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Susan Faludi [1959-0] American
Rank: 106
Writer, Journalist

Susan Charlotte Faludi is an American journalist and author. She won a Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism in 1991, for a report on the leveraged buyout of Safeway Stores, Inc., a report that the Pulitzer Prize committee commended for depicting the "human costs of high finance". 

Car, Government, Happiness, Leadership, Marriage, Men, Relationship

Divorced men are more likely to meet their car payments than their child support obligations. Car, Men
The system of heroism depends on women to be weak so men can be strong.
What happened with Hurricane Katrina was the American electorate was forced to look at what lay behind the veneer of chest-beating. We all saw the consequences of having terrible government leadership. Government, Leadership
Feminism's agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to choose between public justice and private happiness. Happiness
A lot of people seem to want to make the institution of marriage substitute for a real relationship. Marriage, Relationship
As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women's mental health: employment improves it.
The media and the rest of popular culture weren't recording people's reactions to 9/11; they were forcing made-up reactions down people's throats.
The culture used to move relatively slowly, so you could take aim. Now it moves so fast, and is so fluffy and meaningless, you feel like an idiot even complaining about it.
I think a reason that a lot of people feel politically paralysed is that it used to be clear how power was organised. But those who have their hands on the levers of popular culture today have great power - and it isn't even clear who they are.
The women's movement hit my neighborhood like a freight train. Everybody got divorced. You wonder what would have happened to women if the suburbs hadn't been built.
Part of me has certainly been motivated by wanting to take a stand against the restrictions that made Mother give up so much.

The script ran 0.005 seconds.