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Robert W Service - PragmaticRobert W Service - Pragmatic
Work rating: Medium

When young I was an Atheist,         Yea, pompous as a pigeon No opportunity I missed         To satirize religion. I sneered at Scripture, scoffed at Faith,         I blasphemed at believers: Said I: "There`s nothing after Death,—         Your priests are just deceivers."         In middle age I was not so         Contemptuous and caustic. Thought I: "There`s much I do not know:         I`d better be agnostic. The hope of immortality         `Tis foolish to be flouting." So in the end I came to be         A doubter of my doubting. Now I am old, with steps inclined         To hesitate and falter; I find I get such peace of mind         Just sitting by an altar. So Friends, don`t scorn the family pew,         The preachments of the kirks: Religion may be false or true,         But by the Lord!—it works.

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