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Tony Hale [1970-0] American
Rank: 104

Anthony "Tony" Hale is an American actor & comedian, best known for his role in the Fox comedy series Arrested Development as the neurotic Buster Bluth. 

Architecture, Thankful

A lot of times, you feel like you're walking on eggshells in a creative environment, because everyone's having to watch out for egos so much of the time.
The Eisenhower Building - the furniture is mismatched; everything is just bad decor and bad quality. Everybody's looking down at their Blackberry. It's a really frantic, mismatched environment. But on the exterior, it's this whitewashed, gorgeous building. It's a fascinating contrast.
I kinda like Florida. It's hot as hell, but we moved to Tallahassee, which is so close to Georgia. It really wasn't Florida the way people think of Florida. It wasn't south Florida. But you could still easily drive to Panama City Beach and get a little bit of Redneck Riviera if you want that. Get some airbrushed T-shirts on, and you're done.
If a D.C. event doesn't have crab cakes, it's low-rent and you need to flee.
Look, if I ever stop being grateful for gigs, I just need to stop. Because this business is... you know, it's just so kind of job-to-job, and the fact that I've continued working... I'm just incredibly thankful for it. And I never, ever take it for granted. Thankful
What's fascinating about D.C., the exteriors are these elaborate structures, this gorgeous architecture and beautiful stonework, and then you go inside and it's crap-looking - apart from the White House, which is beautiful. Architecture
I always admire people who do commercials because they have to put together a beginning, a middle, and an end in 30 seconds.
But I will say that Harve Presnell... he was one of those guys who, when you're standing in a room with him... he's such an older masculine force that I remember thinking, 'Wow, his voice makes me sound like Pee-Wee Herman.'
And you know, whether it's drama or comedy, the best work is based on truth. It's just that, with comedy, the circumstances are just crazy-heightened, and you have these crazy things thrown at you. But you still have to do it truthfully, because that's where the humor comes from. So it's not that difficult to cross over.
It's very rare to have rehearsal time on a television show: You get scripts, you show up, and you do it.
I've had the opportunity to do a wide range of stuff, a lot of different characters and they've all had their own kind of thing.
It's always a surprise! This business is always an adventure.
My family was very supportive of whatever I wanted because my grandfather was an opera singer. My dad's dad. So my dad has an appreciation for the arts, and he let me choose my own path.
There are things that can only be said with a good string of cussing. I'm definitely fond of a few choice words. They say things that nothing else can say. Gotta love it.
What would be a show that I would rescue? If I could bring anything back, it would be 'The Carol Burnett Show'. Tim Conway is just... I just watched him so many times do stuff over and over. He's just so amazing.
I was telling somebody just the other day, there's technically such a hierarchy in this business. You have film, that's the ideal; then you have TV, and things like web series do not claim as much cred, but the fact is, if the material is solid and I believe and trust in the team that's involved, I don't care what format it is.
The only bipartisan place in D.C. is Brooks Brothers.

The script ran 0.006 seconds.