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Paul Laurence Dunbar - Foolin` Wid De SeasonsPaul Laurence Dunbar - Foolin` Wid De Seasons
Work rating: Low

Seems lak folks is mighty curus     In de way dey t`inks an` ac`s.   Dey jes` spen`s dey days a-mixin`     Up de t`ings in almanacs.   Now, I min` my nex` do` neighbour,--     He`s a mighty likely man,   But he nevah t`inks o` nuffin     `Ceptin` jes` to plot an` plan.   All de wintah he was plannin`     How he `d gethah sassafras   Jes` ez soon ez evah Springtime     Put some greenness in de grass.   An` he `lowed a little soonah     He could stan` a coolah breeze   So `s to mek a little money     F`om de sugah-watah trees.   In de summah, he `d be waihin`     Out de linin` of his soul,   Try `n` ca`ci`late an` fashion     How he `d git his wintah coal;   An` I b`lieve he got his jedgement     Jes` so tuckahed out an` thinned   Dat he t`ought a robin`s whistle     Was de whistle of de wind.   Why won`t folks gin up dey plannin`,     An` jes` be content to know   Dat dey `s gittin` all dat`s fu` dem     In de days dat come an` go?   Why won`t folks quit movin` forrard?     Ain`t hit bettah jes` to stan`   An` be satisfied wid livin`   In de season dat `s at han`?   Hit `s enough fu` me to listen     W`en de birds is singin` `roun`,   `Dout a-guessin` whut `ll happen     W`en de snow is on de groun`.   In de Springtime an` de summah,     I lays sorrer on de she`f;   An` I knows ol` Mistah Wintah     Gwine to hustle fu` hisse`f.   We been put hyeah fu` a pu`pose,     But de questun dat has riz   An` made lots o` people diffah     Is jes` whut dat pu`pose is.   Now, accordin` to my reas`nin`,     Hyeah`s de p`int whaih I `s arriv,   Sence de Lawd put life into us,     We was put hyeah fu` to live!

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