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Robert W Service - The Philistine And The BohemianRobert W Service - The Philistine And The Bohemian
Work rating: Low

She was a Philistine spick and span, He was a bold Bohemian. She had the mode, and the last at that; He had a cape and a brigand hat. She was so riant and chic and trim; He was so shaggy, unkempt and grim. On the rue de la Paix she was wont to shine; The rue de la Gaîté was more his line. She doted on Barclay and Dell and Caine; He quoted Mallarmé and Paul Verlaine. She was a triumph at Tango teas; At Vorticist`s suppers he sought to please. She thought that Franz Lehar was utterly great; Of Strauss and Stravinsky he`d piously prate. She loved elegance, he loved art; They were as wide as the poles apart: Yet Cupid and Caprice are hand and glove They met at a dinner, they fell in love. Home he went to his garret bare, Thrilling with rapture, hope, despair. Swift he gazed in his looking-glass, Made a grimace and murmured: "Ass!" Seized his scissors and fiercely sheared, Severed his buccaneering beard; Grabbed his hair, and clip! clip! clip! Off came a bunch with every snip. Ran to a tailor`s in startled state, Suits a dozen commanded straight; Coats and overcoats, pants in pairs, Everything that a dandy wears; Socks and collars, and shoes and ties, Everything that a dandy buys. Chums looked at him with wondering stare, Fancied they`d seen him before somewhere; A Brummell, a D`Orsay, a beau so fine, A shining, immaculate Philistine. Home she went in a raptured daze, Looked in a mirror with startled gaze, Didn`t seem to be pleased at all; Savagely muttered: "Insipid Doll!" Clutched her hair and a pair of shears, Cropped and bobbed it behind the ears; Aimed at a wan and willowy-necked Sort of a Holman Hunt effect; Robed in subtile and sage-green tones, Like the dames of Rossetti and E. Burne-Jones; Girdled her garments billowing wide, Moved with an undulating glide; All her frivolous friends forsook, Cultivated a soulful look; Gushed in a voice with a creamy throb Over some weirdly Futurist daub Did all, in short, that a woman can To be a consummate Bohemian. A year went past with its hopes and fears, A year that seemed like a dozen years. They met once more. . . . Oh, at last! At last! They rushed together, they stopped aghast. They looked at each other with blank dismay, They simply hadn`t a word to say. He thought with a shiver: "Can this be she?" She thought with a shudder: "This can`t be he?" This simpering dandy, so sleek and spruce; This languorous lily in garments loose; They sought to brace from the awful shock: Taking a seat, they tried to talk. She spoke of Bergson and Pater`s prose, He prattled of dances and ragtime shows; She purred of pictures, Matisse, Cezanne, His tastes to the girls of Kirchner ran; She raved of Tchaikovsky and Caesar Franck, He owned that he was a jazz-band crank! They made no headway. Alas! alas! He thought her a bore, she thought him an ass. And so they arose and hurriedly fled; Perish Illusion, Romance, you`re dead. He loved elegance, she loved art, Better at once to part, to part. And what is the moral of all this rot? Don`t try to be what you know you`re not. And if you`re made on a muttonish plan, Don`t seek to seem a Bohemian; And if to the goats your feet incline, Don`t try to pass for a Philistine.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.