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Dylan Thomas - Into Her Lying Down HeadDylan Thomas - Into Her Lying Down Head
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I             Into her lying down head             His enemies entered bed,       Under the encumbered eyelid, Through the rippled drum of the hair-buried ear; And Noah`s rekindled now unkind dove             Flew man-bearing there.       Last night in a raping wave       Whales unreined from the green grave In fountains of origin gave up their love,       Along her innocence glided Jaun aflame and savagely young King Lear,             Queen Catherine howling bare             And Samson drowned in his hair, The colossal intimacies of silent       Once seen strangers or shades on a stair; There the dark blade and wanton sighing her down To a haycock couch and the scythes of his arms             Rode and whistled a hundred times             Before the crowing morning climbed; Man was the burning England she was sleep-walking, and the enamouring island       Made her limbs blind by luminous charms, Sleep to a newborn sleep in a swaddling loin-leaf stroked and sang       And his runaway beloved childlike laid in the acorned sand. II             There where a numberless tongue             Wound their room with a male moan,       His faith around her flew undone And darkness hung the walls with baskets of snakes, A furnace-nostrilled column-membered             Super-or-near man       Resembling to her dulled sense       The thief of adolescence, Early imaginary half remembered       Oceanic lover alone Jealousy cannot forget for all her sakes,             Made his bad bed in her good             Night, and enjoyed as he would. Crying, white gowned, from the middle moonlit stages       Out to the tiered and hearing tide, Close and far she announced the theft of the heart In the taken body at many ages,             Trespasser and broken bride             Celebrating at her side All blood-signed assailing and vanished marriages in which he had no lovely part       Nor could share, for his pride, to the least Mutter and foul wingbeat of the solemnizing nightpriest Her holy unholy hours with the always anonymous beast. III             Two sand grains together in bed,             Head to heaven-circling head,       Singly lie with the whole wide shore, The covering sea their nightfall with no names; And out of every domed and soil-based shell             One voice in chains declaims       The female, deadly, and male       Libidinous betrayal, Golden dissolving under the water veil.       A she bird sleeping brittle by Her lover`s wings that fold to-morrow`s flight,             Within the nested treefork             Sings to the treading hawk Carrion, paradise, chirrup my bright yolk.       A blade of grass longs with the meadow, A stone lies lost and locked in the lark-high hill. Open as to the air to the naked shadow             O she lies alone and still,             Innocent between two wars, With the incestuous secret brother in the seconds to perpetuate the stars,       A man torn up mourns in the sole night. And the second comers, the severers, the enemies from the deep Forgotten dark, rest their pulse and bury their dead in her faithless sleep.

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