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Paul Laurence Dunbar - Soliloquy Of A TurkeyPaul Laurence Dunbar - Soliloquy Of A Turkey
Work rating: Low

Dey `s a so`t o` threatenin` feelin` in de blowin` of de breeze,     An` I `s feelin` kin` o` squeamish in de night;   I `s a-walkin` `roun` a-lookin` at de diffunt style o` trees,     An` a-measurin` dey thickness an` dey height.   Fu` dey `s somep`n mighty `spicious in de looks de da`kies give,     Ez dey pass me an` my fambly on de groun,`   So it `curs to me dat lakly, ef I caihs to try an` live,     It concehns me fu` to `mence to look erroun`.   Dey`s a cu`ious kin` o` shivah runnin` up an` down my back,     An` I feel my feddahs rufflin` all de day,   An` my laigs commence to trimble evah blessid step I mek;     W`en I sees a ax, I tu`ns my head away.   Folks is go`gin` me wid goodies, an` dey `s treatin` me wid caih,     An` I `s fat in spite of all dat I kin do.   I `s mistrus`ful of de kin`ness dat`s erroun` me evahwhaih,     Fu` it `s jes` too good, an` frequent, to be true.   Snow `s a-fallin` on de medders, all erroun` me now is white,     But I `s still kep` on a-roostin` on de fence;   Isham comes an` feels my breas`bone, an` he hefted me las` night,     An` he `s gone erroun` a-grinnin` evah sence.   `T ain`t de snow dat meks me shivah; `t ain`t de col` dat meks me       shake;     `T ain`t de wintah-time itse`f dat`s `fectin` me;   But I t`ink de time is comin`, an` I `d bettah mek a break,     Fu` to set wid Mistah Possum in his tree.   Wen you hyeah de da`kies singin`, an` de quahtahs all is gay,     `T ain`t de time fu` birds lak me to be `erroun`;   Wen de hick`ry chip is flyin`, an` de log `s been ca`ied erway,     Den hit`s dang`ous to be roostin` nigh he groun`.   Grin on, Isham! Sing on, da`kies! But I flop my wings an` go     Fu` de sheltah of de ve`y highest tree,   Fu` dey `s too much close ertention--an` dey`s too much fallin` snow--     An` it`s too nigh Chris`mus mo`nin` now fu` me.

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