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Robert Browning - A Cavalier SongRobert Browning - A Cavalier Song
Work rating: Low

Kentish Sir Byng stood for his King,     Bidding the crop-headed Parliament swing:     And, pressing a troop unable to stoop     And see the rogues flourish and honest folk droop,     Marched them along, fifty score strong,     Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song.     God for King Charles! Pym and such carles     To the Devil that prompts `em their treasonous parles!     Cavaliers, up! Lips from the cup,   Hands from the pasty, nor bite take nor sup   Till you`re—       (Chorus)         Marching along, fifty-score strong,         Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song.     Hampden to hell, and his obsequies` knell.   Serve Hazelrig, Fiennes, and young Harry as well!   England, good cheer! Rupert is near!   Kentish and loyalists, keep we not here       (Chorus)         Marching along, fifty-score strong,         Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song?     Then, God for King Charles! Pym and his snarls   To the Devil that pricks on such pestilent carles!   Hold by the right, you double your might;   So, onward to Nottingham, fresh for the fight,       (Chorus)         March we along, fifty-score strong,         Great-hearted gentlemen, singing this song!

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