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Robert W Service - Going HomeRobert W Service - Going Home
Work rating: Low

I`m goin` `ome to Blighty ain`t I glad to `ave the chance! I`m loaded up wiv fightin`, and I`ve `ad my fill o` France; I`m feelin` so excited-like, I want to sing and dance,     For I`m goin` `ome to Blighty in the mawnin`. I`m goin` `ome to Blighty: can you wonder as I`m gay? I`ve got a wound I wouldn`t sell for `alf a year o` pay; A harm that`s mashed to jelly in the nicest sort o` way,     For it takes me `ome to Blighty in the mawnin`. `Ow everlastin` keen I was on gettin` to the front! I`d ginger for a dozen, and I `elped to bear the brunt; But Cheese and Crust! I`m crazy, now I`ve done me little stunt,     To sniff the air of Blighty in the mawnin`. I`ve looked upon the wine that`s white, and on the wine that`s red; I`ve looked on cider flowin`, till it fairly turned me `ead; But oh, the finest scoff will be, when all is done and said,     A pint o` Bass in Blighty in the mawnin`. I`m goin` back to Blighty, which I left to strafe the `Un; I`ve fought in bloody battles, and I`ve `ad a `eap of fun; But now me flipper`s busted, and I think me dooty`s done,     And I`ll kiss me gel in Blighty in the mawnin`. Oh, there be furrin` lands to see, and some of `em be fine; And there be furrin` gels to kiss, and scented furrin` wine; But there`s no land like England, and no other gel like mine:     Thank Gawd for dear old Blighty in the mawnin`.

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