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Vinnie Jones [1965-0] British
Rank: 101

Vincent Peter "Vinnie" Jones is a British actor and former professional footballer who played as a midfielder from 1984 to 1999 notably for Wimbledon, Leeds United, Sheffield United and Chelsea.

Age, Chance, Home, Movies, Romantic, Travel

My mum calls my temper 'Devilman.' They say you calm down with age, but I don't know. It never goes away. Age
I always went to Ireland as a child. I remember trips to Dundalk, Wexford, Cork and Dublin. My gran was born in Dublin, and we had a lot of Irish friends, so we'd stay on their farms and go fishing. They were fantastic holidays - being outdoors all day and coming home to a really warm welcome in the evenings. Home
I've always had my ear pierced with a diamond stud. I did it myself when I was 16.
Over the years, I've had about 80 stitches in my head and face from football incidents and bar incidents, so I have lots of scars. I don't think I look intimidating, but I'm sure other people have their opinions.
My parents split when I was 13. For a youngster, it's quite devastating. One minute you're all happy families, then everything changes.
I like Alaska for the salmon fishing - it's fantastic there. I usually stay in a log cabin with no one around for miles. I like to go with friends, but I'm also happy to be on my own with nature.
For years in football I was angry with the game, angry with pundits and, a lot of the time, angry with the journalists writing about me. All that changed when I got my break in movies. Movies
I signed schoolboy forms for Watford when I was 12, but then my parents got divorced, and I never kicked a ball for three years. I rebelled, I left home, but getting back into football sorted me out. It was the second chance I needed. Chance
I'm a Conservative, but I talk for the ordinary working classes. I get on with the boys at the pub, but I can also mix with Prince Andrew. I understand both levels. The toffs haven't lived in council estates; they've just known big mansions. How can they understand how the postman feels? I would never say no to becoming an MP.
After 'Big Brother,' people came up to me in the street shouting, 'You woz robbed!'
I've got the FA Cup tattooed on my leg and the Leeds United emblem, too. On my back, I've got, 'It's been emotional,' which is my line from 'Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.' I'm fond of my tattoos, and I'm still having more.
Football became my life at five or six. The earliest memory I have is of playing in my first boots, a pair of black and white Alan Balls. It was 1970, four years after the World Cup, and I scored three goals at school.
I buy hats like women buy shoes. I have well over 150.
When two people break up, it's all about them; they can't see anyone else. And the people getting smashed to bits are the kids. Then you're getting torn - your mum wants you, your dad wants you. You just get shredded. It has a long-lasting effect as well.
People say you can get bored of the sunshine in L.A. No, you can't.
The likes of Frank Lampard and John Terry at Chelsea, English players with proper status at a club, they're going to be like the dodo bird. Extinct.
People say, 'I love 'Snatch,' I love 'Lock Stock,' but I want to be more than a movie name. I'd love to be more of a household name.
There are a few YouTube clips of me singing at The King's Head in Santa Monica, so you can see how bad I am.
I've always felt that people put me down, and I'd fight back. I played football 15 years, and nobody gave me any credit, and they never will do.
I'm lucky in that I travel a lot for work. I also manage several holidays a year. I'm not someone who sits in the sun or goes sightseeing, though. If I go away, it will be for fishing or something like that. Travel
For some people, becoming a parent does change them, but it never changed me.
We all carry our past. But it is a case of getting on with your life and improving it, if you want to.
Americans don't care what your language is, your race is, whatever. Everyone is there to do their own thing and be successful. I wish people in Britain would be more positive.
I was captain of Wales; I've been captain of numerous football clubs.
John Wayne never ever disappointed his fans, because he was a cowboy.
There's good action stars. I'm a bad-guy action star. What disappoints me is when you all of a sudden you get a good action star and then he wants to play a comedy with kids, you know? That upsets me, and that's not being true to your fans.
To me, England is past its sell-by date. It's not the country I grew up in.
Awareness about heart disease has got to be raised.
Film is like football - you join a team, get close to one or two people, then never hear from them again. I don't get emotionally involved. Do one, move on.
I'd like to be the romantic lead one day, but I've got to grow my hair first. Romantic
Look at me - I was the boo boy for years and years. Did I ever think I would end up in Hollywood or the FA Cup final? No, I didn't.
I was offered 'I'm A Celebrity...' for a lot of money, but I don't like the level of degradation.
I always want to try new things, and 'Mean Machine' has given me that chance. I have got plans to carry on acting and would love to play all sorts of roles - you'll see that there's more strings to my bow!
In 'Hell Ride,' I play a biker - it's about the bikers. It's with Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen, Larry Bishop and myself. We're bikers, and I play Billy Wings; I've got all sorts of wings, and you have to watch the movie to find out what the wings are about.
I do my independent stuff where it's real acting if you like. Intense, drama stuff. I love me actions.

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