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Henry Lawson - Australian Bards And Bush ReviewersHenry Lawson - Australian Bards And Bush Reviewers
Work rating: Medium

While you use your best endeavour to immortalise in verse The gambling and the drink which are your country`s greatest curse, While you glorify the bully and take the spieler`s part You`re a clever southern writer, scarce inferior to Bret Harte. If you sing of waving grasses when the plains are dry as bricks, And discover shining rivers where there`s only mud and sticks; If you picture `mighty forests` where the mulga spoils the view You`re superior to Kendall, and ahead of Gordon too. If you swear there`s not a country like the land that gave you birth, And its sons are just the noblest and most glorious chaps on earth; If in every girl a Venus your poetic eye discerns, You are gracefully referred to as the `young Australian Burns`. But if you should find that bushmen spite of all the poets say Are just common brother-sinners, and you`re quite as good as they You`re a drunkard, and a liar, and a cynic, and a sneak, Your grammar`s simply awful and your intellect is weak.

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