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Paul Laurence Dunbar - Snowin`Paul Laurence Dunbar - Snowin`
Work rating: Low

Dey is snow upon de meddahs, dey is snow upon de hill,   An` de little branch`s watahs is all glistenin` an` still;   De win` goes roun` de cabin lak a sperrit wan`erin` `roun`.   An` de chillen shakes an` shivahs as dey listen to de soun`.   Dey is hick`ry in de fiahplace, whah de blaze is risin` high,   But de heat it meks ain`t wa`min` up de gray clouds in de sky.   Now an` den I des peep outside, den I hurries to de do`,   Lawd a mussy on my body, how I wish it would n`t snow!   I kin stan` de hottes` summah, I kin stan` de wettes` fall,   I kin stan` de chilly springtime in de ploughland, but dat`s all;   Fu` de ve`y hottes` fiah nevah tells my skin a t`ing,   W`en de snow commence a-flyin`, an` de win` begin to sing.   Dey is plenty wood erroun` us, an` I chop an` tote it in,   But de t`oughts dat I `s a t`inkin` while I `s wo`kin` is a sin.   I kin keep f`om downright swahin` all de time I `s on de go,   But my hea`t is full o` cuss-wo`ds w`en I`s trampin` thoo de snow.   What you say, you Lishy Davis, dat you see a possum`s tracks?   Look hyeah, boy, you stop yo` foolin`, bring ol` Spot, an` bring de ax.   Is I col`? Go way, now, Mandy, what you t`ink I`s made of?--sho,   W`y dis win` is des ez gentle, an` dis ain`t no kin` o` snow.   Dis hyeah weathah `s des ez healthy ez de wa`mest summah days.   All you chillen step up lively, pile on wood an` keep a blaze.   What`s de use o` gittin` skeery case dey `s snow upon de groun`?   Huh-uh, I `s a reg`lar snowbird ef dey `s any possum `roun`.   Go on, Spot, don` be so foolish; don` you see de signs o` feet.   What you howlin` fu? Keep still, suh, cose de col` is putty sweet;   But we goin` out on bus`ness, an` hit `s bus`ness o` de kin`   Dat mus` put a dog an` dahky in a happy frame o` min`.   Yes, you `s col`; I know it, Spotty, but you des stay close to me,   An` I `ll mek you hot ez cotton w`en we strikes de happy tree.   No, I don` lak wintah weathah, an` I `d wush `t uz allus June,   Ef it was n`t fu` de trackin` o` de possum an` de coon.

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