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Paul Laurence Dunbar - The RivalsPaul Laurence Dunbar - The Rivals
Work rating: Low

`TWAS three an` thirty year ago, I When I was ruther young, you know, I had my last an` only fight About a gal one summer night. `Twas me an` Zekel Johnson; Zeke `N` me `d be`n spattin` `bout a week, Each of us tryin` his best to show That he was Liza Jones`s beau. We couldn`t neither prove the thing, Fur she was fur too sharp to fling One over fur the other one An` by so doin` stop the fun That we chaps didn`t have the sense To see she got at our expense, But that`s the way a feller does, Fur boys is fools an` allus was. An` when they`s females in the game I reckon men`s about the same. Well, Zeke an` me went on that way An` fussed an` quarrelled day by day; While Liza, mindin` not the fuss, Jest kep` a-goin` with both of us, Tell we pore chaps, that`s Zeke an` me, Was jest plum mad with jealousy. Well, fur a time we kep` our places, An` only showed by frownin` faces An` looks `at well our meanin` boded How full o` fight we both was loaded. At last it come, the thing broke out, An` this is how it come about. One night (`t was fair, you`ll all agree) I got Eliza`s company, An` leavin` Zekel in the lurch, Went trottin` off with her to church. An` jest as we had took our seat (Eliza lookin` fair an` sweet), Why, I jest couldn`t help but grin When Zekel come a-bouncin` in As furious as the law allows. He`d jest be`n up to Liza`s house, To find her gone, then come to church To have this end put to his search. I guess I laffed that meetin` through, An` not a mortal word I knew Of what the preacher preached er read Er what the choir sung er said. Fur every time I`d turn my head I couldn`t skeercely help but see `At Zekel had his eye on me. An` he `ud sort o` turn an` twist An` grind his teeth an` shake his fist. I laughed, fur la! the hull church seen us, An` knowed that suthin` was between us. Well, meetin` out, we started hum, I sorter feelin` what would come. We`d jest got out, when up stepped Zeke, An` said, "Scuse me, I`d like to speak To you a minute." "Cert," said I A-nudgin` Liza on the sly An` laughin` in my sleeve with glee, I asked her, please, to pardon me. We walked away a step er two, Jest to git out o` Liza`s view, An` then Zeke said, "I want to know Ef you think you`re Eliza`s beau, An` `at I`m goin` to let her go Hum with sich a chap as you?" An` I said bold, "You bet I do." Then Zekel, sneerin`, said `at he Didn`t want to hender me. But then he `lowed the gal was his An` `at he guessed he knowed his biz, An` wasn`t feared o` all my kin With all my friends an` chums throwed in. Some other things he mentioned there That no born man could no ways bear Er think o` ca`mly tryin` to stan` Ef Zeke had be`n the bigges` man In town, an` not the leanest runt `At time an` labor ever stunt. An` so I let my fist go "bim," I thought I`d mos` nigh finished him. But Zekel didn`t take it so. He jest ducked down an` dodged my blow An` then come back at me so hard, I guess I must `a` hurt the yard, Er spilet the grass plot where I fell, An` sakes alive it hurt me; well, It wouldn`t be`n so bad, you see, But he jest kep` a-hittin` me. An` I hit back an` kicked an` pawed, But `t seemed `twas mostly air I clawed, While Zekel used his science well A-makin` every motion tell. He punched an` hit, why, goodness lands, Seemed like he had a dozen hands. Well, afterwhile they stopped the fuss, An` some one kindly parted us. All beat an` cuffed an` clawed an` scratched, An` needin` both our faces patched, Each started hum a different way; An` what o` Liza, do you say, Why, Liza little humbug dern her, Why, she`d gone home with Hiram Turner.

The script ran 0.004 seconds.