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Robert W Service - The Trail Of No ReturnRobert W Service - The Trail Of No Return
Work rating: Low

So now I take a bitter road         Whereon no bourne I see, And wearily I lift the load         That once I bore with glee. For me no more by sea or shore         Adventure`s star shall burn, As I forsake wild ways to take         The Trail of No Return.         Such paths of peril I have trod:         In sun and shade they lay. And some went wistfully to God,         And some the devil`s way. But there is one I may not shun,         Though long my life`s sojourn: A dawn will break when I must take         The Trail of No Return. Farewell to friends, good-bye to foes,         Adieu to smile or frown; My voyaging is nigh its close,         And dark is drifting down. With weary feet my way I beat,         Yet holy light discern . . . So let me take without heart-break         The Trail of No Return.

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