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Linda McCartney [1941-1998] American
Rank: 102
Photographer, Musician

Linda Louise, Lady McCartney was an American musician, photographer, animal rights activist, entrepreneur and publisher who was married to Paul McCartney of the Beatles. 

Amazing, Courage, Death, Marriage, Money, Peace, Travel

I had daydreams and fantasies when I was growing up. I always wanted to live in a log cabin at the foot of a mountain. I would ride my horse to town and pick up provisions. Then return to the cabin, with a big open fire, a record player and peace. Peace
I don't need a lot of money. Simplicity is the answer for me. Money
If slaughterhouses had glass walls the whole world would be vegetarian.
I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. Travel
I think hard drugs are disgusting. But I must say, I think marijuana is pretty lightweight.
I would like them all to enjoy life and try different things until there is something they really like.
Paul persuaded me to join the band. I would never have had the courage otherwise. It was fun at the beginning. We were playing just for fun, with Paul's group. Courage
I wasn't looking for another marriage. I had been married before. He is a nice man - a geologist, an Ernest Hemingway type. But Paul and I married because of convention. Marriage
My mother was killed in a plane crash, so I hate travelling in planes. Death is so unexpected. I would actually rather stay at home and not go anywhere. Death
We moved there a year ago, just as a weekend place. Then we decided to move out of London completely. We will eventually have to work it out a bit more, because you can't have a little boy living with his sisters like that, can you? But we like the idea of closeness.
Cooking for six people every day is like having a cafe.
We are really on top of one another at the moment and I think it is amazing how we stay so close. Maybe that's the test. Why not totally put yourself together, rather than always wonder whether you actually like each other? Amazing
We have lasted this long close together, so we must have something going for each other.
We spend so much time together, because that's how we like it. I never used to go on girl's nights out, even at school. And Paul has never liked going out for a night with the boys, either.
We spent last night listening to Liverpool football team on the radio, wanting them to win so badly. Paul supports Liverpool. He was Everton for a while because of his family - but it's all Liverpool now.
We think we want to do something and when it comes to it, we don't. We don't like to commit.
When I first toured with Wings things that were said about me were true - I did sing out of tune.
When I married Paul, we lived in St John's Wood in London. We had nice next-door neighbours, but you don't know anyone else. Everyone lives in isolation.
But I wanted marriage for myself. I was not calculating about it. I wish I was more calculating.
He is a terrible planner, though. So am I.
He is not in the least arrogant. The last album was written in a room in Sussex. He was like a mad professor, spending all day writing and then coming out with brilliant tunes.
We both came from families in which parents got married, had children and the whole thing. So we were not the kind of people to live together permanently.
When Paul was arrested in Japan for having hash in his luggage, I thought he'd be out that night. But it became really serious stuff when he was kept in a cell. I became more fearful as the days went by.
I won't be having any more kids, though. Four is enough.

The script ran 0.003 seconds.