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Carine Roitfeld [1954-0]
Rank: 101

Carine Roitfeld is the former editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris, a position she held from 2001 to 31 January 2011. A former fashion model and writer, she announced her resignation on 17 December 2010 and was succeeded by Emmanuelle Alt. 

Attitude, Hope, Chance, Diet, Freedom, Friendship, Future, Home, Learning, Positive, Society, Strength

I'm not a superhero - I'm a super worker!
It's true I always like to mix femininity and something a bit masculine. It's the reason I love skirts with high heels and tights, and no handbag because I love having my hands in my pockets.
My name has become a brand - it could be make-up, clothing, perfume.
When you love fashion, there is no weekend. Everything just blends together.
I have good legs, so I prefer my skirt lengths and my high heels. It's like my uniform.
I was the muse of Tom Ford and Gucci for years, but that was a long time ago.
Pregnancy is something that I always love. It's about hope and the future and a new baby. Future, Hope
The true test of a man's style is the haircut. There are some men who look good no matter how their hair is styled, whether it's trendy or not. A man can change his haircut many times, but to pull off any haircut, you have to be very chic. Like Brad Pitt.
I think it's difficult to do fashion for men, because either you become very over-homosexual fashion or very boring fashion. You don't want a boy who looks 15 in a little pair of shorts with some strange art... But to see just a jacket and tie is boring.
I love ballet because you can see how beautiful the body is.
Ballet is good, because it makes you stand up tall.
I'm still like a butterfly going from one job to another job. But it's quite lovely - I hope to keep this freedom, to have fun. Freedom, Hope
Just because someone is holding a gun doesn't make an image controversial. It all depends on where you put the gun, who is holding it.
It is good to be in front of the lens to appreciate more being behind the lens.
'Grandmother' doesn't mean that you have gray hair and you retire and stay home cooking cakes for your grandchildren. Home
'Vogue' is a very specific world. You are 'Vogue,' or not 'Vogue.'
Makeup can help you capture a moment.
When I don't know what to wear, I wear black lace.
We are very luck to be women, so even if we're wearing trousers, I always wear them with some lace underwear or a very feminine bra - I like that.
I don't like intellectuals, or, at least, people who call themselves that way, because I am under the impression that there is always something condescending in their demeanour, and I don't like condescending people.
Amidst globalisation, trends are becoming worldwide, so it's important to take a unique approach to what fashion has to offer. Be yourself in the middle of it all; fashion shouldn't be 'try hard.'
I love black lingerie and white shoes, and I love knives.
When you give a lot of confidence in people and you don't get it back, you are a bit disappointed, but it's life.
Karl Lagerfeld looks very tough because of the glasses, and he has all these rings and the leather gloves, and he's so smart. But he's a very nice person... when he comes into a room or studio, he is going to say hello to each person, and the same when he leaves.
When I left French 'Vogue,' New York welcomed me with a big, big hug.
I love the free spirit in London.
When in doubt, wear a suit. Look at male politicians: you see them in a suit, and they look fine. But if you see a picture of them on the weekend or on vacation, there's a good chance they look terrible and unstylish. Chance
I'm always independent. No boss.
I made a big family when I was working at 'Vogue' for ten years, and I'm still friends with a lot of them.
People think I only wear new clothes, that I'm very trendy, but I like classic things on me, to mix with a trendy pair of shoes.
I'm not a nostalgic person: I never look back; I always forget.
When you're getting old, obviously you try to put on the best cream, you have massages, you try to stay beautiful, but I think wrinkles can sometimes be more beautiful than having none.
I keep my old friends, and get older with them, but push young. It's good to be surrounded by kids, because they keep you young.
Fashion is a language, for sure, and it is a reflection of society. Society
Fashion has a political role insofar as following it can give you the impression to belonging to a certain social group or a private club.
Maybe people have no idea how much work is behind a picture. It can seem very effortless, but there is a lot of work. It's exactly like doing ballet. It's hours and hours, but when you go onstage, it's just the pleasure of dancing.
I mix talents and friendship, which is not very professional, but it's my way of thinking. So I love Azzedine Alaia, because I've known him for 30 years, and he's making my dresses most of the time. Friendship
If you don't want to get bored with what you're doing, you have to change.
I'm so tired of this vision of fashion of a diva with a big ego, and you think of big dark glasses to be pretentious and keep far away from the people.
Fashion is not about clothes, it is about a look.
You can't put yourself into competition with a magazine like 'Vogue.' You have to create something new, something different.
Enthusiasm is something so positive. Positive
You know it's very important, the role of a mother... I don't know, but it's feminism to me to love your kids.
The hair and makeup is very important in a fashion picture. When I create a look for a girl, it starts with the makeup. Sometimes it takes an entire day to find the look.
I think that each woman, whatever age, needs to recognize something good in her body. Someone has beautiful legs, someone has beautiful hair, someone else has beautiful decolletage or a beautiful waist or beautiful hands. Everyone has something great.
The first Chanel jacket that I saw - that I knew was Chanel - was on TV. It was on Mrs. Kennedy - the pink one.
Bleaching eyebrows makes me crazy.
People might think I'm very hard, what with my black make-up, my hair over my eyes, etc. My innocence didn't always help me, but it did preserve something in me that maybe others don't have anymore. I'm inside my bubble, you could say, and thankfully so, because I don't think daily life is always great. It protects me.
I started wearing high heels when I first worked with Mario Testino. He is tall; I had to be at his height. And I have never stopped since then.
Look at someone like Steve Jobs. His look wasn't very special - black turtleneck and jeans - but he had style. He looked the same, and you knew it was him when you saw him. Plus, he was a very smart person, which is also very attractive. His style was simple, not distracting, and very strong.
I'm not a business girl. I will never be a business girl, but I will say, for Anna Wintour, that I respect successful people; I like things that are success.
I think that ballet is very good for the body. It's very similar to yoga, because you have to hold a position.
If I could choose something besides fashion, I would love to be a ballerina.
You can be covered and be very sexy. It's not what you show; it's what you have in mind, the way you cross your legs, the way you talk to people.
When I was young, no one got married. Now, all the young people, they want to get married, they want security. Now that my children's friends are getting married, I go to more weddings than I ever did when I was young.
Fashion is supposed to be light and not try too hard.
One time, a burglar came to my apartment, so we called the police. My son was here, so I think they left before they tried to steal something. So the police come to my apartment, and they say, 'Oh my God, did they steal everything?' I was like, 'No, it was like that!'
My private life is a lot more ladylike and less sultry than the fashion photos I imagine.
In a way, I envy the freedom artists have. Artists can push themselves beyond their limits, in pursuit of their ideas and their vision, even if they are inhabited by demons that can also play tricks on them.
The fashion industry certainly has its obscene sides. The cost of a coat can be obscene. So can the cost of a photo shoot if you're working with a really good photographer.
I like to provoke. I'm very French.
Thinking differently is my strength. Strength
In my 10 years, I never put a girl that was too skinny in French 'Vogue.'
Fashion's about extravagance, and everyone needs a bit of that.
I was never conscious that I was becoming an icon or I'm not an icon, because my family, my kids, my husband keep me down-to-earth.
When Tom Ford asked me to consult for Gucci, I had never consulted in my life. I didn't know what consulting was, and look, we made something amazing.
I'm not a Facebook girl. Even though there is a fake Facebook with my name, it's not me. I'm not on Twitter; it's not me.
Sometimes pressure can be good, and it gives you a lot of energy to do something.
You discover yourself through the research of your work. Learning
My father was very chic. My mum was always encouraging me. Some parents would say, 'Why don't you be a lawyer, a doctor, or something more important?' They never said that.
What is chic is just to be perfect, like magical, no?
I miss my parents. But still, my granddaughter, my daughter, my grandma, you know, so it's very important for me. You lost your parents, but a new baby comes. It's like the cycle of fashion.
Paris is mostly retired people - I love it, and it's a beautiful city, but it's quite slow.
Most makeup campaigns are not in black and white.
I think that something needs to be weird in order to have a real beauty.
Either you are a good Virgo or a crazy Virgo! The good Virgo side of me is educating and raising the children - being there for them.
If I like a make-up artist's look, even if nobody knows about her, I use her. New people give me energy.
'Vogue' is a bigger name than my name.
Each morning I do my ballet class for one hour; after that, it means one hour less to get ready.
Only buy clothes that you plan to keep forever. It's important to see trends for what they are: a game.
Becoming a grandmother brought me back to the things I forgot to love. Nature. Playing. Seeing animals. A new way of looking. A rejuvenation. A cycle of life - things come back to you. The details.
Each morning, you dress to become a different woman. Fashion helps.
I am not a celebrity. I work with celebrities, and it is very difficult. When a celebrity wears a dress, it's good for business, so brands fight for the red carpet. Me? I don't like it, because fashion becomes a job about dressing celebrities. And it's a bit boring.
I'm a very spontaneous person, for the bad and the good.
I don't like Botox. It makes a very strange forehead.
I am Parisian. I don't love the French.
Like most Russians, I am very superstitious, and if I don't get married, I don't get divorced.
I love curvy women. Maybe because I'm not. I would love to be a Marilyn Monroe, but I'm very far away from that... So I love very curvy girls.
To see yourself on the big screen, you're big, you hate your voice, your vocabulary. You say the same words, you speak bad.
I have a couture body.
I think beauty can be everywhere.
I'm not bad-looking, but I'm not a beauty, either.
I don't have a big appetite. I don't eat a lot, to be honest - never. I'm a bit like a little bird, picking all day long, but I'm not getting pasta or getting all those things, you know?
To me, makeup is fashion and vice versa. What I dress and what I wear always needs to work with my makeup, which is usually the same anyway.
I am from the age of magazines, so the Internet is terrifying to me. But I am learning.
It is very wrong to sleep in your make-up, but when you wake up the next morning, I think it looks very good.
When you have the baby, there is no BlackBerry, no computer; you just have the baby on your stomach, and your heart is beating the same time as the baby's. It's very nice.
Do what you are not supposed to do, like wear white shoes all year round.
When you get older, you have to stay a bit rock n' roll so that young people will still be interested in you. The way you move, the way you talk, maybe the way you have your hair in your face a little bit - this keeps you interesting.
Sometimes, when you go to airport and look at the people, you see the worst looks - but the worst looks can give you more ideas than the best looks.
I have a lot to say about fashion - not just about fashion, but beauty, art.
Fashion is very tough, and we shouldn't forget that before designers were money-makers, they were artists.
It's funny, everything is so much easier when you do it yourself.
Working for a magazine, you have a boss; you are not free.
London Fashion Week isn't the most organised, but I don't mind that. It's such an exciting place - it's small and cool.
Monsieur Saint Laurent was pathologically shy, and he made the Saint Laurent woman in his own image. Like her, I am shy. And to protect myself, I adopted something of an androgynous look, just as his women did.
I'm not the girl next door.
For me, fashion is not about reality.
A lot of rumours on the Internet are wrong and horrible.
There are so many magazines and so many editors out there that you have to be different.
If you are a reader of 'Harper's Bazaar,' to me, you are a woman who loves fashion, but not just fashion; you love fashion, you love travel, you love art, you love music.
I started as a writer for magazines, and soon they asked me to illustrate my stories. I started from the bottom of the bottom. And I climbed the stairs, one by one.
I think it is good when something can stay interesting for a long time. It's not just a trend for one month.
I am very surprised by someone like Alexander Wang. I am amazed how he is good with fashion, with business, with public relations himself, with an attitude in his clothes that is spoken immediately. Attitude
People say I look like my father. My son is very much like him.
Fashion shows used to be more crazy. Now they've become a bit too serious.
In photo shoots, I rely on instinct. Which is not to say I don't bring ideas to a project or consider it beforehand.
I hate people who over intellectualize. It bores me deeply.
In Japan, you can learn how to make a bunch of flowers. This is an art. Tea ceremony, it's an art.
I hate mules. I hate the noise when someone walks with mules. Clomp, clomp, clomp. I think it's very not chic. I don't even like a flip-flop. I don't like this noise.
The reason I call my book 'Irreverent' is because there were a lot of pictures that were very irreverent. Maybe I could call my book 'Forgiving' because maybe I made a lot of errors, too.
As you get older, you see life is very short, so you have to appreciate more and more and to enjoy it.
Sometimes you think you aren't a good mama; you always feel a bit guilty when you're a mom. You want to be everywhere.
We have the sort of beautiful older woman here in Paris. People like Loulou de la Falaise and Betty Catroux, all these beautiful looking women over 60... So there is culture here in France that even if you are older, you can stay beautiful.
I think it's less common in France that a man at the age of 50 buys a Porsche and gets a young girlfriend.
I think it's good to have surprises in fashion because we always see the same things.
I discovered the slip dress, which I think is one of the more French things because when you take off your clothes, even when to go into a shop to buy something, or you're going to Riccardo Tisci to try on a suit, it's like having protection.
The most important thing is posture: when you get old, it's the way you walk, the way you stand, that shows it.
Fashion isn't something you can buy; you need to have the sense of it, and most people don't.
Dancing is the last sport with no sponsor.
You lose attitude when you feel too comfortable, so I prefer to wear clothes that have a certain edge to them. Attitude
My hair and make-up secret is 'the messier the better.'
When you have a magazine like 'Vogue,' you know a lot of kids are going to follow your pictures.
Fashion is one big family.
I like to surprise people. I try to take risks.
I love if someone invites me to a restaurant, so I don't know if that's a feminist.
Fashion is a completely international business.
Designers have told me that their collections are so me, but I don't always recognise it because if you ask me what my style is, I'm really not that sure.
I am afraid of blood, but for some reason often I put blood in my photos... I don't know why.
I actually love the 'rappers look,' with the saggy pants and oversized clothes. It's very deliberate.
People ask me 'Why you want to do another magazine - 10 years at 'Vogue,' a great magazine? Why do you want to make a new one? It's so difficult and there's already so many.' I wanted to do something new, bring a new vision.
I always love to push myself, because I am not so self-confident.
I don't think because you have money you have taste... Education and money - this is quite rare. No?
My mom read French 'Elle' when I was a little girl, and so, when I was 15 or 16, I said, 'I want to work in fashion.'
The less you have, the more you enjoy.
Even though jeans suit me, I never wear jeans.
There are a lot of good men's magazines. In England, you have 'Arena Homme+' and 'Another Man;' and in France we have 'L'Officiel Hommes.' But all are looking similar.
The Russians are very much more up and down than the French.
I never think I have to prove something.
I want to be the Joan of Arc of fashion. I want to be the link between the runway and the real woman.
I want more women to run countries. There'd be more peace on Earth.
I think I have character, and that is what people like in me.
I never like to wear too much makeup, and sometimes the best makeup is when it's not too perfect. I like to sometimes apply my makeup with my fingers.
I get on well with models, and I like to treat them well.
I could live very quietly, do advertising to earn money.
I would never share my daughter's wardrobe. Every five years you have to go through your wardrobe and say, 'This is possible, this is not possible.' But you have to be happy with yourself.
You can be beautiful with big breasts; you can be beautiful in your 40s. If you don't have perfect ankles, still you can move your legs in a certain way and look very sexy.
I see girls who are so skinny on the catwalks, and I know so many of them destroy their lives and their family's lives.
I am not mean at all; I am not tough at all.
When I was working with Tom Ford, he would just look at me and ask, 'Will you wear it?' I'd say, 'Ah, too long, too short, lower waist, deeper V, unbutton' - that sort of thing. I don't create clothes, but I definitely know how to make them come alive.
It's interesting to know how much you are worth.
People always say, 'You look like Iggy Pop.'
Anna Wintour is the most powerful woman in the global fashion industry, the first lady of fashion. She's a politician; I'm a stylist. They are two very different jobs.
If Caravaggio was a photographer today, I would love to work with him. I love his dark vision - I have a dark vision.
'Vogue' is a very beautiful magazine, an institution, and I learned so much working there.
I always try to be nice to the paparazzi because finally, maybe one day, they won't ask for me, and I will regret it.
To be a good model, you have to be very smart.
We are very lucky to work in fashion and not work in a hospital or something where the biggest deal we come across is perhaps the length of a skirt.
Working with Barneys, and choosing the looks, I was thinking about whether a real woman would buy this outfit and feel beautiful and comfortable.
You don't choose your public; your public chooses you.
I am very lucky in that I can eat what I want and don't have to follow any special diet. Diet
French 'Vogue' was always a photographer's magazine.
I don't think the woman in French 'Vogue' was an object. She was always a real woman.
At the start, I had no idea to go into fashion, because I thought people would think I was stupid. I don't worry about those things anymore.
When everything is good, maybe I think it's the time to do something else.
Blogs are quite a new development - now, everyone wants to know you, everyone wants to know everything about you. And you can build a following that way. In a way, it's a good thing if you want to create a buzz around yourself.
I definitely want to work on a project with young designers, not just French but international.
I think the 'Harpers Bazaar' woman is not a fashion victim; she understands fashion but is not a victim, you know.
When you're writing, you're on your own, and I like to work as a team.
I saw 'The Devil Wears Prada.' I don't think it's a reality.
A magazine is not just one person. And a fashion shoot is the same!
I do think fashion is fun! Much more than people think.
I know that people in fashion and people in general hate to be filmed.
Yes, I can speak a bit and I can read and write in Russian. I learned it from my grandmother who raised me with all the Russian fairytales.
The Russians are extreme people: they are generous but crazy at the same time. They always have something to say, and I really like that.
It's very difficult for designers today. How can someone produce so many shows? Now the minimum is four a year.
When a designer creates, he looks at the world around him.
I've always used black girls on the runway, because I think they're beautiful. I don't need people to tell me, 'You need to use black girls.' I did for 20 years; it's not a new thing for me.
If Kate Moss hadn't been booked when she was 14, Kate Moss might not exist.
If you listen too much, you won't be able to create.
I think when I became a grandmother my life changed a lot, and I think I changed personally.
I think that Americans, they love comfort more than Europeans. Americans created the T-shirt, the sweat pants, and they create the best sporting shoes.
If I'm doing something in fashion, I will try to respect the 'laws' of the business, but I will try to keep my integrity and my respect for the designers and for my readers.
I am very excited to be able to work more with young designers and support them.
Here in France, I've seen some very good young designers, but they don't have this ability to be good businessmen, too. I think America gives you this.
I am just doing photo shoots. It's not something that extraordinary. I'm not a great artist, I'm not writing books, I'm not a painter, and people in the streets ask me for a picture or a note, and I say, 'Why?'
If people ask me to describe my look, I always say: 'Quite classic with an edge.'
When you're editor-in-chief of a big magazine, you cannot be a cover girl for MAC; you cannot be the face of Givenchy - of course you can't; it's doesn't go with the job.
When you go to a show, Americans in New York are very proper, much more so than the French. Everything is perfect. Their hair, the nails, everything. The look. Everything is perfection.
There are too many 50-year-olds dressing as 20-year-olds.
It's always fun when people ask you for advice.
Fashion is a hard business.
I love the noise of my wooden clogs on my wooden floor. Dancers wear clogs. They're good for you.
When I was a little girl, my mother tried to make me dance, but I did not like it then.
Coco Chanel was always doing things with ballet, so it is a tradition clashing fashion and ballet.

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