and be able to graduate and be a lawyer and have my own business. | | 112It's a crazy busy schedule, but I still have two hours a day for school because it's a priority. | | 113I wanted to be a doctor, but my mom was like, 'It's really hard and it's going to take 10 years,' so I was like 'OK, I'll just be a lawyer'. | | 114I want to have a record with Beyonce or Lady Gaga. They are both my inspirations. Especially Beyonce. | | 115 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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