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Paul Laurence Dunbar - A Cabin TalePaul Laurence Dunbar - A Cabin Tale
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THE YOUNG MASTER ASKS FOR A STORY   Whut you say, dah? huh, uh! chile,   You `s enough to dribe me wile.   Want a sto`y; jes` hyeah dat!   Whah` `ll I git a sto`y at?   Di`n` I tell you th`ee las` night?   Go `way, honey, you ain`t right.   I got somep`n` else to do,   `Cides jes` tellin` tales to you.   Tell you jes` one? Lem me see   Whut dat one`s a-gwine to be.   When you `s ole, yo membry fails;   Seems lak I do` know no tales.   Well, set down dah in dat cheer,   Keep still ef you wants to hyeah.   Tek dat chin up off yo` han`s,   Set up nice now. Goodness lan`s!   Hol` yo`se`f up lak yo` pa.   Bet nobidy evah saw   Him scrunched down lak you was den--   High-tone boys meks high-tone men.   Once dey was a ole black bah,   Used to live `roun` hyeah some whah   In a cave. He was so big   He could ca`y off a pig   Lak you picks a chicken up,   Er yo` leetles` bit o` pup.   An` he had two gread big eyes,   Jes` erbout a saucer`s size.   Why, dey looked lak balls o` fiah   Jumpin` `roun` erpon a wiah   W`en dat bah was mad; an` laws!   But you ought to seen his paws!   Did I see `em? How you `spec   I `s a-gwine to ricollec`   Dis hyeah ya`n I `s try`n` to spin   Ef you keeps on puttin` in?   You keep still an` don`t you cheep   Less I `ll sen` you off to sleep.   Dis hyeah bah `d go trompin` `roun`   Eatin` evahthing he foun`;   No one could n`t have a fa`m   But dat bah `u`d do` em ha`m;   And dey could n`t ketch de scamp.   Anywhah he wan`ed to tramp.   Dah de scoun`el `d mek his track,   Do his du`t an` come on back.   He was sich a sly ole limb,   Traps was jes` lak fun to him.   Now, down neah whah Mistah Bah   Lived, dey was a weasel dah;   But dey was n`t fren`s a-tall   Case de weasel was so small.   An` de bah `u`d, jes` fu` sass,   Tu`n his nose up w`en he `d pass.   Weasels `s small o` cose, but my!   Dem air animiles is sly.   So dis hyeah one says, says he,   "I `ll jes` fix dat bah, you see."   So he fixes up his plan   An` hunts up de fa`merman.   When de fa`mer see him come,   He `mence lookin` mighty glum,   An` he ketches up a stick;   But de weasel speak up quick:   "Hol` on, Mistah Fa`mer man,   I wan` `splain a little plan.   Ef you waits, I `ll tell you whah   An` jes` how to ketch ol` Bah.   But I tell yow now you mus`   Gin me one fat chicken fus`."   Den de man he scratch his haid,   Las` he say, "I`ll mek de trade."   So de weasel et his hen,   Smacked his mouf and says, "Well, den,   Set yo` trap an` bait ternight,   An` I `ll ketch de bah all right."   Den he ups an` goes to see   Mistah Bah, an` says, says he:   "Well, fren` Bah, we _ain`t_ been fren`s,   But ternight ha`d feelin` `en`s.   Ef you ain`t too proud to steal,   We kin git a splendid meal.   Cose I would n`t come to you,   But it mus` be done by two;   Hit`s a trap, but we kin beat   All dey tricks an` git de meat."   "Cose I `s wif you," says de bah,   "Come on, weasel, show me whah."   Well, dey trots erlong ontwell   Dat air meat beginned to smell   In de trap. Den weasel say:   "Now you put yo` paw dis way   While I hol` de spring back so,   Den you grab de meat an` go."   Well, de bah he had to grin   Ez he put his big paw in,   Den he juked up, but--kerbing!   Weasel done let go de spring.   "Dah now," says de weasel, "dah,   I done cotched you, Mistah Bah!"   O, dat bah did sno`t and spout,   Try`n` his bestes` to git out,   But de weasel say, "Goo`-bye!   Weasel small, but weasel sly."   Den he tu`ned his back an` run   Tol` de fa`mer whut he done.   So de fa`mer come down dah,   Wif a axe and killed de bah.   Dah now, ain`t dat sto`y fine?   Run erlong now, nevah min`.   Want some mo`, you rascal, you?   No, suh! no, suh! dat `ll do.

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