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Paul Laurence Dunbar - At NightPaul Laurence Dunbar - At Night
Work rating: Low

Whut time `d dat clock strike?         Nine? No--eight;     I didn`t think hit was so late.   Aer chew! I must `a` got a cough,     I raally b`lieve I did doze off--   Hit`s mighty soothin` to de tiah,     A-dozin` dis way by de fiah;   Oo oom--hit feels so good to stretch     I sutny is one weary wretch!   Look hyeah, dat boy done gone to sleep!     He des ain`t wo`th his boa`d an` keep;   I des don`t b`lieve he`d bat his eyes     If Gab`el called him fo`m de skies!   But sleepin`s good dey ain`t no doubt--     Dis pipe o` mine is done gone out.   Don`t bu`n a minute, bless my soul,     Des please to han` me dat ah coal.   You `Lias git up now, my son,     Seems lak my nap is des begun;   You sutny mus` ma`k down de day     Wen I treats comp`ny dis away!   W`y, Brother Jones, dat drowse come on,   An` laws! I dremp dat you was gone!   You `Lias, whaih yo` mannahs, suh,     To hyeah me call an` nevah stuh!   To-morrer mo`nin` w`en I call     Dat boy`ll be sleepin` to beat all,   Don`t mek no diffunce how I roah,     He`ll des lay up an` sno` and sno`.   Now boy, you done hyeahed whut I said,     You bettah tek yo`se`f yo baid,   Case ef you gits me good an` wrong     I`ll mek dat sno` a diffunt song.   Dis wood fiah is invitin` dho`,     Hit seems to wa`m de ve`y flo`--   An` nuffin` ain`t a whit ez sweet,     Ez settin` toastin` of yo` feet.   Hit mek you drowsy, too, but La!     Hyeah, `Lias, don`t you hyeah yo` ma?   Ef I gits sta`ted f`om dis cheah     I` lay, you scamp, I`ll mek you heah!   To-morrer mo`nin` I kin bawl     Twell all de neighbohs hyeah me call;   An` you`ll be snoozin` des ez deep     Ez if de day was made fu` sleep;   Hit`s funny when you got a cough     Somehow yo` voice seems too fu` off--   Can`t wake dat boy fu` all I say,   I reckon he`ll sleep daih twell day!

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