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Carey Mulligan [1985-0] English
Rank: 104

Carey Hannah Mulligan is an English actress. She made her acting debut on stage in London in the Kevin Elyot play Forty Winks in 2004. Her feature film debut was as Kitty Bennet in the 2005 film adaptation of Pride & Prejudice. She had early roles on British television in such programs as Bleak House, and Doctor Who. In 2008, she made her Broadway debut in a revival of Chekhov's The Seagull to critical acclaim.
Mulligan received widespread recognition for her performance in the film An Education. 

Famous, Morning

Those with dementia are still people and they still have stories and they still have character and they're all individuals and they're all unique. And they just need to be interacted with on a human level.
Posing on the red carpet feels like you're selling something that has nothing to do with you. If you do it with someone else, it's like we're saying, 'Oh! We come as a pair! Would you like to buy both of us? We're available for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs!'
I never get recognised here in London, which I like. Once a year, someone comes up to me and asks if I am 'so-and-so's niece' because they think they recognise me from somewhere. I like that.
I probably dreamt about running off to America or something when I was 16 because it just seemed like I was studying algebra and going, 'What am I going to use this for?'
The minute I get into a hotel room, I scatter my stuff everywhere. It's like a bomb site within a minute. So I suppose that means I'm trying to nest.
In London, people can be so... well, it's not even a case of people being unkind or unfriendly. You just don't make any contact in London. You go from A to B with your eyes on the pavement.
Sometimes it's so weird just to do an interview. This morning I was back in my parents' house, with my brother, and we went for a jog together, then had breakfast as a family. And a couple of hours later I'm wearing high heels and a dress and makeup, and talking about my job. Morning
I don't think you should ever damage other people for your art.
I'm more the sort of person who doesn't like hugging strangers because we don't know each other, so we shouldn't.
I never said I wanted to be a lead actress; I never said I wanted to be a film actress. This need to trump everyone bewilders me. I'm only 25. I'm not better than anyone. I just want to watch other people and learn to be good.
I have always hated nightclubs, and don't like loud music.
'It Girl' is such a weird term. It implies I go to parties and drink champagne.
You can spend an entire day walking around in New York, whereas in L.A., it always ends at some point because you have to find a way to get home.
I want to be in 'Glee', but I'm told I'm not famous enough to be a cameo yet. Famous
The thinnest I've ever been was after I had my appendix out, during the London run of The Seagull. I went down to 112 pounds and realized my brain doesn't work when I'm that thin, so I can't do my job. That's why, when I came out here, I never had that whole Hollywood pressure thing.
My character in 'Shame' is an outrageous person. Loud and uncompromising and I begged Steve McQueen to give me the job.
I am committed to helping Alzheimer's Society in any way I can. My family and I rely on the help of organisations like Alzheimer's Society to help us understand the disease and guide us in the care of my grandmother. It's been a privilege to meet so many people with dementia.
I don't know why people are so down on the Best Western. They have the best sweet potato fries I've ever had.
It doesn't matter what you feel - ultimately, it's what the audience feels. You can finish a scene and think to yourself, 'Oh, God. I was so deep in that moment,' and find it just didn't play. I don't know if I have very good radar about that or not.
People get married when they're 18 and spend their whole lives together. I think their greatest fear is that someone will see it as a fling because they were young and it didn't mean anything.
I remember in 'Pride and Prejudice' I had to do a scene where I broke down. And before we filmed I spent like three hours imagining my mum's funeral. Actually, she's very much alive, happy and healthy. It was really horrible.
I've always played characters that were younger than myself.
I love New York - maybe more than Los Angeles or London. I think I'm happiest in New York.
I don't wear a bikini on the beach. I walk around my house in pyjamas. I haven't seen myself naked in the mirror for probably a decade. I'm very prudish.
We had a tiny budget for 'The Greatest,' which was the opposite of 'Wall Street.' We just kind of went in and did it. You've got four or five takes and then you've got to move on. We didn't even have trailers to stay in or anything.

The script ran 0.003 seconds.