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Robert W Service - Our PoteRobert W Service - Our Pote
Work rating: Medium

A pote is sure a goofy guy; He ain`t got guts like you or I        To tell the score; He ain`t goy gumption `nuff to know The game of life`s to get the dough,        Then get some more. Take Brother Bill, he used to be The big shot of the family,        The first at school; But since about a year ago, Through readin` Longfeller and Poe,        He`s most a fool. He mopes around with dimwit stare; You might as well jest not be there,        The way he looks; You`d think he shuns the human race, The how he buries down his face        In highbrow books. I`ve seen him stand for near an hour, Jest starin` at a simple flower -        Sich waste o` time; The scribblin` on an envelope . . . Why, most of all his silly dope        Don`t even rhyme. Now Brother`s Jim`s an engineer, And Brother Tim`s a bank cashier,        While I keep store; Yet Bill, the brightest of the flock, Might be a lawyer or a doc,    And then some more. But no, he moons and loafs about, As if he tried to figger out        Why skies are blue; Instead o` gittin` down to grips Wi` life an` stackin` up the chips        Like me an` you. *   *   *   *   *  *   *   *   *   * Well, since them final lines I wrote, We`re mournin` for our Brother Pote:    Bill crossed the sea And solved his problem with the beat, For now he lies in peace and rest    In Normandie. He died the bravest of the brave, And here I`m standin` by his grave        So far from home; With just a wooden cross to tell How in the blaze of battle hell As gloriously there he fell -        Bill wrote his "pome".

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