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Louie Gohmert [1953-0] American
Rank: 101
Politician, U.S. Representative

Louis Buller "Louie" Gohmert, Jr. is a current Republican U.S. Representative from Texas's First Congressional District. On January 4, 2015, Gohmert announced he would challenge John Boehner for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives. 

Dreams, Alone, Government, Legal, Money, Strength, Travel

We see people in the Middle East begin to have dreams of new Ottoman Empire where everyone will be subjected to some of what we've seen happen in those countries where we helped bring about an Arab Spring that's turned into a Winter Nightmare. Dreams
Whether you're president or speaker, if you're wrong, we need to stand up and point it out. That's what Martin Luther King had talked about: being judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin. So some of us pounded away on some of the ridiculous policies of Pelosi - and lo and behold, over time, the public began to see.
Socialism and communism fall of their own weight because, as Margaret Thatcher said, you run out of other people's money. Because socialized medicine never falls of its own weight because you put people on lists, and they die waiting to get the treatment and care. So you don't go broke. Money
Benefit your friends; make sure your enemies suffer from being your enemies.
I was an exchange student for a summer, and most of that summer was in Ukraine. I used to say 'the Ukraine' until I was there, and one of the Ukrainian college students I got to be good friends with, he said, 'Do you say I'm going back to the Texas,' and I said, 'No.' He said, 'We don't say we're going back to the Ukraine, either.'
So the good news is, if you're unemployed and you go to apply for a job and you're not hired for that job, see a lawyer - you may be able to file for a claim because you were discriminated against because you were unemployed.
I had a lot of friends in high school who said, 'Louie, I don't care what the government does as long as they leave me alone.' Well, guess what, when you don't care what the government does, it does not leave you alone. Alone, Government
The dirty little secret on Wall Street: Eighty percent of the Wall Street executives' and their spouses' donations go to Democrats. It's like they've got some kind of little sweet deal, where we'll call you fat cats and demean you and stuff, but you will get richer than your wildest dreams. Dreams
We've got some people who think Shariah law oughta be the law of the land, forget the Constitution. But the guns are there, the Second Amendment is there, to make sure all of the rest of the amendments are followed.
After Nancy Pelosi became Speaker, we were told, 'She's the first female speaker of the House, so whether we like it or not, we've got to handle this with kid gloves. Don't go after Speaker Pelosi. You can go after other people, but you'll be branded as mean and evil if you go after the first female Speaker of the House.'
It began to really eat away with me that in the '60s the federal government, desiring to help poor moms who were dealing with deadbeat dads, decided, 'We'll help: we'll give a check for every child you can have out of wedlock.'
Most people give Kennedy a passing grade, a good grade on the Cuban Missile Crisis handling, but what they don't realize, if he had had strength, if he had showed strength before, there would never have been a Cuban Missile Crisis. Strength
It does not help when an administration, in response to American attacks on American soil and American individuals, the administration ends up asking Americans to give up their First Amendment rights for which our service members are fighting.
When people say - 'Well, do you miss being a judge since you're in Congress,' I go - 'Only when I want people to sit down and shut up.'
Anyone who thinks you can pay $3,100 to the federal government and thinks you can get that money back completely in services - like I said - he may go to M-I-T but he is an N-U-T.
I don't care what gender someone is, or what race they are. Those things don't matter to me.
There are consequences if you stand up for what you believe. Heck, you might - you might lose your sponsors if you're a talk show host; or if you're running for office, you know, people not give to you or people might not vote for you.
I like to travel in jeans because I don't want to wallow around in my suit, you know? They cost too much. Jeans are comfortable. Travel
No country has ever fallen while it was truly honoring the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Obamacare, without a single Republican vote, cut $700 billion out of Medicare.
Now, the people that helped get Obama elected, who think Israel is a good idea, need to wake up and tell him they're our friends, let's preserve them. And then it would happen. Because that's the only kind of thing he responds to. But he throws our friends under the bus and rewards our enemies.
There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage, and it's the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it's just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal.
When Obamacare actually kicked in, just as we knew, if you liked your insurance, as I did - I had a health savings account - then I wasn't going to be able to keep it because it doesn't meet the requirements.
There's no statute of limitations on doing what's right.
Ms. Clinton, like the Obama administration more broadly, believes that appeasing Islamists... promotes peace and stability.
I'd be all for everybody keeping their sidearms if they're in the military and on a military installation. That's something we need to get back to.
I was a chief justice. And before that, I was a district court judge, handled major felonies, including capital murder cases; and I handled major civil litigation.
If nothing else came out of all of this debacle over Obamacare, one thing that should is a class-action lawsuit against the University of Chicago Law School for people that had Obama as their constitutional law professor.
It is true what is said in Washington - 'No matter how cynical you get, it's never enough to catch up.'
It's OK to burn a Bible, that's OK. OK to burn a flag, OK, that's all right. But just, you know, for heaven's sake, don't say anything that might offend someone of the Islamic religion.
Back in East Texas, all three networks have stations in my hometown of Tyler, and for a town that small, 85,000, to have all three networks, they all have their own news programs, six and 10, and they're always looking for news. Back when I was a judge, they were constantly coming to the courthouse and asking for comments.
You spend a couple million dollars running for Congress, people get tired of seeing your face.
You wonder, how could socialists, true socialists work with Islamists? Because if those Islamists take over, the first thing they're going to do is kill the socialists.
I think TARP was the most defining vote since I've been in Congress. It was wrong. You don't nationalize private - it was wrong. It desensitized people to what $700 billion was, which opened the door for a $900 million stimulus, for Obamacare, for all these things. It was wrong. It broke my heart.
I feel like God puts things in our lives to help prepare us for the future.
We give the military money, it ought to be to kick rears, break things, and come home.
Every time anybody in Washington talks about legal status, amnesty, anything of that nature, it becomes a magnet that lures people in quickly into the United States. Legal
I think it's time... that we reform Congress to the point where all public assistance comes in one single committee. One area where all public assistance can be located, and it will be easy to see all the duplications, all the waste, so much easier to see areas where fraud is running rampant.
It was no accident that just minutes after Israel became a nation, the United States... became the first nation in the world to recognize what was prophesized throughout the Old Testament about Israel returning after its absence.
I know a few expressions. I know what Hilary Clinton basically says in Russian when you translate her into Russian over and over and over is, 'izvinite pozhaluista.' That's, 'excuse me please, excuse me please.' Let's reset things. That's not the way you deal with folks. You show strength if you made a mistake.
The truth is that anyone... that wants to subvert our Constitution to Shariah Law is an enemy of the United States.
We've got the NSA getting logs of every call you make. The IRS is weaponized like Richard Nixon could only have dreamed of.

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