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Paul Laurence Dunbar - The NewsPaul Laurence Dunbar - The News
Work rating: Low

Whut dat you whisperin` keepin` f`om me?   Don`t shut me out `cause I `s ol` an` can`t see.   Somep`n`s gone wrong dat `s a-causin` you dread,--   Don`t be afeared to tell--Whut! mastah dead?   Somebody brung de news early to-day,--   One of de sojers he led, do you say?   Did n`t he foller whah ol` mastah lead?   How kin he live w`en his leadah is dead?   Let me lay down awhile, dah by his bed;   I wants to t`ink,--hit ain`t cleah in my head:--   Killed while a-leadin` his men into fight,--   Dat `s whut you said, ain`t it, did I hyeah right?   Mastah, my mastah, dead dah in de fiel`?   Lif me up some,--dah, jes` so I kin kneel.   I was too weak to go wid him, dey said,   Well, now I `ll--fin` him--so--mastah is dead.   Yes, suh, I `s comin` ez fas` ez I kin,--   Twas kin` o` da`k, but hit `s lightah agin:   P`omised yo` pappy I `d allus tek keer   Of you,--yes, mastah,--I `s follerin`,--hyeah!

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