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Robert W Service - The BattleRobert W Service - The Battle
Work rating: Medium

Dames should be doomed to dungeons Who masticate raw onions. She was the cuddly kind of Miss          A man can love to death; But when I sought to steal a kiss          I wilted from a breath With onion odour so intense          I lost my loving sense. Yet she was ever in my thought          Like some exotic flower, And so a garlic bulb I bought          And chewed it by the hour; Then when we met I thrilled to see          `Twas she who shrank from me. So breath to breath we battled there,          To dominate each other; And though her onions odious were,          My garlic was a smother; Till loth I said: `If we would kiss          Let`s call an armistice. `Now we have proved that we are true          To our opinions, My garlic I`ll give up if you          Give up your onions.` And so next day with honey sips          How sweet her lips!

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