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Minnie Driver [1971-0] English
Rank: 103

Amelia Fiona "Minnie" Driver is an English actress and singer-songwriter. She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Gus van Sant's Good Will Hunting, as well as an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe for her work in the television series The Riches.

Change, Dating, Romantic

I wouldn't change a thing about what I've done in the past because what may have been bad choices have all led me to this moment. Change
I don't know why my parents split up. I guess they just drifted apart, but I do know they stayed very good friends.
The Masonic aspect of Hollywood is so bizarre.
You can never be guaranteed good roles because of an award, but I think your profile and net worth as a performer has to do with awards, unfortunately.
But I love filmmaking - I'm not ashamed of that. You're sort of vilified if you say that in England.
Last year my boyfriend gave me a painting - a very personal one. I really prefer personal gifts or ones made by someone for me. Except diamonds. That's the exception to the rule. Dating
People go 'You look a lot like Minnie Driver.' Once I said, 'Thanks, Minnie is a great actress.' But, it blew up in my face. This person said, 'Nah, didn't like the last movie she did.'
I can set up shop anywhere. I've got my oils, I've got my yoga mat and I'm good to go. I must know good yoga classes in about 25 cities on this planet.
Anyone who has that weird volition to become an actor probably has a weird volition to do lots of other creative things - to write, to play music, to paint, to cook.
I really fancy Harrison Ford. I've got to say I think he's really divine. He's, like, an older man, I guess, although he's not really that old, obviously. I don't want to offend him.
What part of people is resistant to an artist doing more than one thing? Is it somehow perceived as greedy? Anyone who has that weird volition to become an actor probably has a weird volition to do lots of other creative things - to write, to play music, to paint, to cook.
I'm never going to be comfortable being squished into a box, and that's why it's been weird in Hollywood, they don't know what to do with me, because I can play the game up to a point, but then I can't at all.
Babies are endlessly fascinating to look at and I'm obsessed about their complete and utter lack of guile.
I don't know how you would live in the world of Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston and being stalked. It's just brutal.
People seem to like this image of me being all boho and hippy. It's either that or I'm down on my luck, I've got no money, the work's dried up.
As a single mum I have to work, so I'm grateful to have the help of a wonderful and trusted nanny like I had when I was young.
I wouldn't go back and be 25 again for all the tea in China.
I waited a long time to have children because I had this career that was kind of like my kid, it required as much nurturing.
I swear to God, I would marry the first person who asked me, just because it seems so completely impossible that anyone would ask.
Celebrity is a weird appendage, which is useless unless you do something with it.
I like the theater enormously, but I truly love films - the whole bizarre, boring process that it can be.
You do a James Bond film, you're being part of an anachronism, a tradition.
Singing is my dream and, while it may have not been a commercial success, critically I was thrilled with the reception my first album got.
In some movies you feel like you're a very small part of a huge machine. Whereas in the theater you can have a very small part, but you can still feel the weight and the gravity of it. Given the nature of theater, it's a more concentrated and quiet experience.
I was equally in love with singing and acting from an early age.
I've never felt that I had to take a role in one of those mediocre but hugely budgeted romantic comedies because I want to wear beautiful dresses and have people think I'm pretty and that I get the guy. Romantic
I really believe in the characters I play.
I'm fascinated by how much we, as women, have to subjugate and hide ourselves in order to get on in the world.
I've always been pretty nomadic.
I want a regular pay cheque.
I've been a musician longer than I've been an actor.
My 20s were a completely and utterly different time in my life.
I'm proud of my life.
I'm not a nutcase. I know that.
In England, with all due respect, we have some of the plainest actresses in the entire world as our greatest.
Growing up, I thought I'd have at least five kids.
Security has come from being successful.
I'm a huge Springsteen fan.
I taught myself how to play guitar - pretty badly, but I knew enough about music to start to figure it out.
I live a generally quiet life, as it were.
I'd really like to do a biopic of a musician.
I don't really put my name to anything that I don't love and believe in, because there's no point.
I must know good yoga classes in about 25 cities on this planet.
I will make time to eat every day. I couldn't do as much as I do, actually, if I didn't eat.
I would never judge anyone for going anywhere for money.
If I could afford to live in London I would.
Celebrity is a very tricky area to navigate.
Hollywood is portrayed in this super glamorous way, but when I see pictures of actresses going off the rails, it doesn't surprise me at all.
As an English actress constantly playing Americans, you already had to step way out of your box in that way.

The script ran 0.007 seconds.