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Paul Laurence Dunbar - When de Co`n Pone`s HotPaul Laurence Dunbar - When de Co`n Pone`s Hot
Work rating: Low

Dey is times in life when Nature      Seems to slip a cog an` go,   Jes` a-rattlin` down creation,    Lak an ocean`s overflow;   When de worl` jes` stahts a-spinnin`    Lak a picaninny`s top,   An` yo` cup o` joy is brimmin`    `Twell it seems about to slop,   An` you feel jes` lak a racah,   Dat is trainin` fu` to trot—  When yo` mammy says de blessin`   An` de co`n pone`s hot.  When you set down at de table,   Kin` o` weary lak an` sad,  An` you `se jes` a little tiahed   An` purhaps a little mad;  How yo` gloom tu`ns into gladness,   How yo` joy drives out de doubt  When de oven do` is opened,   An` de smell comes po`in` out;  Why, de `lectric light o` Heaven   Seems to settle on de spot,  When yo` mammy says de blessin`   An` de co`n pone`s hot.  When de cabbage pot is steamin`   An` de bacon good an` fat,  When de chittlins is a-sputter`n`   So`s to show you whah dey`s at;  Tek away yo` sody biscuit,   Tek away yo` cake an` pie,  Fu` de glory time is comin`,   An` it`s `proachin` mighty nigh,  An` you want to jump an` hollah,   Dough you know you`d bettah not,  When yo` mammy says de blessin`   An` de co`n pone`s hot.  I have hyeahd a` lots o` sermons,   An` I`ve hyeahd o` lots o` prayers,  An I`ve listened to some singin`   Dat has tuck me up de stairs  Of de Glory-Lan` an` set me   Jes` below de Mastah`s th`one,  An` have lef` my hea`t a-singin`   In a happy aftah tone;  But dem wu`ds so sweetly murmured   Seem to tech de softes` spot,  When my mammy says de blessin`,   An` de co`n pone`s hot.

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