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Elizabeth Barrett Browning - The Lady`s Yes.Elizabeth Barrett Browning - The Lady`s Yes.
Work rating: Medium

" Yes !" I answered you last night ;    " No !" this morning, Sir, I say !  Colours, seen by candle-light,    Will not look the same by day.  When the tabors played their best,    Lamps above, and laughs below  Love me sounded like a jest,    Fit for Yes or fit for No !  Call me false, or call me free   Vow, whatever light may shine, No man on your face shall see   Any grief for change on mine. Yet the sin is on us both   Time to dance is not to woo Wooer light makes fickle troth   Scorn of me recoils on you ! Learn to win a lady`s faith   Nobly, as the thing is high ; Bravely, as for life and death   With a loyal gravity. Lead her from the festive boards,   Point her to the starry skies, Guard her, by your truthful words,   Pure from courtship`s flatteries. By your truth she shall be true   Ever true, as wives of yore And her Yes, once said to you,   SHALL be Yes for evermore.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.