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Robert W Service - His BoysRobert W Service - His Boys
Work rating: Low

"I`m going, Billy, old fellow. Hist, lad! Don`t make any noise. There`s Boches to beat all creation, the pitch of a bomb away. I`ve fixed the note to your collar, you`ve got to get back to my Boys, You`ve got to get back to warn `em before it`s the break of day." The order came to go forward to a trench-line traced on the map; I knew the brass-hats had blundered, I knew and I told `em so; I knew if I did as they ordered I would tumble into a trap, And I tried to explain, but the answer came like a pistol: "Go." Then I thought of the Boys I commanded I always called them "my Boys" The men of my own recruiting, the lads of my countryside; Tested in many a battle, I knew their sorrows and joys, And I loved them all like a father, with more than a father`s pride. To march my Boys to a shambles as soon as the dawn of day; To see them helplessly slaughtered, if all that I guessed was true; My Boys that trusted me blindly, I thought and I tried to pray, And then I arose and I muttered: "It`s either them or it`s you." I rose and I donned my rain-coat; I buckled my helmet tight. I remember you watched me, Billy, as I took my cane in my hand; I vaulted over the sandbags into the pitchy night, Into the pitted valley that served us as No Man`s Land. I strode out over the hollow of hate and havoc and death, From the heights the guns were angry, with a vengeful snarling of steel; And once in a moment of stillness I heard hard panting breath, And I turned . . . it was you, old rascal, following hard on my heel. I fancy I cursed you, Billy; but not so much as I ought! And so we went forward together, till we came to the valley rim, And then a star-shell sputtered . . . it was even worse than I thought, For the trench they told me to move in was packed with Boche to the brim. They saw me too, and they got me; they peppered me till I fell; And there I scribbled my message with my life-blood ebbing away; "Now, Billy, you fat old duffer, you`ve got to get back like hell; And get them to cancel that order before it`s the dawn of day. "Billy, old boy, I love you, I kiss your shiny black nose; Now, home there. . . . Hurry, you devil, or I`ll cut you to ribands. . . . See . . ." Poor brute! he`s off! and I`m dying. . . . I go as a soldier goes. I`m happy. My Boys, God bless `em! . . . It had to be them or me.

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