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Henry Lawson - A Study in the `Nood`Henry Lawson - A Study in the `Nood`
Work rating: Medium

He  was bare—we don’t want to be rude—     (His condition was owing to drink) They say his condition was nood,     Which amounts to the same thing, we think     (We mean his condition, we think, ’Twas a naked condition, or nood,     Which amounts to the same thing, we think) Uncovered he lay on the grass     That shrivelled and shrunk; and he stayed Three hot summer days, while the glass     Was one hundred and ten in the shade.     (We nearly remarked that he laid, But that was bad grammar we thought—     It does sound bucolic, we think     It smacks of the barnyard— Of farming—of pullets in short.) Unheeded he lay on the dirt;     Beside him a part of his dress, A tattered and threadbare old shirt     Was raised as a flag of distress. (On a stick, like a flag of distress— Reversed—we mean that the tail-end was up     half-mast—on a stick—an evident flag of distress.) Perhaps in his dreams he persood     Bright visions of heav’nly bliss; And artists who study the nood     Never saw such a study as this. The ‘luggage’ went by and the guard     Looked out and his eyes fell on Grice— We fancy he looked at him hard,     We think that he looked at him twice. They say (if the telegram’s true)     When he woke up he wondered (good Lord!) ‘Why the engine-man didn’t heave to—     ‘Why the train didn’t take him aboard.’ And now, by the case of poor Grice,     We think that a daily express Should travel with sunshades and ice,     And a lookout for flags of distress.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.