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Paul Laurence Dunbar - The Deserted PlantationPaul Laurence Dunbar - The Deserted Plantation
Work rating: Low

OH, de grubbin`-hoe`s a-rustin` in de co`nah, An` de plow`s a-tumblin` down in de fiel`, While de whippo`will`s a-wailin` lak a mou`nah When his stubbo`n hea`t is tryin` ha`d to yiel`. In de furrers whah de co`n was allus wavin`, Now de weeds is growin` green an` rank an` tall; An` de swallers roun` de whole place is a-bravin` Lak dey thought deir folks had allus owned it all. An` de big house stan`s all quiet lak an` solemn, Not a blessed soul in pa`lor, po`ch, er lawn; Not a guest, ner not a ca`iage lef` to haul `em, Fu` de ones dat tu`ned de latch-string out air gone. An` de banjo`s voice is silent in de qua`ters, D` ain`t a hymn ner co`n-song ringin` in de air; But de murmur of a branch`s passin` waters Is de only soun` dat breks de stillness dere. Whah`s de da`kies, dem dat used to be a-dancin` Evry night befo` de ole cabin do`? Whah`s de chillun, dem dat used to be a-prancin` Er a-rollin` in de san` er on de flo`? Whah`s ole Uncle Mordecai an` Uncle Aaron? Whah`s Aunt Doshy, Sam, an` Kit, an` all de res`? Whah`s ole Tom de da`ky fiddlah, how`s he farin`? Whah`s de gals dat used to sing an` dance de bes`? Gone! not one o` dem is lef` to tell de story; Dey have lef de deah ole place to fall away. Couldn`t one o` dem dat seed it in its glory Stay to watch it in de hour of decay? Dey have lef` de ole plantation to de swallers, But it hol`s in me a lover till de las`; Fu` I fin` hyeah in de memory dat follers All dat loved me an` dat I loved in de pas`. So I`ll stay an` watch de deah ole place an` tend it Ez I used to in de happy days gone by. `Twell de othah Mastah thinks it`s time to end it, An` calls me to my qua`ters in de sky.

The script ran 0.002 seconds.