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Paul Laurence Dunbar - To A Lady Playing The HarpPaul Laurence Dunbar - To A Lady Playing The Harp
Work rating: Low

Thy tones are silver melted into sound,     And as I dream   I see no walls around,     But seem to hear     A gondolier   Sing sweetly down some slow Venetian stream.   Italian skies--that I have never seen--     I see above.   (Ah, play again, my queen;     Thy fingers white     Fly swift and light   And weave for me the golden mesh of love.)   Oh, thou dusk sorceress of the dusky eyes     And soft dark hair,   `T is thou that mak`st my skies     So swift to change     To far and strange:   But far and strange, thou still dost make them fair.   Now thou dost sing, and I am lost in thee     As one who drowns   In floods of melody.     Still in thy art     Give me this part,   Till perfect love, the love of loving crowns.

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