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Paul Laurence Dunbar - The TrystPaul Laurence Dunbar - The Tryst
Work rating: Low

DE night creep down erlong de lan`, De shadders rise an` shake, De frog is sta`tin` up his ban`, De cricket is awake; My wo`k is mos` nigh done, Celes`, To-night I won`t be late, I`s hu`yin` thoo my level bes`, Wait fu` me by de gate. De mockin`-bird`ll sen` his glee A-thrillin` thoo and thoo, I know dat ol` magnolia-tree Is smellin` des` fu` you; De jessamine erside de road Is bloomin` rich an` white, My hea`t`s a-th`obbin` `cause it knowed You`d wait fu` me to-night. Hit`s lonesome, ain`t it, stan`in` thaih Wid no one nigh to talk? But ain`t dey whispahs in de aih Erlong de gyahden walk? Don`t somep`n kin` o` call my name, An` say "he love you bes`"? Hit`s true, I wants to say de same, So wait fu` me, Celes`. Sing somep`n fu` to pass de time, Outsing de mockin`-bird, You got de music an` de rhyme, You beat him wid de word. I`s comin` now, my wo`k is done, De hour has come fu` res`, I wants to fly, but only run— Wait fu` me, deah Celes`.

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