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Yitzhak Rabin [1922-1995] Israeli
Rank: 101
Statesman, Former Prime Minister of Israel

Yitzhak Rabin was an Israeli politician, statesman and general. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Israel, serving two terms in office, 1974–77 and 1992 until his assassination in 1995.

Peace, Chance, Death

Jerusalem is united, will never be divided again.
We do not celebrate the death of our enemies. Death
You don't make peace with friends. You make it with very unsavory enemies. Peace
We must think differently, look at things in a different way. Peace requires a world of new concepts, new definitions. Peace
No Arab ruler will consider the peace process seriously so long as he is able to toy with the idea of achieving more by the way of violence. Peace
It is not worth the paper it is written on unless it is backed by the kind of force that will make the other side consider the penalties too heavy to break the agreement.
I am 73 years old. I was born in Jerusalem. I'm the first prime minister of Israel to be born here. I am the only former general to become a prime minister.
Only the change on the international scene, the crisis in the gulf, and the strong, firm position of the United States against aggression between two Arab countries created realities that led to the Madrid Peace Conference. Peace
I believe that it is my responsibility as the prime minister of Israel to do whatever can be done to exploit the unique opportunities that lie ahead of us to move towards peace. Not everything can be done by one act. Peace
Israel has an important principle: It is only Israel that is responsible for our security.
The struggle to get weapons is continuous, but the United States will aid us, if it finds Israel displaying a willingness for peace. Peace
Practically the only way to dry the swamp of radical Islam is through economic development and an improved standard of living.
Give peace a chance. Chance, Peace
We must fight terrorism as if there's no peace process and work to achieve peace as if there's no terror. Peace
Let the Palestinians run their affairs: create a situation in which no Israeli soldier will have to maintain public order, whether in Gaza or the West Bank. Let's give it to the Palestinians, as long as there is security for us. No more occupying another people.
A diplomatic peace is not yet the real peace. It is an essential step in the peace process leading towards a real peace. Peace
I believe however that peace is attainable regardless of the Arabs mentality, society or government. Peace
I believe that in the long run, separation between Israel and the Palestinians is the best solution for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat, the leader of the PLO, the representative of the Palestinian people, with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities, Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state, entity, next to us, living in peace.
I would like Israel to be a Jewish state, and therefore not to annex over 2 million Palestinians who live in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to Israel, which will make Israel a bi-national state.
Israel is no longer a people that dwells alone, and has to join the global journey toward peace, reconciliation and international cooperation.
In the midst of fighting there is no place for public debate.
The world is no longer against us.
Israel's willingness to cooperate closely with the U.S. in protecting American interests in the region altered her image in the eyes of many officials in Washington.
It is our duty, to ourselves and to our children, to see the new world as it is now.
I don't see any reason to discriminate against homosexuals.
There's nothing harder than defining oneself.
I think that life in Israel is sometimes bigger than the movies.
I don't believe that in the name of the holiness of the city you have to put barbed wires, machine gun nests, mine pins and everything of that, in the name of the holiness of Jerusalem.
As far as Israel, I am not worried about the relations between Israel and the United States.
You can always make peace with an F-16 in your pocket.
Terror cannot be finished by one war.
In fighting terror, you cannot let it interfere with the normal life of civilians in Israel.
I don't want to be the policeman of Lebanon. It's not the business of Israel. Israel was not created to serve as a policeman of the region.
I'm trying to learn the lessons of the past, but not to make speeches about the past.
President Sadat of Egypt made a historic breakthrough in 1977 when he put an end to war and convinced both Egyptians and Israelis that he was ready to make peace. He broke down the walls of suspicion and prejudice.
As prime minister, I changed Israel's position on peace negotiations. I made it clear that we are ready to go along with Resolution 242 of the U.N. Security Council, which specifies withdrawal to secure and recognized boundaries in the context of peace.
Although it is true that Hizballah is organized, inspired, financed, and armed by Iran, its main bases in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley are under Syrian military control.
Lebanon is a Syrian protectorate. The Lebanese dare not do anything without the approval of Damascus.
Arafat carried out what I consider to be atrocities.
I don't pretend that I can imagine myself as a Palestinian.
In the Jewish tradition, there is at the same time Jerusalem in the heavens and Jerusalem on the ground. Jerusalem is a living city, but also the heart, the soul of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Regardless of some disagreements in the past with Dr. Kissinger, I personally had a very good relationship with the secretary when I served as ambassador to the United States and later on as premier.

The script ran 0.007 seconds.