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Robert W Service - DrifterRobert W Service - Drifter
Work rating: Low

God gave you guts: don`t let Him down; Brace up, be worthy of His giving. The road`s a rut, the sky`s a frown; I know you`re plumb fed up with living. Fate birches you, and wry the rod . . . Snap out, you fool! Don`t let down God. Oh, yes, you`re on misfortune`s shift, And weary is the row your hoeing; You have no home, you drift and drift, Seems folks don`t care the way you`re going . . . Well, make them care - you`re not afraid: Step on the gas - you`ll make the grade. Believe that God has faith in you, In you His loving light is shining; All of you that is fine and true Is part of Him, so quit your whining . . . buck up, son, for your Maker`s sake: Don`t let Him down - give God a break.

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